starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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Okay so i have found out that the sirens in my little pony rainbow rocks, were named after musical phrases and meanings. Which would make sense because their power was from their voices!
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
people think that the sun is the biggest star. But in actual fact it’s the closest. And somewhere there is a huge star, hiding from plain sight. Ready to hit Earth like a supernova! We are all quite like stars in the sky. There are millions of us, but the brightest ones are always hidden away
Connie Fernandez
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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Ewwwwwwww I look so wired in pig tails!
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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I love my curling iron! 😂 
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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Can I just say, the difference lol!
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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Flower power in Kingston! Oh god im going to miss my long hair, cutting it short! 
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
The Short Story Of Forbidden Love.
My breath hitches when my mother came close at my side. The grass was dotted with crystalline dew drops all around me. The trees above bent and looped in an astonishing arc. Soft gusts of wind brush against the branches, now and then causing some rain water to feather down upon me. In the castle grounds, everything seems peaceful and unnaturally quiet, like a utopia..... but I know it isn’t that. My mother (the queen of Edom. Mother of Warlocks and High Euler of the nine greater demons) looked pointedly at the single white rose in my firm grip. Shudders shimmied up and down my spine as I looked into her cold, fathomless eyes. She gave one of her peculiar smiles which wasn’t really pleasant but menacing and dangerous. Every sharp edged tooth is filed to perfection to scare commoners into submission. My mother opens her mouth to speak, “ well, well my dear Callow-Lilly, it looks like you’ve got an admirer.” 
Her eyebrow twitches a fraction, signaling her disapproval of love or any humane emotions for that matter. Mother called me Callow-Lilly for one reason and one reason only... she wanted me to be a simbol of death, destruction and a goddess of war. I knew that would never happen, I haven’t even killed an animal for breakfast. I gave her a beaming smile and replied, “ please call me Lilly mother. And no this isn’t  from an admirer they came from the east wing, my wing.”  My mother nodded only once and stood up to her feet and was about to walk away when she said “don’t call me mother... Lilith will do just fine. Oh and another thing” she turned fully around to face me “there is a ball for all of the demons hosted at our palace. You must understand that this is an honour to serve our fellow partners in leadership. I expect you to be at your best and to not let the angel free this time.”  I bounced up in front of her and exclaimed,”but you can’t do that to another soul it’s, it’s just...... cruel!” Lilith snickered at my comment like I was telling a very appealing joke, “but they are the Devine’s and we are the demons who they wronged! They sent us down here like scum but in actual fact, we are far more powerful.... evil always wins. Now child listen to me... you will kill the angel and you will prove to the council you are worth something. Are we clear?”.
I nodded once kurtly, trying to give nothing away to the monster of a mother before me. Lilith carries on, “ or so help me Lilly I will banish you to earth and there you can’t rot like a human. You don’t want that now do you?”. I just nodded again at Lilith, looking very pleased with herself, she walked briskly away to the huge golden encrusted gates of our palace. As I looked over the desolate grounds, I could feel my knees give way to exhaustion and so I sat back down. I mulled over what mother had said to me. She really believes that killing an angel will do the world any good? She really thinks that it would make me happy and proud to be let’s face it, half demon? My mortal father died after some sort of war between heaven and hell but he managed to stay alive long enough to give Lilith her own child which was deemed impossible but it happened none the less. Still to this day I ponder and wonder if my fath was actually mortal, maybe he was an angel or a Nephil. 
I look down at my shaking hands. There could be a possibility that I a man half demon and half... angel. There could be a possibility that at the ball I would be forced to kill my own kind! I choke down bile and surprise from retching. I needed to make a stop to this right now and try to free that poor forsaken angel. I get up and pick the hem of my many scuffs up to run as fist as I could. My black drill had white ribbons all the way down the gown and a beautiful Callow-Lilly design to show death even in clothing. I keep on running until my thighs ache and my lungs feel like they could burst. I look up to see the dungeon quarters. Gingerly I take a step inside the dim hallway. From my fingertips, light bursts out in shards of luminescence. I pear in all of the cells and all i could see was withered bones and rusty chains. I finally came to the last dungeon and in it lay a young man about the age of 19. His fair hair splayed out across the floor and his beautiful wings grazed the floor. Hearing my high heeled footsteps, he turns and grabs hold of my through at an alarming spread it looked like he didn’t move at all. 
after a few seconds of spluttering and stammering, he let me go. He was naked at the torso and it made it considerably hard not burn to up at the cheeks. He said gruffly, “ I’m sorry I thought you were Lilith... although you do look like her. But that would be impossible for you to be her daughter, she can’t reproduce.” He said it almost to himself but I replied anyway, “ well my father is to thank for that. I don’t know if he was magical or not but he did manage to create me.” The angel boy nodded and looked pointedly at the design of my dress. He tilted his head, almost like he was fascinated by the simple embroidery shaping the flowers of death on my bodess. “ Callow-Lilly. I have heard a lot about you.” He said it like a fact that was as simple as knowing that cows were black and white “ the visions I have seen of you are... interesting.” I gulped and leaned into the cage, pressing my hip government a bar. I counter back at him, “Is that so? What other visions of me do you see?” He smiled like he knew a great joke and was willing to tell me what it was, “ I see you freeing me and letting me take you somewhere far, far away.” I smiled and asked, “oh? Where is that then?” He crooked his finger, beckoning me closer. He touched my hair with his calloused hands and whispered, “heaven”.
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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I hope u like it!! This took me forever to do!
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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Pusheen is life!!!
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
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me whenever I see my ex
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
when you know Klaus!
Klaus: He died of natural causes.
Caroline: You pushed him off a roof?!?
Klaus: Gravity is natural.
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starchildlife-blog1 · 5 years
i am new!
hi i am new and i like:
Vampire Diarys
and loads more! follow me if you like the same!
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