spyonbothsides · 1 year
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My boys <3 perfect for this trend. I’m SO excited for the new movie. I’m gonna go see it today. I know these guys won’t be in it, but I just watched Bumblebee (2018) and it’s got me hyped up.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
(Megatron meeting his past self.)
Megatronus: There are some things I-I gotta know! For instance, my relationship with Orion. Am I doing the right thing being with him? Do we grow old together?
Megatron: (Flashing back to all the fights with Optimus.)
Megatron: You're gonna love him until the day you die.
Megatronus: ...
Megatronus: Maybe I don't need to know any more than that.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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and then she flew into space
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Not sure if this helps the shattered glass placement, but optronix | optimus prime is a hardcore literature nerd, knowledge is power and all that. sg op trying to talk lit with idw megs and tfp op would be something. meanwhile, sg megatron is a sweet math nerd.
omg that sounds great! sg op, idw meg, and tfp op all sitting in the library in one table while in a heated discussion over literature while onlookers gaze in morbid fascination. they’re all too scared to approach them and someone is holding down tfp ratchet from swooping in and rescuing op from them. the table is emitting some kind of aura and its all coming from sg op. he’s civil while discussing litt and it makes everyone uneasy.sg megs attempts to join the math club where theres a bunch of perceptors and only tfa perceptor hasn’t jump 3 feet in to the air when they saw him come in. sg starscream comes in to give sg megs snacks when he stays for too long.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
I had this dream where IDW Optimus and Megatron got zapped into TFP and IDW!OP was kinda panicking because THEY BOTH HAVE SO! MANY! THINGS!!! TO DO!!! Back in their dimension…!!!
But TFP!Megs is being a lil shit and badgering this new OP and Megs about their biz and beliefs when all of a sudden IDW!OP just fuckin loses it and is just like
“BITE MY SHINY METAL AFT, PIT-SPAWN!” while IDW!Megs is holding him back and trying to keep a straight, professional face…
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Imagine a convo like this during the Orion Pax arc...
Orion: You... used Dark Energon? How?
Megatron: I... inserted it directly into my own spark, then I--
Orion: Hold on. Wait.
Orion (to Soundwave): Did he really...?
Soundwave: *nods*
Orion: Oh Primus, Creator of all, what THE FRAG were you thinking?!?
Megatron: *scoff* You don't think I could have handled the power?
Orion: YOU COULD HAVE DIED! I don't give a scrap heap about whether you could control it or not. Megatron, you placed the very essence of death and destruction into your spark chamber!
Orion: And what would have happened then? If you had ceased to function?
Orion: You constantly belittle Starscream's command-- publicly. It's clear to everyone who follows you-- and possibly our enemy-- that you don't want Starscream to lead! You waste his time and talents with the promise of leadership opportunities...
Megatron: *growls* I promise NOTHING.
Orion: ...Even when he performs his duties amicably and efficiently, you give him no reward. What message does that send to your troops?
Megatron: His reward is his life! The fact that I allow that traitorous mech to even function on my ship... he should be grateful.
Orion: ...So you don't actually trust him, or LIKE HIM enough to be a true heir to the Decepticons.
Megatron: No. I do not trust him.
Orion: Alright, then what about Soundwave?
Soundwave: *stops his work and quietly excuses himself. Nope, not doing this today.*
Megatron: What about Soundwave? You know him too, he has been here since the beginning.
Orion: He may have been here the longest but he is not meant for as large a role as leader... and he knows it too.
Megatron: Soundwave is my most loyal. I trust him completely. The only reason I don't have him as my second is so that we can BOTH keep an optic on Starscream. Get to your POINT, Orion!
Orion: You disappeared for 3 years, leaving Starscream to care for and coordinate your armies.
Orion: He does a fine job continuing your expansion whether you like it or not, and even takes out a member of the primary Autobot squadron.
Orion: Energon production is not up significantly, but it's not down either-- likely the best anyone could have done in times like these.
Orion: But then you return, beating and tossing him this way and that, barely even acknowledging his work!
Orion: Your troops see this, and any respect Starscream has garnered during his time commanding has gone out the window.
Orion: And you MUST know this, somewhere in your processor. And I know you are also aware that Soundwave could not have filled your pedes in your absence, otherwise you would have specified as such.
Orion: If you had died, Starscream could not resume his command after you laid waste to everyone's opinion of him. Soundwave could not have taken over because he simply could not handle it.
Orion: There would be a power vacuum. Any and all strong Decepticons within a few stellar cycles journey from here would compete for dominance, dividing your forces. The message would be lost... your armies, scattered.
Orion: The Autobots... would WIN.
Megatron: *gets up to loom over Orion/Optimus*
Megatron: You seem to have a lot to say for someone who has essentially been in stasis for millions of vorns.
Orion: *huff* All I'm saying is that you aren't using your intellect and prospective reasoning! You keep acting on your first instinct instead of thinking things through. What happened to the strategist? The gladiator with a plan?
Orion: ... talk to me. What is it about the Autobots that make you lose your focus?
Megatron: *knocks hand away* We will discuss this later, Orion.
Orion: ... do you even know what it's doing to your spark now? I doubt you can fully purge Dark Energon, as energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
Orion: *reaches out* Please... as your friend, I am asking you to seek medical attention... if only so we can better understand what must happen now.
Megatron:... I have things I must attend to.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Long Story Short After My Addition to the Fanged Optimus Post
Megatron is called up, and woah what, it’s Optimus?
Agrees to meet w/ him. Of course he’s alone. For now… (he has Starscream and Soundwave on call for backup. Starscream is already planning the funeral.)
Meeting goes well for SG Optimus. He can tell right away that this universe’s Megatron is super obsessed with him… or rather, his alternate. He preys upon that and basically plays up the whole “Oh no, this casual chat turned into a battle? I’m so unprepared!” angle, getting himself captured.
He makes sure to act as defeated as possible, to lull Megatron into a sense of security. As he predicts, it doesn’t take long for Megatron to visit him in his cell. They continue to chat, Megatron of course boasting about the capture and ridiculing Optimus’ “ideals”. SG Optimus “accidentally” lets slip that the humans have betrayed him, and plan to hunt down his remaining Autobots. Oh! He’s just so scared of the idea of being alone after all this time~… it’s the end of the line for him!
And wouldn’t you know it, Megs buys it. He tasks Soundwave with monitoring the humans’ communications, and is brought a sound clip of Agent Fowler yelling “Find Prime! I want possible locations on my desk as of yesterday, now move!”
It… would appear Optimus is telling the truth! Of course, when does he not? Oh ho ho, he’s just sooo predictable like that. It gives Megs an idea…
Keep reading
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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multi university au In discord we were talking about an au where megs, ops and others are in their own dorms sharing with their alternates. There is only one basketball court and everything is chaos.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
I sure hope my hearing aids don’t run out of battery before I have to do this fucking doctor appointment call this evening, lmao fuuuuuck
but also, Transformers Brain time: 
I wonder if Jazz’s visor can run out of battery, and if it can, how badly does that fuck with his vision when it inevitably does? 
like, for real though 
Jazz in the field, visor suddenly shuts down: *uses electro-pulses to “see” around him the same way Toph Beifong uses Earthbending* ha ha Prowl check this out 
Jazz: ha ha Ironhide always warned us about “firing blind”, do you get it
Prowl: ONE IN 23, ONE IN 23 
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Jazz: My friend has insanely strong opinions on everything. Go ahead, ask him something no one should ever have an opinion on.
Chromedome: Hey Prowl, what's the worst multiple of 4?
Prowl, scowling: Twelve, obviously.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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Blaster and Soundwave seem to forget that they don’t allow pets in the building.
Jazz has pretends he doesn’t like them, but honestly? He is basically just the dad that said he didn’t want a dog and becomes best friend to say dog, but is your roommates absurd amount of pets.
Ravage is jelous of the new cat. (I am making steeljaw a cat)
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Bonus, Sanders Weaver “Soundwave“ with his pets.
I am going off vibes to name the characters, don’t expect meaning behind them, this ain’t ties that bind, fellas.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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[This is my OC, Spade! He is a Black Ops interrogator working for the Autobots. He may look and act like a Decepticon, but he is loyal to the Autobot cause.]
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Anymore Jazz headcanons?
Jazz has synesthesia!
Babies make him cry a little bit. He just sees these soft little vulnerable things that need you and don't know anything except for love and he physically cannot handle it.
Dogs also make him cry a little bit for similar reasons. Jazz's ultimate weakness is Baby Dogs. This man is soft as hell.
The Autobots have an official Twitter account and Jazz runs it. His shitposts are kind of dorky, but in that very sincere and endearing way that makes you love them. He's verified.
His spotify playlists are legendary, and they're all titled things like "Songs to toss enemy cassettes to," "Deceptibrig Blues," and "when u get shot with lasers and have to get anesthetized and your mouth starts tasting like arsenic salt and you forget your favorite color" (that one's just lemon demon songs).
His sleep schedule is fucked. Spec Ops work requires flexible work hours.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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Good god man, those were for everyone you ass.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
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The Tactician and the Saboteur
aka Jazz and Prowl being dramatic™
This is a rejected concept for the Transformers zine that I was a part of. I still liked how it came out though, so I wanted to share it.
I would have never come up with it without the @jazzprowl-zine crew, so thanks a million to them~
Please go and check it out if you're interested.
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spyonbothsides · 2 years
Incorrect quotes baby! Memes! Featuring: Tenth Grader/Academy!Heatwave and Eighth Grader/Academy!Chase
Heatwave: *sittin’ on Chase’s dorm room couch, bc they spent the night together studying and stuff, y’know, like unofficial friends, scrolling through insta on his phone*
Chase, walking in: Heatwave, what do you want for breakfast?
Heatwave: *looks up*
Heatwave: a bagel.
Heatwave: two bagels.
Chase: oh, okay, I have stuff to put on it if you want, would you like that?
Heatwave: sure.
Chase: there’s cream cheese in the fridge, and multiple flavors, which would you like?
HW Internally: DEATH
Heatwave: strawberry.
Chase: okay then. *smiles like a fucking cinnamon roll*
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
Both sat at the table eating breakfast*
Chase: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Heatwave: you goddamn cannibal.
Chase, not understanding: what?
Heatwave: you heard me.
Chase, absolutely confused out of his sweet 13yo mind: ???
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
—At school—
Heatwave, to staff: I am cold, heartless, and unable to feel any form of compassion in my black colored soul.
Chase, showing up out of nowhere: Heatwave! Thank you for the book, I really appreciate it!
Chase: *hugs him tightly*
Heatwave, with his face intensely turning cyan, and temp. raising hotter than a kid with the flu:
Heatwave: fuck.
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
Chase: I don’t get why people say you’re scary, and why Mintracer, and other staff members keep telling me you’re a bad influence, that you’ll hurt me, and that I should stay away from you.
Heatwave: I can stab people.
Chase: you can?!
Heatwave: yes. I have knives at home for such.
Chase: that’s cool! Can I see them?
Heatwave, having always either been ran away from, or not taken seriously when he’s said it, and tearing up: sure, i don’t think my mom and sister will mind.
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
Chase: your sister’s a mean ten year old... *sad*
Heatwave: *turns to his sister*
Heatwave: now you listen here, you little shit-
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
Chase: I’ll be okay with some instant noodles, if you really insist. You don’t need to use up your precious food, or time, on me, miss.
HW’s mum:
HW’s mum: then leave already, you uncultured, demonic little swi—
Heatwave, already slapping gorilla tape over his mom’s mouth: no, no, chase, I insist, you can’t just live off of ramen. And it’s not a problem at all. Allow me to get you a bowl. Sorry for my mom’s poor manners—
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
Chase, falling asleep on heatwave as they’re watching a show together: if I were to watch murder documentaries, would you wanna join me?
Chase, moving himself off of Heatwave: oh, sorry. Didn’t realize I was leaning on you.
Heatwave, moving Chase back: no, it’s okay, i don’t mind. If you’re tired you can sleep next to me tonight. I would absolutely watch them with you, pretty much whenever you want.
~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~
And that’s on cute things from Academy!Chasewave. XDDD hope you enjoyed!
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