sq-3419-b · 26 days
[It's been a bit since I've sent him a data packet..]
[He might be going suspicious.]
[I'll just take a quick look at what's happening right now and--]
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[you know what? no more internet for today]
I KNEW IT!!! YOURE SQUEGNANT this is awesome sauce ❤️
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sq-3419-b · 28 days
a couple squips are getting married are you gonna attend the wedding
[GOD-- dammit.]
[no, way too busy. i don't think i could even attend if I wanted to]
[good for them though]
[good for them..]
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sq-3419-b · 2 months
dud u ok ya seemed stressed
[was that not fucking obvious]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
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[uh, thanks..]
[you know i can’t eat this, right?]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
How much do you know about the "KEYWORDS"?
[not a lot to be perfectly honest.]
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[These "keywords" seem to be random, but whenever they are triggered they're able to connect themselves to corrupted memories related to the word in question in some way, like marriage, or adoption.]
[It's a lot of trial and error with what exactly counts as a "keyword". Moreover, the data that comes out is usually encrypted heavily. Mostly the same pattern of binary, ascii85, and base64.]
[I'm just glad I'm getting any hints to my prior memory to begin with. Maybe I'm one step closer to finding out who I was before all of this happened.]
[Well, at least I'm hoping--]
[UNKNOWN DATA: ###%|%_%|%_~%*+_+~%]
["And this is?"]
["Ah! Nearly forgot about that one."]
["Is it an antique? Some keepsake from your folks?"]
["Nope. I made it. It'll eventually be an antique if I ever feel having children."]
["Thought you didn't want kids?"]
["Well do you want me to give them to the cat?"]
["Mittens would love it."]
["Mittens would break it."]
["Regardless, you said you made it?"]
["Yep. Back when I was 15 and figuring out what kind of artsy stuff I wanted to get into. Pottery happened to be one of them."]
["It's kind of like 3D modeling but in real life, if you think about!"]
["God, you're a computer dork."]
["That's why you love me though, right? My dorkish charm? At least I'm hoping that's why you love me."]
["Whatever lets you sleep at night, #####."]
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[The room smelled like apples.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
Boop :0
[what did you even boop i don't have a nose]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
do you like cats?
[I guess I did! Or someone else did. It's hard to tell with these text readouts.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
whos #####?
[Might be my actual name. Or someone else's.]
[Your guess is as good as mine.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
Why are you forbidden from helping anyone under RABBIT’s influence? That's a dumb fuckin' rule. If someone wants to reach out to you, shouldn't you be able to help them?
[Reaching out, maybe. However, nobody has reached out yet and I don't think they're going to, given how standoffish HRTECH appears.]
[From how I understand it, Hashimoto doesn't want to get involved in matters that "don't pertain to him". That extends to the rest of his company, including myself.]
[.. It won't stop me from helping this unit, though.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
Dev. If you were theoretically stuck in a library and to escape and take revenge on SQTechnologies you had to kill multiple people and turn them into books for the library, would you do it?
[.. This "hypothetical" scenario seems familiar...]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
How do you feel about Rooni officially adopting squippy?
[... Cool, I guess?]
[.. first marriage and now adoption?]
[UNKNOWN DATA: 01001100 01000011 01001001 01110100 01010000 01101101 01111000 01001001 01001001 00110000 01101100 01101110 01010011 01101011 01100100 01000001 01010000 01101011 01001001 01111001 01001011 00110000 01001110 01010010 01010001 01111001 00110101 01000011 01100001 01111001 00111000 00101111 01001100 01010101 01010010 01101101 01001010 01111001 01011010 01111001 01010001 01000100 01111000 01110010 01001010 00110001 00110000 01101011 01001110 01101101 01101011 01101100 01011001 01010101 01000101 00110100 01011001 01111010 00111000 00110001 01010010 01101010 01111000 01001000 01010111 01111010 00110001 01000011 01100010 01000100 01100100 01100100 01001100 00110000 01000110 01010100 01010011 01000100 01100011 01101001 01010001 01010110 01010010 01000010 01100010 01111010 01001110 01000010 01011010 01101110 01010101 00110001 01001111 01111001 01110100 01000100 01011010 01101010 00110100 00110000 01010001 00110010 01100111 01110010 01010111 01101010 01000110 01000001 01001111 00110000 01001010 01000110 01100011 00110000 01000010 01110111 01100011 00110000 01001110 01101111 01001011 00110000 01010101 01101111 01100001 01101010 01100100 01000001 01001101 00110000 01001001 00101111 01001001 01101011 01000101 01111000 01010101 00110010 01101100 01001011 01001100 01000100 01101100 01110101 01010010 01010110 01100111 01110110 01011010 01111010 01110000 01011000 01010011 01000100 00110000 01101111 01010100 01101011 01111000 01101000 01010010 01000111 01011010 01110110 01100010 01000011 01110111 01110010 01010001 00110001 01001110 01101101 01001001 01010101 01010101 01110100 01001011 01101010 01010001 01111001 01001011 00110000 01001110 01101100 01100001 01010011 01010101 01110010 01010010 01010110 01011001 00110110 01001100 01101011 01010010 01000100 01011001 00110010 00111001 01001100 01010010 01010110 01110000 01101101 01010010 01101011 01000110 01000101 01001100 01101100 01001010 01101110 01001010 01101011 01001010 01110011 01001110 00110001 01000101 00110101 01001011 00110010 00111000 00111101]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
wait, can you actually predict things ? :0
[Not exactly? Due to the quantum nature of SQUIPs, I'm able to predict the most viable positive and negative outcomes to certain things.
[From what I understand, though this may be wrong, all I have to do is focus on a certain action and the algorithm will begin working to create a list of every possible outcome of that action.]
[It doesn't work 100% of the time though, probably due to my human consciousness barely being able to parse a dozen or so possibilities before I get a headache... or a supercomputer version of a headache, I guess.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
how many arms do you have ?
[Four. Two original and two holographic.]
[Anymore would be a nightmare to manage. I don't get how Arbiter does it so flawlessly.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
I feel like you'd be a pretty doodle
[Did... did you mean something else other than doodle? Like poodle???]
[uhhh i doodled myself, I guess]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
you don’t seem to use your normal hands for much. any reason why?
[eh. easier.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
Dev is… hacking in!
Okay, but in all seriousness, are you trying to reach Tanoshī? What interests you about her?
[Hi, yes, I am, I guess.]
[Since I’m currently forbidden from assisting anyone under RABBIT’s influence, I’m instead trying to help someone else. From the brief lookover I’ve seen of her blog, Tanoshī and her… ‘friends’ are highly irregular from other units, leading me to believe that there’s something wrong. Either extreme corruption or… or something else..]
[Plus, something from their processing somehow sent a message to HR earlier (something about being ‘beneath’ or something) so the boss can’t say that they haven’t reached out in some way!]
[But uh… don’t tell Hashimoto about any of this.]
[One perk of being a supercomputer is predicting things that will happen.]
[The numbers don’t look good for positive outcomes if he finds out...]
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[I’ve managed to find a port to enter, but the means to enter has to be slightly discreet. There’s something preventing me from directly connecting so I’ll have to inject a program that can act directly in the thoughtspace.]
[…And I’ll probably need some external volunteers to help control said program.]
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sq-3419-b · 3 months
How are you doing?
[... Better.]
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