srhelena-ofmary · 6 days
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We are all different but each of us has something beautiful to offer to God. Just as a garden is made beautiful by the different flowers in it, God is glorified in our diversity.
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srhelena-ofmary · 9 days
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Welcome to the month of June dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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srhelena-ofmary · 13 days
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srhelena-ofmary · 17 days
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Sainthood is not a thing of the past. Saints exist in every generation. By God's grace, we can be Saints because we are made to be with God and to be eternally happy with Him!
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
I am 18 years old and have the vocation to be a nun. I wish to give my whole self to Jesus and accept every little humiliation He brings me, but I still find myself trying to fit in with others and the world. Do you have any advice on how I can combat this?
May Mother Mary keep you safely hidden in her mantle of protection and hidden in the Holy Wounds of her Son Jesus! Happy Easter!
I would start by asking the question "why"
Why do you want to fit in? Peer pressure? Desire to be liked? Afraid of rejection? I'm not a psychologist so I'm not qualified to give professional advice. Spiritually speaking, maybe it will help to bring the questions above to prayer and be honest with the answers. At 18, one is still looking for one's identity. Be patient with yourself. Prayer makes us see things about ourselves. Reading the new testament will give us words by Jesus to make us think of why we do the things we do and shows us how to do it better.
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
If you find your life empty and sad it maybe because you have failed to become part of something bigger than yourself. Giving oneself to God and to others complete us and give meaning and purpose to our lives.
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
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Remember that the month of May is dedicated to Mary, our Mother and Queen. That means plenty of rosaries sent her way!
Here's a repost of the poem I wrote in her honor:
O Mary,
If I can pluck all of nature’s flowers,
And spread their fragrance upon your altars,
And weave you garlands not made by hands
To adorn your beautiful countenance,
Or gather a court of faithful witness,
To render you songs of angelic voices,
Somehow I feel they are as nothing
To give you justice and express all my longings.
Words do not go so far enough
To best express the sighs of one’s heart.
What a comfort this knowledge brings
That in your heart our cries can find a ring.
Today as I honor and think of you
This simple tribute for now will do.
O Mary,
My Queen and Mother too!
How so very much I love you!
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
Hi, hope your well. I myself want to become a carmelite nun but I live in the middle of no where. What are the steps I can take to become one. Should I join a church that has nuns or? I'm completely lost, any help?
Where do you go to Church? You can contact your priest and ask for guidance. If you have a religious community in mind, look them up on their website, and ask to speak to the vocation director. There are very few nuns working in churches now so you are better off talking to your priest.
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
Hi! I have to admit I was extremely suprised to find a carmelite on tumblr, but I'm gonna make the most of it, so here we go. I am 16 (almost 17) and for the past year or so I have felt very v e r y called to religious life. From all points of view the order I like the most is the carmelites, and there's even a carmel right in our town. My favorite Saint is a carmelite, she's the one who sparked my interest in consecrated life. I just feel like knowing myself, and the more I think about it, it's the place where Jesus wants me to be. The problem is I have only told my confessor (my school chaplain) who told me to find a spiritual director. That was months ago. I haven't been able to tell anyone else because I'm extremely anxious about other people judging me, specially those closest to me (the ones who could help me). I know Jesus doesn't want me to be ashamed, or afraid of humiliation, but I just care too much about other people's opinion of me. Do you have any advice on how to tell my family or my friends? It's the only way to go on with my discernment, I can't move forward while keeping it hidden from literally everyone. God bless you, sister, and please pray for me.
Don't worry too much. What you are going through is normal. It happened to many of us. I understand your concern about how other people may react. You may just mention to your family that you are attracted to religious life and would like to explore what that is all about. You are still very young and with many more years needed to test your vocation. They don't have to be afraid. Ask Jesus to help you find the courage and then take the plunge!
God bless you and I will say a prayer for you..
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srhelena-ofmary · 1 month
me again (the 16 year old). I don't want to bother you too much so this the last thing I'll send. I'm finishing school this year and I'll probably go on to study biology. After that I would probably teach. That was the plan, but now I am super unsure if I should go to university or not. Is it a waste of time? I love science and biology and I would love to teach but I want to be a carmelite even more. I feel like what has always been expected of me is that I study and find a job and become an independent woman and a functioning member of society. I'd hate to dissapoint people, specially my mum. Would I be wasting my education? I'm running out of time because I finish secondary school in December and I feel like I have to find a solution before that
No, it is never a waste. Even if you enter religious life it will serve you and the Order well. God's ways are not our ways. We are never sure of where he wants to lead us. So continue with your studies. Higher education is not just about degree. It helps tremendously with human formation and helps in maturity.
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
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We love God because God loved us first.
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
You are much more than what the world tells you that you are (or are not). You are very much loved and worth dying for. And so Jesus did.
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
Hello Sister. Im surprised to find a nun in social media. How you recommend to keep in feith in these days full of violence, unjustice and hate? Thank you.
Hi Mary,
I will read the Bible more, especially the New Testament, and develop a strong and close relationship with Jesus. He is the only one who can give the peace that the world cannot give. By bringing all of our worries, fears and unrest to God in prayer we learn to trust and have courage to face a troubled world. Jesus said, "Believe in God, believe also in me. I have overcome the world!"
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
One cannot excuse oneself from practicing charity in the name of zeal. If you do, you will not be any better than a raving zealot. Truth should always be balanced with respect for the person it intends to help. Pope Benedict is a great example. Christianity is a call to transcend from the natural ways to the supernatural.
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srhelena-ofmary · 2 months
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