spxderwoman · 6 years
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spxderwoman · 6 years
“That… sounds exactly like someone with an abnormally large head would say.” She offers a halfhearted shrug, playful smirk forming to rosy brims. She enjoyed the back and forth she had with Gwen, although the other could be infuriating at times. Cindy didn’t have many people to lean on, especially not those who understood her when it came to being Silk. So despite the two constantly being at the other’s throats, she was grateful for Gwen’s presence in her life. Even if she refused to let that show. “If it’s that bad you would’ve been on your merry way by now. But lookie here. Still chatting me up.” 
“I think that my head is perfectly fine just as it is. You know, when someone has a big ego, it might mean that they have the stellar reputation and sparkling personality to go along with it.” She pointed at herself. “Like me.”  Gwen shrugged a shoulder. “To be fair to me, you did come along and peel me off the floor. I didn’t have much of a chance to disappear. And do you really think that I’m going to be leaving without getting the final word? Come on, you know me better than that. You’ve already proven that you’re obsessed with me.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
“Woah,”  hands fly up in mock offense at the other’s words. “Don’t flatter yourself, G, otherwise they’re gonna have to resize the doorways to fit that massive head you’re giving yourself.”  Arms then lift to cross over her chest, Cindy’s attempt at looking unbothered ultimately failing when she rolls her eyes at the other’s next statement. “Whatever, Stacy. Don’t you have some more walls to crash into?” 
“My head is the perfect size for my body, actually. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Gwen was kind of an idiot when it came to crushes—and she’d had a huge crush on Cindy from the moment she saw her, but instead of actually doing anything about it that would be beneficial, like, perhaps, telling her how she felt, she just acted like a little shit, as if that was the way to get someone to fall in love. “You know, I did, but this is just as bad as wiping out.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
The hand that had previously been extended to help the other up is now tucked against her lap, her other hand supporting her head as her elbow rested against her knees. “Aw, and here I was thinking you staged this wipe out in front of my room just so you could see me.” There’s a sickly sweet grin to go with her teasing words as she watches the other engage in dramatics. Earthen hues are rolling back in her head at Gwen’s question, a shrug to follow. “Not long ago. I’m surprised you didn’t sense me, G.” Her statement is framed with a smile before she’s standing only to step over the other’s frame, offering her hand out once again. “But I’m glad you sound so delighted to see me.” 
Gwen scoffed. “I didn’t realize you were obsessed with me. Listen, I know we had a great run or whatever, but times have changed. I’ve moved on.” Gwen sighed before taking Cindy’s hand to hoist herself back to her feet with a wince, looking down at her ankles to see that the bruises were already fading, at least. Thank God for the spidey healing factor—otherwise, the number of wipeouts she’d had on her skateboard would have left her black and blue for weeks. “What, like you give off an aura or something? Slow down, Moon, you’re not that interesting.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
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Gwen nods her head slowly, “you gotta do what you gotta do,” she mumbled as though it didn’t really bother her, but there wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t wonder what her household was like without her. (( better off, probably )) her lips curve into a frown at the other girls worse, “i’m sorry, i know that’s not really much help but trust me, if i could get the stars to align just right to give you a break, i would.” (( mental note to write an angry letter to her writers later )) she brings her bottom lip between her teeth nervously before admitting for the first time out loud, “i’ve had a crush on him since like forever, so not going to lie, i’m kind of relieved.” she lets out a laugh, “not to be stereotypical but both,” the blonde admits with a nod of her head.
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“yeah, but that doesn’t mean that what you gotta do isn’t complete bullshit.” gwen shrugged a shoulder. “you know, i’m not all too mad about it. i’m just being dramatic. life’s a little more fun when you add a little drama,” she said with a crooked smile. gwen always liked to laugh and shrug off the bitterness—it was better than letting it fester, even though she felt like she really had been dealt a shitty hand when it came to her life. and she was barely an adult—if this was what her adolescence was like, she couldn’t imagine that adulthood would be much easier. she gasped, her hands clasping together. “you do? oh my god, that’s so cute. i’m here for it.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
BILLY GRINS WHILE HE LOOKS at the girl. “Yeah! It could be fun, why not?” It would be fun to get away from the mansion for a while. He has always been down for an adventure, rather than sit around. “We could start planning it? I don’t know much about that area, you could show me what’s familiar.” He says since that could be something enjoyable, seeing some of the surrounding area through eyes that really knows it.
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“Sure, but I’m terrible at road trips. I always have to pee and I can never keep my focus when I’m driving on a highway. My dad and I almost drove off the road at the Jersey turnpike once because I got distracted by a bee.” Gwen raised her eyebrows. “Oh, man, there’s so much, though. I don’t know if we could get through it all in one trip.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
When there’s a large crash heard just outside her room, Cindy is opening her door enough to stick her head through to inspect the area. When her gaze falls upon a familiar face, there’s a smirk tugging to her features. Stood near the other’s frame that lay sprawled against the hardwood flooring, Cindy’s arms lift to cross over her chest. “See, I would, but then I’d be like an accomplice to whatever it is that happened here. And I’m just too cute to do time.” Her tone is teasing before she’s dropping to a squat, hand extended to the other. “Up and at ‘em,” she encourages, gaze shifting around the hallway for a moment. “At least it looks like one saw you totally wipe out.” 
Gwen groaned. Loudly. Dramatically. “Of course you’re the one to come find me here like this,” she said, putting her hands over her face. “No, I really mean it. Leave me here to die, I’m ready to go, it’s time.” Gwen shook her head. “Who would have thought that after fighting the likes of a literal assassin, a man with metal claws in his hands, and a dude who dresses like a very very lethal bird, I’d be killed by a wall in some rich guy’s house because of my stupid skateboard.” After she was finished with her dramatic rant, Gwen dropped her hands to look up at Cindy. “By the way, I had no idea you were here. When did you show up here? Why wasn’t I informed so I could avoid you?”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
Gwen was eating an apple as she walked up behind Tony, looking down at his work with a critical eye for a moment before she pointed out a flaw in his calculations. “This should be the change in X, not the change in Y,” she said absentmindedly as she pointed out a part of a large equation in front of them. She took another bite of her apple before she spoke with a full mouth. “If X is going to be heat transferred, that’s what’s going to make the difference here,” she added before she took a step back and hopped up to sit on a high shelf, kicking her legs lightly. “Food for thought or whatever.”
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[ @aterribleprivilcge !!! ]
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spxderwoman · 6 years
As much as Gwen cared for Peter, she would be the first to call him out on the fact that there were way too many women in his life who he had either dated, tried to date, or dated a doppelganger of—which, admittedly, was only Gwen, but still. She figured that instead of hating all of them and turning everything into some jealous competition, it was even better for them to band together and support each other. While she didn’t agree with everything Felicia did, Gwen admired her free spirit and her ability to improvise and think on her feet. (It also helped that Gwen thought she was so hot.) She reached her foot out across the couch to nudge at Felicia. “I’m bored. Suggest something dumb to do.”
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[ @partyhcrdy !!! ]
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spxderwoman · 6 years
Teddy can’t help but laugh as he watches her crawl back down the wall to the floor. Truth be told he’s not all that phased by it, he’s definitely seen weirder things out there, but it’s not like it’s every day that you walk in and find someone hanging on the wall by their fingers and toes so that’s something. “C’mon, you think someone would steal your food?” He asks, though if he really considers the situation she’s probably right. “Okay, we’re living in a mansion with a bunch of strangers, it’s totally feasible that someone stole your food. It wasn’t me, by the way.”
Gwen raised her eyebrows. “You think someone wouldn’t? Have you seen how many people live in this house? Not to mention we’re all broke, which is why I’m even more angry about the fruity pebbles situation.” Gwen narrowed her eyes at him. “You know, I didn’t think it was you, but now it makes perfect sense—you were returning to scene of the crime and interacting with the investigator to find out more. Highly suspect behavior.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
Gwen had figured out that in the mansion, with its long hallways and maze-like structure, riding around on her skateboard to get around was a lot easier than having to actually walk to get places—and so, that was exactly what she was doing across the hardwood floor, skillfully dodging people along the way. After a particularly close call, however, she got cocky—she turned to admire the situation she had just escaped and ended up slamming right into a wall, sending her tumbling backwards, her skateboard landing hard on her ankles as she fell flat on the floor. Her eyes were closed as she heard someone approach. “Just leave me here to die, it’s fine.”
[ @sillkmoon liked for a starter!!! ]
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spxderwoman · 6 years
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”It works out a lot easier if you pretend it all doesn’t exist. i wiped myself from my original universes memory so i could continue to live and if i think about that for too long i get all fucked up,” she shakes her head with a roll of her eyes. gwen almost never talked about her home because it brought up too many feelings,she wasn’t a person anymore, just a character. she almost laughs, “no, i know. you marry miles, he’s my best friend,” she explains, and is almost relieved that this gwen doesn’t entertain the idea of being with him. she almost chokes at the last words said by the other, not expecting it. “sorry, i uh-i just didn’t expect you to say that but it oddly makes sense.”
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“you serious? that’s a whole new level of fucked.” gwen scoffed, shaking her head. “i think i just resigned myself a long time ago to the fact that there are cosmic powers out there that are pretty much actively working against me,” she lamented. “or, even worse, cosmic powers out there that just don’t give a shit and everything that’s happened to me is just all my fault. i can’t decide what’s worse.” gwen’s eyebrows raised. “no shit? great dude, that kid, but definitely not that type.” gwen laughed at the other gwen’s reaction, tilting her head back. “yeah, what gave me away? was it the fact that i’m a drummer or the fact that i skateboard?” she asked. “because those are both some big gay activities.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
“Good. You enjoy that.” Harry says with a chuckle, still trying to figure out these tests. He doesn’t want Gwen - or anyone else - to get caught up in trying to figure this out for him and he’s hoping he can keep Gwen from getting too invested in what’s going on in front of him. “I ate something for breakfast, I’m fine.” He answers absently, oblivious to what time of day it is and just how long it’s been since he ate. “Uh - sure, let’s say I am. I don’t know, I’m mostly just messing around with this, it probably won’t even work so it’s not worth worrying about.”
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Gwen nodded. “I will,” she replied with her mouth full. Gwen, naturally curious, leaned over his shoulder to look at what he was doing, her eyebrows raised. “It’s three p.m., dude, you should eat something else,” she replied, though she knew that she had no room to talk—she could be just as bad when she got caught up with working on something. “Bounce some ideas off me. It can’t hurt, right? I promise not to hijack your special project or whatever.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
BILLY DOESN’T HAVE A LOT of experience with the multiverse, but he has taken a peak into it, which was dangerous. It wasn’t something he should mess with, but he thinks it’s interesting to learn about. “You know, we could always take a trip to Queens one of these days to check it out.” He suggests with a smile which could be fun to see more of the city as it was back in the seventies. “What do you think?”
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Gwen laughed. “Yeah, you think so? Road trip it out there?” She paused, biting the inside of her cheek. “I actually—I think I’d really like that.” Gwen missed home, and while she had her travel watch that let her visit, she was spending most of her time here, trying to help clean up the impending mess before it happened. She didn’t want to just disappear—and it wasn’t enough for her to only be able to go back every few weeks.
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spxderwoman · 6 years
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Gwen is trying to find the best way to explain it without fully saying the truth and sounding insane. “yeah kinda. i’m like an extension of you and wade, maybe sort of,” she’s not even sure if that makes sense, “not like i’m your kid or you guys are together in my universe but like,” she stops talking, feeling like she’s digging a deep hole of awkward confusion. she nods her head, though she probably knew more about all the multi-verses than the others, “that’d be too easy, to have us all understand what the fuck is happening.”
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“you know, i give up.” gwen threw her hands up. “i keep trying to understand all this cosmic bullshit and i don’t know why, things just happen the way they happen with no rhyme or reason and anyone who tells you that everything is holistic and interconnected is full of shit.” gwen snorted. “hey, i’ve heard crazier. there’s a universe where i’m married to spider-man—and not the one you’re thinking of.” she shook her head. “you should know that i’m also a raging lesbian, so the multiverse just likes to fuck shit up just for the sake of it.”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
“I’ve drank like…two litres of peach squash today and I think I’m addicted.”
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Gwen grinned at him. “Then maybe you should seek help for your addiction. You should know that I’m a licensed therapist and counselor—do you think your addiction stems from your relationship with your dad?”
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spxderwoman · 6 years
The last thing Teddy’s expecting when he wanders into the kitchen is to find someone stuck to the wall. Literally stuck. Actually crawling up the wall like.. well, like Spider-Man. Teddy’s eyes widen at the sight of her, though it’s more in surprise than anything else. “Uh - I’d say I have, but that doesn’t make this any less weird.” He says with a slight chuckle, his expression shifting to something a bit more like amusement than shock. He steps over to the counter and crosses his arms as he looks up at her, tilting his head to the side a little. “Did you at least find what you’re looking for up there?”
“I mean—there is a lot weirder out there. I’m just a girl on the wall. Like a fly on the wall, but—hotter.” Gwen’s jaw dropped slightly and she just crawled back down before she could embarrass herself any further—though, she was pretty sure the fact that she was crawling up and down the wall at all in front of this dude probably made any shot at redemption fly right out the window. “No. I think someone stole my fruity pebbles and I’m pissed. Sometimes, you just need some fake fruit in your life, you know?”
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