spudthecat · 3 years
Covid is not over and black lives still matter. Stop trying to "go back to normal" when shit is still happening.
Stop going on trips and going to restaurants without masks.
Keep educating yourself and protesting and calling and donating and signing petitions.
Wear a mask. End white supremacy. Defund police.
I know it's tiring but it's not over for either thing even though people are pretending it is. I know the overlap is exhausting. But be safe, social distance, and keep fighting the good fight.
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spudthecat · 3 years
we are already living in the cyberpunk future and i know this because within a span of 3 days we went from this tweet:
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to thousands of people making phony images and replying to them with their passionate desire to have them as a tshirt to overload the bots with nonsense and junk and send out warnings to shoppers like this:
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and now we even have people replying to pictures of baby yoda with “i want this on a tshirt” knowing how ravenous disney is being with copyright in hopes to get the stores taken down altogether
i dont know what it is about stuff like this and the whole turn mei into a symbol of hk protesters thing but, its really reassuring for some reason
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spudthecat · 3 years
Its butch appreciation day appreciate ur local butch <3
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spudthecat · 3 years
sucks how the internet is only for children now
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spudthecat · 3 years
reasons I cannot create content:
1. head empty no thoughts
2. head full too many thoughts
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spudthecat · 3 years
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spudthecat · 3 years
The Panthers used to ride around and follow the police.
So the cops would pull over some sorry black person, and get ready to rough him up, but then there were the Panthers right behind them. Watching, armed to the teeth, and citing legal statutes. It’s inspirational.
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spudthecat · 3 years
Citra is REALLY bad at meowing. She sounds like a broken party favor when she remembers to actually meow.
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spudthecat · 3 years
i know we're all probably past realizing this but can you believe that science has come to a point where we're coming up with all of these way better and way less harmful alternatives to things like plastic just for them to never be implemented on a large scale and instead be used in small and impractical situations that provide net zero benefit just because the companies that do produce plastic don't want to let go of their stranglehold on the markets.
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spudthecat · 3 years
What the hell does " pro-veteran anti-military " mean?
it means i can oppose war, american imperialism, the military industrial complex, and the cult of male violence without discounting the myriad factors that contribute to someone enlisting, including but not limited to millions of dollars spent annually to recruit children. 
also means i’m disgusted with a culture that superficially venerates veterans for nationalist and capitalist purposes while simultaneously fucking them over re: housing and healthcare and suppressing veteran voices should their experience as a vet happen to inform anything resembling anti-military sentiment 
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spudthecat · 3 years
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spudthecat · 3 years
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Since it’s almost that time of the year again
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spudthecat · 3 years
Just saw a TikTok where this bi woman was like,
‘I’m a woman-leaning bisexual and you know what pisses me off? The fact that I’m dating a skinny white man and I love him and I’m happy, like what the fuck.’
And I just have to say. What pisses me off as a bisexual woman is that TikTok.
This is the Woke version of ‘my wife is the ol’ ball and chain, doesn’t it suck to be married,’ jokes. It’s not funny. Your queerness is not negated or tarnished by opposite-gender attraction, dating men isn’t inherently worse than dating women.
Love your partner.
Cherish them.
For fucks sake.
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spudthecat · 3 years
In the past 6 months, my state’s “leaders” have:
•passed a law to ban abortion come Sept 1
•dropped mask mandates SUPER EARLY and then later BANNED localities from making mask mandates saying, “Texans, not gov’t, should decide their best health practices”
•were the biggest fucking hypocrites (read the first bullet point again and then the boldest quote again.)
•repeatedly pursued extreme anti trans legislation (in progress)
•sued other states about their 2020 election results bc their fave didn’t win fair and square (while being under federal indictment himself)
•denied Houston federal Hurricane Harvey relief
•passed an anti Critical Race Theory bill in the house (still in progress to Senate)
•passed a law to REMOVE GUN PERMITTING on handguns
•left their citizens to die in an ice storm without electricity or water for days on end because they didn’t weatherize the grid (for profits)
•failed to help citizens at all or outright fled to Cancun when that^ was happening
•oh you know that electrical grid that failed in feb which caused all that suffering?? Well they are now pursuing a *bail out* for the electricity market w/ tax dollars
•chosen to back out of the federal $300/week unemployment bumps for suffering citizens on June 26.
This is just off the top of my head.
I’m so frustrated and I feel so stuck.
Let me pre-specify THIS NOT AN INVITATION FOR NON TEXANS TO TALK SHIT. No one outside of this state knows half as well how much it can suck as those who live in it. Also bear in mind that “leave” is a nonsense comment to anyone who doesn’t have much $ or who has a whole life and otherwise fulfilling local community that happens to be in this state.
There are a lotttttt of incredible, one-of-a-kind good things/people here, doing good things, making good things, and working hard to end the oppressive shit, but it’s incessant. What an exhausting and fucked up state of affairs.
I’m lucky that Austin/Travis county has *some* better policies (when they’re not overturned by the state.) But the truth is that this whole place really is so blatantly gerrymandered and voter suppressed to death. The systems are being strangled by money and the most vulnerable suffer.
It can be soul crushing to really think about. I wish I had a happy note to end this on but I’ll just be honest and stop writing now because there isn’t one.
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spudthecat · 3 years
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TFW you’re definitely not operating an apartheid state
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spudthecat · 3 years
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spudthecat · 3 years
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“I’m almost 50, and here is the best thing I have learned so far: every strange thing you’ve ever been into, every failed hobby or forgotten instrument, everything you have ever learned will come back to you, will serve you when you need it. No love, however brief, is wasted.” @louisethebaker on Twitter
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