starryeyedjuliet · 9 days
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autumnal equinox aesthetic
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
when lizzo said “self love is survival” and when hannah gadsby said “do you understand what self-deprecation means when it comes from somebody who already exists in the margins? it’s not humility. it’s humiliation” and when mitski said “i used to rebel by destroying myself, but realized that’s awfully convenient to the world. for some of us our best revolt is self preservation”
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
i love concerts because no matter how shitty your life is at the moment, everything just seems to makes sense in those couple of hours and u feel so alive and happy and theres so much adrenaline and happiness and all ur problems just kinda fade away for a little bit
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
Dick: What does 'take out' mean?
Jason: Food.
Duke: Dating.
Damian: Murder.
Tim: If you're a praying mantis, it could be all three.
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
What if, and hear me out, people DO love you
Your coworker who loves when they get to work a shift with you, even if you don’t talk
Your cousin who’s relieved when they see you at family gatherings, who thinks you’re “the cool cousin” but hasn’t said anything out loud
Your classmate who thinks you have great taste, even if they’re too shy to speak up about it in class
Your childhood friends who remember you fondly
The waiter you tipped during a busy night
That person you complimented on the street
The little kid you waved to
The old woman you made small talk with
People love you, because you’re lovable. And you’re worthy of love. Even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes
(Self depreciating comments will be removed at best, bluntly and remorselessly told to shut the fuck up at worst. Fuck around. I dare you.)
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
When my cat says “yes I will allow you to touch the softest parts of me, yes I will allow you to see me at my most vulnerable, yes I will call out to you when I wake in an empty room, yes I will seek you out when I need to feel safe and seen, yes I will stand guard so that you can sleep, I cannot tell you I love you but you know, I know that you know, I cannot tell you that I love you, so I will show it” I cry
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
Green Witch Healing Tea Blends ☕️🌿✨
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Migraine Relief Blend 🍵
Holy Basil
Green Tea
Ginger Root
Hibiscus Flowers
Anxiety Calming Blend ☺️
Lemon Balm
Chamomile Flowers
Sore Throat Blend 😷
Lemon Balm
Upset Stomach Relief Tea 🤢
Lemon Balm
Chamomile Flowers
Fresh Lemon Slice
Immune Boosting Tea Blend ☕️
Calendula Flowers
Orange or Lemon Peel
Menstrual Relief Blend 👩🏽‍🦱
Chamomile Flowers
Lemon Balm
Winter Cold Relief Tea Blend 🌲
Pine Needles
Fennel Seeds
Allergy Relief Tea 😪
Purple Dead Nettle
Cinnamon Bark
Lemon Peel
Full Moon Dreams Blend 🌕
Black Tea
Chamomile Flowers
Peaceful Sleep Tea Blend 😴
Chamomile Flowers
Passion Flowers
Jasmine Buds
Rose Petals
Psychic Protection Tea 🔮
Black Tea
Chamomile Flowers
Rose Petals
Happiness Honey Milk Tea 🌞
Sun Water
Autumn Nostalgia Tea Blend 🍂
Black Tea
Orange Peel
Fennel Seeds
Forest Dweller’s Comfort Tea 🍄
Cinnamon Bark
Fennel Seeds
Ginger Root
Licorice Root
Orange Peel
Marshmallow Root
White Oak Bark
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
respect you man but biden wants to add police funding and actively calls for the persecution and imprisonment of people who share leftist ideology. he is the reason our prison system is so horrible and he voted for a useless illegal war. not to mention he is a rapist. im not voting for him, and i dont think you should tell people how to vote.
Biden is not responsible for the school to prison pipeline. The person you’re looking for there is Reagan. Try to reference facts, instead of right wing talking points, when you’re making your argument, if you want to be taken seriously.
But I’ll concede that the crime bill Biden worked on was terrible, and I will also remind you that he’s spoken extensively about how he regrets the consequences of that bill, and he’s laid out a plan to end the school-to-prison pipeline. 
Wow! That terrible Joe Biden! A bill from two decades ago has had terrible consequences, and he’s owned that, pledged to change it, and has made that change part of his platform.
What does Trump want to do? What has Trump done since he took control of the presidency?
You have this fantasy version of Biden where he’s somehow not a clearly different choice from Trump, who has ALREADY used federalized secret police to attack innocent people, expressing their constitutional rights. 
I’m going to tell everyone how to vote, because I care deeply about my country and this planet. 
The choice is: Biden, or four more years of Trump. If you’re going to have your little tantrum because Biden isn’t the unicorn you’re demanding, you’re implicitly supporting Trump.
I will never understand or respect anyone who says “Biden isn’t progressive enough for me, so I’m going to cast a vote that effectively supports Trump. Yeah, that’s going to teach the Democrats a lesson!” 
That’s not how any of this works, and the sooner you can understand that, the better.
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
me at ten: the home depot lights section is a significant place for me emotionally
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
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Say his name. Muhammad Muhaymin.
Follow @bfpnola to find out how you can prevent situations like these in the future and check our bio for over 200 free social justice and mental health resources. We can’t keep dying like this.
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starryeyedjuliet · 4 years
adult life is truly just thinking “I NEED TO CLEAN” while dealing with the 17 other things that have a hard deadline
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starryeyedjuliet · 5 years
When the whole party is down but your bard is up
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starryeyedjuliet · 5 years
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starryeyedjuliet · 5 years
im on tumblr bc im a romantic this energy doesnt exist on any other platform
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