starpunkd · 4 hours
It's funny how antishippers say "fiction affects reality" while talking about a proshipper saying they like minor x adult ships/incestous ships or other problematic ships. Like yeah, fiction does affect reality. And you antishippers are the FIRST example. Because YOU are so AFFECTED by a FICTIONAL thing that YOU decide to harass REAL PEOPLE and you tell "kill yourself" "you should be raped" to REAL PEOPLE- while proshippers are just minding their own business (not supporting harassment, doxxing, or sending death threats to REAL PEOPLE and also being against REAL PEDOPHILIA, REAL INCEST and REAL ABUSE) and being one of the most pacific and calm communities I've ever seen.
A FICTIONAL thing doesn't make proshippers worse people because they're NOT affected by fiction. YOU antishippers are the ones affected by that fiction by letting it corrupt your souls.
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starpunkd · 5 hours
thank fucking god I'm not 14 anymore
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starpunkd · 7 hours
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redrew some frames from the Kuroshitsuji s1 ending
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starpunkd · 10 hours
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Those eyes
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starpunkd · 11 hours
I mean, he did date Crowly for a while...
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it's science
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starpunkd · 11 hours
No amount of post-air damage control will unqueerbait the queerbaiting in the show itself. If actors have to clarify and confirm stuff then by definition, BY DEFINITION, this is subtext. Look, I'm not saying destiel isn't canon, it clearly is. But Supernatural still hurt a lot of queer fans on their way there. And the least they could've done was DEAN'S REACTION to Cas's confession. If they weren't allowed to go with a kiss, a fucking hug would suffice. But the didn't let them do it, either. Why? Cuz it was important for CW to keep it ambiguous. That shit was done on purpose, and all of the actors went along with it. They took part in it. They shot it, they got paid for it. Now they're doing the damage control? Fuck, no. Too late for that shit.
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Thank you Drula @casisloved twitter.
These were the most beautiful details ive ever heard when it comes to #Destiel
Thank u again
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starpunkd · 12 hours
The fact that people still debate over whether Dean reciprocated Cas's feelings whether what or not, fucking proves my point here: Supernatural has NEVER STOPPED being the most horrible example of queerbaiting in the modern culture.
I've been shamed a lot by these kids who watch the show now, who are aware of Cas's feelings beforehand. But it was me who saw Cas being thrown in beds with women after every "suggestive" scene with Dean and vice versa. This is textbook queerbaiting. That's what they used to do, nothing will change that. Supernatural will forever be the show who based a lot of their marketing strategy on fucking over its queer fans. And I say fuck this shit.
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how are we all feeling after today ???
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starpunkd · 24 hours
there's something so extremely depressing about looking through nsfw artists Tumblr accounts and those accounts being abandoned/last posted on 10 years ago or just gone... so many artist livelihood and connections and community just, gone. it's like a graveyard.
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starpunkd · 1 day
Overheard in the manor's kitchen...
Bard: Hey, what's wrong, kid? Why do you look so sad?
Finny *tearing up*: It's because Mr. Sebastian is going to leave us...
Bard *confused*: Huh? What do you mean?
Finny: I woke up late last night and I wanted to get a glass of water. And when I walked past Mr. Sebastian's room, I heard the young master crying... He said, he said 'Sebastian, let me come!'
Bard: ?!?!
Finny: That means Mr. Sebastian is leaving us, right? And the young master asked to come with him!
Bard: ...
Finny: He must've been so sad!
Bard: Finny, no...
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starpunkd · 1 day
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Ecofascism and American Christianity have a lot in common.
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starpunkd · 1 day
“But their relationship is so fucked up why do you like it?” Brother if you even glanced at the shit I’ve romanticized you’d clutch your pearls so hard your fist would go through your chest
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starpunkd · 1 day
No. Shit. A this point in any book, I'll drop the book and go on reading Greek mythology. Fuck, is this really happening?
reading a romance novel where the protagonist feels the need to stop and inform that audience that it's okay for her, a 27 year old, to hook up with a 31 year old because despite the age difference both of their brains are fully developed. the Discourse really has done incalculable damage.
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starpunkd · 1 day
Been working in pest control for 3 months now and i can confidently say that nobody on earth seems to understand that sometimes You Will See A Bugs and that's Normal if you live literally anywhere with oxygen
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starpunkd · 1 day
still can't believe the show about two boys who were both killed too soon and felt like they didn't matter... got killed too soon like it didn't matter
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starpunkd · 1 day
Anti's wracking their brains trying to understand how proshippers can like fictional incest while finding actual incest morally reprehensible:
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starpunkd · 2 days
What's magical is that Ciel knows Sebastian isn't dead, and Sebastian, well, knows it, too. And if this is Ciel giving his loyal butler a proper funeral, then there ought to be other people around them, and Ciel is totally using this pretense to be able to caress Seb's face out in the open. In other words, as antis will put it, they clearly hate each other, oh, so much. 🤣
Srsly though, Ciel's caressing Seb's face while at the same time he's probably giving him some dirty talk or something, and I mean that shit's canon, right? Dang, I love this show!
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starpunkd · 2 days
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As seen on AO3, authors note stating (I’ve corrected their grammar):
This is not sebaciel; it is not intended to be interpreted as sebaciel; it is not intended to be read by anyone who ships sebaciel.
Sweetie, you cannot control who reads your works on a public website. If you are so opposed to sebaciel you feel compelled to post the equivalent of a sign on your door that says “stay out if you have cooties,” maybe you shouldn’t post your work publicly??
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