sshardassanderson · 5 years
RORY: She's the one who went after that psychopath. If anyone was going to get killed, it wou| [DELETED]
RORY: I didn't.
RORY: And you're alive.
DARE: Thank you, Rory.
DARE: You shouldn’t have, but I’m really fucking glad you did.
DARE: I think we’re even on life debts now.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
RORY: Charlie was fine. Eliana had her.
RORY: I wasn't going to let you die.
DARE: You certainly could’ve tried. It wouldn’t have been hard.
DARE: You could’ve gotten yourself killed...
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: I know we are. Maybe that's why it's strange to remember that there are those differences in our lives. The only hierarchy I knew about was me/Hunter/Sebastian > The Founding Families > The Northsiders > and so on (I know how snobby that sounds).
QUINN: Your fa-- Bru--
QUINN: He already did what he wanted just because my mother paid him to. He never had a reason to do anything to me in the past. Why would he care that you and I talk to each other?
QUINN: Darius. I'm sure other people have told you this and i'll just be another drop in the bucket but he-
QUINN: God. Stop being so afraid to say his name! [DELETED]
QUINN: /Bruce/ isn't your family.
QUINN: He may be your father biologically but that doesn't mean anything. He's not your family. Blaine, Charlie, Caroline and Christopher, the Serpents, they're your family. And since friends are family too, then so am I. But him? He's nothing.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: Good. That's good. I think he may have been worried about becoming like him because of the way he was raised but I know as well as you do, or at least as well as you're starting to, that we don't have to become the worst versions of ourselves.
QUINN: I-- I wasn't.. I didn't mean..
QUINN: I'm sorry.
QUINN: It wasn't my place to ask.
DARE: It’s not that, Quinn. You’re more than welcome to ask. We’re friends.
DARE: With so much going on I’m just terrified that someone’s gonna hear about you talking to me and...
DARE: It’s bad enough my family hurt you once.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: Thank you for not saying his na- [DELETED]
QUINN: Aw, the president and the VP. There's something sweet about that. But I can absolutely understand that there's a system in place. It actually sounds like it's a bit more organized than the Ghoulies have it where they all kind of do what they want and simply have one maniac above them.
QUINN: This is probably a stupid question but i'm guessing they aren't in contact? Him and his brother? I know how dangerous Derek is and his vendetta against you. I don't think Elliott would do anything to put you in harm's way but I also don't doubt that Derek would use whatever he could including familial relations to get close.
QUINN: I knew you wouldn't but you never know if someone just took some frustrations out on another person or what but at least it sounds like you knew what happened.
DARE: I don’t think so. I’ve known Elliott for a really long time and he can’t stand Derek.
DARE: Quinn. This is gonna sound shitty and I don’t mean it to be, but try not to get involved in gang shit.
DARE: If you got hurt I’d [DELETED]
DARE: I don’t want you to get hurt while I’m trying to find Judy.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: Don't need to prove it. I know it and that's all that matters.
QUINN: Because you've told me plenty of times how wrong I am so I have a lot to make up for.
QUINN: A dic-- I'm not even going there.
QUINN: I guess the same thing typically applies in the military as well. You can't exactly disobey a higher officer without something being done. Is he really Derek's brother?
QUINN: Why do I find that hard to believe?
QUINN: So it's like a system that you have? It's not just like, you're the leader so everyone is even and just listens to you?
DARE: Its a ranking system like a police force or whatever. When B—my father ran things it was more like a dictatorship. It’s a system like government. Charlie’s second in command or the VP. Elliott is just another person.
DARE: He’s not a prospect, like a newbie trying to become a serpent, and he has seniority. But he can’t be telling someone off like Eliana (I guess like a lieutenant or something if you wanna be political)?
DARE: He is Derek’s brother, yeah. Half brother. I know their mother. She’s a dancer at the burlesque club.
DARE: I don’t ruthlessly order blackening someone’s eyes if that makes sense.
DARE: I dunno how much better I could explain it other than “Elliott was being an ass and someone was gonna kick his ass”
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: And yes something tells me that you like it very much, no matter how much you pretend it's just a show that Charlie watches and nothing else.
QUINN: You know, you're a really good man too, Darius. Thank you.
QUINN: Of course, I wouldn't ask. Though I did hear through the grapevine something about his boyfriend leaving him. I guess alcohol is one of those ways to drown out the pain of losing someone who meant the world to you. The unfortunate thing with alcohol is it never lasts and the hangover is always waiting there with all those hurt feelings.
QUINN: I'm sure you'll find this shocking but I actually haven't been in that situation before :) But I can imagine. He didn't listen to the cop and there was a consequence for it.
DARE: Nonsense. You can’t prove that.
DARE: Not as good a man you seem to think I am... [DELETED]
DARE: Yeah. You say that a lot.
DARE: It’s unfortunate. I don’t blame the guy for getting shitfaced. But I do blame him for not listening when he was told not to act like a dicknoodle and he did anyway.
DARE: I’m not gonna tolerate any superiority bullshit. But Eliana was trying to make sure he didn’t get hurt and he was bell...[FUCK ME, DELETES - RE-TYPES] he was an ass and rude and shit so she knocked him down.
DARE: You’ve never pissed on a cop? Me neither 👀
DARE: I’m not policing people but you’d better believe if I told him he had enough to drink and he told me to fuck off I’d have to kick his ass.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: Since New Year's Eve, let's not play. I'm guessing that's a television show? I don't want tv.
QUINN: You're something else but I very clearly do approve of the whole threesomes thing.
QUINN: They wouldn't have and I know that. Regardless how either of us feel about children, we all talked about it and this is our baby. Not Hunter's, Not Sebastian's, ours. They would have never walked away from that. They're good men, even if they question it from time to time.
QUINN: Oh... I see. I was worried because just blatantly beating someone up for no reason didn't sound likes something you would have approved.
DARE: It is. A very sappy one at that.
DARE: I’m truly glad you’ve got them supporting you. Because if not I’m telling you I’d smack some guys into the ground like the hand of god.
DARE: No. definitely not. I’ll skimp on the details because Elliott’s probably embarrassed but he was being an asshole and needed to be stopped. He was asked repeatedly to cut his shit out.
DARE: The situation was more like you’re out being a drunk idiot and a cop tells you to sit down and instead of listening you piss on the cop and he arrests you.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: Do you watch movies with pregnant women very often? I never knew you had such a soft heart 😂
QUINN: I think a lot of problems can come up when boyfriends and girlfriends don't recognize that looking isn't the same as touching. I know both Hunter and Sebastian look -- I know I look -- but at the end of the day, touching is ours.
QUINN: That's the thing. I know they would never have backed out. I think I was just scared that I was ruining their lives because, although it took me a little while to admit it, I knew as soon as Dr. Lopez told me I was pregnant, that I wanted to keep it. But I really appreciate the back up.
QUINN: I was talking to Elliott the other day and he said that he had disrespected someone higher than him and he got two black eyes out of it? Is that really a thing?
DARE: I have a fiancé you know. She likes that kinda stuff. It’s unfortunate but I’ve seen every episode of This Is Us.
DARE: I can agree with that. I just hope there’s some threesomes in our future.
DARE: I mean you didn’t get pregnant by yourself so they’d be epic assholes to just bail on you.
DARE: Not...exactly. Normally there’s not really any disrespect. And if there is we just deal with it. There’s definitely a hierarchy in place, so if someone spat in my face I’d beat their ass.
DARE: So I guess it’s probably less /disrespect/ and more probably Elliott was being shitty and didn’t want to admit it.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: True but who wants to really climb all the way into a hot tub every time they need to relax? There are honestly wonderful and the one for sleep smells amazing! I especially love the scent of lavender.
QUINN: Haha. Well, I'd never want you to feel badly but even in a relationship, eyes will wander. There's nothing wrong with looking at a painting in the Art Museum but security would definitely be called if you touched.
QUINN: Hunter and Sebastian are doing well, thank you for asking. We're all kind of finding our normalcy again. I had a moment of weakness after my first OBGYN appointment. I thought I was doing the right thing and gave them the choice to walk away if they wanted to. It was likely the worst 72 hours of my life. Hormones make you crazy apparently.
QUINN: Hey, I don't know a lot about the Serpent thing but can I ask you something?
DARE: I mean...I’d love a good hot tub soak. But I get your point. I really hope it helps. Like every movie with pregnant women I’ve ever seen says they have sore feet.
DARE: I don’t have any intention of touching. But I can’t help but look. I’m an ass man through and through.
DARE: Holy shit. Man if they’d of backed out I’d of beaten both their asses. Not in the sexy way either.
DARE: Anything, Q.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
QUINN: You are something else, you know that? I love my gift and I have a feeling it's going to get a /lot/ of use over the next couple months. Really, thank you so much.
QUINN: How are you doing? How is life being an engaged man?
DARE: No problem. I thought it might help even though I’m pretty sure you have like, a hot tub in the house.
DARE: Engaged life is weird. Now when I check out someone’s ass I feel bad.
DARE: How are the baby daddies doing?
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
As if there’s any other man in my life that could possibly be best man over my brother. That being said I have no idea what we’re gonna do...
I’m also freaking out a bit.
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I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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I still can’t believe you asked her and she said yes! I mean, of course, I knew she was going to say yes and I knew you were going to ask her. But Oh My Godness, Dare! You’re getting married! There is going to be another wedding but the best wedding because it’s your wedding! Please don’t deprive me of being your best man by doing a courthouse wedding or eloping. I’ve been waiting for the day you and Charlie get married my entire life.
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
Thanks so much, Jane. I’m still mind blown that she even said yes. To be honest, she thought I was fucking with her at first.
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I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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Yes, we can, because this announcement seems like it’d be a happier one. Congratulations to the both of you!
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
I mean long story short, I got her siblings back from some terrible people and I asked her to marry me. And she said I needed to be SURE first! While we were recording!
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I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
Ball buster. How dare you.
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I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
Thanks man I’m so fucking stoked.
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I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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I bloody well knew she would say yes cause you are like a god among men. Congrats boss man!
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sshardassanderson · 5 years
I mean I do have a lot of Serpent announcements but can we all take a moment to appreciate that not only did I ask Charlie to marry me, but she said yes?
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