srisha007-blog · 4 years
Assignment 4
This graph is unimodal, with its highest pick at 0-20% of breast cancer rate. It seems to be skewed to the right as there are higher frequencies in lower categories than the higher categories.
This graph is unimodal, with its highest pick at 0-1% of HIV rate. It seems to be skewed to the right as there are higher frequencies in lower categories than the higher categories.
This graph is unimodal, with its highest pick at the median of 55-60% employment rate. It seems to be a symmetric distribution as there are lower frequencies in lower and higher categories.
This graph plots the breast cancer rate vs. HIV rate for people with a high suicide rate. It shows that people with breast cancer are not infected with HIV.
Python Program
Created on Sun Oct 25 2015
@author: violetgirl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load gapminder dataset
data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv',low_memory=False)
# lower-case all DataFrame column names
data.columns = map(str.lower, data.columns)
# bug fix for display formats to avoid run time errors
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x:'%f'%x)
# setting variables to be numeric
data['suicideper100th'] = data['suicideper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
data['breastcancerper100th'] = data['breastcancerper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
data['hivrate'] = data['hivrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
data['employrate'] = data['employrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
# display summary statistics about the data
# print("Statistics for a Suicide Rate")
# print(data['suicideper100th'].describe())
# subset data for a high suicide rate based on summary statistics
sub = data[(data['suicideper100th']>12)]
#make a copy of my new subsetted data
sub_copy = sub.copy()
# Univariate graph for breast cancer rate for people with a high suicide rate
plt.xlabel('Breast Cancer Rate')
plt.title('Breast Cancer Rate for People with a High Suicide Rate')
# Univariate graph for hiv rate for people with a high suicide rate
plt.xlabel('HIV Rate')
plt.title('HIV Rate for People with a High Suicide Rate')
# Univariate graph for employment rate for people with a high suicide rate
plt.xlabel('Employment Rate')
plt.title('Employment Rate for People with a High Suicide Rate')
# Bivariate graph for association of breast cancer rate with HIV rate for people with a high suicide rate
plt.xlabel('HIV Rate')
plt.ylabel('Breast Cancer Rate')
plt.title('Breast Cancer Rate vs. HIV Rate for People with a High Suicide Rate')
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srisha007-blog · 4 years
Assignment 3
Output with Frequency Tables at High Suicide Rate for Breast Cancer Rate, HIV Rate and Employment Rate Variables Statistics for a Suicide Rate count   191.000000 mean      9.640839 std       6.300178 min       0.201449 25%       4.988449 50%       8.262893 75%      12.328551 max      35.752872 Number of Breast Cancer Cases with a High Suicide Rate # of Cases     Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq.  Cum. Percent  (1, 23]        18      33.96        18         33.96 (23, 46]        15      28.30        33         62.26 (46, 69]        10      18.87        43         81.13 (69, 92]         8      15.09        51         96.23      nan         2       3.77        53        100.00 HIV Rate with a High Suicide Rate      Rate     Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq.  Cum. Percent  0% tile        18      33.96        18         33.96 25% tile         8      15.09        26         49.06 50% tile        11      20.75        37         69.81 75% tile        12      22.64        49         92.45      nan         4       7.55        53        100.00 Employment Rate with a High Suicide Rate      Rate     Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq.  Cum. Percent        1        10      18.87        10         18.87        2        24      45.28        34         64.15        3         5       9.43        39         73.58        4        13      24.53        52         98.11        5         1       1.89        53        100.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Frequency Distributions I grouped the breast cancer rate, HIV rate and employment rate variables to create three new variables: bcgroup4, hcgroup4 and ecgroup4 using three different methods in Python. The grouped data also includes the count for missing data. 1) For the breast cancer rate, I grouped the data into 4 groups by number of breast cancer cases (1-23, 24-46, 47-69, 70-92) using pandas.cut function.   People with lower breast cancer rate experience a high suicide rate.   2) For the HIV rate, I grouped the data into 4 groups by quartile pandas.qcut function.   People with lower HIV rate experience a high suicide rate.   3) For the employment rate, I grouped the data into 5 categorical groups using def and apply functions: (1:32-50, 2:51-58, 3:59-64, 4:65-83, 5:NAN).   The employment rate is between 51%-58% for people with a high suicide rate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python Program """ Created on Sun Oct 18 2015 @author: violetgirl """ import pandas as pd # load gapminder dataset data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv',low_memory=False) # lower-case all DataFrame column names data.columns = map(str.lower, data.columns) # bug fix for display formats to avoid run time errors pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x:'%f'%x) # setting variables to be numeric data['suicideper100th'] = data['suicideper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['breastcancerper100th'] = data['breastcancerper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['hivrate'] = data['hivrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['employrate'] = data['employrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) # display summary statistics about the data print("Statistics for a Suicide Rate") print(data['suicideper100th'].describe()) # subset data for a high suicide rate based on summary statistics sub = data[(data['suicideper100th']>12)] #make a copy of my new subsetted data sub_copy = sub.copy() # BREAST CANCER RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate # include the count of missing data and group the variables in 4 groups by number of # breast cancer cases (1-23, 24-46, 47-69, 70-92) bc_max=sub_copy['breastcancerper100th'].max() # maximum of breast cancer cases # group the data in 4 groups by number of breast cancer cases and record it into new variable bcgroup4 sub_copy['bcgroup4']=pd.cut(sub_copy.breastcancerper100th,[0*bc_max,0.25*bc_max,0.5*bc_max,0.75*bc_max,1*bc_max]) # frequency for 4 groups of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate bc=sub_copy['bcgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False) # percentage for 4 groups of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate pbc=sub_copy['bcgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False,normalize=True)*100 # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for 4 groups of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate bc1=[] # Cumulative Frequency pbc1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in bc:    cf=cf+freq    bc1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    pbc1.append(pf) print('Number of Breast Cancer Cases with a High Suicide Rate') fmt1 = '%10s %9s %9s %12s %13s' fmt2 = '%9s %9.d %10.2f %9.d %13.2f' print(fmt1 % ('# of Cases','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(bc.keys(),bc,pbc,bc1,pbc1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) # HIV RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for HIV rate with a high suicide rate # include the count of missing data and group the variables in 4 groups by quartile function # group the data in 4 groups and record it into new variable hcgroup4 sub_copy['hcgroup4']=pd.qcut(sub_copy.hivrate,4,labels=["0% tile","25% tile","50% tile","75% tile"]) # frequency for 4 groups of HIV rate with a high suicide rate hc = sub_copy['hcgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False) # percentage for 4 groups of HIV rate with a high suicide rate phc = sub_copy['hcgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False,normalize=True)*100 # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for 4 groups of HIV rate with a high suicide rate hc1=[] # Cumulative Frequency phc1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in hc:    cf=cf+freq    hc1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    phc1.append(pf) print('HIV Rate with a High Suicide Rate') print(fmt1 % ('Rate','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(hc.keys(),hc,phc,hc1,phc1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) # EMPLOYMENT RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for employment rate with a high suicide rate # include the count of missing data and group the variables in 5 groups by # group the data in 5 groups and record it into new variable ecgroup4 def ecgroup4 (row):    if row['employrate'] >= 32 and row['employrate'] < 51:        return 1    elif row['employrate'] >= 51 and row['employrate'] < 59:        return 2    elif row['employrate'] >= 59 and row['employrate'] < 65:        return 3    elif row['employrate'] >= 65 and row['employrate'] < 84:        return 4    else:        return 5 # record for NAN values sub_copy['ecgroup4'] = sub_copy.apply(lambda row:  ecgroup4 (row), axis=1)         # frequency for 5 groups of employment rate with a high suicide rate ec = sub_copy['ecgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False) # percentage for 5 groups of employment rate with a high suicide rate pec = sub_copy['ecgroup4'].value_counts(sort=False,dropna=False,normalize=True)*100 # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for 5 groups of employment rate with a high suicide rate ec1=[] # Cumulative Frequency pec1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in ec:    cf=cf+freq    ec1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    pec1.append(pf) print('Employment Rate with a High Suicide Rate') print(fmt1 % ('Rate','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(ec.keys(),ec,pec,ec1,pec1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) # END
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srisha007-blog · 4 years
Assignment 2
Output with Frequency Tables at High Suicide Rate for Breast Cancer Rate, HIV Rate and Employment Rate Variables Statistics for a Suicide Rate count   191.000000 mean      9.640839 std       6.300178 min       0.201449 25%       4.988449 50%       8.262893 75%      12.328551 max      35.752872 Number of Breast Cancer Cases with a High Suicide Rate # of Cases   Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq. Cum. Percent 6.51          6      11.32          6        11.32 15.14         14      26.42         20        37.74 23.68          5       9.43         25        47.17 32.22          7      13.21         32        60.38 40.76          2       3.77         34        64.15 49.30          4       7.55         38        71.70 57.84          5       9.43         43        81.13 66.38          1       1.89         44        83.02 74.92          3       5.66         47        88.68 83.46          4       7.55         51        96.23   NA          2       3.77         53       100.00   HIV Rate with a High Suicide Rate Rate        Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq. Cum. Percent 0.03         39      73.58          6        11.32 2.64          4       7.55         20        37.74 5.23          2       3.77         25        47.17 7.81          0       0.00         32        60.38 10.40          0       0.00         34        64.15 12.98          2       3.77         38        71.70 15.56          1       1.89         43        81.13 18.15          0       0.00         44        83.02 20.73          0       0.00         47        88.68 23.32          1       1.89         51        96.23   NA          2       3.77         53       100.00   Employment Rate with a High Suicide Rate Rate        Freq.   Percent   Cum. Freq. Cum. Percent 37.35          2       3.77          6        11.32 41.98          2       3.77         20        37.74 46.56          7      13.21         25        47.17 51.14          8      15.09         32        60.38 55.72         16      30.19         34        64.15 60.30          4       7.55         38        71.70 64.88          5       9.43         43        81.13 69.46          2       3.77         44        83.02 74.04          3       5.66         47        88.68 78.62          3       5.66         51        96.23   NA          2       3.77         53       100.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Frequency Distributions Question 1: What is a number of breast cancer cases associated with a high suicide rate? The high suicide rate is associated with the low number of breast cancer cases.   Question 2: How HIV rate is associated with a high suicide rate? The high suicide rate is associated with the low HIV rate. Question 3: How employment rate is associated with a high suicide rate? The high suicide rate occurs at 55% of employment rate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python Program """ Created on Sun Oct 11 2015 @author: violetgirl """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np # load gapminder dataset data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv',low_memory=False) # lower-case all DataFrame column names data.columns = map(str.lower, data.columns) # bug fix for display formats to avoid run time errors pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x:'%f'%x) # setting variables to be numeric data['suicideper100th'] = data['suicideper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['breastcancerper100th'] = data['breastcancerper100th'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['hivrate'] = data['hivrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) data['employrate'] = data['employrate'].convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) # display summary statistics about the data print("Statistics for a Suicide Rate") print(data['suicideper100th'].describe()) # subset data for a high suicide rate based on summary statistics sub = data[(data['suicideper100th']>12)] #make a copy of my new subsetted data sub_copy = sub.copy() # BREAST CANCER RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate #print('frequency for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate') bc = sub_copy['breastcancerper100th'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=10) #print(bc) #print('percentage for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate') pbc = sub_copy['breastcancerper100th'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=10,normalize=True)*100 #print(pbc) # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate bc1=[] # Cumulative Frequency pbc1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in bc:    cf=cf+freq    bc1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    pbc1.append(pf) #print('cumulative frequency for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate') #print(bc1) #print('cumulative percentage for a number of breast cancer cases with a high suicide rate') #print(pbc1) print('Number of Breast Cancer Cases with a High Suicide Rate') fmt1 = '%s %7s %9s %12s %12s' fmt2 = '%5.2f %10.d %10.2f %10.d %12.2f' print(fmt1 % ('# of Cases','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(bc.keys(),bc,pbc,bc1,pbc1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) fmt3 = '%5s %10s %10s %10s %12s'   print(fmt3 % ('NA', '2', '3.77', '53', '100.00')) # HIV RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for HIV rate with a high suicide rate #print('frequency for HIV rate with a high suicide rate') hc = sub_copy['hivrate'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=7) #print(hc) #print('percentage for HIV rate with a high suicide rate') phc = sub_copy['hivrate'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=7,normalize=True)*100 #print(phc) # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for HIV rate with a high suicide rate hc1=[] # Cumulative Frequency phc1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in bc:    cf=cf+freq    hc1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    phc1.append(pf) #print('cumulative frequency for HIV rate with a high suicide rate') #print(hc1) #print('cumulative percentage for HIV rate with a high suicide rate') #print(phc1) print('HIV Rate with a High Suicide Rate') fmt1 = '%5s %12s %9s %12s %12s' fmt2 = '%5.2f %10.d %10.2f %10.d %12.2f' print(fmt1 % ('Rate','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(hc.keys(),hc,phc,hc1,phc1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) fmt3 = '%5s %10s %10s %10s %12s'   print(fmt3 % ('NA', '2', '3.77', '53', '100.00')) # EMPLOYMENT RATE # frequency and percentage distritions for employment rate with a high suicide rate #print('frequency for employment rate with a high suicide rate') ec = sub_copy['employrate'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=10) #print(ec) #print('percentage for employment rate with a high suicide rate') pec = sub_copy['employrate'].value_counts(sort=False,bins=10,normalize=True)*100 #print(pec) # cumulative frequency and cumulative percentage for employment rate with a high suicide rate ec1=[] # Cumulative Frequency pec1=[] # Cumulative Percentage cf=0 cp=0 for freq in bc:    cf=cf+freq    ec1.append(cf)        pf=cf*100/len(sub_copy)    pec1.append(pf) #print('cumulative frequency for employment rate with a high suicide rate') #print(ec1) #print('cumulative percentage for employment rate with a high suicide rate') #print(pec1) print('Employment Rate with a High Suicide Rate') fmt1 = '%5s %12s %9s %12s %12s' fmt2 = '%5.2f %10.d %10.2f %10.d %12.2f' print(fmt1 % ('Rate','Freq.','Percent','Cum. Freq.','Cum. Percent')) for i, (key, var1, var2, var3, var4) in enumerate(zip(ec.keys(),ec,pec,ec1,pec1)):    print(fmt2 % (key, var1, var2, var3, var4)) fmt3 = '%5s %10s %10s %10s %12s'   print(fmt3 % ('NA', '2', '3.77', '53', '100.00')) # END
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