starlightnovas · 1 year
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Gaze upon his glory
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starlightnovas · 1 year
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The whole system
Hey guys! I wanna do a create yourself picrew chain with my favourite picrew :) tag 5 people (or more. or less im not your mom) once ur done.
here’s mine :))
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tagging: @a-dotrivenitupontop​, @c4i-r0​, @xxriotgrrrlb0yxx​, @clumpofglitter​, @tennis-spawn​, @0beetle-legs0​ and literally anyone else who wants to do it
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starlightnovas · 1 year
Plot Devices to Complicate Your Story
You're excited to write an upcoming story, but the plot seems pretty simple from start to finish.
How can you make it more complicated to deepen your themes, lengthen the story, or leave your readers with plot twists that make their jaws drop?
Try a few of these devices 👀
Add motivation to your instigating action
When the princess gets kidnapped at the start of your story, your hero will rescue her, but what's the antagonist's motivation for kidnapping her? If they're in love with the hero and take their jealousy to the extreme or secretly know that the princess asked them for an escape plan to avoid marrying your hero, the plot is much more compelling.
You could add this detail anywhere in your plot, even in the first chapter.
Layer a second motivation underneath an action
After the princess is kidnapped, the hero starts their journey to rescue her. The reader finds out in the second chapter that the hero is being blackmailed to retrieve the princess and return her to their kingdom's biggest rival to start a war.
Amplify the original problem
Your protagonist rescues the princess and brings her home, only to find out that she's had a twin brother all this time who has been taken hostage by the antagonist in retaliation for the princess' escape.
Introduce a second, more evil villain
The antagonist has kidnapped the princess for their own motivation, but the reader discovers in the middle of your story that they serve a more evil villain who holds a personal grudge against the princess' father and wants his whole kingdom to suffer as revenge.
Create conflict that brings your protagonist to their rock bottom
The protagonist rescues the princess, almost reaches their home kingdom, but she escapes. The king sends the protagonist to prison for their failure and sentences them to death in three days. The reader will feel the hopelessness along with your protagonist, which is where you can create something that injects new hope into your plot (like a dramatic jailbreak thanks to the protagonist's best friend).
Make a character betray another
The protagonist reaches the princess with the help of their best friend, but the princess stabs the protagonist in the back by trading their best friend for herself through an unbreakable vow
Reveal an unreliable narrator
Your protagonist agrees to rescue the princess for the sake of the kingdom, but the second or third chapter reveals that they are really on a mission to kill the princess for personal revenge against the king.
Reveal that the villain has known everything the whole time
Your protagonist and princess escape, but the villain factored that into their plan to start a war and have their forces waiting outside of her castle when they arrive home
Introduce sudden regret that changes a character's arc
The protagonist has to leave their best friend behind to ensure the princess' escape, but in leaving them, the protagonist realizes they've been in love with their best friend the entire time. Regret motivates them to head back for their best friend and risk their life twice as soon as the princess is home safe.
Temporarily kill a character
The princess kills the villain with some help from your protagonist, so they think they're safe. On their way back home, the villain sets a trap for them in the woods because they actually survived the attack.
Try using Chekov's gun
Before leaving for the princess, your protagonist gets a potion made by a family member. The directions? "Use it in your moment of greatest need." The protagonist uses it later when they're facing the villain or after hitting rock bottom, so the potion becomes a plot device that instigates your second or third act.
Accelerate the plot
Your reader thinks the plot is all about rescuing the princess, but she returns home in the first 100 pages. The real plot begins by choices or actions made during her rescue, which unravel into a much larger story/world event.
You likely won't be able to use all of these plot devices in a single story. You may not even have the first plot for more than one.
Consider what you're writing and what dynamics your characters/plot present to decide if any of these tricks could enhance your writing.
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starlightnovas · 2 years
Neurotypical writers giving advice: Be realistic with your goals. Try to outline or write a little every day. Refill the well. Get yourself a cup of tea and write for 30 minutes until the tea is empty. Check in daily with your accountability buddies for the next three to six months.
ADHD writers giving advice: Put on a movie that matches the tone of your novel to kickstart your dopamine and get into hyperfocus, then put a song on loop on noise-cancelling headphones, livestream your writing session so you feel watched and owe someone accountability, and write as much as you can for as long as you can. Don't forget to eat, sleep or drink. Now go write that novel in 5 days.
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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hello tumblr i had a dream about a cat that everyone loved named Soupy so i wanted to draw her for you
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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starlightnovas · 2 years
rb to give a flower to the person you rb this from
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starlightnovas · 2 years
your level of education means nothing if you never learned any compassion
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starlightnovas · 2 years
I'm gonna be bold here and say. Boyfriend is just a vibe. You don't have to be a boy to be a boyfriend.
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starlightnovas · 2 years
Bitches love reblogging this post every Tuesday the 18th
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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Feather illustration for non-biologists! It occurred to me that some of you might find this useful. It starts with a necessary biology lesson, because I find that understanding the structure and function of feathers will greatly improve accurate rendering of those feathers.
A lot of this is general - obviously you can find all kinds of exceptions in the  natural world (penguins, ratites, I’m looking at you guys). But it should cover the bulk of the illustration needs if you’re not comfortable drawing feathers and want some ideas on how to improve.
For photo references, I highly recommend birdpixel (a very generous online art reference created by Leena and Vivek Khanzode), Cornell’s Macaulay Library, and Piranga, which is mostly aimed at North American bird banders but shows excellent close-ups of a variety of species.
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starlightnovas · 2 years
in the tags, say how long the plot of your WIP takes in-universe
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starlightnovas · 2 years
Nervous Quirks for your Characters
Here's a short list of nervous quirks/habits for you to give to characters in your stories! Feel free to add on with more!
Lip biting (may result in scabbed lips)
Leg bouncing
Nail biting/picking
Skin picking
Nose scrunching
Adjusting clothing
Tapping feet/hands
Rubbing hands together
Rubbing feet together
Losing track of time
Forgetting what they were talking about
Going silent/refusing to talk
Picking at face/skin
Constantly readjusting clothes
Sweating/feeling hot
Distracting themselves
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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did you???? #SnifferSweep
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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starlightnovas · 2 years
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