sriwoodpolish · 2 years
How to Clean Laminate Floors
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Laminate floors have many advantages that make them be chosen for living rooms, dining rooms, and remodeling, among others. However, since nothing is perfect, cleaning these floors has its complications; but you have nothing to worry about because here you will find everything you need to know about how to clean laminate floors. We leave you the best tips and detailed steps to do it.
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Here we go,
Cleaning a laminate floor is not a big deal, you just need to know what is important and have the right items. That's why we did a detailed investigation of the products and tools you can and can't use to keep your laminate flooring looking like new. The first thing you need to know is that laminate floors and liquids (be it water or liquid cleaning products) are not good friends. With this first advice, we begin.
Cleaning fluids (as you choose)
vinegar (optional)
Isopropyl alcohol (optional)
A vacuum cleaner with hose and accessories
soft bristle broom
microfiber mop
Step by step to clean laminate floors
Don't forget that water and laminate flooring don't mix well. Therefore, to clean laminate floors follow these simple steps:
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Step 1: Start with dry cleaning
Dry cleaning on laminate floors is essential, as it allows you to keep the floor as free as possible of the dust grit that under shoes can scratch the floor. In addition, it reduces the use of water and liquids that can irreversibly damage your floor; for which it is suggested that this cleaning be carried out constantly on your floors.
For this cleaning, use a soft-bristled broom and a vacuum cleaner with a hose and accessories in combination. The broom allows you to keep the floor free of dust and the vacuum cleaner helps you to reach the most difficult places.
Vacuum to pick up large debris by turning the vacuum to its lowest setting, then sweeping away any remaining dust from the edges to the inside.
Once you're done sweeping, switch the vac to the hose so you can get into corners and tough places where the vacuum and broom couldn't reach.
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Step 2: Clean the floor with the microfiber mop
Once you have dry cleaned your laminate floors, use a microfiber mop moistened with the product of your choice (See “Choose the liquid to apply”) and mop the floor with this tool. It is important to keep in mind that the mop must be damp and not wet, if the microfiber mop contains a lot of water it is likely to cause damage to your floors.
Apply the selected liquid (See “Choose the liquid to apply”) preferably on a damp mop. If you apply it on the floor, keep in mind to use a small amount to avoid mistakes and problems.
Then pass the damp mop in one direction, making sure not to leave any unclean spaces and to clean all corners of the place.
Tip: Mop your floor with the damp microfiber mop in the direction you laid the floor, this way dirt is collected between the grooves and cleaning is more effective.
Step 3: Choose the liquid to apply
In order to properly choose the liquid that you are going to use to clean your laminate floors; Please note, common ceramic floor cleaning methods SHOULD NOT be used on laminate floors. Not only will it affect the inner layer causing it to swell, but you will lose the warranty on your laminate flooring.
The liquids that can be used to clean laminate floors are varied, both in brands, prices and results. And it's important to know that an expensive cleaner isn't always the best option.
Among the liquids that can be used, there are the cheapest (homemade), which include a mixture of hot water with vinegar; These liquids, in addition to being very economical, are sustainable with the environment, more than the aerosol of liquids for laminate floors.
To make it at home, just add the same amount of vinegar to half a liter of hot water. You can add isopropyl alcohol so that, in addition to keeping your floors shiny and clean, it helps keep them disinfected and prevents the proliferation of viruses.
There are also more expensive solutions (particularly for laminate floors). Among these, the most recommended is Black Diamond due to the high ratings of its users. It is suggested that if you are going to use this product, spray it on the mop and not on the floor directly. They have advantages over household cleaners, mainly in terms of odor and static control of laminate floors.
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Common Mistakes People Make When Cleaning Laminate Floors
To maintain your laminate floors and avoid frustration and mishaps, keep in mind that you should not :
Do not use steam cleaning; this is unnecessary on laminate floors and can cause irreversible damage to your floors.
Avoid cleaning your laminate floors with a traditional wet mop, it can leave a not-very-nice mark on your floor.
Refrain from the use of abrasives, and keep liquids and abrasive materials away from your laminate floors. They can cause unnecessary scratches and wear.
The liquids that you should not use on your laminate floors are: Soap and oil detergent, these products can cause deformations and delaminations that deform the floor.
Also, waxes and products that shine your laminate floors can instead dull the shine of your laminates.
Finally, do not use abrasive cleaners or chlorinated cleaners, these products remove the shiny finish from laminate floors and can stain the floor and change its color of the floor.
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Helpful tips
To conclude, we leave you with some final tips for the maintenance of your laminate floors, which you should not forget.
Clean laminate floors immediately after spilling any liquid on it.
Sweep and vacuum your floor frequently to keep it free of debris and dust.
Never slide heavy objects across your laminate floors, if you need to, place a rug under the object to slide it smoothly.
If you keep these steps and tips on how to clean laminate floors in mind, you will surely enjoy your beautiful, shiny floors for many years to come.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
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Surely you have or have ever had a melamine piece of furniture in your house. Have you ever considered painting melamine? Do you want to give your home a new look by transforming some furniture with paint, achieving a quality and long-lasting result, even in those made of melamine?
Melamine is a hard, heat-resistant plastic material that is normally used to cover furniture made with agglomerate wood. They are widely used because they are cheap and at the same time, the melamine coating gives them resistance.
However, if we want to paint any furniture made of this material, it is a real problem since melamine is a very non-adherent surface and the paints do not adhere well to it, which means that when painting it we must do it with the suitable procedure and materials, if we do not want the paint to come off the surface of the furniture after a short time. In addition, we are not only looking for a lasting result, but we also want a good finish and that the furniture looks good aesthetically because obviously our objective is to decorate.
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Well, in this tutorial we will explain how and with what you can do it, since painting melamine successfully (in quality and aesthetics) depends on two major factors: the procedure or technique you use to paint and the products you use in the process. Both are very important. Don't be fooled, it's useless to use the most suitable paint for melamine if you don't follow the technique to obtain a good result. And it is useless to follow all the steps perfectly if the products you use are not adequate. So take good note 😉
As almost always, you must prepare the surface to be painted. As it is melamine, a hard and smooth material, it is VERY important to prepare the surface so that the paint that we apply later holds as much as possible. No matter how good or suitable the paint or primer is, if you don't do this step right, it won't hold well. so take note: you must sand the entire surface to be painted with a fine abrasive sponge, with this we will be able to "open the pore" and thus provide more adhesion to the surface.
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Afterwards you should clean it well with a cloth soaked in a special plastic degreaser in order to remove the dust from sanding and what is more important: the grease that might be on the surface. Melamine is a plastic surface derived from petroleum and needs to be degreased with a special product that is sufficiently effective to ensure adhesion and at the same time not damage the material.
There are times when you can paint melamine without a primer. When? If the melamine furniture does not have a shine, with a good sanding and degreasing you will be able to open the pore and clean and it will not be necessary to apply a primer.
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If your melamine furniture has a shine, it is mandatory that you sand, degrease and apply a primer on the surface.
Although in most cases we will tell you that if you apply a primer on the surface, you will have a better adherence of the paint and also, since it is white and quite covering, it acts as a first coat that covers the background color and so on after the painting will not have to give so many hands. If this is the case, use a special primer that is capable of adhering strongly to this type of complicated surface, such as melamine.
In this case, I recommend using a primer for melamine and glossy surfaces because it has a good grip on smooth surfaces and at the same time it will create an adherent layer that is perfect for painting over. We apply a coat of primer and let it dry. Then we pass a fine sandpaper to leave the surface as smooth as possible, for this, with a 320 sandpaper or a fine abrasive sponge is sufficient. Then you should clean well by removing dust with a cloth.
With the primer dry and smooth, we can paint over it with the color we want. If we have put the primer we could use any paint, be it a plastic paint, a synthetic enamel or a lacquer. You can even paint melamine with chalk paint
If you have not applied the primer, then you will have to use a specific paint for melamine and that has sufficient adhesion power on this type of material. In this case, we will explain how to paint melamine with our Eggshell water-based enamel, with adherence to melamine and with the properties of an enamel since they are quite resistant paints and at the same time provide a fine and smooth finish that other paints cannot achieve. . In addition, the color chart is quite good and you will surely find the color that best suits the style you are looking for. And if you are not sure you can always ask us and we will help you.
You can also use lacquer spray paint with a personalized color where you can choose the color you want from the RAL chart and we will manufacture it in a spray.
As for the application of the paint, you can use a brush, roller, spray gun or spray. We will achieve the finish with the smoothest texture with the gun or the spray, as long as we know how to handle these tools well, if not, we recommend practicing a little beforehand, for example on cardboard or similar.
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However, the brush or roller option will also give you a good finish. In this case it is also very important that the brush or the roller are suitable for this case and that they are of good quality if you do not want the marks of the brush strokes or the roller to remain- To paint with a brush and get a good finish we can use a fine finishing brush and in the case of the roller, we will use a special microfiber one for enameling that leaves quite thin layers when applying the paint.
To apply the paint, if we use a brush or roller, we will give two or 3 coats without diluting. If the furniture is going to be exposed to the outside or humidity (for example the bathroom) it is advisable to give a fourth layer. When you finish, remember that the utensils must be washed with water.
If you are going to paint with a spray gun, dilute the paint in 15%-20% of water and in the case of spray paint, apply one or two coats directly to the surface. You can read if you want these tips for spray painting.
Once the paint is applied, you have it! Wait for it to dry well and… Furniture renovated to the test of years.
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In summary:
Painting melamine is possible with an acceptable quality
It is an easy process, without the need for technical knowledge
A very good aesthetic finish can be achieved
Transforming a piece of furniture with paint is an excellent option to give a new style to your home without spending a lot of money.
And all of the above you can achieve if you know how and with what.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
Installation and Maintenance of Vinyl Floors
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Vinyl floors are plastic coatings that continue to be the most versatile option in the construction, remodeling, and decoration market. Although traditionally these finishes have been recommended for spaces where there is not continuous traffic, the adaptation of these materials to new technologies has managed to provide significant improvements in their resistance and thus increase their versatility.
Decorating with vinyl flooring has become a very attractive option due to its easy installation and application to interiors.
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Types of vinyl floors
We highlight the following types of vinyl flooring . For its manufacture, we highlight those of no wax, urethane and improved urethane.
Non-wax floors. Recommended for areas with very little traffic, they present a moderate resistance to stains, scratches and other natural wear and tear from use. Its durability is a little less than urethane floors. They require constant washing and polishing for their luster.
Urethane floors. These are presented with a coating that is highly resistant to erosion and dirt. A traditional cleaning is enough to maintain its shiny appearance and a polishing from time to time.
Improved urethane floors. Its surface coating is highly durable, ideal for areas with high traffic. It resists stains, scrapes, scratches and more circumstances of use. They are repellent to dirt, keep their shine for a long time, practically the only maintenance they need is the usual sweeping or mopping, although it is also recommended to polish them from time to time if you also want to improve their luster.
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By its presentation, we can refer that there is a wide range of vinyl floors, both in size, design and practicality for installation.
Tiles. Presentation of floors in squares or rectangles. Due to their dimensions, they are easy to handle, although a little more laborious to install: each block needs to be leveled on the surface, keeping distance and symmetry with the other squares or rectangles, depending on the desired design.
Sheets or continuous floor. They are offered as rolls ranging from 6' to 12', making them ideal for coating large areas quickly. This translates into fewer joints between each sheet, which guarantees less water and humidity infiltration. Due to its dimensions, a professional in the field is required for its installation.
Tips for installation and maintenance
Choosing the right type of vinyl flooring. Depending on the traffic that the area to be coated presents, we will have to choose between one of the three finishes (non-wax, urethane and improved urethane). Making a good choice guarantees a longer life of the chosen coating.
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Prepare the surface to be coated. If it is a new work, it must be ensured that the levels, regularity and texture of the surface are suitable for the application of the plastic material. One of the advantages that vinyl flooring offers is that it can be adhered to other types of floors as long as its conditions allow it.
Cleaning. In addition to traditional sweeping and mopping, there will come a time when more specialized cleaning is required. The materials and techniques applied to wash vinyl floors will depend on the type of manufacture. Remember that there are three finishes that, depending on them, will require more or less periodic cleaning. In the same way, the techniques and products that are used will be selected according to the type of floor with which they are going to work.
Waxed vinyl floors. The sidewalks and application techniques that are chosen will also depend on their finish, and even on the density of traffic in the area. Products and machines will be used according to the degree of polishing to be obtained, to the extent that the coating material allows it.
work for professionals
Vinyl flooring is not easy to install, clean and polish. Although they can be carried out by anyone, the truth is that the result will depend on the choice of appropriate materials and techniques to carry out this work, which requires information and experience that are not always available to everyone.
It will always be advisable to leave the installation and maintenance of these floors in the hands of specialized professionals, since they have the capacity and full knowledge of the characteristics and factors that must be taken into account when installing these materials, such as the technical evaluation of the surface. , degree of humidity, water filtration, exposure to heat, expansion of materials, among others.
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In the same way, the cleaning and waxing of vinyl floors constitutes a job that must be carried out taking into account the applicable security measures, selection of cleaning products and types of wax, as well as the handling of polishing machines, information that can be provided by qualified personnel in this area.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
Decoration with wooden floors and their maintenance
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Hardwood floors are great for any home décor because of their many different colors, finishes, and styles. So keeping them in good condition is necessary to keep them looking perfect all the time.
Although its maintenance is not complicated, it does require specific care for its durability and good presentation . Many people consider that sweeping daily is more than enough, but if you want to keep them clean, without a single scratch and in perfect condition for longer, be sure to go to a professional . Next, we tell you what care they need.
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wood floor polishing
Wooden floors must be roughened to later sand them and leave the surface virgin and like new. They are healed by applying the repairs they need; an optional special stain for wood is applied and, once dry, a light coat of sealant, settling the floor with the hands to eliminate imperfections, splinters or residues that the sealant could have left.
Polishing offers a perfect finish for stave, plank, deck and parquet floors. The true professionals avoid the wear of the wood, leaving a shiny floor, of first quality.
It is advisable to hire a wood floor polishing service when the surface begins to scratch, stain or lose its texture and shine.
Finally, when we maintain our wooden floors, we improve the decoration and setting of our home or office.
Types of wood for floors
First of all, it is recommended to choose hardwood that will resist the inclement weather and the passage of time much better. These are some types of wood that you can find:
This type of wood is widely used for floors and furniture due to its warm and elegant appearance. Oak parquet gives your home a natural look and can fit into almost any interior style. We advise you to combine it with furniture made of the same material so that the warmth of the space increases considerably.
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It is a wood with a wide decorative potential. It is perfect for parquet due to its peculiar colour, which is made up of grayish brown with dark veins.
ash tree
One of the most used woods, especially for rooms where the light is opaque; Ash brings a touch of luminosity that gives a plus to any room. The clarity of its surface provides a smooth appeal to your home with excellent strength and durability.
This wood allows you to combine your spaces with current decorations. Its discreet pattern of fine rain gives any room an elegant and modern touch, great for minimalist decorations.
Pine tree
Another of the most used woods, it is perfect for rustic spaces. It has a romantic beauty with very marked veins, especially for old houses.
Decoration with wooden floors
Wooden floors have become a decoration classic and more and more people are opting for this option. You can place them in any room in your home.
One of the great advantages of wood is not only that it can be combined with any type of style and decoration , but also that it offers an unbeatable environment by itself . For both interiors and exteriors, the wooden planks will add a plus to the beautification of your home.
Especially the wood is long lasting giving a maintenance to polish the wooden floors.
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tropical style with wood
You can use wood to give your room an unbeatable tropical style. Simply, you must make sure that the furniture is in light tones, sofas with fine legs to highlight the beauty of the wood and some plants that provide the color tone that will enhance the place.
Classic style
As mentioned, oak is perfect for this style. Opt for oak furniture and a carpet in gray tones to finish giving a feeling of warmth and elegance.
modern and minimalist style
For this decoration we advise you to choose a beech floor, combining it with white or grayish blue furniture. Add little furniture with straight shapes and some transparent vase. The silver attachments will be perfect.
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intimate and elegant style
For a warm and exquisite home, pastel colors on the walls and carpets are recommended according to the color of the floor. It can be a light rug for dark floors or one in acid tones if your floor is light. This will give more balance to your spaces.
Wood will always provide a touch of exquisiteness , warmth and versatility and, as you have seen, it looks great with the style you choose for your home. Its daily maintenance is extremely simple and it is enough with a broom with soft bristles and a vacuum cleaner.
Remember that you must call a professional periodically to renew it, choose someone who is well familiar with polishing and varnishing wood . In this way you will have guaranteed that your wooden floors always look like new, giving your home an air of elegance and comfort that will make you love every space in it, not to mention that all your guests will be delighted with the decoration and attractiveness that they impregnate. to each stay.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
10 Basic Tips for Effective Woodworking
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Wood is a material that gives a lot of play when it comes to doing work with our own hands . It is possible to carry out real fancy things to decorate our house with simple furniture made from pallets , for example, boxes or other utensils with plates purchased for this purpose. However, it is a product that has its singularities and that requires some basic notions to start working with it.
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Tools and type of wood
Before starting to work with wood, we must take into account a series of basic prerequisites. First, we must know the tools we will need and the type of wood . Different kinds of wood have different hardnesses. This is the case of oak, which is quite strong, and if we do not have suitable utensils, we may not obtain the desired results.
Among the tools that we must have are  manual or electric saws , sandpaper , a countersink for the screws and accessories such as varnish or paint if we are finally going to choose to embellish it.
Work table and space
We must have a comfortable and spacious space in which to work with wood . This will also prevent possible accidents. It has to be a place inside the home where we can place a large table, where we can have our tools whenever we want. At the same time, we must anticipate that it will be a place that will get dirty with shavings and sawdust that is detached from the wood.
Sawing is one of the most widely used techniques with this material. We can choose between manual and electric saws. To get good results, the cut must be as precise as possible. To prevent unintentional mishaps, you must exercise caution.
If we use a saw and the cut is transversal, the ideal is to draw the line of what we are going to cut with a pencil . Then we must tilt the tool 45º on the board. When we are about to finish and to prevent the wood from splintering, it must be placed parallel and it must be cut slowly and smoothly.
In the case of having a jigsaw, it must be put into operation before the blade touches the wood, otherwise it will splinter or break . It is advisable that we keep the machine well attached, unless we trust our pulse a lot. This will stop it from vibrating and enable a precise cut.
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To nail
Before placing a nail, a screw or whatever, it is necessary to have taken the relevant measurements and make a mark. The most comfortable anchoring method is without a doubt a nail, however care must be taken while using them. We must bear in mind that they must be three times longer than the thickness of the wood that we are going to nail, because only in this way will they offer an appropriate hold. Also, if we are going to join two slats , they must be placed diagonally instead of straight.
To prevent the wood from cracking, the nails must be inserted away from the ends , which are the weakest and most prone to cracking areas. They must maintain a gap of at least two or three millimetres if we plan to place several.
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Another way to join wood is with screws. In these cases it is advisable to drill beforehand and always with a drill bit finer than the width of the screw so that it enters easily. It is advisable to countersink the area where the screw will be located so that it is well inserted and always flush with the board. Regarding its measurements, you will have to see the width of the parts to be joined and the resistance that they will support .
When using a drill it is advisable to protect the work table with a martyr . In this way, a poor finish is prevented and we prevent the surface from suffering damage.
If glue is preferred, it is essential to choose a wood-specific variety. There are various varieties, including white, which is the most popular and takes two hours on average to dry. There is also contact glue, but it is not used much in furniture or structures.
To put the pieces together, after having sanded them you have to glue both together and press them together with clamps or fasteners so that the glue acts properly .
The wood is normally planed and sanded so that it fits where it belongs. First you have to check the excess and, once we have marked it, we can use hand brushes or an electric sander . We must be careful not to splinter it.
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Sanding is the final touch to work on the piece of wood , because this is how we will leave it ready for varnishing or painting. There is a wide variety of tools for sanding, from electric machines for this purpose, to sponges or sandpaper of different thicknesses . This step is vital for the varnish or paint to look better or worse.
Before varnishing the wood, make sure that it is clean and free of traces of sawdust or dust from the sanding process. When we varnish we must especially insist on the edges, since it is the most fragile part of this material. We can give a couple of layers for greater protection and it is essential to repeat this process from time to time for the good conservation of the piece.
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As in the previous case,  the wood must be clean before painting it. We will have to buy paint suitable for wood and take a good look at the drying times and if several layers must be applied . In the case of wanting to give it a more modern touch, we can use colored sprays. It is a faster system although some areas may be less covered.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
How to polish wood? Tools, Products and Step by Step
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Having wooden furniture or floors requires that we make a frequent effort for its durability. This effort is due to the polishing work, so that the surface is more durable and has a better finish. To have perfect wooden surfaces you have to pay attention to this explanation of how to polish wood .
Wood polishing tools and products
Actually, there are not many tools and products needed to polish wood, usually you need:
Electric polisher or grinder, with an MDF disc.
Wax remover.
microfiber cloths
Steel wool, the finest that exists #0000.
The next to polish or polish.
Wood polish in Chennai
How to polish wooden furniture step by step?
There are two ways to polish wooden furniture, one is using an electric machine, which is a quick procedure, and the other is by hand, here is how to do it with a grinder:
Clean the wooden surface.
Place the MDF disc in the grinder.
Begin polishing the surface in small areas using circular motions.
After having polished the entire surface, this will be very dirty; we proceed to clean the table of all remains.
With this procedure the surface is smooth and is ready to paint if desired.
It is recommended to polish calmly, so you can see how the work looks and if it is being done well. It also serves to see how the wood will look with the first layer.
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Polish wood by hand
Without a polisher it is also possible:
The first thing is to clean the surface; there can be no dirt residues because they will be sealed.
Rub the wood with wax remover.
Sand with the pad all the imperfections, such as stains.
Take a microfiber cloth and moisten it using in the polish. It is important to rotate the cloth so that it evenly absorbs the product.
Then pass the cloth over the surface to start polishing until completing the first layer.
Repeat until you get the number of layers you want.
How to polish wooden floors?
You should polish from the opposite side of the room door, so you don't get caught waiting for the polish to dry. It is important to do it in the form of rows.
Spread a little polish on the area to be started, then rub the area with a mop. It is important not to use too much polish at once, as this can cause stains on the walls due to splashes.
When passing a first full coat, it must be sanded and a second coat must be passed. The final coat is left unsanded.
It is important not to use the room to achieve the best finish, so furniture cannot be placed for at least 24 hours.
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Benefits of polishing wood
Protection: generates greater protection on the wood, since it prevents it from rotting. That is why it is recommended to do it with wooden surfaces that are outdoors or constantly humid places.
Cleaning: the surface of the furniture or floor looks much cleaner, which makes for a neater environment.
Appearance: gives a better appearance to the wood.
No stains: removes stains from the wood.
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sriwoodpolish · 2 years
Tips for treating wood: sanding, varnishing and polishing
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The treatment of wood is essential to enjoy the properties of this material for many years and to achieve the best results on this type of surface:
·         On some occasions, the treatment is necessary to highlight the finish of some surfaces , as in the case of sanding, which favors the enhancement of textures and reliefs.
·         In others, the main objective is to prepare the surface for the subsequent process , which can include varnishing and finishing.
Almost all manufacturing activities, related to the wood and varnishing sector, carry out surface treatments in which sanding plays a key role in achieving the desired finish of the final surface. It is something that manufacturers of: wood carpentry, furniture , parquet, bathroom and kitchen furniture, moldings, profiles, boards or doors are familiar with, but also manufacturers of coffins, containers, carpentry, lacquers, etc.
The treatment of wood is essential to achieve the best results and keep its properties intact
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What are the most important wood treatments
The different wood treatments related to sanding, varnishing and polishing can have different purposes:
·         One of them is to clean the wooden surface and eliminate superficial defects , as well as eliminate the peel or wood fiber.
·         Sometimes it is also possible to create the necessary surface roughness for a correct anchorage of the applied subsequent varnish, as well as giving the surface a soft, smooth and pleasant touch.
·         In some cases, sanding the wood is useful to enhance some of its parts ; for example, in the rusticated effect that can be seen on many surfaces intended for furnishing commercial stores.
The most important wood treatments are to: eliminate defects, create surface roughness for the varnish to anchor and enhance some of its parts.
Wood treatment: keys to rehabilitate it
From the point of view of sanding , and without going into detail about the type of machine tool used for this operation, there are some basic considerations to take into account for the correct treatment of wood:
·         Always do it on dry surfaces. Do not sand wood surfaces that are damp or wet. The moisture present in the wood fibers prevents the fibers from remaining raised and can be easily removed during the sanding operation. In addition, the generated dust becomes a kind of putty that clogs and saturates the abrasive grains.
·         The lowest possible pressure. Apply as little sanding pressure as possible to avoid poor and uneven finishes. Sanding that is carried out with excessive pressure makes it possible to have shiny, polished areas of the piece that are soft to the touch, but with non-uniform roughness that will result in inhomogeneous colors in the tinting phase. In the same way, we can find anchoring problems for the varnish if the sanded surface has been polished by excessive pressure.
·         The right tool-abrasive. If we want to enhance the different finishes of the wood and its texture with soft and hard veins, it is recommended to sand the surface with an abrasive tool whose contact area with the piece adapts to the surface, and cushions the sanding operation, avoiding planning the work zone. If, on the other hand, we want to leave a smooth and flat surface, then it will be necessary to use abrasive tools whose contact area with the piece is rigid and hard in order to level the work area.
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Related reading: Learn to choose the best tools for wood according to your needs
·         Abrasive tool speed. In any sanding operation the speed of the abrasive tool is key. If we increase the sanding speed, the level of finish improves; on the contrary, if the sanding movement is slow, the level of finish is poor.
·         Sanding pressure. We must bear in mind that sanding pressure and sanding speed are related to each other. We must not exert great pressure on the surface and at the same time do it with a very fast movement.
How to polish varnished wood
Polishing wood is not a task that is carried out in a common way, and it is usually done only in very specific situations.
The polishing operation consists of restoring the appearance and shine of a surface that has been previously treated or sanded to eliminate surface defects of the finish. What is it characterized by?:
·         It is done on the finished piece, that is, on the finishing varnish layer .
·         It is here that defects in the form of streaks, attached dust specks, pits, etc. are identified. The first step is to remove them through selective sanding with 1,000 or 1,500 grit sandpaper.
·         Next, and with the help of the abrasive roughing paste, we eliminate the scratches generated by the abrasive. The result is a nuanced and blurred surface.
·         Finally, and with the help of a shine recovery paste, polish the affected surface to recover its initial appearance.
The polishing operation consists of restoring the appearance and shine of a surface that has been previously treated to avoid its defects.
Wood polish in Chennai
Products to achieve the best wood finishes
The solutions in terms of abrasives to treat wood are very diverse, and depend on the format of the product that we are going to use in the sanding operation. The most common formats are:
1. Regarding custom-made abrasive belts:
·         Wide belts for flat sanders
·         Long narrow belts for stationary belt sanders
·         Short narrow belts for auxiliary sanders
·         Belts for portable sanders
2. Abrasive discs and sheets:
Wide range of products with different types of mineral: aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, zirconium and ceramic; and different types of support: paper, film, abrasive mesh and sponge.
3. Abrasive rolls
With different types of support for sanding by hand or with an orbital clamp sander: flexible papers and fabrics, rigid papers and fabrics, sponge rolls, non-woven fiber rolls, etc.
4. Abrasive sponges
Block type, flat and extra flat for manual sanding.
5. Abrasive pastes
For roughing, polishing and shine of treated surfaces.
6. Abrasive brushes and abrasive mesh wheels
For sanding profiles, moldings and parts with pronounced reliefs.
Wood polishing service in Chennai
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sriwoodpolish · 3 years
Sri Wood Polish provides a whole range of Wood Finishes for Wooden Doors, Windows, Cupboards, shelves, Wood Furniture for House Hold etc. Process of republishing of Wooden Articles typically include sanding and wiping of the area followed by application of Polish in the desired color.
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sriwoodpolish · 3 years
We strongly believe in building long-term professional relationships with our valued customers and provide them with best in class services through our team of professionals. We believe in customer delight and always strive to expand our service portfolio with latest styles, best products, new technologies and latest equipment in the polishing industry.
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sriwoodpolish · 3 years
We strongly believe in building long-term professional relationships with our valued customers and provide them with best in class services through our team of professionals. We believe in customer delight and always strive to expand our service portfolio with latest styles, best products, new technologies and latest equipment in the polishing industry.
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sriwoodpolish · 3 years
We excel in providing polishing services for all types of furniture, doors, windows, artefacts and wooden fittings. Whether your home is traditional, contemporary or your own unique design, wooden doors & windows will enhance its high quality. We ensure that our professional Painters use best quality products as per the type of the wood being polished.
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