squid-in-the-tardis · 13 minutes
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Keep both of these in your heart shaped locket at any given time for a very conflicting message it's important
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squid-in-the-tardis · 3 hours
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Any schoolchild could tell you about it
One of my more complex embroidery pieces, though not my best, now on my denim jacket
[ID: Visible embroidery done over a tear in a gray denim jacket. It's filled with colorful rainbow patches and has railroad track cutting across it. The words "The Bifrost Incident" are stitched below the rip. End ID]
(thanks @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID)
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squid-in-the-tardis · 11 hours
its quite easy to make noises. oouugghhhh. aaaaauuuhhh. uwaaaaaaa. awawaaa. it comes naturally to me
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squid-in-the-tardis · 15 hours
Marcille is so funny to me. she's such a bait and switch. when we're first introduced to her you see this cute girl who's totally distraught at everything Laios does and you think she's gonna be the tropey token girl in the party who does the healing and stays out of the fights and has to be the designated Team Mom. but that's not Marcille at all. she's only on healing duty because Falin isn't around. she's a frontline attacker and she's constantly thinking about murder and explosions.
dungeon meshi really said "so there's this incredibly powerful black mage whose signature spell is "explode your skull" and she loves necromancy and is wanted in 5 countries. she can heal in a pinch but when she does it, it hurts, because there isn't a gentle bone in her body" and then she looks like this. i love her so much
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squid-in-the-tardis · 19 hours
also we came to a WILD realization tonight: when playing rock, paper, scissors, people from the east coast and midwest go on SHOOT, and people from the west coast (who are insane) go on scissors. like WHY
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squid-in-the-tardis · 23 hours
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Soulsborne Challenge: 1/3 Quotes
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The different genres of Doctor Who episode:
The dumbest bullshit you've ever seen. Just absolute baby brain nonsense.
Man, aliens are weird, huh?
Genuine high-concept science fiction serving as biting if heavy-handed social commentary on present issues
*Lisa Simpson voice* Look, Mom! It's Ea-Nasir!
Nightmare fuel that will traumatize a generation of children while adults roll their eyes.
The villain is determined to out-camp every other camp villain combined. There will probably be a needle drop.
The harrowing story of one character's personal hell
Tbe Doctor is sorely tempted to break one of the laws of time and/or one of his firmly held moral boundaries, never mind all the times he's done this without comment.
The Daleks are back, and they're purple now
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I'm watching ds9 and I'm so sorry people who are obsessed with secondary/supporting characters. I get it now I understand your pain I am one of you. every episode I'm like man I hope I see my guy garak this time. I miss my guy garak. and almost every time there is no fucking garak. just watched the ep shadowplay and when bashir MENTIONED garak I leaped into the air and clapped my hands and cheered. crazy behavior. good show though. I am enjoying it
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i have such a knee-jerk, visceral opinion abt this and i want to know if others feel the same. no nuance
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fuck you and congrats jill you're a weasel now
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You were born in the morgue.
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some years back, I was way into this era of doctor who, and there was a post going around at the time like “hey, in 2022 the 22nd of february is gonna be on a tuesday. it’s twosday” and I was like haha, like the guy. it’s his day. so now the actual date’s finally here, I have to draw something!
there’s an audio story that starts off with jamie arguing how all aliens are inherently evil, based on information gathered from his many adventures through space on the alien spacecraft piloted by his friend the space alien, in which he has definitely never encountered an alien who wasn’t evil.
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i want. a cicada on one arm and a crayfish on the other
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on the. computer
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I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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The sights
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Satellites* *
(a sequel to this drawing)
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