srfdragonheart · 1 day
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Byleth: 5% dragon, 5% goddess reincarnation/vessel, 20% homunculi, 30% human and 40% autistic (more or less).
The perfect creature 🫶 Anyone who says otherwise is jealous
I read a book about autism because of her and, in the process, i found out i am autistic lol. Then went hard and deep into the research, only to solve the mysteries of my life ✨. Thank you Byleth. This chart could've been better but it's all i could do in my brain state :'D. Did this to commemorate I finally got my official diagnosis. And my self-diagnose was right (Except Maybe the Adhd Part bc They Think I'm Depressed, which it's a possibility but i am mostly in an autistic burnout :1). Wanna tank the ppl who helped me to get such diagnosis 🙏, I am still a lil bit dysfunctional and need more therapy to have significant improvement, but i am doing my part in the self-care department
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srfdragonheart · 1 day
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Azure Gleam Bad ending.
Dimitri's insanity intensifies bc he's starting to see (previously dreamed of) a ghost of a woman he barely knew. 👀
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srfdragonheart · 1 day
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'I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it.'
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srfdragonheart · 1 day
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bargain with one's self (the comic is 4 pages and other 2 are more nsfw so only available on my patreon)
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srfdragonheart · 2 days
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srfdragonheart · 2 days
Netflix and avoid people.
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srfdragonheart · 2 days
your a super Villian/super hero who's partner just died. When the funeral was supposed to be attended, nobody came, except for one person, your arch nemesis, who came there to comfort you through these tough times
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
The total of undocumented graves of children who died and were killed in Indian residential schools is now at 1323. UNDOCMENTED, there are already over 6000 on the record. There are still over 130 other schools to investigate still. And, just so Canadians understand...given the current numbers, 7323 children, if Canada was to lower it's flag to half-mast for one day for each child, as the numbers stand today the flag would not rise for over 20 years. Even if they were to lower it for one hour for every child, that would be 305 days. I hope this paints a very clear image. I am hurt, my community is hurting, our nations are mourning, and we have been in mourning for years. I pray this does not fall on deaf ears. Non-indigenous Canadians, you no longer have an excuse to claim ignorance. You can no longer say "I had no idea Canada did this." It did. And in many ways Canada continues this opression and genocide to this day.
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
I've done something.. a little weird
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
Fantasy Asks
Fairy- What is something that you get excited about? 
Mermaid- What are you looking forward to? 
Elf- What are you proud of? 
Dragon- Sexuality? 
Griffin- Gender? 
Unicorn- Who do you look up to? 
Spirit- Have you ever been in love? 
Ghost- Favorite song? 
Poltergeist- Favorite song lyric? 
Ghoul- Who is someone that makes you laugh easily/who’s company you enjoy most of, if not all of, the time? 
Goblin- What makes you happy?  
Dwarf- Favorite tv show? 
Vampire- Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book(s)?
Werewolf- Who is your family? Who do you live with?  
Siren- Favorite color? 
Hobgoblin- Do you like anyone? 
Wraith- Any scars? 
Specter- Have you ever been in love? 
Chimera- Will you/do you want to get married? 
Changeling- Do you want children? 
Oracle- Do you like children? 
King- Describe your ideal day. 
Queen- Age? 
Princess- What is your relationship with your parents like? 
Prince- Birthday? 
Necromancer- If you could spend a week with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? 
Castle- What is something that not a lot of people know about you? 
Tower- What is (at least one thing) something that you’re afraid of? 
Magic- Describe your crush without saying their name. 
Enchanted Forest- Height? 
Magic Healer- Any pets? If so, what are they? 
Potions- Relationship status? 
Potion Making- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? 
Divination- What do you think about yourself? 
Visions- Do you miss anyone? 
Curses- How do you show affection? 
Charms- Are you religious? 
Hexes- What’s your favorite smell? 
Jinxes- If you could be anywhere, where would you want to be? 
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srfdragonheart · 5 days
All I can think about is LL seeing a human be sold as an 'exotic pet' on some far away planet. Someone suggest buying the human to freedom, someone else says that it'll just encouradge the whole process.
Tailgate? Tailgate sees the obvious solution, he just graps the cage the humans held in and makes a run for it
Tailgate is the only one who knows how to dismantle capitalism; running like hell.
You'd more or less resigned yourself to a life of whatever torment aliens could give, only to have that all upended when the Cybertronians arrived. They actually seemed to recognize you, even crowding about your cage. They seemed to be discussing things when the littlest one came to your cage and held it, his bright blue visor bringing you some measure of comfort...
That was, until he grabbed the cage and ran as if his little life depended on it.
Everything afterwards had been a blur of activity; shouting, things in the market getting tossed aside, the big one with one optic laughing gleefully the entire time...
When they'd all finally regrouped at their giant ship the chaos hadn't lessened, but the little one didn't loosen his grip on you for a second. A kind looking orange bot had stepped in to speak kindly to you, and that had allowed things to calm down enough that you'd been successfully freed from the cage. As a brightly colored bot and a gigantic blue bot showed up and some argument began, the little mech who'd rescued you held you close.
"Don't worry... You're safe now..."
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srfdragonheart · 6 days
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srfdragonheart · 6 days
Concept: You walk outside one night and notice that there are two full moons. A few hours go by and they don’t seem to move.
You stare up at them.
They blink.
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srfdragonheart · 6 days
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🦄 Unicorn Platform Chucks 🦄️ 100% FREE Shipping Worldwide 🌎
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srfdragonheart · 6 days
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