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In love with dis song<3
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I’m afraid that if I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away  
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i need u → run 
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will you stop time if this moment passes, as though it hadn’t happened?
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인기가요 Inkigayo (20151206)
방탄소년단(BTS)’s Butterfly Stage
Honestly my fave stage of Butterfly so far~ <3 
What do you think? @kyungsooftw
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BTS Butterfly
I combined the two versions of Butterfly.
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my heart :c
Lost Boy
[Taehyung] This is just something that I’ve had in my drafts for a little over a month, but I really like the way it came out, and I’ll continue it soon c:
Warning; Triggers of [ alcoholism, violence, basically what I Need U had in the original version ]
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I thought that I could help them. I thought that I could save them from having to see me suffer, seeing me slowly deteriorate as a person in front of them, seeing me as the monster I really was..
I did it because I loved them, they were my family.
That’s why I jumped.
Alcoholism isn’t just an addiction, it’s not just a disease, it becomes  your life, and it impacts everyone in your life. I can’t even count all the times he threw money at me and told me to get a batch of cold ones. I even thought about running away at times, taking that money and getting on the first bus I could find..
But I knew better than that.
It happened often, the screaming fits, the swings he would through at my mother. I’m not entirely sure what happened.. It was one time too many and I can’t believe I waited as long as I did to do something about it. It all unfolded within seconds, marks of red staining my vision.
There were screams, deep breathes, tensing of muscles, long intense stares.
Before I could even comprehend what was happening, my father was bleeding out on the floor, my mother was cowering in fear in the corner, in denial of what her little boy had just done. I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t like this.. The only times he acknowledged me was when he had alcohol flowing through his veins,  accompanied by his blood curdling screams. The grip he always held onto his bottles was just enough to scare me as a child, but as the beatings grew worse, I grew stronger inside, but no one knew that.
I somehow lingered to the abandoned pool in the woods. It was a peculiar area, but it was quiet, it was away from prying eyes, it was away from everything.
Time stood still as the skin on my fingers began to prune up from the amount of blood that stained my hands, the blood of my father. I tried washing it off with water, but no matter how hard I scrubbed, how much water I poured onto myself, I could still feel every drop as if it seeped into my skin.
“What.. what have I done..” I whispered out loud. I said it over and over again as everything began to click in my head. My hands trembled as my words grew unstable, only muttering out choppy vowels.
I had the impulse to call him up, and I reached into my pocket and did just that.
“Hyung.. I miss you.. I want to see you..”
I washed off as much blood as I could, trying to rid myself of what I had just done. I didn’t want to think about it.
Shuffling over to the hub of our hangout, they came.
When I wasn’t at home, they were my family. They helped me forget about all the pain, all the fear that home had attached to it. I felt that being on the streets was more welcoming than that hell hole. I was a changed person, but I couldn’t let them see that.
It was like any other day. We joked, we laughed, we teased each other. It was as genuine as could be. The group  was comprised of the closest friends I’ve ever had. There was Jungkook who was the youngest of us all. He was quite the rascal, always pushing the envelope with us. There was Jimin who was the closest of age to me, only a couple months apart. Man, that guy and I had some of the best of times. We were like two peas in a pod. There was Namjoon. He was an intense guy, not afraid to see the world for everything it was, not leaving even a single detail out. Yoongi was the lazy bum of our group. Taking every chance he got to get comfortable in any position he could get. Next was Hoseok. The only way to describe him was a literal ray of sunshine. Regardless of what mood you were in, he was the guy to make you smile.
The last one of our group was Jin.
With him being the oldest, he had a habit of taking care of us. Paying for our meals whenever he had the chance, lending us his jacket if we were too cold, making sure no one was left out of anything. He was a little bit jealous of the younger ones in the group, and he took the extra precaution to ensure that we had the best of times while we were still young.
There was an expression he used pretty often towards us, and he almost sounded like a broken record player with the repetitiveness of it.
“Don’t take this time for granted. These years are the most beautiful moments in life.”
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Finally I can post the next piece in the winter series. Please enjoy cookie baking Jin with silly girlfriend! ^^
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150621 V’s Tweet 
수고해쏘 http://t.co/O3L0QiY6f2
You’ve worked hard
Trans cr; Mary @ bts-trans ©TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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Realmente no puedo idealizar a alguien enamorado de mí. No me puedo imaginar a alguien pensando en mí antes de acostarse, o hablándole a sus amigos acerca de mí con una sonrisa tonta. No puedo imaginar a nadie por las nubes solo porque le dije "hola" o algo similar. No me puedo imaginar a alguien sonriendo a la pantalla del ordenador cuando está hablando conmigo. No sé, simplemente no puedo.
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No es como si no te necesitara justo ahora, solo que estas muy lejos y de la mano con otra persona.
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No lloro de triztesa... es el viento que sopla muy fuerte.
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Quisas debi tratarte mejor mientras te tuve.
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¿Y si te pones en mi lugar y ves lo que siento?
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