stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Yeah. You're right, dude.
Daily Check-up #5
-How's your mental health?
Somewhat stable. And I hope it says that way.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
I respect your virginity, Stan.
What are you trying to say? You want to take my virginity?
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
I agree. But aren't you his best friend 🤔
Daily Check-up #5
-How's your mental health?
Somewhat stable. And I hope it says that way.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Daily Check-up #5
-How's your mental health?
Somewhat stable. And I hope it says that way.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Daily Check-up #4
-Have you ever gone to the park?
No. . . I haven't. . . I don't like going public spaces alone. I can take Sparky with me but it can still trigger some anxiety.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Ya like thighs?
I like feel? But Kyle has a nice as tho🤤
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Daily Check-up #3
-What are you up today?
I was thinking about watching that Netflix show that everyone is talking about. I think its called HeartStoppers? It's gay but might as well. I'm bored because I can't go back to school yet.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Ya like thighs?
I like feel? But Kyle has a nice as tho🤤
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Daily Check-up #2
-Do you know your loved?
No, I didn't but thank you
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Omg it's my twins ex!!!!! I'm her twin, Wendy testicleburger, idk why she'd date a guy like u but y'know, to each our own I guess.
blinks a few time SHE HAD A TWIN!?!??
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
Daily Check-up #1
-How are you feeling today?
How am I today?. . . No ever. . . Ask me that in a while. . . Well I'm feeling. . . Okay? I don't feel like killing myself so that's going. I feel. . . At peace. If I can say that.
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
It’s awesome being happy without you, Stan.
Well, hello to you too, Eric
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
*blushes madly and looks away* Go-good one, Kyle
What it's like being happy without me?
No good really
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
So... How's it been? I'm shocked that you came back but I'm quite happy you are here. With me *smiles stupidly*
*laughs* I'm doing okay, I guess. It feels weird but I guess I have to get use to coming back, I guess. Sorry saying I guess a lot. Damn I really need to stop saying I guess *laughs awkwardly*
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stanisokayiguess · 2 years
How? You seemed pretty happy being with someone you really enjoyed being with
What it's like being happy without me?
No good really
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stanisokayiguess · 3 years
Hey, are you in the mood?
In the mood for what?
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stanisokayiguess · 3 years
Tumblr media
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