stardiaey · 4 months
resort day out with family & friends
did many fun adventures like kayaking, 40ft swing drop, human sized foosball, archery & whatnot today!! it was super fun ♡
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stardiaey · 4 months
always do three things in life for balance.
1. your career- a job that gives you financial stability
2. your passions- a hobby or a skill like art, music, writing
3. your health- take good care of your body and skin
don't overdo things. take your time.
your career is important to function in this society. you need funds to support your passions. find days in a week where you can give time to your hobbies. like an hour or two on a sunday. it may seem hard now but it all works out in the end, keep pushing.
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stardiaey · 4 months
so happy & excited because i will be resuming my violin practice (which i left ten years ago) starting from today!! i cant sleep & i cant wait to pursue my goals <3
i thank my parents for giving me a space to perform. i will utilise it well <33
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stardiaey · 4 months
welcome to my blog, i will be sharing my journey as a dental student.
starting off with an introduction about me- i'm a 19 year old, who just finished her medical entrance exams.
i've decided to pursue dentistry after a lot of thought, and inspiration from brilliant doctors around me.
i finished my high school in 2023 and took a year gap for figuring out my career.
presently, i am waiting to get accepted into my dream college.
since it's my vacation, i've been researching about this field and i want to learn more about it.
my plan is to pursue a bachelors of dental surgery (bds) followed by masters of dental surgery (mds) in the next 8 years.
i will be logging in every day of my journey for anyone interested in this field- the highs and lows of twenties, the success and failures and more importantly an insight for myself to look back upon.
i will be sharing my study schedule, notes and resources i use throughout my journey.
there will be a post everyday about my learnings.
p.s. i am not an extraordinary student. i have decent scores. this is to prove that an average student like myself can still be successful in a field they choose for themselves.
10th May, 2024.
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