starlightlightning · 23 days
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The wyvern, robed in an azure glow, came crashing down like lightning.
Rebel was his name, and he was itching for a fight. The grisly talons on his wings scraped against the ground, leaving deep gashes. He snarled, hissed, his voice almost insectile. The axe-like crest on his head gleamed and twitched grotesquely. His tail, akin to a pair of scissors and utterly nightmarish, sheared at thin air as if with a mind of its own. His entire form crackled with potent electricity.
Rebel paid no mind whatsoever to the woman menaced by the wild Pokémon he had chosen as his next foe, his next victim. Yet with how swiftly he arrived, seemingly out of nowhere, one would be forgiven for mistaking it as divine intervention. No matter how revolting, demonic his own appearance was.
bad situations // ACCEPTING
They really hadn't been kidding when they said the Pokemon in this region were vicious like no other. They were downright feral, and Elesa had never considered a situation where she'd barely be able to even summon out a Pokemon. It was a small miracle in and of itself that she'd lasted that long by herself, though the only thing that had kept her alive thus-far was the fact that she was very used to getting hit by Pokemon.
Considering her line of work, she had to be durable. Inhumanly so.
Or maybe she'd just gotten really good at ignoring pain in the moment.
But she'd run out of space, a stone cliff-side towering over her, far too steep for her to scale. Her only option was to fight, but at least even the Pokemon that had been chasing her seemed to have grown weary from the chase, only continuing to pursuing her because of the smell of the blood that dripped from the gash on her brow.
Her hand lowered to her Centiscortch's ball at her hip, her other hand swiping at the blood that had her squinting one eye just to see.
Damn it--
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"Pepper-- whoa!" The sound of the wyvern's arrival made her ears ring and she fell back to avoid getting clipped by the thing's tail as it landed. "That was way too close..." She caught herself on the stone behind her, staring with wide eyes at the terrifying Pokemon that had come crashing down through the trees.
For a moment, she dared to be optimistic.
"What the... is this thing another trainer's Pokemon or something?" She certainly didn't see another trainer anywhere.
Shit, this is another wild Pokemon, isn't it? It's so... cool! Do I risk summoning Pepper still? I might end up making it think that I'm trying to compete for food or something like that.
Elesa let out a slow, steadying breath.
One thing at a time. First on the agenda: staying out of that thing's way while it takes care of the first Pokemon.
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starlightlightning · 24 days
[ crowd ] sender and receiver lock eyes across the crowded room of a lavish ball (cue the Kill Bill sirens, LMFAO)
lavish party prompts // ACCEPTING
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Elesa hated these fancy parties, especially since she wasn't even allowed to drink because it would ruin her image according to her manager. It wasn't her fault she was a lightweight, it was genetics and the fact that she was short that was to blame. And the second she locked eyes with him, Elesa became convinced that not being able to drink had to be against the Geneva Convention.
This is torture. Why is he here?
She knew why Django was there. He had his fingers in a lot of pies, and it was really unfortunate that one of those pies happened to be her agency's.
Despite her manager's wishes, Elesa snatched a glass of champagne off a waiter's tray as they passed, and knocked it back in the same swift and smooth motion.
We locked eyes already... I can't even pretend that I didn't see him.
Determined not to let him get the first word in, Elesa wove her way through the crowd, depositing her empty glass into a potted plant before taking a second one from a differnt waiter's tray. This one, she didn't drink, just held it delicately in a hand as she plastered a smile on her face.
"Fancy seeing you here." Elesa said, stopping in front of him and giving him a little nod in greeting. "I'm guessing you're here for business?"
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starlightlightning · 24 days
Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together (Ultra Beast Perhaps?)
bad situations // ACCEPTING
It really would have been a great day in Nimbasa City for a friendly reunion. Had Elesa known that Touko was going to be in the area-- well, actually, they'd still be in this situation.
It wasn't like Elesa could have asked the Ultra Beast in advance to not crash right into the heart of Nimbasa City Park. The thing probably wanted to be there as much as Elesa wanted it to be.
This is what I get for thinking that things had been too quiet lately. She internally lamented, grimacing.
"It's real nice seeing you again, Touko! Kind of wish it could have been over a nice gelato or something relaxing like that. Although--" Elesa said over her Rotom's exclamation that it was an Ultra Beast they were staring down. "--better this than never, right?" Despite the lightness in her voice, her expression was one of intense focus and seriousness, a Pokeball gripped tight in one hand.
The Stakataka lurched forward down the street like something out of a monster movie. Concrete walk ways cracked under its weight, all the sentient cubes making loud grinding noises against each other with every lumbering step it took. Trees tilted as a long, segmented legs scraped against them, nearly uprooting trees and ripping bark from the trunks with ease.
Nimbasa City police and their Pokemon doing their best to get civilians out of harm's way, leaving only Elesa and Touko. Various civilians stood behind police barricades, phones held up to try and record the monstrosity and the two people that stood between them and it.
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"Jeez, shouldn't people be running a littler further than that at least?" Elesa grumbled, following her words by tossing out her Pokeball. "Hertz! Use Electroweb to try and tangle it's legs up!" Her Galvantula appeared with a flash of light and hit the ground running to do as ordered.
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starlightlightning · 24 days
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
bad situations // ACCEPTING
Elesa hadn't been anticipating a fight while on vacation, and her first thought was that it was awfully rude to interrupt a lady's day off. Though she supposed it couldn't always be avoided no matter how much she'd hoped for a peaceful trip. Especially in Alola, where Guzma and his Team had a lot of enemies she was sure, and Ree was the Champion.
Judging from their faces, the group of trainers were organized. Not quite to the level that she would assume them to be part of a Team, but more than the standard band of thugs. There were six of them in total, each seemingly with only one or two Pokemon each, though the ones they had were bigger than usual, and a bit more feral looking. Pokerus infected Pokemon maybe?
Not only that, but the energy in the air was vile. These people weren't here for a friendly battle.
She wasn't worried though. A Champion and a Gym Leader could surely handle some no-name thugs.
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"You lot really did pick the worst people to pick a fight with..." Elesa huffed, tossing her shopping bag to the side and resting a hand over her Emolga's Pokeball at her hip. "What do you want?"
One of the people, a man wearing the most garish Alolan vacation shirt adorned with flowering guzmania and other tropical flowers, sneered. "What, we can't challenge the Champion to a friendly little battle with some light stakes? Didn't know we had to make an appointment!" He laughed, lowering his sunglasses to size Elesa up from over them. "What are you, their secretary or somethin'? Or their babysitter?"
A few chuckles escaped his companions at that.
"Ugh... I hate when the bad guys think they're funny. Ree?" Elesa asked casually, tapping a nail against the Pokeball at her hip. "Are you feeling up for a battle, or should I handle this?"
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starlightlightning · 26 days
a collection of prompts for bad situations that two muses might find themselves in together, ranging from minor inconveniences to life-or-death scenarios. change & alter as needed.
Send 🌧️ for our muses to get caught in the rain together
Send 🪢 for our muses to be handcuffed together without the key
Send 🏆 for our muses to compete against each other in a competition or contest
Send 💡 for our muses to wait out a power outage together
Send ✈️ for our muses to wait for a delayed flight together
Send 🚗 for our muses to get stuck on the side of the road together when the car breaks down
Send 🔒 for our muses to get locked in a closet together
Send 🔑 for our muses to get locked out of the house / car together
Send 🚪 for our muses to get stuck in an elevator together
Send 🌳 for our muses to get lost in the woods together Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together
Send 😱 for our muses to be forced to face their greatest fears together
Send ⛵ for our muses to be shipwrecked together
Send 🔐 for our muses to be captured / imprisoned together
Send ⚔️ for our muses to be forced into a fight to the death
Send 🧳 for our muses to get stranded in a different country together
Send 🚁 for our muses to go on the run from the law together
Send 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
Send ❄️ for our muses to get trapped outside in a blizzard / snowstorm together
Send 🔥 for our muses to be trapped in a burning building together
Send 🚀 for our muses to be stuck in outer space together
Send ✨ for our muses to be stranded on a different planet together
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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starlightlightning · 26 days
PROMPTS FOR LAVISH BALLS, PARTIES, AND SECRETS *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
may i have this dance?
you clean up nice.
shall we?
pretend you're talking to me.
have we met?
you've got a strong grip.
my eyes are up here.
i hoped you'd look my way eventually.
you look beautiful.
mind if i cut in?
i should warn you, i'm a horrible dancer.
you help me, i'll help you.
it's a pleasure to meet you.
put your hand on my shoulder.
don't look so stiff.
i wasn't expecting you to be here.
have you tried the punch?
how did you get an invite?
you weren't supposed to find me here.
we shouldn't be seen together.
mind joining me for a walk in the gardens?
this is a masquerade party, after all.
i couldn't find a date in time.
dance with me.
quick, while no one's looking.
i need another drink.
the rumor mill's already started.
at least pretend that you like me!
the pleasure is all mine.
that's good to know.
are your spies in position?
what an unexpected pleasure.
right this way, please.
take my arm.
were you eavesdropping?
we shouldn't keep them waiting.
i wouldn't be caught dead dancing with you.
did you hear the news?
are you the guest of honor?
that's a rather garish color on you.
i've heard the rumors about you.
i need some air.
you stepped on my foot!
i was just going to introduce you.
do you like my dress?
don't waste my time with pleasantries.
a word, when you have a moment.
ACTIONS AND SETTINGS * feel free to substitute "ball" for any fancy event :)
[ crowd ] sender and receiver lock eyes across the crowded room of a lavish ball
[ approach ] sender approaches receiver at a ball and asks to dance with them
[ introduce ] sender's friend introduces them to receiver at a ball
[ avoid ] sender tries to avoid awkward conversation by staying away from receiver at a ball
[ alone ] sender finds receiver alone at a ball and quietly approaches them
[ gardens ] sender and receiver abandon the crowded ball and go for a walk in the nearby gardens
[ stolen ] sender steals a moment alone with receiver at a ball and kisses them
[ wrist ] as receiver tries to return to the ball, sender reaches out and grabs their wrist, begging them to stay
[ danger ] sender realizes receiver is in danger at the ball and tries to warn them in time
[ drink ] sender brings receiver a drink at the ball
[ blend in ] receiver tries to blend in at the ball and remain unseen, but sender notices and approaches them
[ dance ] after a dance out on the ballroom floor, sender and receiver freeze in place and stare into each other's eyes
[ balcony ] sender finds receiver standing out on a balcony alone and joins them
[ stairwell ] sender stumbles upon receiver sitting in the stairwell alone, hiding from the crowded ballroom and all the guests
[ last kiss ] sender and receiver kiss before sender leaves the ball and disappears into the night
[ bedroom ] as the ball comes to a close, sender invites receiver to come home with them
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starlightlightning · 29 days
Elesa flushed a bit, realizing as she helped him up that her help truly wasn't needed and that Red was definitely more than capable of hauling himself up onto a runway without her. Gosh, he's big. He probably could have jumped up here with as strong as he looks.
She blushed even deeper, quickly moving down the runway with a laugh to cover up the fact that she was a bit embarrassed about her slight frame compared to his. "Great! I'm so excited to see them!"
Spinning on her heel once she'd put some distance between herself and Red, Elesa was quick to swipe the Pokeballs off her hip and hold them between her slender fingers.
"Come on out, guys~! We have company!" She exclaimed, throwing the Pokeballs. In flashes of light, the air was abuzz with static, and her team, unused to being summoned all at once in the Gym, appeared.
Galvantula tittered curiously in Red's direction, while her Emolga immediately struck a pose that mimicked Elesa's usual throwing stance with a smug little chirp. Eelektross and Zebstrika shook themselves off as if waking from naps, blinking blearily around before their gazes settled on Red.
Elesa smiled, letting her arms fall to her sides. "Everyone, this is Red! He came by to get the chance to see you all. Give him a warm welcome, alright?"
Red knew nothing about gyms; running them, styling them--just participating in them. It's why he was stunned at the lack of trainers throughout the 'arena', nothing but empty folding chairs aligning the sides of the runway as though they were an army, prepared for the hinds of several strangers coming to gaze at Elesa's dazzling pokemon.
Let's stop talking for a little while.
Regardless, Red addresses Elesa with a grin, following behind the sparkling model with interest. He's like a child, quaking with curiosity at her fabled emolga potentially making an appearance.
Her assistance doesn't go unnoticed, but Red makes an effort not to put too much of his strength into the young gym leader's hand. He was very, very aware of his hulking figure--it's a little hard not to be, constantly smacking his shoulders against the doorframe. He would manage easily despite this, grunting softly as he pulled himself up onto the stage with ease.
[ Of course. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't share. ]
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starlightlightning · 2 months
Thank you, Ree, for understanding how useless she was when it came to this sort of thing.
Sweets, bug watching, and no alcohol? Easy enough to manage!
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Elesa giggled a bit at the mental image of Guzma and his Golisopod fighting each other and blurted out in a light and airy tone, "Haha! We're more alike than I thought! Honey and I always spar~"
She tapped a finger to her chin, debating all of her options.
"Thank you very much for the ideas, Ree. I'll definitely have to see if he's got some free time to hang out at some point!" "Hang out" seemed like the best way to approach a "date" situation. And if that went well, then, well! Maybe a proper date would be the next step.
it’s okay, Elesa. Ree already knows how you work with this kind of stuff. It’s why they brought this up in the first place.
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“Dinner is a good idea. Maybe goin’ our bug watchin too. Maybe you could watch him an’ Goli beat each other up.”
They have no idea what kind of food date-food is. They’ve barely kissed one girl, and that was … a while ago.
“I’m pretty sure he’d be down for anythin. He likes sweets but he’s bad with alcohol.”
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starlightlightning · 2 months
plays an rpg maker game that makes me cry hysterically and feel things very strongly
everyone needs to play. in stars and time. please. i just beat the prologue game and im Suffering already.
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starlightlightning · 2 months
"W-well, I know I don't need your permission..." Elesa mumbled, twiddling her thumbs a bit. She absolutely would feel better with their permission though.
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She'd had a pretty dead relationship life honestly.
Outside of her weird and complicated friends with benefits situation with people she wouldn't name, her last relationship was... a long time ago.
"Maybe I'll see if, uh, he'd like to get dinner some time." That would be easy to test the waters with. "Thanks, Ree. Er, what kind of food does he like? He seems like a 'burger and fries' or 'steak and potatoes' kind of guy."
“I mean. Why wouldn’t I be chill about it? He deserves to be happy.”
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A lot of people have cycled in and out with ‘hand holding’ Guzma. It’s just a part of life. It’s not like they ever really had an idea what a so-called ‘normal’ relationship looks like anyway.
“Besides, it’s not like you need my permission or nothin. I’m just telling you if you think it’s weird, it’s fine.”
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starlightlightning · 2 months
Emmet's lack of a smile felt like a knife to the heart; she hated seeing him without it, and she hated being the reason it had been wiped off his face in the first place. Elesa cursed herself for panicking and going to Emmet and dragging him into this mess and worrying him. She should have gone home, or anywhere else. At least then Emmet would be ignorant to her current situation.
I shouldn't have come here... He doesn't need to add me onto his plate of worries...
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Her own smile fell and she undid the fabric that held the wound closed. The air was cold against the open wound, but as she prodded it with slim fingers in a less hectic and frightening environment, it was easy to determine that the blade had only hit muscle. She'd still have to have a doctor look it over later just to make sure, but for now, Elesa could take some comfort in knowing she wasn't going to die in the middle of the night or something.
He chewed on his words for a long while, wiping his fingers off on an alcohol wipe so he could dig through the first aid kit without getting blood all over everything and contaminating it.
Finally, as he found the tools he needed, he spoke.
"I'll be okay, Em," Elesa said softly, handing him the roll of gauze and the medical tape. "I promise. This is all my own fault, really. I got--" She sprayed wound cleanser on the injury.
A hiss of pain escaped her lips as she poured the cleanser over the wound, leaning back against the wall and stomping a foot hard against the floor. The nerves were raw and angry, but the pain didn't last long, though the ache was heavy and deep.
Elesa took a slow breath, wiping at the wound with a sterile pad and holding it there for a moment.
"--I got cocky." He admitted finally.
After a couple more cleanses, each less painful than the first now that she knew what to expect, she took the gauze and tape from his hands. "... I'll, um. It's kind of embarrassing what happened honestly... Can you keep a secret, Em?" She looked up at him. "Even from Ingo?"
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The smile Elesa flashed him didn't bring Emmet any relief. If anything, it along with her words only heightened his distress. He knew that smile. Looking at that expression was like looking in the mirror. It was the smile Emmet wore whenever he wanted to be doing anything but smiling. It was a cheap mask that tried to bury whatever he was feeling under the surface but never quite could. If Elesa thought that was going to work on him, he was sorely mistaken.
"Elesa... El." He stood back up, stumbling slightly due to the lingering lightheadedness before pushing his chair a bit closer and sitting back down. He wanted to be as close as possible in case she needed any further assistance. His own comfort was the last thing on his mind at the moment. He wasn't going to abandon Elesa now- not when he really needed him. If Emmet couldn't have been there to help prevent this, he wanted- needed- to be here to help fix it now.
"I am not leaving." He insisted, carefully reaching over to retrieve her bloodstained shirt to get it out of her way. He swallowed in an attempt to relieve the tightness in his throat as he felt the blood through his gloves. It was still very warm. He shook his head to himself and set it aside before turning his attention back to Elesa. He'd long since abandoned his ever present grin, his expression uncannily stoic as he watched the other treat his wound.
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"You don't have to tell me the truth- I will not pressure you to- but you do not have to lie, okay? Just tell me if there is anything else I can do. I am here for you- and I will not be departing any time soon. I am not leaving your side until I know that you will be okay."
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starlightlightning · 2 months
Most guys are pretty put off whenever I ask to spar with them... maybe I should ask if Guzma wanted to at some point...
Elesa was not going to say that out loud. Telling someone she wanted to get into a friendly fistfight with their dad was probably... weird. Really weird. She just nodded slowly, accepting Ree's wisdom.
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"O-oh... I see... That's good to know I guess." She mumbled, tugging at a lock of hair nervously. "You're really chill about the idea of someone wanting to hold hands with you dad..." Elesa really shouldn't be that surprised.
“… miss Elesa.”
They put a hand on her shoulder. Look deep into their eyes, Elesa. They know what they’re talking about.
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“The only way you could be more his type is if you guys punched each other.”
They’re used to this, Elesa. Don’t worry about it.
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starlightlightning · 2 months
The gym really could use a make-over; she had been brainstorming some new layouts, so maybe someday it wouldn't look so much like a fashion runway. Maybe she'd design it to look like the insides of a computer or something like that.
She brightened at the mention of her Pokemon, blue eyes sparkling with delight.
"Oh! Yeah, of course!" Elesa took a step back, then turned, gesturing for Red for follow her. "Here, let's at least get out of the reception and to somewhere with more durable wiring. I don't want my team shorting out the lights and phones because they're showing off, haha."
Elesa led the way further into the Gym, up to the stage, where she climbed onto it easily without the aid of stairs, and offered Red a hand to help him up. She flashed him a cheeky grin. "I hope you'll give me the honor of seeing your own team too?"
He'd gotten lucky this time, no crowd in sight--no bright lights, no modeling; just a distinctly empty venue, bright screens behind the both of them.
Certainly, had there been hustle and bustle, Unovan news outlets would document every second of his presence in the gym.
Red looks side-to-side, frankly intrigued with the layout of the gym. It was truly like a fashion runway, the kind he remembers seeing on TV whenever his mom wanted to watch that stuff. It didn't interest him very much, he isn't particularly fashionable.
[ A gym battle--? ] A hand, out of habit, rears toward one of his pokeballs--before, retracting it in remembrance. Still, the premise of a battle makes his heart thump for just a second, before the champion is forced to return to reality.
[ I'm fascinated by your pokemon. I wanted to see them. ]
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starlightlightning · 2 months
continued from here // @skullkxd
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"Ha... that's a pretty good one." Elesa had to give them points for the snappy and funny comeback. She just wished it hadn't been directed at her.
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"But, you have it all wrong... Well-- maybe not that wrong..." She was so terrible at this sort of thing. And it was even more awkward because this was Ree's dad they were talking about! And they hadn't spoken that much... but she was a little charmed by him. "... Thank you for the permission to hold his hand... if he wants to anyway. Do you think he'd want to?"
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starlightlightning · 2 months
“it’s ok if you wanna do some intense hand holding with my dad btw.”
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"Ree-- I'm-- we're-- I, mean, I think he's really cool, and we both like bugs... and we both care a lot about you too. And he's pretty funny. Other than that, I don't know enough about him to do intense hand-holding... Maybe just normal hand-holding?"
Oh, that hole she was digging was just getting deeper and deeper and there was no getting out of it.
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starlightlightning · 2 months
"Haha, Unova! Nimbasa City to be exact!" Elesa responded smoothly with a laugh, continuing to swipe through her photos. Guzma was... adorable. He reminded her a lot of her Honey, only a whole lot less anxious; big and showy and strong, but a big softier once people looked past the exterior.
And before she could catch herself, she added, voice light and airy, "You're a lot like a bug type now that I'm thinking about it, hehe... like a Golisopod or a giant Heracross."
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She paused, cheeks and ears turning red as she scrambled to recover from that. "I-I mean... you're big and scary, and not a lot of people can see your charm points but I think you're pretty neat and easy to get along with and talk to! And I'd really like to hang out with you, and get to know you better!" She was a lot less graceful with her recovery, and every word that tumbled out of her mouth made her face turn even redder until she resembled a Cherubi.
And on top of that, considering their shared love of bugs, she probably didn't need to explain herself. As soon as she realized that, she had to take a second to hide her face against a palm.
"...wait you're serious--"
Usually when people say they like Bugs they mostly mean. The cute ones ( or, at last, the traditionally cute ones like Butterfree, every Bug is cute and people don't GET IT ) or the particularly powreful ones ( and, to be fair, he wouldn't blame anyone for having a party full ov Volcaronas ), and instead she pulls out pictures of so, so many different Joltiks and many other bugs? And starts talking about trading and gush about them, and going against his usualy though guy persona Guzma couldn't help but lean in curiously, barely holding in a particularly delighted gasp when he saw that, indeed, she had so, so, so many cute little fellas.
" . . .
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hey real quick where the fuck have ya been all my life--" GUZMA. "I mean. Ya don't find someone wit' good tastes everyday, 'round here!"
Yeah okay nice save loverboy. Whatever.
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starlightlightning · 2 months
if you had to completely redesign ONE canon thing of your character, be it something about their look, personality or backstory, what would you choose?
ive been turning this over and over in my head since i first got this ask tbh, even when i was taking my little vacation.
for one thing, i havent played the games in a long time. truthfully, before starting the blog up, i just watched a lets play of the games lol.
so i think the only thing i would change about her in canon would be her clothing style?
her character design is definitely very fitting for the era, but i think she could have ROCKED some either classier or flashier outfits. (also, and this was changed in the second game thankfully, her blond hair looked like a helmet so i thought she was just wearing a helmet for the longest time so her fashion + "her helmet" was super confusing for me)
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