starlight-movement · 5 years
Koda: I'm cool, Alibus!
Koda: I'm THE coolest!
Koda: In fact, I was once arrested for being too cool.
Alibus: The charges were dropped because there was no supporting evidence.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Shintaro: Hey, Xio, may I interest you in a quickie?
Xio: W-What!?
Shintaro: You know, one of those egg thingys?
Xio: OH.
Xio: It’s pronounced quiche, you idiot!
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Xio: Gaël, No!
Gaël, standing still: What?!
Xio: Sorry, force of habit. Lina, no!
Lina: Not me either, dude.
Xio: Oh...
Xio: Then who lit the kitchen on fire?
Gurichi: *silent, in the corner*
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Kairo: You know what strength is? Forgiving a person who wasn’t even sorry.
Gurichi: Not to be dramatic but I would literally rather die.
Koda: Strength is when you help your mom lift a heavy couch and she buys you McDonalds afterwards.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Alber: 788 has no survival or self-preservation skills. I think they were just born without them.
Ryu: That can’t be true.
Alber: Watch this.
Alber: Hey, Rosebud! Race you downstairs!
788: [jumps out a three-story window]
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Shintaro: You don’t need perfect people to make a perfect team. You need people whose flaws feed into each other. It’s- What do you call it?
Xio: *raises eyebrows skeptically at Koda* Codependence.
Shintaro: *glares at Xio* Synergy.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Shintaro: Yo Xio, say 'Addicted' after everything I say.
Xio: Uh, ok?
Shintaro: When someone uses too many drugs, they're:
Xio: Addicted.
Shintaro: When someone really loves to drink, they're:
Xio: Addicted.
Shintaro: What hit you in the face last night?
Xio: Addicted. ....NAYOGAMA!
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Vega: -Walks past Nero's unattended laptop-
Nero: -Walks in at that very moment-
Vega: Ah, porn.
Nero, as calmly as possible: Yes, porn.
Nero: -walks over to the laptop and slams it shut-
Nero: -takes it and leaves-
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Yaku: How do you lose a woman?!
Tsu: You forget to cherish her.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Footage loaded....
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Press the accept key to read.
Awaiting response..........
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Xio: Why do you have such heavy bags under your eyes?
Shintaro: To carry my groceries, duh.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Character Profiles: Hometown Friends of Shintaro
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(All Character designs featured are not final. Profile pictures currently made with Picrew)
Name: Folley Martina
Age: 32
Occupation: Owner of Dragon Burger and Suds
Folley is the owner and manager of Dragon Burger and as such, is Shintaro’s boss. She had worked for an unspecified company prior to opening Dragon Burger and due to her work, has a bit of knowledge of weaponry, and several forms of martial arts. Her most regular of customers always find a way to flirt with her in an attempt to win her over, but not one has managed to do so. A challenge that all the employees of Dragon Burger have dubbed “ The Trial of the Dragon Queen”
Shintaro’s constant talks about the Grail Cites to the regulars and how tired they seem to be of it would have made him loose his job long ago, but Folley refuses to let the young man go jobless as she’s much aware of the fact he lives alone. Any new customer who tries to tell Shintaro off about his thoughts of the cities above not only will face Folley’s wrath but that of all the regulars. 
She sees each of her staff members as her own children, and doesn’t wish to see anything bad happen to any of them. 
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Name: Kaz Sonne
Age: 17
Occupation: Waiter for Dragon Burger, High School Student
A shy and soft spoken young man, Kaz lacks a lot of self confidence which made applying for work a struggle. Folley noticed the sheer desperation in his eyes when he applied to be a cook for the restaurant, and instead of granting him the chef role she encouraged him to be a waiter to help improve his self confidence with constant customer interaction. 
Kaz, despite working with the restaurant for a full year before the events of the story start up, still struggles a lot with his low self esteem. He admires how fast and easily Shintaro can go to talk to others, even if it’s about the same subject each time and as such looks up to him for advice. 
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Name: Don Roseway
Age: 28
Occupation: Landlord for the Creakwood Apartment complex
A lax gentlemen, Don is Shintaro’s landlord and acts as his father figure. Since Shintaro is his only tenant in his mostly forgotten about complex, he gives Shintaro free reign of the whole area to better suit his needs, with the agreement that his unassigned rooms are cleaned in the event that another tenant does appear.
Shintaro’s parents are unknown and as such, Don acts as his parental substitute along with Folley should anything at school go awry. Don doesn’t push rent down Shintaro’s throat as he and Folley are in close enough contact to work out a solid agreement. 
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Name: Kyle Douglas
Age: 24
Occupation: Karaoke Panda Owner
Kyle Douglas is the owner of Karaoke Panda, a regular hangout location for Shintaro and Koda. Having opened the location just a few months after graduating from collage, Kyle is very proud of the reputation his Karaoke bar has as a safe and fun place for teens and young adults. 
He much like Don and Folley, cares a lot about Shintaro and offers what advise he can about life. He’s the one who always encourages Shintaro to pursue music as a career although he’s strongly against missing education just to gain that edge on others as he values a strong educational standing above all else.
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Name: Reggie Skies
Age: 35
Occupation: Unknown
A regular at Dragon Burger, Reggie seems to have a bit of a past that connects with Folley as the two act familiar with eachother more so then any other regular she gets. He’s one of the very few people that will actually engage Shintaro’s constant rants about the Grail Cities and provide a secondary insight, but seems to almost always get cut off by Folley before he gets to deep into the conversation. 
Everyone else who goes to the restaurant enough, refers to Reggie as “The One-Eyed Tiger” and seems to hold just as much respect for him as they do for Folley herself. 
No one knows where he works, or how his past and Folley’s connects. 
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Name: Kari Meroi
Age: 15
Occupation: Waitress at Dragon Burger, High School Student
A regular at Karaoke Panda as well as Shintaro and Kaz’s co-worker, Kari is hugely into music, tending to follow whoever is the biggest star at the time. Given she hangs out at the same place Shintaro does when not at work or school, she has heard her fair share of songs performed by the older teen. 
When the meeting of Clover happens, Kari is present and hears all of the plans that follow for Shintaro to form a rebellion group guised as a music group. She proposes to play her part in gaining support by forming the group’s official fan club, and with the aide of Folley, Kaz, Don and Kyle...they manage to earn money to help support the group’s cause moving forward.
Reggie, as an outlier, doesn’t completely believe that Shintaro’s goal is as easily achieved as he thinks it is, and tries to offer as much advise as he can despite the other’s constant objections to his suggestions for preparing weapons, and training in as many fighting styles as he can. 
They all support Starlight Movmement as it’s first few fans and try to gain the group more notoriety by advertising the group in their businesses and making them known via word of mouth. 
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Character Profiles: Vega and Nero
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Age: Unknown
Other Data: Unknown
A wandering man who’s only real motivation seems to be fighting others, his behavior and knowledge of his opponents before even uttering a word to them has been seen as quite freaky by any who know of him. It is presumed he has some sort of powers but his vague replies leaves nothing to the imagination. He becomes intruded with the efforts of Starlight Movement and even later Eastern Breeze, so he begins to follow the two groups on their travels from afar, challenging those who act as bodyguards for the groups to spar after becoming bored with Shintaro. 
He takes special interest in Kira and Ayo, and begins to act as somewhat of a mentor to them. Although he harbors no feelings whatsoever to either of them.
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Age: Unknown
Other Data: Unknown
Vega’s only real friend, Nero bares a symbol on himself that resembles the one found on Ayo’s neck. The evidence of such a possible connection becomes Ayo’s only motivation to go through with Vega’s random surges of training challenges. Much like Vega, Nero speaks little of his origins, only stating that he and Vega “Have a good reason to pester you kids.” He’s just as skilled in hand to hand and can even predict movements easily. Again, most theorize that this is the result of some sort of power Nero gained from birth but he never confirms nor denies their claims. 
The duo have seemingly been stalking Starlight Movement since it’s earliest stages, given the amount of information they have on not only Shintaro but each member of the group as well. Even knowing some things that they really shouldn’t. If the two are trustworthy or not is something Starlight and Breeze are wary of for most of their travels.
(All Character designs featured are not final. Profile pictures currently made with Picrew)
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Shintaro: Whenever I see someone talk about Updog, I'm always torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help the person complete the joke.
Alber: Okay, but what's Updog?
Ryu: Updog is a long sausage in a bun often served with ketchup, mustard, onion e, and/or relish.
Koda: No, that’s a hotdog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released
Alibus: You’re thinking of update. Updog is when you end a sentence with a rising intonation.
Kira: No, that’s uptalk. You’re thinking of the fourth-largest city in Sweden.
Ayo: Surely that’s Uppsala, whereas Updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.
Kairo: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs
Yaku: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.
Tsu: no that’s an updraft, updog isn’t a noun at all, it’s a verb; it basically means to chew someone out, or harshly lecture them.
Xio: No, that’s upbraid. An updog is a small dog that likes cuddling on people’s laps.
Garu: No that’s a puppydog. An updog is when the Mets win.
Yuki: No that’s an upset. An updog is the modern version of a henway.
788: What’s a henway?
Shintaro: Oh, about 5 pounds.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Yaku: I walk this lonely road. In my bag, I have a giant toad.
Xio: Don’t know where it goes, but it’s only me and this giant toad.
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starlight-movement · 5 years
Yaku: Thorn! You almost hit Xio in the face!
788: I know, I missed.
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