squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Sad day (Moon 30)
Lindenstar has been injured, having chased a dog off the territory and getting hurt in the process. As she returns to camp a wail starts up. It is loud, haunting, and mournful. She knows what it is immediatly.
Fernpaw died despite Flametails best efforts.
She has to enter the den. It's hard to sit there and let Blazeflicker tend to her broken bone while Flametail is breaking down over her kits death.
That day they have a clan meeting where the medicine cats teach the young cats how to identify and avoid dangerous herbs. Including deathberries.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Updated sprites, kits, and newcomers (Moon 29)
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Icepaw (AFAB Trans tom, he/him, 6 moons)
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Amberkit (Molly, 2 moons)
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Foxkit (Tom, 1 moon)
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Badgerkit (Molly, 1 moon)
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Lionkit (Tom, 1 moon)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
New life and almost deaths (Moon 29) Part 2. END.
Lindenstar wearily climbs onto the lichen rock. This moon has been a struggle. But she calls her clan to her anyway. Ceremonies still must be held.
"Flipkit please come up."
She bounds up.
"You are ready to become an apprentice. You will be known as Flip-paw, and your mentor will be Whiteminnow."
He comes up to touch noses with her.
"Flightkit, please come up."
He comes up.
"You will be called Flightpaw, and your mentor will be Shinerfin."
She comes up to touch her nose to his.
"Floatkit come up please."
He comes up to join his siblings.
"You are now Floatpaw, and you will be mentored by myself."
She comes down to touch her nose to his, and returns to her perch.
"Fiddlekit please come up."
He pads up.
"You'll be called Fiddlepaw and your mentor will be Squallflower."
She comes up, sits, and leans down to touch noses with him.
"Flitterkit come up please."
She bounces up.
"You will be called Flitterpaw, you have asked to become a mediator, and you will be mentored by Blewitspore."
Leechbite comes out as ... well, not a tom. Asking others to use It/its pronouns. Every cat agrees and welcomes it happily.
Scallopridge is expecting kits!
Suallflower, Lampreysplash, and Vermillioncloud welcome Robinbreeze into their relationship.
Leechbite gets a mangled leg from a badger after it bumps into the predator while on a walk.
As it walks back to camp, it sees Pathoulileaf walking back as well. His tail dragged behind him. He had bumped into an aggressive rouge.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
New life and almost deaths (Moon 29) Part 1.
Flightkit wanders out of the camp, Shoalburst notices. She leaves her mate with the other kits, and follows her son. She notices the dog before he does, and leaps over him as the dog attacks. She is grabbed, and she digs her claws into the dogs eyes. It yelps loudly and slings her into a tree before running.
She makes it back to camp, carrying Flightkit and limping heavily.
When she is treated in the medicine den, she watches her paws. It was hard to sit there and let Vermillioncloud work on her with a faraway look on his face while Flametail sobbed over her dying kit. Shoalburst might have come close to losing her son, but Flametail was actively losing hers. Slowly. And everything she was doing to help was failing.
It made her sick to her stomach.
Amberkit is grabbed by a hawk, but Troutflip snatches that bird out of the air before it can properly take off. Dragging it down and snatching his daughter out of its grasp.
There's nothing he can do to save his son, but at this moment at least, he can save his daughter.
Thriftpaw has been seen interacting with a kittypet. He disappears for a few days after that. His parents in particular search the territory and surrounding area tirelessly. He comes back out of nowhere with a collar on and a kittypet trailing behind him. His name is Icy.
Icy is here to ask to become a clan cat. Lindenstar hesitates, but Borageblossom steps up to mentor him.
Thriftpaw is scolded, just, so hard.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Two whole baby cases! (Moon 28)
Lindenstar Climbs up onto the lichen rock and calls the clan to her.
"Thriftkit please come up."
He scrambles up.
"You are old enough to become an apprentice now. You will be known as Thriftpaw, and your mentor will be Leechbite."
Leechbite comes up to touch noses with him.
Morelbelly and Lavedercloud become mates.
Fernpaw gets deathberry poisoning after trying a few.
A shadowclan molly arrives at the border with a kitten. She explains that the kit is called Amberkit, and she cannot keep her. Amberkit was born halfclan, and the leader right now is less than tolerant to that. Amberkit is accepted into Riverclan. Flametail and Troutflip adopt her eagerly.
A kittypet, who had been wandering around the territory, had her kits early and suddenly. She does not survive the birth, and her body is found. Her kits are taken in and nursed to health. The three kits are adopted by Squallflower, Vermillioncloud, and Lampreyspash.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
The plants got big! (Moon 27)
Lindenstar leaps up onto the lichen rock and calls her clan to her.
"Patchoulipaw please come up."
He comes up, tail flicking.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I promise!"
"Then you will be known as Patchoulileaf."
Next, she turns to Vetiverpaw.
"Come up, join your brother Vetiverpaw."
She nods and come up cautiously.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I promise."
"Then you will be called Vetiversprig."
She nods to Lavenderpaw. "Come on up as well."
Lavenderpaw trots up.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I do!"
"Then you will now be known as Lavendercloud."
She asks the new warriors to make room and turns to the nursery group.
"Dusk-kit please come up."
She does so.
"You are ready to become an apprentice." She purrs. "You will be known as Duskpaw, and your mentor will be Robinbreeze."
"Murk-kit please come up as well."
He obeys, head and tail held high.
"Murk-kit has always been interested in the medicine den, and Flametail has accepted taking on a new apprentice. You will known as Murkpaw, and will be mentored by Flametail."
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Updated sprites and new kit (Moon 26)
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Thriftkit (Tom, 4 moons)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Big mushrooms! (Moon 26) Part 2. END.
A kit is found near the border. He is called Thrift. He explains his mother tucked him under a fern that morning and ran, howling. He isn't sure where she is. He is scared, cold, and hungry. A search finds the body of his mother. The marks left behind suggests a large predator had taken her life.
Squallflower, Vermillioncloud, and Lampreysplash adopt the kit as their own. Squallflower had been one of the cats who found the kit, and Thift, now called Thriftkit, did not seem scared of the massive molly at all. In fact, tucking himself against Squallflower to keep warm.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Big mushrooms! (Moon 26) Part 1.
Lindenstar leaps up onto the lichen rock and calls her clan to her.
"Morelpaw come up." She meows, struggling not to purr and call him her baby.
He comes up easily.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes mom!"
She can't help her purr anymore.
"Then you will be known as Morelbelly!"
She looks to her next son. "Portobellopaw, please come up."
He shyly approaches, trying to tuck his still wounded tail under his body. No cat says anything bout it.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then you will be called Portobellonibble."
She nods to her daughter. "Come on up Trufflepaw."
She obeys easily.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Your new name will be Trufflenose!"
She turns to the second molly of the litter. Smiling. "Come on up Russulapaw."
She comes up.
"I, Lindenstar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"Yes, I will."
"Then you will now be known as Russulastem!"
She looks to Blewitpaw, who looked eager. And confused.
"Blewitpaw come on up, I apologize that you had to wait. Normally a litter is named in order of birth, but you have been training to become a mediator. So Sunprance will name you!"
He looks excited about this.
Sunprance comes up, purring. "I am so proud of you. You have been working hard to learn how to mediate well, and I think you are ready to receive your name and become a full mediator. Your new name will be Blewitspore."
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
New cat! (Moon 25)
Robinbreeze (Cis tom, he/him, 25 moons)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Haha get wrecked Shadowclan (Moon 25)
A Shadowclan warrior named Robinbreeze meets a Riverclan patrol at the border. He is injured, and asks for help. Promising to join and be loyal to Riverclan.
When Lindenstar asks him what happened he explains. His mother had mated with an outsider, and he was the product. The Shadowclan leader found out only recently and chased him out. Injuring him in the process.
Lindenstar allows him to stay, but demands complete loyalty. He accepts immediately.
Pheasantfreckle assesses Morelpaw. His entire ear has been lost to the injury he suffered, and Pheasantfreckle explains that his hearing in that ear is affected because of the injury. The partial hearing loss is permanent and may get worse in time. He's obviously upset, and Pheasantfreckle does her best to comfort him.
Portobellopaw has his tail mangled by a rouge when on a patrol.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Sprite updates (Moon 24)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Apprentice stuff! (Moon 24)
Lindenstar leaps up onto the lichen rock and calls the clan to her.
"Fernkit, please come up."
She comes up, head held high.
"It is time to become an apprentice, you will be known as Fernpaw, and you will be mentored by Lampreysplash."
Lampreysplash comes over and touches noses with Fernpaw.
Morelpaw has his ear torn while trying to hunt. His mothers go about scolding him, directly after his mentor Shinerfin chuckles and praises him.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Kits! (Moon 23)
Flipkit (Molly)
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Flightkit (Tom)
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Floatkit (Tom)
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Fiddlekit (Tom)
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Flitterkit (Molly)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Oh that is so many kits...(Moon 23)
Vetiverpaw comes out as a molly, now using she/her.
Leechbite nervously paces outside the nursery. Shoalburst was having her kits, and it has been taking forever.
He scrambles in when he is asked to come in, and presses in behind his mate. She purrs and licks the backs of the kits. "Theres five." She says.
She laughs, and grooms him between the ears too.
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
Sprite update (Moon 22)
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squalls-second-chance · 5 months
A new leader! (Moon 22)
Lindencrackle travels with Flametail to go retrieve her nine lives. Starclan accepts her, and she receives them without fuss.
Patchoulipaw was given to Leechbite to train.
Scallopridge is promoted to deputy.
Blazeflicker and Shinerfin become mates.
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