starl02-blog · 4 years
Salvia Divinorum - Medicine Or Poison?
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When 2012 is approaching so is all the doomsday conversation. Doomsday Cult followers claim the government is trying to exclude salvia divinorum to prevent people from "seeing. " They go on saying that this is a direct violation of their orlando right. Researchers, herbalists, mental health specialists, and especially individuals are showing interest in a Mexican sacramental herb with an anti-addictive pain killer that can even get consumers off other addicting substances. Salvia Divinorum references clearly show how the herb can address alcohol, cocaine, opiate heroin and morphine, nicotine, tobacco and amphetamine addiction. Salvinorin A is the first known naturally-occurring non-nitrogenous full kappa-opioid receptor agonist, and it is the only diterpenoid compound known to own activity at this important receptor. This has recently opened up broad new areas for research in diterpenoid pharmacology but it represents a potential molecular target for the development of herbs to relieve disorders characterized by alterations in perception, including moonlightk , Alzheimer's disease and bipolar disorder. At the same time some States are trying to debar Salvia. Most are failing in their attempts due to the lack of guidance from the voters. Researchers are looking into medicinal uses for Implementing Salvia Divinorum in treating a variety of medical and psychological problems to increase: Depression Drug Addictions Stress Insomnia Digestion Alzheimer's CAN HELP Chronic Pain Schizophrenia Cancer And many others The medicinal potential future is promising for Salvia Divinorum and those who are suffering on condition that government lets the scientific researchers do their job. So far the government has not shown any interest in criminalizing the plant.
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starl02-blog · 4 years
The Holistic Approach to Addiction
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Often the Holistic approach to disease is to identify the root causes of the virus and then provide information and use natural methods to eliminate those causes and heal. The holistic approach focuses on restorative healing. It treats disease as "dis-ease "- an imbalance of mind, body and spirit. The holistic process provides information and methods to re-balance mind, body and also spirit. Likewise, addictions involve imbalance of mind, shape and spirit. The holistic approach is to heal the particular addiction, to reverse it. To do this, we must eliminate the main cause causes of the addiction and re-balance mind, body along with spirit. Whether an addiction is to a substance or perhaps behavior, the holistic approach is always the same- when i. e., to re-balance mind-body and spirit. To do this usually requires accurate information and specific techniques. This includes information in addition to techniques with respect to spiritual practices including meditation, prayer plus visualizations, energy body cleansing and healing, positive believing techniques, emotional release, detoxification, nutrition, exercise and expansion, The holistic approach contains some elements found in typically the twelve steps - especially with respect to the spiritual components of often the twelve steps. The twelve steps were developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and later used to also treat drug addiction. But , the holistic approach goes beyond the twelve steps. The exact holistic approach also uses love to heal. To a great extent, it's a lack of love that leads to addiction (a lack of like of the addict by others and a lack of self-love). So , the antidote to a lack of love is more and more appreciate, kindness, gentleness, positive words and gestures and favourable energy - the energy of infinite, unconditional love. Really enjoy heals. The primary causes of addiction are spiritual, emotional and even energy problems. These problems involve obsessive and compulsive thoughts and cravings. These thoughts and cravings are caused by negative changes in bran chemistry and brain wave actions. These changes are caused by spiritual, emotional and energy concerns. Therefore , the remedies must be spiritual, emotional and vigor. These remedies include emotional release and heart-centered prayer, mediation and visualizations along with natural supplements that work on desire, cravings and anxiety. They also involve energy healing as a result of Reiki. Qi Gong, Integrated Energy Therapy, Acupuncture together with other energy healing modalities. Bio feedback and hypnosis at the same time help. All these techniques work on the unconscious mind together with energy body. So , let's examine the causes of addiction. In the beginning, addiction involves a strong energy attachment to the addictive product or behavior. The strong energy attachment adversely is affecting brain chemistry and brain wave activity and compels ongoing, relentless craving. Conventional medicine focuses on the brain, behavior and pharmaceutical drugs. It ignores the energy body, the other than conscious mind and natural remedies. The holistic approach focuses on the person, mind, body and spirit. With respect to addiction, it all first focuses on the energy body and unconscious mind. Failures of the energy body and unconscious mind result in problems with neural chemistry and brain wave activity. This leads to ongoing mental poison and emotions, low self-esteem, behavior problems, compulsions, hankering and addiction. It all begins with the energy body. The body is defined as the aura, charkas, meridians and nadis (also known as spirit) and the soul or higher self. The particular body is the seat of the unconscious mind. In a nice and clean and healthy energy body, the soul is wholly connected to the spirit and the energy body is intact, clean, dazzling and vibrant.
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starl02-blog · 4 years
What You Should Know Before Taking Kratom
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