squashedbananatk · 3 years
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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squashedbananatk · 3 years
Hey y’all! It’s been a while hasn’t it?! I finished my first year of Uni yesterday and I’m looking for some new fandoms to get into, preferably an animated tv show or something you would want me to try writing for some time! Any suggestions? I got Netflix and Disney plus so anything from there would be great!
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squashedbananatk · 3 years
literally my fave vid ever
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me!
Father-Son Memories
The Mandalorian looks back on a few different memories of when the kid would be silly, happy, or playful towards him. From razor space rides to learning new things, the Mandalorian smiles as he recalls the memories he will hopefully remember forever.
I’m dedicating this fanfic to @caatnip, @fanficsandfluff, @tickle-bugs and @squashedbananatk. I recently found you guys on Tumblr, and I found out you all write Mandalorian tk fanfics! And that made me so happy! I’ve only just started writing fanfics for Mandalorian, but I want to continue doing it. So feel free to read this and check out my other one!
Keep reading
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
OF COURSE!! MC Teams tells me I have to update the program innorder to use it, RIGHT BEFORE MY FIRST MEETING!!! Ugh!!
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Classes start again for me tomorrow, I feel bad I haven’t written much content over my break...
Honestly last term was so exhausting and my first ever in University and I needed the time I was given on break to relax and build up my strength again after such a stressful term.
Hopefully I will be back into the swing of things again soon, but untill then wish me luck my fellow soldiers! I’m goin in.
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Reblog if you 100% okay with a transgender person correcting you if you accidentally misgender them or use their dead name.
please do
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Trying to help
So... just finished the Mandalorian... series.
Warnings: Mention of blood.
Mando opened the ship doors and walked inside. He placed the child back into it’s pod before he began taking off his gear. He had gotten a wound from fighting off more raiders in the village and he now needed to tend to it. The child watched him curiously as Mando took off his bag and chest plate placing it on the ship’s floor. Mando walked over to one of the compartments in the ship’s wall and took out a tin box before returning to his previous spot. He opened the tin box and took out some gauze and disinfectant spray before he sat down on a box next to the child. Mando lifted his shirt up just enough to reveal the wound on his upper side before spraying the wound with the disinfectant. He winced a little from the sting but started to clean up the blood on his wound. The child watched closely with worried eyes. The child made a little noise causing Mando to look over.
“Whats up kid?” Mando asked. The child closed his eyes and began raising his little arm.
“No, No kid, I’m fine.” Mando insisted gently pushing the child’s hand down. He appreciated the kid wanting to help, but it was just a small wound. The child squeaked as Mando turned to open the box again to get some bandage.
The child stood up and made its way over to Mando. Once the child got to him he hugged Mando’s side.
“Kid?” Mando asked as he stared down at the kid’s big eyes.
“I’m fine kid, really.” Mando reassured again, gently patting it’s back, the kid gargled happily and gently nuzzled its head into Mando’s bare side.
Mando twitched away with a strained chuckle from the ticklish feeling of the kid’s head against his side. The kid looked up at him with his little smile. Happy to hear him laugh. Mando sighed before he finished dressing his wound still with the kid practically glued to him.
Mando let his shirt fall back down as he packed up the box not realizing the fabric would land on the kid’s head.
The child giggled before grabbing Mando’s shirt trying to pull it off his face. Mando jumped as he felt the child wriggling against his side again.
“Hey! Kid, watch it!” Mando said turning around before picking up the child.
“You don’t do that.” Mando gently scolded before putting the child back in it’s little pod. The child giggled happily as Mando turned away to pack up the box. The child climbed out of the pod again and made it’s way back over to the man. He started tugging on his shirt curiously. Mando looked over again and the child looked up at him.
Mando sighed before picking the kid up and putting him on his lap. The kid gargled happily grabbing the fabric of his shirt nuzzling into the man’s stomach. Mando gasped and jolted away causing him to fall back off the box onto the floor, his helmet making a loud metal clang on impact. Mando heard the kid laugh as he processed what just happened.
“You ok kid?” Mando asked looking up to find the child standing on his stomach. The child squealed happily before plopping down onto Mando hugging his stomach again nuzzling his head. Mando’s breath hitched.
“Hey! What did I say! D-Don’t doho that!” Mando gasped.
The child ignored him and kept on nuzzling it’s little head against Mando’s shirt.
“Hey! Kid! Stohop!” Mando demanded. But his words were ignored.
“Kihid! Y-You’re tihickling me!” Mando squeaked out through his gritted teeth.
The child giggled along with the man not fully understanding why cuddling was making him laugh, but the kid was happy Mando was happy so he kept doing it.
Mando attempted to grab the kid but the kid wasn’t finished yet and quickly stopped him.
“W-What the hell?” Mando gasped as he realized he couldn’t move his arms. He sighed when he saw the child’s raised arm.
“Kid, Let me up. This isn’t funny.” Mando demanded. But he was ignored by the small creature. The child gargled and continued nuzzling its little head against Mando’s stomach.
“Dank Ferik! Kihid! Let me goho!” Mando giggled kicking his legs. It’s been at least a decade since anyone has tickled him! He didn’t know how to handle it! It was unbearable! Mando screeched as the child grabbed the hem of his shirt lifting it.
“Kihid! Kihihid! StaHAHAHA!” Mando suddenly screeched unable to keep his composure any longer as the child crawled in under his shirt.
The child just continued to giggle happily.
“Noho! Nononohoho! Gehet ohohout!” He laughed throwing his head back.
The child liked how much Mando was laughing and he assumed he was doing something right since he was, and continued.
“Kihid! Knohohock ihit ohohohoff! Ahaha!” Mando laughed tossing his head back and forth. The feeling of the kid’s small claws against his stomach and sides was too much! The little hair on the kid’s head was just making it worse! He was going nuts! Thank the force Cara wasn’t back from the village yet! He would never hear the end of it from her. The child giggled and squeaked
“Ah! Aahh! ! Ahaha! Stohohop!” Mando laughed squirming about trying anything stop this humiliating situation.
“Hey Mando, the chief sent me to get you.” Mando suddenly heard Cara say.
Mando’s heart dropped. Cara walked up the ramp and into the ship to find a kicking boot sticking out from some boxes with none other then a laughing Mandalorian attached to it.
“Kihihid! Seriously! Gehet ohohoff of mehehe!” Cara heard Mando screech. She walked to over and looked over the boxes and found Mando laying there out of breath with a little head poking our from under his shirt.
The child giggled happily before crawling out from under Mando’s shirt and releasing him. The child then walked off to its pod. Mando laid there and sighed with relief that it was finally over.
Cara chuckled before offering Mando a hand up. He gladly took it and stood up.
“What the hell happened?” Cara asked
“Long story...” Mando said looking over at the child.
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
This blog will be safe on Halloween
This blog will NOT post:
- Screamers 
- Gore
- Blood 
- Purposefully triggering content 
Reblog if your blog will be safe on Halloween
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Getting the Kid Back
I’m dedicating this fic to @babeyspidey and @rosegiggles since I noticed they were feeling down. I hope this cheers you up! ❤️
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It was fair to say that Peter Parker was far from ordinary. He had extraordinary powers which were able to save lives, and his father figure was the one and only Tony Stark, who also had the ability to change the world.
Despite this, Peter resumed his daily life as a typical teen, he went to school, hung out with mates etc, but he also had the pressure to be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, which took up a lot of his time which could be spent just… being a kid.
Keep reading
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
if you google search ‘spooky scary skeletons’ do NOT click on this
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its a fucking screamer, ok
at about 10 seconds in it comes up with fucking jeff the killers face and a loud screaming
i can promise its fucking loud
just pls
dont go on it
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
Reblog if no matter if you have 50,000 or 50 followers, you appreciate every single one. Reblog if you appreciate the messages you get, whether it's 100 or 1. Reblog if a little smile comes across your face everytime you see a new follower or message. Reblog if even though most of us aren't tumblr famous, we appreciate the little things.
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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squashedbananatk · 4 years
👿, 😈 & 🎵
👿This one time when I was like 5 and I was trick or treating (I was a cute plumpy pumkin by the way!) a guy pretended to be a statue sitting in a chair with a bowl of candy. When I grabbed some he scared the absolute living crap out of me and I nearly fell off the porch. My dad was not happy with that guy lol.
😈I’m not really into scaring people, I don’t like the feeling of being scared myself so I don’t like doing it to other people.
🎵Well, obviously I’m gonna suggest Spooky Scary Skeletons!
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