starrydaphne · 3 years
StarryDaphne’s Website
Hello everyone~ ^-^
I moved to Medium as my preferred platform for uploading my stories. 
If you would like to read the short stories I create, everything will be in the link below:
Thank you. :)
StarryDaphne’s Introduction Website: https://starrydaphne.carrd.co/
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Hi hi I'll just share a random thought I have:
 People won't know unless we put ourselves out there, we all have the power to share what information we want others to know. It is up to us if we want to take  initiative in building relationships, and of course take initiative in our own self development. Everything from social connections to personal growth, all varies from a person's preference. Of course there will be times when people may fool you, but family and friends are what makes everything alright from our lowest points. Yeahhh social relationships (and any type of relationship) is a double edged sword where it could help or even hurt you.  All you have is yourself at the end, and the support of others is definitely appreciated.
Thinking back...  I honestly find it so reassuring that God is always with me, I am not actually alone. So the saying that all I have is myself at the end, is not the case, the Lord is with me. I love the Lord for he has answered my prayers, and of course he has saved me. Everything I do is for him, I thank the Lord for making me realize this. Yeah there are moments that I forget the essence of his presence so I thank him for letting me know. God is always with me. God always protects and guides me. God will never leave and forsake me, he will never let me down. Yeah, that’s so wonderful to say. I will be with him when the time comes.
Yay thanks for reading XD - From, StarryDaphne
Not related but: This is not a fictional short story so I’ll hopefully be sending them once I fixed my priorities :)
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Short story by: StarryDaphne
“Everyone knows that disagreeing with people will cause conflicts to arise.” The first line I thought of writing on my reflection journal. I always like writing my emotions, feelings, and thoughts out whenever I have the free time, this activity of mine is not for school or whatever. 
Right now, I am currently in a café where people are chatting, working, and eating. Today is a weekend so there are no classes to attend, right now is a time for me to just relax and take a break from all the work I did this week. Self care is a must after all, it is necessary to avoid burnout.
Just casually looking out of the window, one thing that I know of would be that there is no perfect life, problems happen and not everything is easygoing or happy. There are also individuals in this world that just don’t have the same values or beliefs as yours. 
With what I thought of I immediately wrote them in my journal, who knows I may read back to what I put in this notebook. 
After about 30 mins. of writing in my journal, I packed my things and started heading out of the café to meet up with my friend, Esme. We will be going to a social gathering, and I honestly don’t know what to expect. I don’t really hate socializing honestly and I know that it will be a fun time. “Let’s go Jenna!” I said to myself in my head.
I met my friend outside a bookstore and we proceeded to the place where we will meet new people, apparently something we all have in common is our love for music. 
We arrived at a reserved park and noticed that there are just about 20 people all in all, that includes me and my best friend. The both of us decided to sit at an unoccupied picnic table.
There was a small platform that seems like stage at the center of the park,  I could also see two mic stands at the middle and saw a speaker in each side. “Looks like this will be a cool event.” I thought.
While waiting for the event to start, I was having a conversation with Esme about a manga that both of us has been reading. The both of us would make up theories about what will happen, then I would fangirl about it. 
The event program then starts with 2 hosts going up to the stage, upbeat music started  playing. “Hey, hey, hey! Are you all ready for some fun today?” A girl with a ponytail asked all of us enthusiastically.
No reply. Well a few “Wohoo’s” were heard but that’s about it. “Seems like we’re all introverts here.” Esme says a comment to me. “Yeah, true.” I replied with a smile to him. 
After a good time in the event it’s finally part of the program where we get to interact with each other. Me and my best friend were gesturing the 2 hosts to come sit with us at our spot of the picnic table.
They arrived and the young woman sat beside me, while the young man sat beside Esme. 
“That was a great program y’all prepared.” I started once they have settled on with their seats.
“Why thank you!” The young man, Jonah, replied. “What are your thoughts about this social event?” He asks us. 
I thought for quite a while, I really kept him waiting for my answer. “Don’t worry, Jenna’s always like that.” Esme told him in order for the vibe to not be too uncomfortable. 
“Well, me and Jessica worked hard for it so I hoped everyone liked the gathering today.” Jonah said as he touched his nape with a slight smile.
“Don’t worry to much Jonah, I’m sure she’ll have a positive feedback.” Jessica told him and smiled. 
“Well might as well give my opinion while we wait for her thoughts.” Esme said. “Here we go...” 
Everyone had a fun conversation and Jenna realized something after they had said their goodbyes. Once she arrived at her desk she opens her journal and re read what she wrote. “ Everyone knows that disagreeing with people will cause conflicts to arise. “ 
Well what comes next will solely depend on how both parties will react and how they handle the situation. Could be humor, or they could listen to each other and respect each others’ opinions. The experience Jenna had was really eye opening for her. 
The conversation at the picnic table: 
Jenna: I really enjoyed it, but - 
Jonah: AHa that key word, ok bring it on!
Jenna: ?? (she looks at him questionably) 
Esme: Pfft
Jessica: He knows that there will be something “hurtful” (does the finger quotes) ahead because of the word “but”. 
Jenna: Oh, ok then. As I said....
The end. :> Thanks for reading! Follow for more. 
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Thanks for reading! Follow for more.
All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE  
All rights reserved to StarryDaphne.
If you’re still reading here, then I suggest for you to read Talentless Nana, :DD it is a really great and amazing manga. There is already an anime adaption of it which is so cool, plus entertaining. :>> Thank you! (The manga is not really related to this fictional short story, just wanted to share it) 
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Short Story by: StarryDaphne 
*Fixed version in my website: https://sites.google.com/view/starrydaphne/home
“I don’t get why people dislike other people with passion.” A 16 year old girl named Amie told her best friend Eliza. Both in their teenage years hanging around at her bedroom. 
Eliza, the same age as her sits up from Amie’s bed as she says her response. “How many holes are there in a straw?” She asks. Debates are a great way to talk about controversial matters. Being civilized is a must when faced with opposing sides. One must listen, understand, and be open to others so that heated arguments won’t be to severe. 
Amie has gotten her message and went along with the conversation, “There are of course 2 holes in a straw.” Amie looked to Eliza originally using her laptop at her desk space. She turned around her chair and smiled looking forward to their interaction.  
“Other people think that there’s just 1 hole in a straw.” Eliza says. “Oh really? Why?” Amy’s tone gradually went to a higher pitch when asking. “Well, let me think.” She shrugs. 
“Search up the definition of a hole then.” Eliza then says after a few seconds. “Ok.” Amie proceeds to type on her laptop, using a browser that she was using earlier. “A hole is a hollow place in a solid body of surface.” 
“People say that a straw is one long hole, while other people say that there is a hole in each of the straw’s end.” Eliza said after Amie told the definition. “Ah, now I get it.” Amie says after she looked at a picture. 
“Ok, it makes sense now. If there are 2 straws stuck beside each other, then there will be 2 holes all in all.” Amie clarified to Eliza. 
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“Say, this tree trunk just has one hole. If there was another in hole beside but not too close then that makes it two holes all in all.” Amie showed the picture to Eliza from her laptop. “Yup, that makes sense and that’s the truth.” She agrees. 
“What more if the controversy is even worse than this debate? Lol.” Eliza adds. “Yeah, people should respect each other even when they have opposing beliefs.” Amie replies. Both nods to each other and continued on to their own business. 
One thing for sure that both Amie and Eliza knows, is that truth is not relative. It is absolute and no one can argue with that. Just like how we need oxygen to breath and how we need gravity to not stay afloat. 
Thanks for reading! Follow for more. 
All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE  
All rights reserved to StarryDaphne. 
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Online friends
Short Story by: StarryDaphne 
A girl and a boy in their teenage years started talking to each other, they met  from a common game they play. At first strangers, both slowly strengthened their relationship through playing together and by talking with each other when they are online. 
The young girl just finished her online classes, one thing to take note of is that every country right now is in quarantine. The purpose of everyone staying in their houses would be because there’s a virus going on. With that, online classes are implemented for the students’ safety. People are still allowed to go out although only when needed, in this case, only for groceries and for necessities. 
She sighs after closing her laptop, her head seemed heavy and murky with all the information she got from class. What made her head even more heavy would be the pay for next school year, the family had enough money for now. Not so long until they are not able to afford the tuition, she hopes that it won’t happen with all her heart. “I’ll do the chores now and then school work.” The young girl thought. 
Quarantine has affected many people, it is an understatement to say otherwise. Whether financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, and all sorts. Losses of any kind are devastating, and unfortunately, the girl has experienced the same dilemma. 
Her family has been going through a financial issue where they would sometimes only take 1 meal a day for them to pay their bills. With that she was not able to play the game as often, and when they do, she’s a bit different than how she used to be. This made her best friend worry about her. 
“You ok there Alice?” He sends a message from his computer. This teenage boy was playing with random people in coop, waiting for her to become online. It was around 8pm when they would usually play, so he decided to send a message to her in discord. These online friends were from the same country, and they both shared their usernames once they were both comfortable with each other.
He waited for 30 mins. and finally had a reply back. 
“Not really Wayne. ._.” Alice replies to him after she was done doing some of her school assignments. 
“Want to talk about it? You seem pretty down lately.” He replies. 
Wayne was pretty concerned as a friend, Alice would help him out when he needed help with school or other dilemmas. He wanted to give back to her since she was being a great friend.
You could say that both of them are really close, they’ve been friends for a year now ever since they met from playing the game. They don’t just play games together, but chat as well in discord. Both of them gave their ages once they were more comfortable with each other. 
“Sure, I could talk about it.” Alice sends her reply, a bit hesitant at first with her slowed down typing. After a few moments she then said her situation. “Our family has a financial issue right now.” She said feeling a bit embarrassed. Alice is now wondering how he’ll react, her heart pounding. 
Receiving the message, Wayne thought for a while on how to cheer her up. “I hope that you’ll over come it.” He replies back. “What else could I say to help her?” 
Alice read his reply and a small smile crept on her face, her heart beat began to go back to normal. She was really thankful for having a great friend which she met last year. They met during summer break when Alice was a bit shy with socializing. She accidentally accepted his coop request. Scared at first, Alice became more comfortable with him being so confident and kind. How did Alice accidentally accept his coop request? She was so deep in thought on how to build up her main, that she got surprised with the request that popped up. To her surprise, it led her to immediately press the check button without thought.
Wayne right now on the other side of the screen, looked up to his laptop and waited for her reply, he thought of something that could actually help her. “Thank you :>” She replies. 
“Right, I have a suggestion for you. If you would like one.” He secretly hopes that she’ll accept his advice while he was typing that sentence out. “Sure, what is it?” Alice says to Wayne as her embarrassment slowly fades away. 
“You could try doing art commissions since you love drawing.” Wayne really did give it some thought, he remembered Alice mentioning that she enjoys drawing in her free time in one of their chats. 
“True I could do that, but I’m so busy with school so I don’t know if I could manage my time.” Alice replies, sighing with the thought. “I’ll be the first client for now and you could take your time. :D” He says, confident with his suggestion with no doubt whatsoever on his decision. 
“Really?? You would do that? Let’s get started then :DD” She smiled and laughed after she sent the message, really excited and happy for her first art commission. “I’ll do it digitally, and in terms for the payment..” Alice added. 
“I could pay you through g-cash, and sure it’s fine to do it digitally.” Wayne texted back. “Ok sure I’m good with that :D” She immediately says. 
The both of them discussed what Alice’s first art commissions will be in a semi professional but casual tone. “What can I be of your service today my very dear client?” Alice starts. Wayne plays along until they finally had a decision. 
Both are aware that they should keep their word and not let the other down, the bond of trust they have together was really strong. 
Alice would send him drafts, the color palette, and little sneak peaks of her digital art to make sure he is satisfied with it and would approve of it. Both of them made sure to keep the work professional, still having fun with it as best friends.
Over the process of making Alice’s first art commission, both of them will be client and artist for work. Provided that their topic of chat is about her art commission. Then frequently, they are best friends playing the game and chatting through meaningful conversations. There was great balance between having work, to help Alice gain money for her family, and having fun through strengthening their relationship as best friends. 
After 4 weeks, she finally finished her artwork. She sent a low quality resolution/really pixelated photo of her digital artwork. “I’m done with my first art commission Wayne. :D”” Alice added a smiley face to have a bit of casualness in her line of work. She was proud of it and she was sure that the pay will definitely be worth it.  
A few minutes passed and Wayne replies with “Great job! :>” He definitely smiled after sending his message, he continues to type. “Now as a client that has seen your hard work, I will definitely pay your fine with ease.” He added. 
“Thank you very much, now I will wait for your payment as promised.” Alice giggles as she sent her message. She was really happy with their relationship. There is no burden Alice carries with Wayne, both of them have each other’s backs. 
This continued for a year and Alice was really fortunate to help her family. Eventually the financial problem was solved with her family being able to make more money than usual now. The virus also eased and announcements from the government said that it was safe to go out now. 
Alice also started making commissions for other people instead of just Wayne, while she was making her first commission she actually made an art account in Instagram which received a lot of recognition over time. Alice really made sure to thank Wayne for his encouragement and help. 
“Hey Wayne! I just want to thank you for helping me overcome my financial issue. What could I give you in return?” Alice sends her message immediately after forming her sentence, “I would really like nothing in return honestly, I did this genuinely so no worries about it.” He replies. 
“Oh, there’s one thing that I would like us to do.” Wayne then texts after he sent his message. “Of course! What would it be?” Alice replies in a heartbeat. 
“Let’s meet up shall we?” He asks, a bit nervous with his heart pounding. 
Alice’s eyes widened and really smiled wide. “You bet :D” 
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(Also the drawing shown here was not the first art commission Alice made, it’s more better than that and of course I can’t draw magnificently yet XD)
All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE
Thanks for reading! Follow for more.
I’ve been engaging in discord and in genshin impact recently so might as well create a short story about online friends. :DD It’s completely fine to have them since their real, just be careful to the people you talk with . :>> Keep in mind that we all have our limitations. 
(The game that Alice and Wayne plays together is Genshin Impact, I did not add the specific name to make it more general :D Although canonically, it’s genshin impact.) 
Also I just did a random name generator for this fiction short story. XD
All right reserved to StarryDaphne.
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Welcome :D
*Edit: Please check my latest post for an update. I shall keep this tumblr account for memories :>
Hey there! This is Daphne, if you’re new here I would want to mention that I have a YouTube channel with the niches of Lifestyle, Music, and Gaming. Check that out if you enjoy the content here :D (YouTube is basically more content from me). 
Just a heads up, I’m also planning to do more than creating videos and writing short stories. I hope you’re looking forward to that as I am excited for it. :>> Keep in mind that it will take a lot of time for my aspirations to become reality. I should also work hard and stay committed. Enjoy your stay here in this tumblr page :)
Take your time to do your goals and aspirations as well :D
We got this wohoo!
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(The gif above is from Persona 5, that game is really memorable for me.) 
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Book store
Short Story by: StarryDaphne
The sun shines with people busily walking to work, this one young adult however walked with delight, on her way to a very admirable place. This place is full of wonders, she thinks that all her worries will disappear once arrived. No fret whatsoever with her school or any work, as it is a Friday. She was done with all her classes and it was already decided that it will be a busy weekend for her. 
This very Friday is a time for her to relax, she knows what lies ahead for the next day with her planner in her tote bag. Her short wavy hair has been neatly kept knowing that she wants to keep the style natural. She was not against other people styling their hair for it is a sign of expression, or more reasons to how and why they present themselves. 
Enough with the chit chatter, the young lady opened the door to her favorite place. Tinkling sounds were produced as she went in, she gave a slight nod and smile to the person at the cashier. This place, her favorite place, is a book store.
She immediately went to the fiction area of books, the genres that tickle her fancy would be fantasy, mystery, adventure, and romance. While looking through the books, she noticed a young man probably the same age, go in the book store as well. He was wearing headphones around his neck and a navy blue sweater, that young man must like listening to music. “Not like I bother.” She thought to herself. Just to mention, this young woman also likes, no, loves listening to music. 
The young man went over the non-fiction section, he thought that it would be a nice change of pace. He still loves reading fiction books, although he decided to be a bit different now, another reason is that he could not find himself to go in the fiction section. 
A while back: While arriving to the bookstore he thought of what book to buy, he had a list in his head with the recommendations his friend told him. “We’ll see once I go there.” 
He arrived in the bookstore and looked at the fiction section, the young boy then saw a beautiful and cute young woman, “She’s about my age.” He panicked internally and decided to go in the non-fiction area. There were other options for him to choose anyway. 
Back to present: Both the young woman and man had a bit of eye contact, it lasted for 3 seconds. “Could this be like a romance novel?” The girl thought. “Hah, what am I thinking?” She shook her head with her crazy thought. “Let me just get the book and go to the cashier.” 
She got one book and proceeded to go towards the cashier. The young woman handed the money, and while the cashier was packing the book to a paper bag, the young boy about his age went in line behind her. 
“The Graveyard by Neil Gaiman, what a nice choice.” He said while she received the book. “Yeah I read the summary and it was pretty interesting, so I decided to buy it.” She replied with eye contact to him. He was doing a light smile as she was saying her reply. “Woah I actually said that to her.” He thought to himself proudly, “Way to go me!”
She glanced to the book he is about to buy and it was just the recent one she read, which was “Atomic Habits by James Clear.” She thought at first that they did not have similar interests since he went to the non-fiction area, but now she was thinking otherwise that they do have similarities. “I still do read non-fiction funny me.” She reasoned herself. 
“Oh, I read that book you’re holding. It’s amazing, a great choice.” She said to him, the young lady wanted to continue the conversation since she was also interested in being friends with him. “Yup, my friend recommended this book to me, might as well try to read it since I’ve been reading a lot of fiction lately.” He chuckles softly. “Whoa you also ready fiction? I love fiction!” She replied to him, a smile emerges. “Now that’s a similarity.” He said to her kind of awkwardly. 
“Ahem.” The person at the cashier who was patiently waiting grabbed both of their attention. “Next please.”
“Right.” The young lady stepped aside and waited for the young boy to finish the transactions, she was really thinking on how she had that conversation with him. “How does one start a conversation? I still struggle with them.” She  thought. The young man finished and went to her. 
“Let’s exchange phone numbers to keep in touch?” He asked her. “Yes of course!” She replied, they did give each other’s phone numbers and went on their separate ways. “Thank you for today, and take care.” She said to him as they walk away from each other. “Take care too!” He replied. Both has plans to definitely text each other immediately once they come home.
Now this is how a beautiful friendship blossoms, the bookstore could really be a wonderful place for that. Not only just a book store but could be anywhere like a café or park. 
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All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE
Thanks for reading! Follow for more.
All right reserved to StarryDaphne.
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Short story by: StarryDaphne 
“Being a productive person is not that bad.” That is what I would always say to myself, the thought of wasting time by consuming social media disgusts me. As for my personality, I think people would kind of dislike me with everything. I sighed with that thought. 
I stood up from my chair interrupting my deep thought, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Before actually taking a shower I got my towel so that I could obviously dry myself after. While I was taking a shower I then continued my deep train of thought. 
My main problem that I always realized is that I would take my life very seriously, to the point where I just become disappointed everyday with the activities I’m doing. I do have people to look up to, as in my idols, and of course my amazing friends to cope with my problems. Not to mention my family that has been so caring, loving, and amazing. I just remember solving that problem through a google search. A method for me to cope with taking life seriously is to just think of it like a game, and that seriously really helped. Yeah, now I occasionally think that my life is like Persona 5. Thanks google search. 
Although other reasons why I was able to overcome my problem was talking it out to someone I trust, also hanging out with my friends and family having great  quality time. I remember having a serious talk with my mom saying that I had a problem with life.. Yeah, that was eye opening. I should mention that my mom was the one that initiated it, I would never initiate it since I did not have enough courage that time. After that talk, I began to open myself more to my feelings and to always mention about anything to my family or friends if something was bothering me. I’m really grateful for that experience. 
After showering I grabbed my towel to dry my body, I wrapped the towel around me and went towards my sink. Why did I take a shower again? I’m not even going out somewhere, I guess it’s to calm and refresh myself. I opened the faucet and began to wash my face. Time skip to me lying on my bed comfortably on my pajamas, to then again, go back to my thoughts. 
There was this one time where I would think that my problems are not significant, I don’t give them much attention since it’s also embarrassing. My view of that changed until I discussed it with someone online. That person said: “Every problem matters, when left untouched it will only grow big and will eventually be harder to fix.” (Something along the lines of that) I was actually really grateful for socializing online since it helped me so much regarding my self confidence. Thank you, person, for opening my mindset. 
Looking at my pillow from my left side, I grabbed it and hugged it. Increasingly making my grip tighter to let out the negative emotions that kept bottled inside. I sighed as I recollected embarrassing and annoying experiences I regret. Past is the past, I thought, softening the grip to the pillow and relaxing my face.  
I just realized once more after thinking, mindset matters. I remember thinking that people dislike me, but what if they actually don’t? Given that there will still be one, or a few people disliking me but not everyone. I should not always assume what others think of me and also not always bring myself down with my degrading thoughts. I still sometimes do them but I’m trying not to, I guess it’s sometimes alright, because what I’m feeling is valid. Moving on should be my course of action after, also learning from what I thought and felt. 
I turned to my right side for a more comfortable position on my bed, I was contemplating on using my phone but ignored that since I wanted to continue my thinking, I was becoming aware of myself. 
Now back to what I thought before, “Being productive is not that bad.” Of course it’s not bad, I just hate not doing anything honestly. Oh, maybe that’s the part that I need to fix. It’s ok to stop for a while and take care of myself.. It’s ok to take time and go on my way slowly, I don’t really need to be in a hurry. Yeah, I’m guilty of rushing myself so I shall have baby steps in overcoming that dilemma. 
Hmm today has been uneventful, not that I am complaining. I am currently on my bed, and I just took a shower. So what shall I do? Let’s just enjoy myself for now, I smile with that thought. Tomorrow, I could do better, it will be a brand new day with a better me. 
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Note: This short story is also based to what I have been through (not exact but was inspired with my experience). I don’t want to make this story non-fiction since I also made up some parts in the story. 
All my links: https://linktr.ee/STARRYDAPHNE 
Thanks for reading! Follow for more. 
All rights reserved to StarryDaphne.
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starrydaphne · 3 years
Difficult does not mean impossible.
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starrydaphne · 3 years
You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
John C. Maxwell
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