sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. ANAESTHESIA -AN OUTSTANDING SPECIALITYDr. Harjinder Kohli; Senior Consultant Anaesthesiology, SPS HospitalsAnaesthesia is one of the greatest discoveries of modern medicine. In fact, most of the surgeries for the very young, very old, or very sick would not have been possible without it. Patients requiring anaesthesia will have an anaesthetist associated with them all the way from the preoperative assessment of their medical conditions and planning for their medical care, to close monitoring their well-being throughout the procedure to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. Despite an increase in the complexity of surgical operations, modern anaesthesia is relatively safe due to high standards of training that emphasise quality and safety.The history of anaesthesia dates back to October 16, 1846 when WTG Morton in his public demonstration at Massachusetts General Hospital used the ‘miracle drug’, Ether; putting an end to the pain and agony of mankind. This indeed is one of the greatest advances in medicine. The once risky general anaesthesia is now achieved with exquisite precision, attaining not just loss of consciousness but also muscle relaxation (a happy surgeon), pain relief (a happy patient ) and stable vital parameters (a happy anaesthesiologist). Now, with a single precise jab of a needle, patients can remain completely awake, while rendering the operating site numb for the surgeon to do his part.“The escape of pain in surgical operations is a chimera. ‘Knife’ and ‘Pain’ in surgery are the words which are always inseparable in the minds of patients”, (Alfred- Armand-Louis-Marie Velpeau, French surgeon, 1839). The speciality has emerged strong with the use of technology, improvements in standard of care and safer medications, during recent past decades.Whatever the surgeons may think or convey to the patients, the FEAR from anaesthesia still lingers; some patients fear about not waking up at all and others of waking up in the middle of the surgery. Therefore, there is a need for a better understanding of effective approaches that are able to minimise risk and improve the overall safety of patient care. Once labelled as ‘behind the curtain’ specialty, has today expanded its services to various specialities like intensive care, endoscopic and radiology suites, post-operative pain management, chronic and cancer pain management, labour analgesia, accident and trauma management, and above all palliative care for the terminally ill.Pain relief during child birth has given a new dimension to obstetrics where Epidural Analgesia can be tailored to the individual patient’s labour, medical condition and preferences to make childbirth a pleasant experience and not a horrifying nightmare that women will want to forget.Some of the most significant advances in medicine and surgery are directly attributable to anaesthesia’s advances inpatient monitoring, improved anaesthetic agents, newer drugs and delivery system. The specialty is also valuable in areas of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, difficult airway management, fluid therapy, blood transfusion, infection control, complications, pharmacology, monitoring, patient safety, pain therapy and organ transplantation.The widespread ignorance and misconception about anaesthesia and anaesthetist are still prevalent in general population and more so in poor socio-economic strata. Public awareness programmes are being arranged all across the world to spread the awareness about the speciality. Every year 16th October is celebrated as the Anaesthesia Day worldwide, to highlight the journey from ‘misery’ to surgery with ‘ease’ and painless memories. To know us about more, Visit us here! spshospitals.com
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab for Chest Care | SPS Hospitals
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Hospital in Punjab for Chest Care.The Institute Cardiopulmonary Sciences has achieved an eminent place as a dedicated service provider for comprehensive surgical and medical management of all types of diseases of the heart, lungs and blood vessels at any age group from the new born to the geriatric population. Being a comprehensive centre of excellence, it attracts the best surgical and medical minds who work as a unified team to provide cardio- pulmonary care of the highest professional standards to a large number of patients suffering from heart or lung ailments.  To know us about more, Visit us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Liver Transplant Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Liver Transplant Hospital in Punjab. Institute of Liver and Pancreas Diseases, SPS Hospitals, Ludhiana, Punjab is one of the most advanced liver transplant hospitals in India. With State of the art liver transplant facility which includes dedicated unit for adult and pediatric liver disease, liver failure ICU and international and national air and road ambulance service for critical patients.
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. At SPS Hospitals , Our Health cardiologists diagnose, treat and manage common and rare heart conditions including the following. So, now forth people of the region don’t have go far to avail quality heart services, it is right here next to you with the best Cardiology services in the region and treatment with a team of competitive doctors. Visit us here for more Info! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
Dr Pradeep Sharma
DM Neonatology
Neonatologist at SPS Hospitals, Ludhiana
Saving newborn lives
Children are not small adults and newborns are not small children.  Their requirements for survival differ from the adults and children. Some simple and easy to do interventions can make a huge difference in the survival of the newborn babies.
Before the baby gets born the health of the mother makes a significant impact on the growth of the fetus. If the mother is undernourished or obese it has a negative impact on the pregnancy outcome. So the pregnant ladies should get good food, a healthy atmosphere and optimal medical care including regular blood pressure check up, hemoglobin level check and various supplements like iron, calcium and vitamin D. They should also get themselves vaccinated against diseases like tetanus and whooping cough so that the newborns are protected during the early phase of infancy. Vaccines like that for swine flu are important for their own health as this disease has a worse outcome in pregnant ladies.
The couple should visit the doctor before conception as folic acid tablet if started three months before conception can decrease the risk of neural tube defects. These are defects in the backbone and later on may require surgery to repair the defect. So prevention is better than cure.
Just like we make preparation for marriage in advance similarly preparation  for delivery should start in advance much before the baby is born. Arrangements should be made for the finances and transport in case a complicated or pre mature delivery happens. So that the family is well prepared to handle the emergency.  It should also be pre-decided where to take the pregnant lady in case of emergency, this is called as birth preparedness
Although the delivery is a natural process, it should be conducted in a center well equipped to handle the complications. There should be facilities to take care of the newborn and a proper referral system should be in place in case required. At birth it is preferred to delay the clamping of the umbilical cord so that the newborn gets more blood from the placenta and later on has better iron stores and lesser risk of anemia. All stable term newborns should be started on breast feeding as soon as possible. Vitamin K injection should be given at birth.
If preterm delivery is anticipated, the pregnant lady should be shifted to a hospital where neonatal  ICU facility is available .
Breast feeding is the single most important intervention that decreases neonatal mortality. Infants should be on exclusive breast feeding till six months of age. After that breast feeding should be continued and semisolids should be added to the diet. Infants should receive vitamin D3 and iron supplements at least till two years of age.
Infections are an important cause of childhood deaths. So all the children should receive appropriate immunization to reduce the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases. Hands should be washed with soap and water and food should be prepared in good hygienic conditions.
Children not only need food, medical supplements and vaccines but also tender loving care, a healthy environment where they can play and learn as the early stimulation has long term imprinting on their future development.
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. To know us about more Visit us here! spshospitals.com
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. Our passion well reflects in the fact that we set the industry standards when it comes to cure, care and comfort. To deliver International Class healthcare with a total service focus, by creating an institution committed to the highest standards of medical & service excellence, patient care, scientific knowledge and medical education. To know us about more, Visit us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. Guided by Sri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji's vision of making international quality healthcare accessible to the people of Punjab, The hospital was set up to become one of the World’s most respected Healthcare Institutes. SPS Hospitals is an amalgam of medical excellence, state- of-the-art infrastructure and technology and the finest medical professionals from across the world.
The relentless pursuit of excellence is reflected in SPS Hospitals’ adherence to the international protocols and standards in patient care and clinical services. For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Nephrology Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Nephrology Hospital in Punjab. The Department of Nephrology at SPS Hospitals is a multidisciplinary patient care department providing advanced treatment for short-term and long-term kidney diseases. As a major tertiary care center, our goal is to deliver the highest level patient care at Department of Nephrology.
At SPS Hospitals, we provide patient oriented management of various kidney diseases by integrating and leveraging our combined expertise. Our department provides the highest level of care for widely prevalent kidney disorders like diabetic kidney disease, kidney stones, acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease, electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities, critical care nephrology, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and care of renal transplant recipients.
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. 
To transform the Healthcare experience of the Community we serve through a culture of quality,safety and compassionate patient -centered care.
To deliver timely and compassionate Healthcare Services to our Community to the highest possible standards.
For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
http://spshospitals.com/SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Hospital in Punjab.
3D Printing In Plastic Surgery
One of the most important parts of the plastic surgery consultation is aligning patient and surgeon goals. Plastic surgeons have been using simulation software as part of their consultation to help show patients what they might look like after cosmetic surgery. Despite the more recent use of 3D photography and simulation, patients still have difficulty visualizing proposed changes on a 2D computer screen. 3D printing, which is an emerging technology in various sectors including health care, may help bridge this gap. We have begun to incorporate 3D printing technology in the care of aesthetic patients.
Baseline models are used at initial consultation to describe the deformity and educate patients on the goals and expectations of surgery. Baseline and simulated models can be used as an educational tool, but can also be utilized as a reference for intra-operative guidance. 
3D printing is revolutionizing facial reconstruction. Creating an exact replica of a patients face, surgeons are able to create replacement pieces that are an exact match to the injury.
The 3D printing builds the parts from titanium powder. Lasers melt the powder and shape it into each patient's one-of-a-kind "bone." No matter how jagged the edge of the remaining bone is, the printer can make an exact match. Some replacement pieces are extraordinarily complex, such as those made to replace bones ravaged by disease. Because the pieces are going into human bodies, they need to be flawless.
It is another additive tool for patients to understand their surgical outcomes,
You basically print out the 3D photograph into a 3D model and you can use that as a baseline to discuss with the patient.   Instead of pointing at pictures, you can show the exact problem." Once the patient and surgeon agree on the "idealized outcome" of rhinoplasty, the digital images of the patient's current appearance and simulated outcome can be converted into 3D printed models. "The tactile feedback and ease of visualization from different angles and profiles have complemented the 2D and 3D photographs, making the surgical possibilities and limitations of the procedure easier to understand for the patient
Summarizing Role of 3D Printing in Plastic Surgery:
1.Pre-Operative Planning
2. Intra- Operative Guidance
3.Patient Specific Prosthesis
4. Patient education
For more Info , Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab.
BRAIN STROKE: Facts and myths Younger people get strokes, too Most people assume strokes typically happen to older people, but a report published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals there was a 44 percent increase among Americans between the ages of 25 and 44 in the past decade. Subcontinent population is even more prone to cerebrovascular accidents due to their genetic predisposition. “That’s why annual checkups, especially when you’re young, are so important, to see if you have any risk factors before they start creeping up on you,” says DR Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar, MCh, Senior consultant, SPS Hospital in City. Remember the “BE FAST” warning signs for stroke If you’re experiencing any symptoms that fall under the “BE FAST” checklist, you should seek treatment immediately, says Dr S Garg, DM, a neurologist at SPS Hospital Ludhian. B: balance (loss of coordination) E: eyes (blurred or loss of vision) F: face (dropping of one side of the face) A: arms (drifting, cannot raise both arms above head) S: speech (sudden slurring) T: time (call immediately) An easy way to identify a stroke “People get caught up on particular symptoms of stroke, but really the main symptom is when anything that you were just doing seconds ago—picking up a cup of coffee, texting, or maybe waking up to find your leg is dragging for example—should be considered a warning sign of a stroke,” says Dr. Jhawar. A stroke doesn’t always cause pain “A common misconception about stroke is that it’s accompanied by pain, particularly a headache,” advises Dr. Garg. “While a sudden onset headache is indeed a symptom of hemorrhagic stroke, 90 percent of strokes are ischemic in which pain, if any, is not as common of a symptom as motor or speech issues.” Smart technology can help prevent stroke “I’m a big fan of wearable technology—watches, pedometers—and I believe they can help prevent stroke,” says Dr. Jhawar. Staying fit and keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range will lower your risk, he explains. “We have so many ways to measure our own health now, including smart scales that measure body fat and watches that measure blood sugar, and it’s helping people become more productive in being a partner in their health.” There are two main types of stroke Ischemic strokes—they occur when a clot blocks a blood vessel to the brain— makeup 87 percent of all strokes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The other, lesser common type, is called hemorrhagic stroke; this is when a weakened blood vessel ruptures, and it’s most commonly caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure. Hypertension is most common and controllable factor in stroke prevention. New technology is helping early detection “There’s so much more we can do now, versus five to 10 years ago, that we can do to prevent stroke,” says Dr. Jhawar. For patients at risk, a small implantable chip called a loop recorder can monitor heart rate and rhythm: “This little chip gives doctors an early warning sign of abnormal rhythms which can triple the risk of a stroke. This allows us to make adjustments in medication.” Deaths from stroke are declining In the past 10 years, stroke has moved from the third highest cause of death to the fifth in the United States, reports Dr. Garg. “We think this is partly related to better control of blood pressure due to increased awareness, and cholesterol medications,” he says. The treatment window is expanding Experts once believed that the clot-busting medications known as tPA (tissue plasminogen activator) were only safe if patients got them within three hours of a stroke. But a 2015 study in The Lancet Neurology extended that window to 4.5 hours, and that means many more patients can benefit from these effective drugs. “Under very special circumstances, we can now even intervene on people who are coming in after that window,” says Dr. Garg. These IV drugs work by breaking up clots that are blocking blood flow to the brain; tPA is the only FDAapproved medication for acute ischemic stroke. New procedures are helping more patients fully recover from stroke Since 2015, surgeons have been able to use a special catheter and device to go in and physically grab the blood clots, says Dr Jhawar. “The procedure is called emergent stroke thrombectomy, and it restores blood flow to normal. Our improved ability to quickly open blood vessels gives each patient a better opportunity to recover more fully and experience less permanent disability,”. Sleep apnea is linked to stroke “Most people know that factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, and smoking clearly impact our risk for stroke. But many people don’t connect the dots when it comes to factors like sleep apnea, which can directly cause heart disease and then lead to stroke,” says Dr. Jhawar. “That’s why I encourage those who experience sleep apnea to tell their doctor about it sooner rather than later, so we can do tests to identify your risk.” Watch out for these everyday things that can cause a stroke. Exercise, diet, and stress-management the best protection “Start paying attention to what you’re doing for your health every day,” advises Dr. Jhawar. “Many times people think they need to drastically change things, but you can start with just five minutes on a treadmill, or go out and walk. Same goes for diet: Aim to eat a little bit better every day, and maybe that starts with eating a bit better at just one meal per day. It’s the idea of starting to change the practice from not thinking about what we’re eating, how we’re managing stress, and how much exercise we’re getting every day, and making slow and steady changes.” Discover the one fruit that will help you prevent stroke. Don’t miss annual checkups If you’re at elevated risk for a stroke—you have heart disease, diabetes, you’re a heavy drinker, a smoker, or there’s a history of stroke in your family (and that’s just a few of the risk factors)—you should get annual checkups, says Dr. Jhawar. “Every year, you should be getting your inflammation levels checked with a blood test, as well as cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and percentage of body fat, to see what risk factors you have now and how you should adjust your life if necessary.” Two million brain cells in 60 seconds That’s how many brain cells you lose for every minute delay in restoring the blood flow to your brain, according to the experts at the University of Michigan. That’s why it’s still imperative to seek treatment ASAP. “There’s a general lack of awareness regarding the time sensitivity of stroke-like symptoms,” says Dr. Garg. “Frequently, patients will come to me after they have experienced symptoms for several hours or even days, and a significant amount of permanent damage to the brain has already been done; we’re not able to help them as much as we’d like.” Women are at higher risk You may think of stroke as a man’s disease, but in fact, women are more likely to suffer one. Every year, about 55,000 more women than men will have a stroke, according to experts at Harvard Medical School. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in women; it’s fifth in men. One reason for the disparity is that women typically live longer than men—increasing age is a stroke risk factor. But they’re also more susceptible to migraines, which can double risk. Female hormones, pregnancy, and childbirth all raise stroke risk as well. Women also have unique stroke symptoms that are easy to overlook. Stroke or paralysis once considered a deadly condition with significant morbidity can be prevented with lifestyle changes. Early detection and timely intervention has played major role in improving outcome in many cases. There is lot more research going on in fields of detecting high-risk cases and rehabilitation of paralyzed cases. For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
Pregnancy introduces significant changes to your body. As your weight increases, your posture also changes.  Various ligaments get stretched, some muscles get weaker, while some get loaded a lot more than before. The Antenatal exercises help you keep fit, strengthening the right muscles allowing you to cope with the natural changes during the different Trimesters.
Exercises are usually customized according to the Trimesters and your current activity level. The antenatal exercises help to
Improve your circulation
Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
Prevent joint aches eg back, neck, leg pain
Release the “feel good hormones”- endorphins
Consume enough calories
Eat at least 1 hour before exercise
Drink water before, during and after your exercise
Wear loose fitted clothes, and sports shoes
Breathe smoothly, work gradually according to your capability
Never exercise to the point of exhaustion
Always get up slowly from lying down to prevent dizziness
High impact sports and activities- such as football, basketball, jumping, hopping, skipping
Heavy resistance exercises
Full sit ups, double leg raises
Exercising in the hot, humid weather
Swollen ankles and varicose veins: which can be reduced with regular exercises
Numb/ swollen fingers- due to the increase in fluid in the body.
Rib flare- due to the pressure on the ribs as the baby grows
You can always seek advise from an Antenatal Expert Physiotherapist to guide you through the different trimesters.
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. To know us about more, Visit us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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sps06 · 5 years
Cardiac Treatment Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is one of the Best Cardiac Treatment Hospital in Punjab. Heart disease remains a leading threat to the health of Indians. That’s why our experienced cardiac team is committed to delivering expert care for your heart. At SPS Hospitals Ludhiana, We offer a broad spectrum of cardiac services from non-invasive tests for early diagnosis and treatment to Interventional heart catheterizations. At Grecian Hospital, you can expect a personalized, coordinated approach and the caring attention you deserve – all aimed toward achieving great health results. For more Info, Get in Touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/cardic-overview
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab. 
“World IBD Day 2019: Making the invisible visible” Introduction: IBD Day and it theme this year:Since more than 10 million people worldwide suffer from IBD, 19th May is celebrated each year as World IBD day to build awareness about these potentiallydebilitating digestive diseases.IBD has no borders - geographic, physical, or emotional. The disease can affect anyone across the globe, every part of body, and each aspect of patient’s life. Although every patient experiences IBD differently depending on location, symptoms and severity, the requisite awareness, understanding, and care which is available for management varies widely. There is no cure, no known cause, and little public understanding of the pain and chronic suffering which IBD patients cope with every day of their lives.Since the manifestations of disease are subtle and highly variable, the effects are largely invisible in the in initial stages that is why we need to make IBDvisible by detecting them early. Hence the theme for this year was chosen “to make the invisible visible”. What is IBD?Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) is a group of chronic inflammatory disorders of intestine with two main types- Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD). Although inflammation occurs in both of these, UC is usually limited to the large intestine whereas CD can affect any part ofgastrointestinal tract, from mouth to anus. In some cases it may involve the extra-intestinal sites like joints, eyes, skin, liver and kidneys. The exact cause of IBD is not identified yet but research over many years has shown it to be a complex multifactorial disease due to interaction between genes, immune system, and environmental factors that result in inflammation.IBD is seen in both men and women of all ages (predominantly between 15-35 years) and may run in families too. How common is IBD?Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was considered a Western disease till recent times but now it has gained significant importance in Indian Subcontinent due to changing dietary habits, westernization of lifestyle and increase in awareness along with prevalence of disease due to better diagnosis. According to a published study, prevalence rate of UC in Punjab is approximately 6 cases per one lakh population. What are the symptoms?The symptoms vary depending on severity of inflammation and where it occurs. Common symptoms are diarrhea, bloody stools, abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss. Change in symptoms can occur over timedue to chronicity and they require a close repeated follow up. Symptoms may recur and complicationswhich include dehydration,malnutrition, fistulas, fissures, bowel obstruction and perforation may occur. How is it diagnosed?There is no single test to diagnose IBD and diagnosis requires a combination of clinical setting, blood, stool and imaging tests, as well as endoscopy or colonoscopy procedure with biopsy. What is the treatment?Unfortunately, there is not yet a cure or single standard regimen for IBD, but treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent and/or treat complications. The underlying principle of treatment is suppression of immunity to reduce inflammation. Since IBD is a chronic condition, dietary modification to avoid aggravating an already sensitive gut is needed. Regular small meals, dietary supplements, high protein foods are needed. High-fibre foods and fried itemsand milk based products need to be limited during active stages of IBDas they can irritate an already inflamed digestive tract.Implementing lifestyle changes and adherence to the treatment, avoiding aggravating foods, alcohol and smoking can help. The mainstay of medical therapy involves administration of oral drugs that need to be taken regularly with a good compliance over a long period of time preferably lifelong under supervision of a gastroenterologist. 
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Nephrology Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Nephrology Hospital in Punjab. At SPS Department of Nephrology we provide patient oriented management of various kidney diseases by integrating and leveraging our combined expertise. For managing various kidney disorders, the department works as a cohesive team with interdisciplinary interactions between nephrologists and medical professionals of other departments. Our department provides the highest level of care for widely prevalent kidney disorders. To Make an Appointment Get in Touch with us here!  http://spshospitals.com/kidney-conditions-treatedhttp://spshospitals.com/kidney-conditions-treated
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sps06 · 5 years
Neuro Surgery Treatment Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Neuro Surgery Treatment Hospital in Punjab. 
Stroke (Brain Attack) is Preventable and Treatable.
A stroke, sometimes called a "brain attack," occurs when blood flow to an area in the brain is cut off. The brain cells, deprived of the oxygen and glucose needed to survive, die. If a stroke is not caught early, permanent brain damage or death can result. Stroke is one of the leading cause of disability and death globally. Stroke affects men and women equally and causes major social and economic burden to society. Broadly, there are two types of stroke, either ischemic (in 85% of cases in which blood vessel gets block) or hemorrhagic (in 15% in which blood vessel ruptures). The severity of ischemic stroke ranges from clinically mild or transient (termed a minor stroke or transient ischemic attack) to very severe (termed major ischemic stroke), but the underlying causes are identical.
Risk factors
Risk factors may be non-modifiable like age, race, sex, family history and past history of stroke or they may be modifiable like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, irregular heart rate, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, obesity etc.
Sign and symptoms:
Stroke syndromes present clinically as neurologic deficits of sudden onset. Symptoms depend upon the affected region of brain, which in turn is defined by the blood vessel involved.. Although headache, facial or neck pain may be an ancillary symptom, stroke is typically painless. The most important historical feature of stroke is the suddenness of its onset. Identification of a stroke syndrome is relatively easy: sudden onset of acute neurologic symptoms, peaking within a few minutes, is deemed a stroke until proven otherwise. The main symptoms of stroke are:
confusion, including trouble with speaking and understanding
a headache possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting
numbness or inability to move parts of the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of the body
vision problems in one or both eyes
trouble walking, including dizziness and lack of co-ordination
Strokes can lead to long-term health problems. Depending on how quickly it is diagnosed and treated, an individual can experience temporary or permanent disabilities.
How is the diagnosis confirmed?
Brain and neurovascular imaging is required for diagnosis. The current standard is noncontrast computed tomography (CT) of the head because it is fast and widely available. CT head can rule out diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke with over 95% accuracy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has greater spatial resolution to detect brain ischemia in transient ischemic attack or minor ischemic stroke and is the modality of choice.
What can be done for the stroke?
Before the stroke
Primary Prevention
Education about recognition and response to stroke
During the stroke
Rapid and appropriate management
Thrombolysis or other intervention
After the stroke
Secondary prevention
How should the patient with acute stroke be treated?
When given within 4.5 hours after onset of ischemic stroke, intravenous administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase) has been shown in randomized controlled trials to decrease functional disability, with an absolute risk reduction of 7%–13% relative to placebo; it has thus become the leading specific treatment recommended for acute management of ischemic stroke. Treatment efficacy wanes rapidly, and risk of harm increases with time elapsed from symptom onset; hence the urgent need for timely diagnosis and treatment. Endovascular treatment is now a proven therapy for major acute ischemic stroke.
At least 80-90% of patients with major ischemic stroke arrive more than 4.5 hours after stroke onset and are therefore not eligible for thrombolysis. This delay in presentation may result from a failure to recognize stroke, principally by the family or friends. Alternatively, stroke commonly renders the patient unable to initiate his or her own call for help, so if the patient is alone when the stroke occurs, there will be a delay until the person is found by family or friends. Time is wasted in taking patient to quacks and in administering opium. Registries have shown that in half of the cases, delay is caused by hesitation to contact medical services after symptom onset.
Time is Brain
Speed of treatment is a critical factor in determining the outcome of thrombolytic and/or endovascular treatment for patients with disabling acute ischemic stroke. In this regard, it may be useful to consider how the treatment of myocardial infarction (MI or heart attack) has evolved. In cases of suspected ischemic stroke, bypassing the emergency department is difficult because of the need for imaging. The particular stroke type (ischemic v. hemorrhagic) may be suspected before arrival at the hospital, but cannot be confirmed without imaging. Rapid in-hospital processes and a team approach are required to reduce door-to-needle times. Efforts to reduce door-to-treatment times for stroke are continuing.
Conceptually, there are broad similarities in brain attack and heart attack. Two unifying concepts are that treatments must be fast and decisive and that organization of care is critical to good outcomes. Acute stroke care is rapidly catching up with acute coronary care. Successful treatment programs for both conditions are highly dependent upon specialized treatment units, provision of care by teams of health care providers and the “chain of survival” from symptom onset to reperfusion.
For more Info, Get in Touch with us here!
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sps06 · 5 years
Best Hospital in Punjab | SPS Hospitals Ludhiana
SPS Hospitals Ludhiana is counted as one of the Best Hospital in Punjab.  Dengue and Chikungunya are viral diseases with very similar symptoms. Both have symptoms such as high fever, headache, eye pain, joint pain, rashes and lethargy. Both viral infections are spread by Aedes mosquito. However identifying the exact disease is critical since Dengue is much more dangerous and may need emergency medical interventionDengue and Chikungunya diseases are caused by viruses, but they are different viruses. Dengue is much more common and more fatal than Chikungunya. However Chikungunya joint pain may last for years causing long term quality of life issues. While there  is big overlap in their symptoms, there exist some key differences. Dengue is caused by Aedes Agypti mosquito and the vectors of chikungunya are Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus mosquitoes. Chikungunya is caused by infection of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) whereas dengue can be caused by any of four serotypes of dengue virus namely, DENV 1, DENV 2, DENV 3 and DENV 4.When a dengue infected mosquito bites a person, the time taken for the onset of the disease is three to four days. Dengue is characterised by the abrupt onset of high fever, pain behind the eyes, severe headache, muscle, joint pains, vomiting, nausea and skin rashes. Bleeding is also common in the cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Death, though rare, is potentially fatal complication of dengue shock syndrome.   Chikungunya begins as an acute febrile illness. Symptoms appear in a week’s time after the infected mosquito bites the victim. It causes polyarthralgia: pain can be severe. Other symptoms include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling and rash. Some patients have persistence of joint pains following acute illness. Mortality is rare. Clinical differences between dengue fever and chikungunya fever. To know us about more, Get in touch with us here! http://spshospitals.com/
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