so liek...
I think it’s time to officially announce that we’re no longer going to be active on this blog. It was kind of obvious, but I wanted to formally announce it and redirect you to our current activities if you’re interested.
As you all know, we’ve been pretty open about how we’re multifandom. With that said, we are still active on our main blogs (here and here), but as far as writing goes, we are currently writing for NCT now on @neo-culture-taste.
The blog will remain up so you all can access the posts whenever you want. It was a lot of fun managing this blog and sharing our creations with the rest of the fandom. But now it’s time to share our talents with another! So, join us over there if you also like NCT fanfiction.
Thank you to all our fellow starlights who enjoyed and contributed to our blog! We will love you and VIXX forever ~ ♡ !
- Dearly
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Are you guys still here?
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helloooo! i was wondering if you still plan on updating An Uxepected Casualty? I absolutely love your writing and the series is so fun! I just recently went through and reread the chapters that are up and I'm dying to know what happened next lol. Anyways, I love your blog and I hope you're still around! 💖💖
We're still around! I know it doesn't look like it, but we are! AGH! I don't want to keep y'all hanging anymore! We got most of our real life shit out of the way so expect to see us around more than what we're doing now. But I don't know how soon. - dearly
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Heyyyyy!! Are you still writing for 'An Unexpected Casualty"? Xx
Hiiii!! Yeeess! We plan to finish writing it! I feel really bad for going without posting a chapter for so long. Ah. I'm tired of keeping you all waiting. - dearly
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All of the Vixx scenario Tumblrs went dead or switched to just photo sharing and I really hope that doesn't happen to this one :( I really love this blog the most so I hope everything is going well with you guys! When will be the next updates and scenario asks?
We’re still here. We just suck at time management. But honestly...we have this dependency trait where we need Vixx to feed us/be all up in our face/give us inspiration in order for us to write. They took a long break after Shangri-La (minus LR & Ravi albums) and VIXXTV became sporadic, so we kind of took a break with them. And during that break we both became super busy preparing for the next phases of our lives that creating content for this blog started feeling lowkey like a job and not something for leisure. Like most content creators we hit a creative slump. But...Eau de Vixx just came out and...
-Cheezy ^_^
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Hi! This has nothing to do with the fic but I just wanna say that your theme is very beautiful! ^^ I had so much fun scrolling this blog too~ thank you !
Thank you! Dearly handles all things theme related. It’s her specialty. - Your neighborhood Cheezy ^_^
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I SHALL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU! Though I'm not the biggest fan of fanfics I'm glad it's something you've found enjoyable! Can't wait to see what you cook up both scenario and fanfic wise! :D
Hey. Thanks. But are you still there? I know we’ve been MIA...but like are you still there? IS ANYONE STILL HERE?- Cheezy wants to know please
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Is the request open? Are you taking requests? Thank you! :3 ~Queennie
Technically, yes. -Cheezy ^_^
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Could you recommend me some other VIXX scenario blogs? I really don't see enough of them on my dash :(
No, not really. We write so much for this blog that its become our go to source for Vixx scenarios if that makes sense. - Miss Cheezy ^_^
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Have you ran out of wwvd questions?
Nah.- Cheezyyyyyyy ^_^
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What do you two think of Ravi's new mixtape? Any favorite tracks?
Cheezy: I Love It! Especially Ravi Da Loca lol. Nirvana & Chameleon are my faves too and I think Jimin was a nice touch to Nirvana. BUT THE WHOLE ALBUM HAD BEATS I COULD VIBE TOO WETHER I'M WORKING OUT OR RIDING IN THE CAR. RAVI DID THAT. On a side note, I really love how Ravi has matured as an artist, rapper, composer, and producer since he Vixx debuted in 2012, and I hope he continues to grow even more and gain more recognition. I wish I had had the opportunity to see his concert though. #InternationalfanstrugglesDearly: OOH WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE LIQUAAHH?! Lol, but yeah. She said everything I wanted to say! My favorite song other than Nirvana and Chameleon (which are also my favorites) is Alcohol. BUT YEAH. THAT WHOLE ALBUM IS LIT AF. IT SEEMS LIKE HE MAKES HIS ALREADY GOOD SHIT EVEN BETTER SHIT OVER NIGHT. And the Nirvana/Alcohol MV aesthetic, thooooo????!!!! Get on my mans' level, y'all. Cuz we're getting left behind.
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How are you guys doing? I haven't seen a post in a tad bit over a month so I thought it'd be nice to ask how things are? How's adulting and whatnot? I assume it's pretty time consuming haha~
Hellllo! Adulting is hard. Point blank. We’ve each had our own things we’ve had to deal with these past couple of months and next thing we knew time had flown by. 
And then! We ended up writing blog stuff but then we got distracted at times so we have all kinds of posts that are either started, halfway, or finished. So we should be rolling those out soon. 
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Thanks for checking on us!- Cheezy ^_^
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I’ve been struggling trying to figure out what to write all day, and I realized I am at a complete loss of words so I’m probably just going to prattle on in this. Jonghyun was the reason I started listening to kpop and Shinee was the first group I ever invested in and they were the first group I showed to my sister that also got her into kpop. I wish I could put into words how I feel right but I can’t, but know that he occupies a very special place in our hearts and we probably wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for his influence on our lives. I hadn’t had a chance to cry since I was busy at work all day and had to stay strong, but I’m home now and finally had time to myself and was able to do it. He had one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard and he was a very talented performer and song writer all while being a great ass dude that inspired many. But we can never really know what exactly is going on on the inside. We’re sending our prayers to his family and close friends and absolutely everyone else affected by this loss and we pray that his soul is at peace.
- Dearly
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Dearly: お誕生日おめでとう!非常に特別な誕生日だね。チージーちゃんは歯科学校に行きっていて、外に雪が降った。私たちが住んでいるところで雪は普通でじゃないよ!私の日本語はとても悪いので、このメッセージは長くない。これを書くために勉強した!私はチージーちゃんの未来を見ることに興奮している。チージーちゃんは最高になるでしょう。一緒に大人の世界に入ってみましょう!私のかわいい妹ちゃんが大好き!!!
Cheezy: I have no idea what this says! But thank you anyway sista!
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Can you do a Halloween scenario where they are kids trick or treating, but like the are unlucky and visit houses that give out healthy stuff? Like the kindergarten series? Is that still a thing?
N: Little Hakyeon would be very dapper in his little suit, little briefcase, and round spectacles as he strolls through the neighborhood as a mini businessman. He has no time for the ‘aww you’re so cute’ from the adults handing out the candy as his main objective is to obtain more candy than his little plastic pumpkin can hold. Trick or treat, say thank you, and on to the next house. Everything works according to plan until that one house that doesn’t quite understand how Trick-or-Treat is supposed to function. And being the little smart kid that he is, he will not have a problem letting that them know. “Oh…yay. Floss and a toothbrush. Best Halloween ever, thank you Mister. *turns to his mom* Mom, this is a wacky dentist. I don’t even have two front teeth to slide this floss through!”
Leo: Boo! A simple white sheet with eyeholes and a straight-lined smile will make up Taekwoon’s ghostly costume. One piece of candy gets you an annoyed eyeroll, two pieces of candy gets you a mumbled Boo, and three or more pieces get you a “BooooOOOOoooooOOOO.” Healthy, non-cavity inducing, granola looking, and bowel regulating Halloween wannabe treats get you a… perturbed, non-friendly kindergartner ghost hybrid. “*Eats the treat immediately* This isn’t candy. Take it back. *Hands the wrapper and other treats back* Mom? Why’d we come to this house?”
Ken: Jaehwan would be dressed as whatever action packed superhero is in season at the time. He’d always be on the run making his mother quickly trail behind him. What’s the reason for his rush? Well his older brother passed down his list of all the houses that give the best, no the greatest, no the most spectacular candy in the neighborhood, and he has to hurry and get to them all before the night is over. Unfortunately, just his luck one of those houses decided to go against the very essence of Halloween and serve healthy treats which means Jaehwan now has the important of duty of saving Halloween! “This house is officially off the Best Halloween Candy list! May you wake up with creepy crawlies in your bed for all eternity! *sticks tongue out* Unless you return to giving out good candy. BECAUSE I WANT CAVITIES!”
Ravi: This cute lil’ rapper dressed in a snapback, sweats, and a gold medallion roams the streets in search of all the candy he can get. Nothing can break this little kid’s spirit or the stride in his steps. Nothing. Well, except for the fresh kiwi the house two streets over places in his Trick-or-Treat basket. His heart is completely broken until next year. Throw the whole Halloween away. “*Tears falling down his face* MOMMY! THEY DIDN’T GIVE ME ANY CANDY. NOW I DON’T HAVE THAT MUCH CANDY! AND THEY GAVE ME A KIWI WITH HAIR ON IT! FRUITS AREN’T SUPPOSED TO HAVE HAIR! I WANNA GO HOME!”
HongBin: The cutest little Frankenstein if you ever did see one! Especially when he runs up to the house very excited to see what candy he might get but trips on the way because his little shoelaces keep coming untied. But then he quickly stands up and brushes his self off before zombie walking the rest of his way to the candy cauldrons of the other houses. But then there’s that one house that gives little ‘ole innocent HongBin some basic azz cinnamon breath mints. Breath mints that’ll burn his nose hairs right on off. And you know what HongBin does? He makes his signature stank face, except more childlike, but unlike those other five gremlins he doesn’t react because he’s thankful that he’s at least getting to put something in his little basket. “Breathmints? Well I am a zombie! These might put me back in the ground though, but thank you!”
Hyuk: Now you see him, now you don’t because he’s a ninja and he’s super fast and sneaky. He’ll even do a super acrobatic ninja routine in the middle of the street hoping it’ll earn him more candy from each house he performs in front of. And that little routine works on every house even the little brown house on the corner that offers him a choice of raisins and non-salted peanuts. And that my friends was the story of how the little brown house on the corner with medium sized windows stopped giving out Halloween candy forever. They say the souls of the homeowners now roam the empty bulldozed lot wishing they had never messed with little ninja Hyuk. “*Tee Hee*”
Happy Halloween!-Admin Cheezy ^_^
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