stanchez-shipper · 6 months
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GRANDPA LOVES YOU DUMBASS *smacks dumbass in the head*
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stanchez-shipper · 6 months
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my wife ///0///
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stanchez-shipper · 6 months
Just coincidentally, I was talking to @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez, and he mentioned the fact that Evil Morty had a ‘Chekov’s Gun’. As soon as I saw the words, my brain immediately made some connections based on the events of ‘Rickmurai Jack’, ‘Full Meta Jackrick’, and ‘Unmortricken.’ 
First of all, I remembered making this post about the metaverse goggles in ‘Full Meta Jackrick.’ In the post, I was talking more about the device labeled ‘Foreshadowing’, which I thought could potentially show up in the future and make the glimpse we get of it in that episode a fun easter egg. Now, my focus is on how the devices and their labels coincide with the events of ‘Unmortricken.’ 
Let’s look at the Devices pictured: 
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We have Checkov’s Guns, Foreshadowing, Ticking Clock, and Action Enhancer. (There are other devices that can be seen in the scene that are difficult to read. The one in the corner is labeled ‘Gratuitous Violence’.) Thinking about the events that took place in the Prime fight, these things may have come into play. While we didn’t see the exact Foreshadowing device pictured used in the fight, it did pique my interest that the device seems to be pointed at the Chekov’s Guns display. The Ticking Clock being placed above the Foreshadowing device also made me realize just how much that parallels the use of the Omega Device as it’s shown in ‘Unmortricken’.  Think about it… The reveal of the Omega Device is already being used as a method of Foreshadowing, Slow Mobius was lowered into the Omega Device from above while using his powers to slow the moment down (hence, Ticking Clock being a device used to create suspense), and at the end– when handed over to Evil Morty– the schematics become a Chekov’s Gun with a promise to return. Their placements parallel the events of the fight scene, even down to the blatant Gratuitous Violence! (I’ll admit, I don’t have an obvious placement for Action Enhancer yet, unless you count the Kill Bot drones/giant Diane Bots… I guess Evil Morty does ride one like a motorcycle!)
You don't show an Omega Device without erasing someone important to the audience from infinity, if you know what I mean.
I was having a lot of thoughts, and some of these branched off into different connections about Evil Morty and his exit, especially with the previous assumption/symbolism in mind. He looks at Rick and says the following: 
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2 things I thought of:
1.) This feels like a threat, not just an exit.  It makes a lot of sense to interpret this as a future promise of betrayal. The fact that Evil Morty has to remind Morty Prime that they’re not friends makes me think he could come back to specifically stab Morty Prime (or Mortys) in the back, especially since he tends to dislike ‘sellout’ Mortys. Saying he could ‘use’ Rick for being ‘different’ makes me wonder if ‘ending the Rick Experiment’ could be synonymous with putting himself or another Morty in the Omega Device and eliminating the toxic relationship between Ricks and Mortys for good. Does acknowledging Rick is ‘different’ and useful imply that Evil Morty could use another life for leverage using the Omega Device in the future to get C-137 to do what he wants? (Not sure he’d erase himself since he references the vengeful Summers thing, but who knows?)
The events of ‘Full Meta Jackrick’ support this sub-theory, as well. Another post I made after the airing of ‘Full Meta Jackrick’ (here) talked about how I suspected Mr. Twist’s interaction with Morty (where he acknowledges Morty is the plot twist) might have actual weight to it.
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If you remember, one of the BIG moments of ‘Full Meta Jackrick’ was this one right here: 
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I think Rick emphasizing the importance of Morty’s existence is major foreshadowing. Not to mention, Rick tries to ban Morty from accompanying him to the Prime fight. More acknowledgment that Morty is very important to Rick. Being able to tie all of these elements back to a single episode AND Evil Morty’s arc would work quite well in terms of storytelling. 
2.) What is the ‘Rick Experiment’? I think that the Rick Experiment might just be Morty’s existence. Especially since we know our Rick was a founding father of the Citadel/Curve, it seems plausible that Mortys would be the central ‘Rick Experiment’ (created to be the perfect sidekick; obey them; keep them company; hide their brain waves; prove they could create life across infinity when the Omega Device can destroy it; and– for C-137 and others– there’s the added benefit in the search for Prime). I’ve even wondered who Ricks are trying to hide their brainwaves from while on the CFC, and I think that who might’ve been Prime. This theory would explain why Rick is holding Morty so triumphantly in that photo in Birdperson’s house in ‘Get Schwifty’ AND how Rick knew a Morty baby in general. 
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We have to keep in mind that Evil Morty not only told our Morty about the Morty Trade in the first place, but also that he's probably the most knowledgeable (outside of C-137 or what's left of the Council) about the Morty Trade/ Rick Experiment in general, whatever that turns out to be.
This was essentially me throwing theories at a wall to see what sticks, so all of this could be nothing! Just some big food for thought, lol.
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stanchez-shipper · 6 months
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i am but a weak man who gives into fandoms at a whim
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stanchez-shipper · 8 months
Xi just chilling since im free from midterms
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stanchez-shipper · 8 months
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running from the feds
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stanchez-shipper · 8 months
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If Rick was from Bird Person’s home world
(OBVI he’d be a crowperson)
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stanchez-shipper · 8 months
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Treating yourself to a toxic sludge retox 😊 ignore the bubbles
Spooktober day 1  Prompt: Toxic
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
hey siri play I’m not in love 10cc / for @enigma-in-reality
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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Wallet photo (maybe don’t take a baby to a bar)
Used a tea wash to admonish old age, like something Rick would have old and worn in his wallet. I read a comic of Rick and Morty where there’s a pawn shop that takes huge payments in the form of sentimental Morty gifts. Like photos or birthday cards to Rick. It was such a cute and weird notion that I had to draw it. Lol
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
Ricksona jumpscare, might make a blog just for this smelly silly fella
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
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Look how far we’ve come
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stanchez-shipper · 1 year
Hello, I am Rick B-1Q. I got sober around 20 years ago and have been doing bounty hunting as a hobby ever since. I have adopted my own mismatched Smith family who you will meet soon. Good to meet you all, I am the definition of fuck around and find out.
(used art_and_chaos insta art style)
I will post a full backstory of my Alternate rick in the future! Along with his family, hope you all look forward to it!
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