starboyseeker · 3 years
I'm boutta do a whole character analysis of the boys and their roles in the story.
It's gonna be a culmination of everything we've seen so far and I'm not sure if I wanna tag every moment as evidence towards this or just go off. Either way it's gonna be a small essay :
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Aight so the new Melon performances...... Last time we had a big performance Yeonjun ended with a hole in his chest and now we have him basically k wording himself.... My theories from runaway and beyond were right about him having a sort of a tendency to take it out on himself.... Also good to see no:ze again, standing in as moa? God I have so much I need to work through... Also the phrase at the end.. that nursery rhyme Monday's child is probably gonna be important to the next comeback...
I hate my old theories are coming to bite me 😭
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starboyseeker · 3 years
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Guess you could say neos got my back... Culture things... Tech tech on my mind...
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starboyseeker · 3 years
I was nearly about to go on about it's been awhile since we've seen the cat but it was literally in the Frost MV...
I still need to go back and rewatch frost just bc there's a lot that stands out to me as possible future events?
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Dream Chapter had three albums, then we had a minisode.. Chaos chapter has had an album & a repackage, so will we get a third album or right into another minisode I'm wondering?
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Okay I might sound crazy but I think we're experiencing a bad end... Like between 0x1 japanese mv and frost's video... Oof
I think when Soobin sent us into the chaos chapter, he messed up more than he could have ever predicted. Between the headphones and meteor shower, I think the boys were trying to remember the star's song and desperately hoping for their fate to change.
The meteor shower itself I'm almost convinced might've been the destruction of their star & the destruction of their promise to be together forever.
The special performance video of Frost also leafs me to believe the destruction of the star fueled the chaos and the boys have gone mad to the point of attacking or killing each other.
In most of their choreo we've seen them work together and perform together as a team. In Frost, however, they constantly lash out and attack each other and the choreo itself is more sinister (props to their acting as well *chef's kiss*)
So tl;dr Soobin thought acting alone in The Doom's Night would fix things, when it only made everything much, much worse.
Also if that was the star that fell apart in the 0x1 Japanese mv, I wonder if they'll still be able to go back to Magic Island (even though I'm almost positive they corrupted it)
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Sorry we just dropping FROST like this??
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starboyseeker · 3 years
So before in the Dream Chapter, Soobin was feeling closed off (feelings possibly amplified by the cat) and eventually thought that if he fixed the timeline by himself, the others would notice him again? The end result being the timeline becoming chaotic and their pains being swapped.
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced the cat can amplify emotions or thoughts? Like in Drama, we see Beomgyu feeling left out even though the boys always leave space for him, and Soobin in the Dream Chapter: Eternity trailer feels separated from the boys as well. There's also Kai in CYSM who is mostly ignored while the others interact around him. I think the cat might amplify or dig into their sense of isolation & loneliness, which is very important for them since they promised to be together forever.
I think Soobin's decision to fix everything himself happened in CYSM when the group was starting to tear each other apart. He panicked and didn't want the group to fall apart so he did what he thought would help and unfortunately landed us in the Chaos Chapter.
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starboyseeker · 3 years
The more I think about it the more I'm convinced Kai is linked to a successful/happy timeline (though now I suppose it's on Taehyun's shoulders?)
I'm also wondering if the figure Beomgyu was fighting in Eternally is linked to the figure we see in Frost?
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starboyseeker · 3 years
eventually, I'll put together a legit post for these but I'm thinking in the 0X1 Japanese ver. Taehyun definitely sacrificed himself in an attempt to save the timeline (I'm almost positive it's Taehyun's outfit we see at the end, and that we're focused on his actions this entire MV bc there's feathers everywhere in most scenes).
Part of this leads me to believe that the knowledge they tried to keep from Kai was that he's needed to fix the timeline but the group wanted to find a way to fix it without sacrificing Kai.
Ofc, Taehyun has this knowledge so when their pains rotate, he knows what he has to do
That being said I don't think the boys are gonna let this be how the timeline is resolved and are gonna go back again.
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Going thru my old notes I've lost a good chunk of details and have to go back through a lot of stuff again :')
All the flowers will be the death of me
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starboyseeker · 3 years
throwing darts at the theory board
the dream chapter bear is now the chaos chapter dragon
soobin made a deal with the cat to save yeonjun (but the cat's a bastard and messed with the others) beomgyu killed yeonjun (either by letting him die, accidental, or on purpose- idk i haven't gotten there yet) taehyun knew what was going to happen but beomgyu attacked him in cysm because he thought taehyun knew about the incident with beomgyu & yeonjun
chaos chapter is soobin (and technically taehyun's) fault
the cat entity can fuck with your head/amplify emotions (this is important for beomgyu & soobin so far)
the chaos from switching pains has driven the group mad/into a panic
update: (not sure if this dart is even on the board)
The boys have until the last blue hour of the summer to fix everything or go back and try again
(will update with more)
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starboyseeker · 3 years
okay so for a while now I've been wondering why it seemed like we've swapped pains and the new 0X1 teasers just solidified my theory.
CYSM's choreo alluded to this pain rotation and in 0X1's choreo, we see the rotation happen (2:20)
Yeonjun and Soobin switch pains (and I believe this is because of what Soobin did in The Doom's Night)
The other three rotate pains and now we have:
Taehyun -> Kai (wings + heart)
Kai -> Beomgyu (shoulder/actions)
Beomgyu -> Taehyun (sight)
The new teasers honestly made me think right back to Nap Of A Star, and at this point, I'm convinced Soobin's actions caused the timeline to become chaotic (would you look at that we're in the chaos chapter, thank you Soobin)
There's so much more to unpack but I need to collect my thoughts and organize them lmao
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starboyseeker · 3 years
Introduction time!
I made this blog solely to scream about TXT's story and the new teasers are why.
I don't even know where to start like we're this deep in and this shit gonna be sloppy until I eventually make a master post or whatever going into detail of every major and minor event.
I'll try to tag based on which MVs and parts I'm talking about and hopefully stay consistent.
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