squirryl-blog · 8 years
Being out on his own on a run away from the Sanctuary which had become his new home after the fall of Terminus this was his first time of being on unknown territory without having a savior or Negan close by. They didn’t exactly know he had left, either, having gone off to find food. Fen had found none yet, however. Pieces of the meat he craved not growing on the damn trees. He had Always been provided for, so he wasn’t exactly a great hunter when it came down to it.
Still, he wasn’t deaf and clearly not out of luck either, as it seemed; the rattle of metal wire catching his attention. If this would truly be his lucky day there’d be a healthy person stuck in it instead of one of those damn walkers he kept running into.
Stalking closer the the source of the sound he halts when he spots the odd looking… Person?
Approaching warily the savior pet keeps his eyes fixed on the other, spotting what the problem was soon enough. Part of him truly wanted to help and free him, but another more hungry part thought it was perfect how the other had already been trapped.
Daryl’s lips are set in a firm frown as he continues to squint and work at the fur trapped on wire. The snag hurt like a bitch no matter what he tried to do and he was starting to accept the fact that there would likely be a little bald spot on his tail by the time he was done. The undercoat was the worst, soft and fluffy and easily catching on the twisted metal of the fence. Fingers try to wiggle himself free strand by strand but he couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t have the time to stand around in the middle of a field. The dead would hear the fence. Instinct told him that other hunters would know his movements -- like a distressed animal in the water.  Instincts prove true. The person is heard before spotted; tail suddenly bristling up and making his task even more difficult. A human. A living one --- one that he doesn’t know. Panic floods his body as he pulls the knife from his hip and moves the few inches away he can manage with his tail still stuck.  “Back off!” The words are practically hissed through teeth, body tense and radiating warning.
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
After several attempts at baking he finally managed to get a good result at last, getting the cookies on a plate and bringing them over to Squirryl. 'Made ya somethin'' he says, offering him said plate. { ~ Winged-Defender }
Various smells had made Daryl creep closer to one house in particular for the sake of investigation. His first thought was that Carol was up to something and therefore there would be plenty of chances to swipe ingredients but he finds, instead, that Darren is hard at work. A curious thing, one that has him poking his head around corners now and again as a ritual of baking unfolds. One of the batches ends up burnt too much even for him to care for -- the smell making his nose turn up ad his tail fluff out a bit. A waste. A shame. Though he smokes on the porch and lingers for an obvious enough reason.Before the day was out, he’d get his hands on something worthwhile. He expects the situation to call for him to be sneaky -- a dash in and out of the kitchen but instead he finds Darren actually offering over an entire plate. Everything about him seems to perk up, tail fluffy and high before he accepts the cookies. A hand immediately moves to shove not one but two cookies into his mouth, cheeks puffing as he nods with approval. Not bad, considering Darren wasn’t exactly a star baker. 
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
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A sound: frustration. A tug: resistance. A feeling: pain. Daryl huffs as he tries to deal with the snag; tail very clearly caught on some of the barbed wire fencing surrounding the abandoned farm.  The scavenge was going well so far but this? This was bullshit.
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
@bcrnedaway, continued.
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Daryl recoils as if offended by what Dwight has to say; despite clearly denying the man a right to touch the fur without asking he isn’t pleased when he not only agrees -- but comes up with his own reason not to.  “It ain’t flithy, asshole.” Dixon seems well past bristled at the insult and a life of living in the dirt and being looked down on because of it may have been to blame. “S”probably cleaner’n yer damn hands.”
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
test post.
test post.
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
SENTENCE STARTERS. Flirty/Suggestive/NSFW Edition.
Feel free to add your own.
“You’re really hot.”
“Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.”
“You know, those/that ______ of yours are/is pretty distracting.”
“Hot damn.”
“So, you come here often?”
“Well, well. My night just got better.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
“You have got a great ass.”
“Hey, I’m open minded.”
“You enjoying the view over there?”
“Keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
“Don’t be bashful. You know you want to.”
“You can have me any way you’d like, baby.”
“You wanna move this conversation someplace more private?”
“I’m off in a few minutes, you know.”
“It’s been a long day. Why don’t we help each other unwind?”
“I think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
“I’m gonna be honest with you. I’m really horny, and you’re really hot. Can we fuck? Like, now?”
“I wanna see you get naked.”
“You like how I bend over for you, huh?”
“You’re getting me all worked up.”
“What do we have here?”
“I see someone’s happy to see me.”
“Play your cards right, and I just might have to put you on speed dial.”
“You like that, don’t you?”
“How do you want me?”
“I’m sure we can put those lips to better use.”
“I want you. Right here. Right now.”
“God, you’re perfect.”
“I really like a man who’s good with his hands.”
“I’d be more than happy to show you a good time, if you’re looking for one.”
“I saw that. You just checked me out.”
“You look real good in that suit/dress/skirt/outfit.”
“You wanna help me out of this ___?” (Insert article clothing here.)
“Can I keep you?”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Oh my, looks like I/you dropped something.”
“I love it when you talk dirty.”
“I can’t stop thinking about your hands on me.”
“I think you’ll be happy to know that I’m not wearing any underwear.”
“I really want to take you home and get you out of all those clothes.”
“It’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
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squirryl-blog · 8 years
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                                     fluffy, not friendly.
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