sriratch-a · 3 years
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LA Grintosa Porto Cervo
Sardinia Costa Smeralda  Italy
© Matthieu Salvaing
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sriratch-a · 3 years
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Princess Diana and Sultan Qaboos.
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sriratch-a · 3 years
For anyone paying attention to foreign policy, its well known that exaggerated tensions between the US and China are being propagated by right-wing pundits and some politicians. The “Chinagate” theory has many tentacles, some of which are linked and sourced by the infamous Hunter Biden laptop. It is undeniable that some of the most embarrassing and vulgar contents of the laptop are authentic. Though in this 
analysis the focus is not how many skittles Hunter Biden was able to stack on his penis, or the crack/cocaine he was smoking while receiving a foot job. The purpose of this analysis is to simply break down the corporate connections between Chinese entities, and the venture capitalist firm founded by Chris Heinz, Hunter Biden and Devin Archer. Whether or not there was unethical practice in these dealings is speculative based on two aspects: Did Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz use their White House connections for financial gain ? Secondly, are key components on Hunter Biden’s laptop fabricated to frame former vice president Joe Biden as a monetary beneficiary to these dealings ?
  In order to understand these dealings, one must understand the premise of the situation. Due to conflict in Crimea, Ukraine banned a jet engine manufacturing company by the name “Motorsich” from producing jets for Russia. Despite Motorsich holding the reputation for being one of the most prestigious manufactures of aerodynamics, the company begins to layoff workers and sees its losses. Racing to upgrade its military, China turns to Ukraine and sees this as an opportunity to acquire Motorsich and buys 56% of Motorsich in 2019 under the company “Skyrizon”, a company based in Beijing. Skyrizon even opened an additional manufacturing plant for Motorsich in China. The purpose of these acquisitions is to help China produce their version of the F-35, a new state of the art fighter jet, the J-20. 
  Hunter Biden, who needs no introduction, and Chris Heinz (stepson to former secretary of state in the Obama administration, John Kerry) are share holders in a venture capitalist firm by the name Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) announced the closing of its acquisition of Henniges Automotive for 600 million USD, the worlds leading designer and manufacturer of sealing and anti-vibration solutions for high-end auto mobiles. Henniges is an American company based in Michigan that provides crucial technology for state of the art fighter jets. The joint transaction between BHR and AVIC  required an expedieted federal approval. 
  So what’s the connection here? Skyrizon is a subsidiary to Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC), and the majority shareholder of AECC is AVIC. AVIC is the company which partnered with BHR to secure the acquisition of Henniges and its anti-vibrations technology, an acquisition which was granted federal approval by the Obama administration. The contents of an alleged scandal originates with the speculation that Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden used their fathers as connections in the white house to advance the agenda of their venture capitalist firm, by expediting the federal approval of the acquisition between AVIC and BHR.  As well as apparent text and emails in Hunter Biden's laptop which reveal Joe Biden to profit from these transactions, as he is referred to as “The big guy” who “also needs his cut”. Also Hunter Biden has a 9 inch penis.
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Mushroom House in Akebono kodomo-no-mori park, Hanno, Saitama, Japan [+]
Photo: yui.kubo, via 
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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mushroom house in Sendai, Japan
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Capitoline of Sbeitla
Sbeitla, Tunisia
2nd century CE
70 m. X 67 m.
From left to right: Temple of Minerva is in the best condition, while the Temple of Jupiter next to it has almost all of its walls still standing. The Temple of Juno has fared worse, but there is plenty to help you imagine what it must have looked in pristine condition. To the south of the forum is the Arch of Antionius Pius.
The southernmost of the three temples was dedicated to Minerva, which was the daughter of the two gods revered in the other two temples. She was considered to be the virgin goddess of warriors, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, crafts and inventor of music. Her temple appears as the most impressive of the three from the outside, and even the interior is in excellent condition.
The Temple of Jupiter stands in the middle, being the temple of the most important of all gods in the Roman pantheon. It is the largest temple, and deduced from its present, excellent condition, it was the object of first-class engineering. It is noteworthy that the temple has no entrance by itself, it was entered by bridges across arches from either of the other two temples. 
The Temple of Juno is by far the least impressive of the three making up the Capitol. It is also the most ruined one. Juno was the Queen of the gods, the wife of Jupiter and the mother of Minerva. The niche in the middle had a statue of the goddess, which has never been found. 
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Djerba, 1969
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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North-West African Vernacular Architecture
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Damian Elwes is one of the most talented artists of the past 75-years.
Here are some selections from his collection of works of other artists’ studios and homes:
Claude Monet 
Peter Doig 
Alexander Calder 
Keith Haring 
Cy Twombly 
Gustav Klimt 
Georgia O’Keeffe 
Alberto Giacometti 
Jean Michel Basquiat 
Yayoi Kusama
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sriratch-a · 4 years
Illuminated Manuscript, Koran, Frontispiece, Walters Art Museum, Ms W.563, fol.3b by Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts Via Flickr: This large-format, illuminated Timurid copy of the Qur’an is believed to have been produced in Northern India in the ninth century AH / fifteenth CE. The manuscript opens with a series of illuminated frontispieces. The main text is written in a large vocalized polychrome muḥaqqaq script. Marginal explanations of the readings of particular words and phrases are in thuluth and naskh scripts, and there is interlinear Persian translation in red naskh script. The fore-edge flap of the gold-tooled, brown leather binding is inscribed with verses 77 through 80 from Chapter 56 (Sūrat al-wāqiʿah). The seal of Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512 CE) appears on fol. 8a. There is an erased bequest (waqf) statement and stamp of Sultan ʿUthmān Khān (1027-31 CE) on fol. 3a.
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Inter-acciones | Interactions
Artwork by Dionisio González
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Djenne Mosque, Mali, Africa, 13th Century-ongoing (thousands of villagers work together to re-clad it with mud once every year.)
When I studied architecture in New Zealand, the course was almost entirely Western in focus. We weren’t in Europe or North America, yet it was the architectural movements and iconic buildings of those regions that we covered (along with some vernacular traditions of New Zealand itself). This was conveyed as being the universally-accepted history of architecture, and of its key international styles and developments. I’m still routinely amazed whenever I come across a spectacular building from Asia, Africa, or the Middle East, which is structurally and aesthetically unique, and yet totally unfamiliar to me.  This one, which is the largest mud brick building in the world, is explored in BBC SACRED WONDERS (2019), which looks in particular at the town’s amazing communal process of re-plastering it. (For those outside the UK, it can also be seen in MALI GRAND MOSQUE PLASTER (2019)). (Image via brightcontinent)
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Just married a 23 year old Abed (Muslim groom) and 19 year old Arige (Christian bride) walk through the bombed ruins of Beirut, Lebanon, 1983.
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Grenfell Tower. London, August 2017. Literally a skeleton at the feast among  the rich of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. I’ve only seen glimpses of it from the tube until today. It really is a profoundly shocking thing to see. Two months on, very few of the surviving residents and their families have been rehoused and only a small amount of the donations and emergency funds have been distributed. If you want to help, check here for information on what is being organised.
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Richmond, VA - July 10, 2020 - Marcus David Peters Circle
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sriratch-a · 4 years
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Sonora House, Estado Libre y Soberano de Sonora, Mexico,
by Davit Jilavyan & Mary Jilavyan
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