starorafr · 8 years
starora 107726
This works the same way, except ‘ll be at my parents all weekend so you only have say, 48 hours this time.  Reblog with your name and # for a chance to win a Katana! That’s all there is to it. 
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starorafr · 8 years
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the community rn be like
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starorafr · 8 years
About recent site drama, what if we arrange a silent day in protest? Basically, no one participating logs in to the site, so if we get a large enough people doing this, the forums will be almost silent. Staff will probably lose much more revenue.
huh, that sounds like something that could work
anyone else wanna try it?
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starorafr · 8 years
Turn on AdBlock on FR and stop buying gems.
Yesterday, the Flight Rising staff did a real dick move, one that is unforgivable.
Flight Rising has been home to many sick users who like to harass, trigger and suicide bait others. Recently, FR user Zyxyz harassed another user Lucatri to the point of suicide. Lucatri posted their suicide note on their blog and hasn’t been heard from since. Shortly after that, popular user (and commonly known as a drama starter even though she’s more of a messenger) Rhea posted a callout post on their drama blog (cassowarhea, you might want to take note of this) asking people to block and ignore user Zyxyz. Zyxyz has also suicide baited Rhea herself in the past (you can find evidence on the callout post itself). This is where things get sour. Rhea linked her drama-free blog (rheafr) on her Flight Rising profile, and was subsequently suspended for 5 days for making a “blacklist”. FR’s Terms of Service has previously stated that they cannot do anything about offsite things, therefore suspending Rhea for the callout post on Tumblr has already gone back on their word. The second problem is that there are known pedophiles, suicide baiters, harassers, people who post screamers all over the tag, neo-nazis and scammers (some of which have done things on site but got of scot free) who have been reported multiple times with proof but nothing has been done. Yet, someone who tries to protect the community by calling out actually harmful users is suspended when troublemakers get off scot free? Bonus: A known, repeated scammer was unbanned. You can find a lot more info in the reblogs of the second link (to the callout post) where others have provided their opinions and some proof. If another registration window comes around and you were considering joining, I implore that you please reconsider. The staff abuse their powers and do not care about their players. Please boost this. People need to know how toxic the staff are. If you can, please copy and paste this on your DeviantArt, Tumblr, anywhere. People need to know and FR needs to lose its userbase because this is unforgivable.
Please add more information if you have any and spread it beyond FR. Also please stop buying gems and also turn on your AdBlock on FR. The staff needs to know they messed up big time and will not be supported until they fix this.
And if you reblog this on your FR blog - Please remove links to your Tumblr from anywhere on FR. You can possibly get in trouble for this.
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starorafr · 8 years
I have a few, too!
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Am not having a great day, all in all. Show me your (non-pink) lady SDs? I love lady SDs.
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starorafr · 8 years
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What is this and why does it look so delicious!?
(Well, whatever it is, it is for sale! I have decided not to put it on the AH until it is an adult, but make me an offer if you want it!)
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starorafr · 8 years
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Okay. Ultra-mega-lair-sale time!
Red cross = keeping (but still offer for them if you really want them - I want to get rid of as many as possible!) Dark green circle = Was going to sell these anyway (Please go and buy some of these!) Light green circle = Make an offer. I know I need to part with these, but I am kind of sentimental over them. Orange square = I want to keep these but know I shouldn’t. Make an offer, if it is good enough, I will probably accept. No paint scribble over them = Undecided, but please offer anyway!
I have 5 gen ones up for offer here; the first four on the last image who were just hatched on the recent anniversary, plus Orvil (kinda ugly-looking fully-gened nocturne on page 2) who was hatched on the very first NOTN.
Another thing to note is that quite a few of them are 7-digit ids, which is pretty cool, I guess.
Most of them can be found in my lair (link), but the last two are staying with a recently-joined friend (link).
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starorafr · 8 years
I need to get rid of some dragons so that I can get some pairs that are better for breeding... But I am too sentimental over the dragons that I have had for quite a while... How do people get rid of old dragons without regretting it? Please help.
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starorafr · 8 years
Hello there! This is Lyth and he is the only Tundra that I have. He is also my random progen and he is very pretty!
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Honestly if you ever wanna ping me just to show me your tundras
I would love that so much
I love tundras you guys
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starorafr · 8 years
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Someone, anyone, buy a dragon from me! My lair is completely full so I have more that this to sell (and a 5 egg nest to hatch!), but here are the fully grown dragons and gen ones that I have for sale!
The bottom two are gen ones and the tundras are both gen twos, offspring of my progens.
Find them all and more on pages 3 and 4 of my lair!
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starorafr · 8 years
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ivory/flint/canteloupe mint/bubblegum/saffron shamrock/rose/saffron
Someone please take these pretty things away from me because my lair space is full and I still have one nest (of five eggs) to hatch!
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starorafr · 8 years
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wisteria/soil/wisteria gen two XYX silver/beige/azure gen two
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starorafr · 8 years
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shadow/obsidian/lead shadow/eldritch/shale shadow/shadow/coal XXY
Please buy some of my spirals!
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starorafr · 8 years
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Splash/utlramarine/ice Sand/ruby/stone Marigold/sunshine/cherry Camo/tomato/canteloupe Grey/carrot/eldritch Gen Two Mulberry/rust/navy Gen Two Saffron/overcast/jade GEN ONE White/thicket/red GEN ONE
Please buy some of these dragons from me! I am running out of lair room!
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starorafr · 8 years
some color grouping ideas
with all these nice new colors, there’s a lot of opportunity for some fun themed hatcheries! i made a few groups of some colors (not all of them!) to maybe inspire some people
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starorafr · 8 years
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I’m having Scrying problems???
I made a triple Camo dragon but I don’t see anything??
Is this a bug? It seems to be just for this color
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starorafr · 8 years
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Scrying my new gen ones and this happened. So beautiful.
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