stanley-piines · 8 years
The internet never ceases to impress me. For all the talk about how the upcoming generation has a short attention span, the moment you give these kids a riddle they drop everything and suddenly work together in perfect harmony like a military-level SWAT team to crack the code. It’s incredible. That being said, sometimes fans are often so focused on code-cracking they miss what’s in plain sight—the actual text of the journal! There are connections in there that even the savviest fans still have yet to notice.
Alex Hirsch, in this Q&A with Rob Renzetti, by Stacy Conradt @ mental_floss (via hollycrowned)
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stanley-piines · 8 years
Prompt: walking in on crossdressing college!ford
You were going to surprise Ford by going to his dorm with the latest copy of Carl Sagan’s book but it seems like it was the other way around. When you opened the door, you didn’t expect to see him wearing a short skirt and a corset. You slammed the door immediately, and stared at him. Ford’s cheeks turned red and he started blabbing explanations. You walked towards him, placing the wrapped book on his table. Ford swallowed hard when he felt your fingers brushing against his skin.
“You look so pretty,” you hummed, hand rubbing his legs up to his thighs. Ford whimpered, eyes shut close. You lifted off his skirt and revealed his lacy underwear.
“Ohhh… I like these,” you mused, hand palming his twitching cock. Ford shuddered and hold on to your shoulder.
“Did you dress up for me Ford?” You smiled, rubbing his erection.
“Y-Yes,” he nodded.
You slowly pulled down his underwear and fondled with his balls earning a loud moan from him. Ford backed away for the moment and held on the edge of the table for support. He started moaning your name, pleading. Your fingers wrapped around his cock and started pumping him. Ford’s breathing hitch with each movement you make. He slowly turned into a panting mess, sweat all over his face and body. But each time you notice he’s near his release, you stop.
“Please what, Ford?”
“I want to cum,”
You smiled and started pumping him again and when you knew he’s going to cum, you kissed the tip of his cock. Ford couldn’t hold it together anymore and came, some of his load spilling on your face. He apologized and shyly try to clean it for you.
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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ive been wanting to draw this for a while lol ITS A LILO AND STITCH REF..
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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Nuns vs Cipher ALEX LIKED MY TWEET! btw someone draw Bill Cipher vs nuns cause this seems like it would make a great “meme”
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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stanley-piines · 8 years
The fandoms right now
Undertale: facepalming
Wtnv: crickets sounds
SVTFOE: tomco and starco
Steven universe: PEARL IZ SO GAAAAY
Tokyo ghoul: crying
Pokemon: gotta find that damn dratoni
Ghostbusters: civil war is happening
Bleach: NO HE DIDN'T!
Wonder over yonder: *dead*
Voltron: spoilers everywhere
Rick and Marty: bracing for feels
Gravity falls: *decipher playing in the background* I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN 24 HOURS! THE CLUES ARE EVERYWHERE!! ALL HAIL BILL CIPHER OUR OVERLORD!
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stanley-piines · 8 years
#CIPHERHUNT Day 2 Summary
DAY 1 | DAY 2
After eagerly awaiting for the University the next clue was supposed to found at to open at 7:30am, things were slightly derailed. It turned out, the clue which was supposed to be hidden behind a painting, was not only inaccessible to visitors, but wouldn’t have been there regardless. The note had been found some 3 months ago by staff and removed. It’s a little unfortunate that we’ll probably never know what the exact message was, but c'est la vie.
Made aware of the clue’s removal, Alex set up a substitute later in the day. He tweeted out the phone number from yesterday (323-283-8650) which had a new answering machine message from Stan.
A man whose first name is his last A statue honoring his past Right behind him by the sign of his park A golden head shows light in the dark
I dunno what that means… Well, I don’t have to go out there; figure this out. Wonder what’s on tv.
The riddle’s answer led to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, CA, which was named after Griffith J. Griffith. @ramblewheels found the next clue. A golden Stan head, some loose pieces of paper with a message written in invisible ink, and a pen light to read the message with.
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Ramblewheels traced the message to get the following:
Fans cleverly deduced the next location to be the Century Plaza Towers in LA.
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The temptation became too great for Jason Ritter (voice of Dipper) and Ariel Hirsch (Alex’s sister and inspiration for Mabel) who were close enough that they wanted to join in on the hunt. Along with a group of other Hunters, they were able to find the next clue!
(Find their live streamed videos of their discovery here (Jason’s) and here (Ariel’s). Compiled here.)
Found among rocks was one with a swirly pattern. Inside was a pouch, and inside that pouch was a USB drive. @Achillesheely took it home to load up the info onto their computer. Which turned out to be an audio file.
Sister Miley (who was the subject of the painting where the missing clue was originally supposed to be hidden behind) interrupts Stan as a ghostly figure. Luckily she is handily taken care of by Soos. (Transcript here.)
Stan informs us the next clue is only accessible to students of CSSA, and it’s in their basement. Amusingly, a student had already stumbled upon the clue a week ago. One even a month ago.
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The above mix of numbers and letters are a hexadecimal code. When converted to decimal, we get the coordinates: 37°49'19.0"N and 122°13'59.0"W which is the location of Piedmont Park (which happens to be right next to Piedmont Middle and High school. Perhaps where Dipper and Mabel attend school. Ha.) The key to solving this clue was by referring to the rhyme on Waddle’s Lost Pet flyer.
across from the stones of the springs you’ll find some peculiar things tied to a root is a lone pink key dig to find what waits for thee
A number of fans joined up together as they combed the area. However, after a few hours of searching (and perhaps a bit embarrassingly), Alex ended up giving us a map.
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The group finally found the loot. A pink key wrapped around a root. Underneath which was a lightly buried treasure box. (Watch the stream here from approx. the 15:15 mark.) Inside the box was a bottle, and in that bottle was a cryptex wrapped in green cloth, that needed a passcode. That five letter code was PINES. When that was opened there was another key and a scrap of paper with an address inside.
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LA has the clue you want 1825 N Vermont 27128’s the box for thee, Don’t be puzzled, use the key
The address leads to a post office in Los Angeles. And @omgmei has agreed to take the minimally long 5.5hr drive tomorrow with the key to said P.O. Box.
*Trivia: The post office is next to the House of Pies where Alex first came up with the name ‘Gravity Falls.’
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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Awww!!!!! Don’t worry, Ford!!!! It’s all just fun and games!!!!
…. Right?
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stanley-piines · 8 years
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headcanon Ford got out of 90% of his scrapes by being pretty I forgot the glasses haha
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stanley-piines · 8 years
About Ford and the big picture in Weirdmageddon pt. 3
(Submitted by @soulsuckingisaacnewton​)
I totally agree that it does not fit with Ford’s character to disregard the fate of the universe for the benefit of two people. Especially since, as Mabel pointed out, it’s reasonable to assume that Bill would find a loophole in the deal and do something nasty to the kids anyway once the barrier was down. Ford knows better than just about anybody that Bill can’t be trusted.
The best explanation I could come up with was that at that moment, Ford had lost all hope. Ford himself was a prisoner, along with Stan. The Cipher Wheel (zodiac?) had failed and the people they would need to try it again were captured and transformed. The memory gun was of no avail due to the plate in Ford’s head. The kids were free for the moment, but they had no real weapons or leverage to use against Bill; all they could do was run. In short, as far as Ford knew, no one was in any position to fight Bill effectively. The only thing standing in his way was the barrier, and I think Ford thought that Bill would eventually find a way to break through that on his own. Bill was pretty smart, he was incredibly powerful, and he had nothing but time. He could have found some other mathematically inclined person in town and bribed or forced them to help him figure out the equation, just like he tricked Ford into helping him design the portal. Essentially, at that point Ford wasn’t thinking that he was sacrificing the universe to save his family; he was thinking that the universe was doomed no matter what he did, and the best he could do was to give his family a chance, however slim, of survival.
I hope all that makes sense to you. It’s a very depressing thought, I know, but it gives me more peace of mind than the idea that Ford would go back on all his principles at the last moment.
I… like this explanation a lot, actually. It makes much more sense than anything else I’ve seen postulated thus far, and if you plug this theory into what we’re actually shown in the finale and all the episodes leading up to it, all the pieces fall into place.
Bill probably would have eventually figured out the equation by himself if given enough time, as you said; it looked like he came up with the bulk of the Universe Portal’s design and function, after all.
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Ford was mostly the hands used to build it and an editor of sorts for the project, to catch anything that Bill might overlook and take care of the real-world implementations and such. In short, the triangle is far from stupid. So it’s not a stretch to assume that a being that has lived for billions of years and has pulled the strings of history for thousands of those years could figure out a mathematical equation that took Ford only about 3 decades tops to solve, or, like you said, maybe find someone else to help him do it. He has forever to try. But since he wants to leave ASAP, torturing the stubborn meat mannequin for a handful of days until it squeals is a much quicker – and more fun! – arrangement than taking another few weeks/months/decades/centuries for him to finally have the universe-ending party he’s been planning for so long.
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And Ford knows Bill better than any other living human; you can bet that he would be well aware of all this and that Bill absolutely cannot be trusted to uphold any sort of deal that’s made with him. 
You’re also right in that the general situation looks extremely bleak at the moment Ford seems to finally just quietly break. He was likely able to hold out for the days Bill was torturing him because he had the hope that his journals and the other tools he’d left behind would still be able to help Dipper find a solution to end the madness, and he wanted to delay Bill as much as possible to make sure that happened. But then the Cipher Wheel was broken, everyone was captured, and there was no one else that could hope to stand up to Bill, no tools or weapons left with which to fight him.
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There was nothing more that Ford or the others could do to protect the universe. They had failed. Bill would now undoubtedly find a way past the barrier. It was only a matter of time, one way or another. It was essentially all over but the crying.
Also, just as a friendly reminder, Ford is also dealing with the aftereffects of some absolutely horrific torture, which likely lasted for days,
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on top of getting shot by the security drone,
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knocked around inside the alien pod,
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having a friggin’ roof fall on top of him,
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and being turned into a golden statue,
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all in the time span of a few days. He is at this point in time exhausted, badly injured, probably sleep-deprived (I doubt Bill would have left him alone for very long, if at all, in between torture sessions), and just all in all both emotionally and physically spent, basically running on fumes and kept standing only by adrenaline and pure willpower. So he is… understandably not in the best or most rational frame of mind when Bill decides to murder the children and goes rampaging off after them through the Fear-amid.
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After all, it’s kind of a stretch to seemingly go from “No Dipper we need to defeat Bill before finding Mabel so that we stop this madness ASAP,” to “ZOMG NO NOT THE KIDS PLEASE I’LL DO ANYTHING SCREW THE UNIVERSE THEY ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER TO ME!1!” in the space of 3 episodes. Those two reactions coming from the exact same person just doesn’t make sense if you view them from a purely objective lens. Either it’s extremely ham-handed, contradictory writing (and a really badly broken Aesop to boot - “Yes children, your family should always take precedence over literally the rest of the lives in the universe combined. SO JUST LET THE REST OF IT BURN.”)… or something had to have changed in the way Ford viewed the current circumstances. Because judging by his reaction to the twins being in danger in the finale and when he found out they were alright, Ford obviously cares very, very deeply for both Dipper and Mabel.
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And yet he didn’t immediately try to save Mabel in Pt. 1. Why? Because there was still a chance that they could beat Bill, and that took precedence over everything, since if Bill was defeated, everything would be saved, including Mabel.
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But in Pt. 3, the situation was pretty much as hopeless as it could have possibly gotten, and Ford was just fresh out of ideas for how to possibly salvage the situation for once in his life. But even if he could no longer see a way to save the universe no matter how hard he might have tried… there was still the slim chance he might possibly be able to help save his family, and I can easily imagine that in the heat of the moment, Ford would grasp desperately at the only option he believed he had left to maybe at least do something to protect the children he’s grown to love until Stan brought up the twin switch trick. 
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So yeah. It makes total sense that this ending scene isn’t as simple as some people assume, and I much prefer this interpretation of events than the more common one that Ford just flipped out at the last second and decided to flush his principles and the world down the metaphorical toilet because the twins were in danger and he suddenly had an epiphany about how they really were more important to him than the well-being of the rest of the universe.
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stanley-piines · 9 years
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i’m having fiddlestanwich feelings <3
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stanley-piines · 9 years
It’s amazing to think that Hussie has taken so fucking long with Act 6 that Gravity Falls both started and ended since it began
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stanley-piines · 9 years
ive been waiting 200 years for this
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stanley-piines · 9 years
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fiddefords probably got an instragram full of pictures of his son, his mansion, the inventions hes working on, and ford getting really flustered
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stanley-piines · 9 years
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Alpine Ibexes climb nearly 90 degree angles to lick salt deposits of of mountainsides. They crave that mineral. (Source)
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stanley-piines · 9 years
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more sketches, this time w fiddauthor and blushy fords
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