starlit-cosmos · 5 years
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starlit-cosmos · 5 years
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Fr fr. If you genuinely think pedophilia is a sexuality you can kiss my gay ass. I don’t want to see pedophilia on any of these June 2019 Pride Month calendars y’all are making.
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starlit-cosmos · 5 years
While unfortunately your ACNL town will have to be remade, your pokebank data is actually linked to your NNID, so your Pokemon in it are safe. I went through the same thing but once I renewed my pokebank subscription on my new 2DS (which was a year + later) I was able to retrieve all my Pokemon. So thankfully, not all is lost.
My subscription ran out though not long after the DS died. Oh well. Glad things turned out okay for you though!
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starlit-cosmos · 5 years
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amazing content from phillip henry
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starlit-cosmos · 5 years
You know, I had my doubts about Let’s Go: Pikachu/Eevee, but they had a mechanic that hasn’t been seen in some time.
I can name my rival.
His name is TURDMUFFIN.
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
I just. I don’t like this view of “millennials vs Gen Z”. This is NOT supposed to be a competition of who got fucked over the most and who’s “actually fighting back”.
Millennials are fighting back just by surviving in a job market where the minimum wage doesn’t cover the living cost. Millennials are awesome at “killing” the diamond, golfing and napkins industries. Millennials are using the internet to make sure things that corporations want to keep in the dark are exposed. They’re open LGBTQIA-friendly business, they’re supporting each other with online donations so everyone can survive this shitty economy.
And the Gen Z kids? The Gen Z kids are rad. I remember a post about something like the millennials making a collective promise to never become a disenchanted generation that only criticizes the next one and I want to point out that this “millennials vs gen z” trend is trying to do exactly that: split us apart. Prevent millennials from being the older siblings that teach the younger siblings to throw a good punch and turn them into the annoyed adult complaining about “those kids” on their lawn. We are the two groups that grew in a connected world of information. We are two very unique generations.
I think that it’s our duty for us millennials, as a disrespected, underpaid, very angry generation to stand up by our younger siblings, and fight together the oppressive systems that brought us all to this point.
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
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Having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome sometimes feels about the equivalent of being composed of jello and wet spaghetti. Nothing stays where its supposed to. Literally every single cell in the body is floppy, so fingers are definitely an issue for many of us. I can almost guarantee that for the majority of us, writing is not only slow and painful but nearly impossible at times. FIne motor skills? What even are those? An EDSer surely doesn’t have any of those. Even typing which is far easier than writing, is painful and daunting at times. But last year I joined the population of shiny zebras by getting fitted for a set of Silver Rings Splints and they are beyond magical.
For those of you who have not heard of The Silver Ring Splint Company, they are a company that custom makes finger splints that look like elegant pieces of jewelry. Don’t believe me? Well I can’t even tell you how many compliments I’ve received for them. Nobody even suspects that they might possibly be medical. But more importantly, they work amazing! I still have hand pain and finger dislocations when performing fine motor skills and writing is definitely not something I look forward to but I have saved myself thousands of painful dislocations, I can open doors easier, type faster, write longer and hold objects in my hands without looking like an alien from a sic-fi movie. With the rings on my fingers actually look like fingers rather than tentacles!
The company is also family owned and the people are so sweet and helpful!
If you are having trouble with hand pain, clumsiness and dislocations please check out this amazing company!
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
Rosalina from Mario Galaxy is a lesbian sorry i don’t make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
Welcome to Japan
Where cars are parked orderly and in reverse
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Where fruits can be cubes
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Where people keep left
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And lamps have different brightness for double beds
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People queue up in lines
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Applies to stickers too
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Where what you get is the same as the poster
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you get waved goodbye..?
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Relieving both mind and body
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Smooth train operator
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No embarrassing knocking or barging into rooms to check out if they are occupied
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When you need an extra hand
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For the selfiestas
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Brolly holders
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Because normal manhole covers are too mainstream
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Think diagonal
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And anytime u need to soak your feet
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Where you raise responsible adults, not brats
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And luggage is organised in color codes
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When you need help after the condom broke
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Instant sanitary gratification
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Why they are so welcome at football matches
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Where water is that clean in the drains
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Nuff said
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Source: imgur.com
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
20 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Will Leave You With The Biggest Smile
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
i cant believe its daylight savings time and i havent seen the “hello its me your cousin oskaar from iceland” video on my dash yet you are all slackers
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
If a gay person tells you they’re only attracted to people of the same sex, and your first response is to angrily go “So you have an obsession with genitals? You’re a depraved pervert who only cares about genitals?” Then you’re… homophobic.
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
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9 things we want you to know..
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starlit-cosmos · 6 years
What most people consider negativity: Not smiling and saying everything is great all of the time. Showing any sign of struggling, no matter what you’re going through. Being honest or realistic about a bad situation.
What I consider negativity: Saying unnecessary harsh or mean things about yourself or someone else. Being abusive, controlling, manipulative, and/or doing something to hurt someone’s mental well-being. Like pressuring them to smile and act happy all of the time, instead of letting them feel what they need to feel. Making people feel like they have to apologize just for admitting that they’re having a hard time.
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