starryeyedsouls · 6 years
“You look like you’re having a hard day.” Pamela smirked, sipping her martini at the hotel bar. She was there for a conference to discuss how to make a community garden at a apartment building in the Bronx. So far, she had been told that no one would maintain it and that the local stores would lose business. She was also having a rough day, to say the least, but she kept it classy. One drink was her limit. She gestured to the bartender that she would buy the stranger a drink and gave them a nod with her drink at her lips. “Want to talk about it?” Pamela was often called very motherly, despite not having children of her own.
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Diana couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips, corners upturned softly. It was true, she didn’t often find herself in hotel bars, not when she had an apartment a subway ride away and a favored bar halfway across town. But this bar; It’s upscale atmosphere, attentive staff, oddly warm feel despite the location, it was a place she had found herself in more than once. One of the first places she found herself after arriving in the city, despite being eighteen at the time. The place she found herself when she realized she had managed to stay without incident, realized she had wanted to stay. A place of revelations, of sorts.
Pushing that aside, she finally glanced over her shoulder, dark eyes taking in the stranger for the first time, the shade of vivid red hair and the quirk of her lips somehow familiar, like a face she’d never met but had passed on the street every day; familiar but vague. Perhaps she was local. ‘Well, that depends, I suppose.’ Diana finally replied, her smile now more direct at the other woman. ‘Am I the only one talking? Seems only fair that I’d get to hear your story.’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
“Try it. You’ll love it.” She pushed the raspberry cream cupcake towards the other, a vibrant smile on her face. “I made them myself!” Not something she was necessarily supposed to say, as a teenager only working part-time, but Sunny was proud of her achievements. “It’s on the house.” 
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Look, Peter would literally never refuse free dessert. And if a pretty girl with wide eyes and a bright smile was insisting he try one— Well, it would just be rude to refuse, wouldn’t it? And since his mother raised him better than that (both being rude to girls and refusing food) he threw her a charming smile as he took the offered treat, eyeing it curiously, the pastel pink frosting intriguing him immensely. ‘Free dessert and some lovely company? How could I say no to that?’ He replied before taking a bite, frosting hitting the tip of his nose.
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
{ OPEN }
His morning run, the perfect way to start every day. There wasn’t much he could do now that he was recovering for an injury, and a desk job wasn’t something he wanted. He missed being on the field and he kept himself in shape for the day that happened. Those weren’t days off, not really, he was still on duty. But as active as he was, Steve was slowly losing his mind. It was getting boring. But once an agent, always an agent, and when he saw someone wandering around the Bethesda Terrace, he didn’t hesitate to rush up. So many people had tried to vandalize it. “Hey,” he greeted, obviously making his presence known. “Looking for something?”
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There had always been something special about this spot to Diana. The valiant arches, the grandiose steps, the mesmerizing carvings etched in stone. Though she didn’t talk about it much, it reminded her of her days in Europe; of Athens, of Palermo, of Versailles. Something just as beautiful as it was old. She’d always been most attracted to the relics of the city, there was something so powerful and intriguing about worn structures amongst the walls of sparkling skyscrapers. Something about it always left her with the sense of home.
Diana’s lips pulled upwards at the corners as she heard the voice next to her, closer than she expected but not surprising. Even lost in her own world she was still alert to her surroundings, attune to them more than most. She tilted her head, eyes never leaving the sight before her. ‘Just admiring the view.’ Diana answered quietly, softly, letting her gaze linger. ‘This city is built on beauty, and yet we’re all too busy to appreciate its wonder.’ She added, perhaps half to herself, finally pulling her eyes away to flicker over to the stranger. ‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
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THE GINGER’S HAIR REMINDED GINNY of her own. flowing locks of a vibrant colour, displayed proud like the mane of a LION. there was something else she saw in her, as she watched a little from afar, beyond the seemingly YOUNG years of the other, as if traces of a distant past lingering sweet and solemn in the air, just caught out of the corner of her eye. there one moment, then gone the next. hands reaching into her pockets, the day’s air getting colder, she moved a few steps forward, DETERMINED to make some air of conversation with the female. INTRIGUED, slightly. “want a drink on me?” she offered, indicating to the refreshment van just by them with a tip of her head. “no ulterior motive aside from giving some warmth on a chilly day, i swear”.  
This kind of weather was Lily’s favorite. Not cold enough to bite at her nose or turn her cheeks pink, yet no longer hot enough that her bare legs stuck to subway seats. Just chilly enough to find herself in her favorite sweater. This kind of weather reminded her most of her childhood in England, even if the concrete jungle of New York looked nothing like the quaint little village she’d once called home. Perhaps the nostalgia of it was what brought her to wandering around the city, no work shifts or errands to run, just the crisp air and the slight breeze billowing her vibrant hair.
Blinking green eyes as she realized the voice in her ear was indeed being directed toward her, Lily turned her gaze, ginger hair and freckles and warm brown eyes entering her vision. A smile pulled at her lips almost instantly, cheeks turning a light shade of pink. Perhaps the request was an odd one, but something in her gut had her agreeing with the other girl, nodding her head as she spoke. ‘Alright, but only if you agree to let me buy you a snack after.’ 
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
☪      AND    I     DARKEN     SENTENCE     PROMPTS   .  
❝ I will cut out your tongue and swallow it. ❞
❝ You will most likely choke to death on your own blood, which will be unfortunate. ❞
❝ I will be both husband and wife and therefore not a widow to be pitied. ❞
❝ Her spine was steel. Her heart was armor. Her eyes were fire. ❞
❝ What will you let be taken away so that you, too, can have power? ❞
❝ Some victories are merely defeat wearing the wrong clothing! ❞
❝ Souls and thrones are irreconcilable. ❞
❝ I cannot afford to lose you, too.❞
❝ You cannot lose something you do not own. ❞
❝ They are less than the mud. ❞
❝ If anyone is going to kill you, it will be me. Understand? ❞
❝ The price of living seems to always be death. ❞
❝ I think of you like a sister. ❞
❝ We cannot always have what we want, no matter how much we want it… ❞
❝ I am the dragon. ❞
❝ You are the only real thing in my life. ❞
❝ Where are you idiots taking me? ❞
❝ I am going to start sleeping with a knife. ❞
❝ If you had had a knife, you would have killed me! ❞
❝ The sooner you stop fighting, the easier your life will be. ❞
❝ I will burn your city to the ground.. ❞
❝ You once told me some lives are worth more than others. ❞
❝ How many deaths before the scales tip out of our favors? ❞
❝ Your are so pretty. Like delicate butterfly beneath my boot.  ❞
❝ You are so mad. Like a rabid hound that needs to be put down. ❞
❝ You look ridiculous. Armor suits you far more than silk. ❞
❝ Take me with you, and I will wear armor the whole time. ❞
❝ There are other ways to beat someone than with fists. ❞
❝ I must tell you that I do not care in the slightest about your petty jealousies.  ❞
❝ I cannot be around you for fear you will finally see what is written across my heart. ❞
❝ You love him like a flower loves the sun. ❞
❝ Nothing holds me here. ❞
❝ It was a lonely, cold thing to live without expectations. ❞
❝ You would not let anyone else kill me. ❞
❝ That honor is mine, and mine alone. ❞
❝ A dragon burned everything around herself until it was purified in ash. ❞
❝ How can you speak of them like they are matters of simple mathematics, a problem to be solved? ❞
❝ Those same fists had always defied everything expected of her. ❞
❝ You think I am worthless? ❞
❝ I can do things you could never dream of. ❞
❝ Women who go into the harem do not come out. It is a permanent position. ❞
❝ I am not going in as a woman. I am going in as an assassin. ❞
❝ Do not thank me. All I did was teach them to fear me. ❞
❝ Next time you hit first, you hit harder, you make certain that your name means fear and pain. ❞
❝ I will not be here to save you again. ❞
❝ You are precious to me. ❞
❝ What is so wrong with wanting to take care of you?  ❞
❝ If I needed or wanted to be taken care of, I would be no better than the women in here! ❞
❝ You and your brother are the only people who truly know me. ❞
❝ It belongs to me, and I belong to it. ❞
❝ People respond to kindness. ❞
❝ They trust a smile more than a promise that you will leave them choking on their own blood. ❞  
❝ It felt like fighting. It felt like falling. It felt like dying. ❞
❝ Belief is not weakness. Faith is the greatest strength we can have. ❞
❝ I still have bruises from the last time. ❞
❝ A true conversion is always only between a man and God. ❞
❝ There is no such thing as cheating. There is only winning or losing. ❞
❝ Weakness is an irresistible lure. ❞
❝ Quit screaming or I will let her eat your supper, too. ❞
❝ And you would be unmarriageable? ❞
❝ Do not make me knock your turban off. ❞
❝ Have you been gone? I had not noticed. ❞
❝ I luxuriated in the blessed quiet that you left in your wake. ❞
❝ You cried yourself to sleep every day. ❞
❝ Carve out a life for yourself however you can. No one will do it for you. ❞
❝ Why do you have to destroy everything good we have here? ❞
❝ The stars were static, still and cold in the night, all the fire gone from the sky.  ❞
❝ Love was a weakness, a trap. ❞
❝ What would you sacrifice for power? ❞
❝ I stopped knowing what to fight against. ❞
❝ What exactly does a friend do? ❞
❝ Yes, but my promise is more sincere than your smiles. ❞
❝ I have never been so delighted as I was today. ❞
❝ What stones laid in childhood become the foundation legacies are built on? ❞
❝ If you are too weak to stand being hit and too stupid to avoid it, then you deserve more pain. ❞
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
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HALF HUMAN. HALF WITCH. AND one hundred percent excited for halloween. though sabrina was unaware of curses gifts that ran through her blood, and the lineage she held, she was still enchanted with the concept of the upcoming holiday. the girl liked a spark of darkness to her life, makings things a little more mystical than the day to day mundane reality, and the dark season provided just an opportunity for that. whether it be a horror-thon at the local small cinema she loved to frequent, or managing to find some sort of party to crash, she was determined to make the most of the hallowed evening.
back home, she’d been faced with one of the most important decisions she could make- sign her name away in the book, become one with the darkness and the coven that could forge her legacy. or refuse her destiny, become another inconsequential human, living a life with love. however, in new york, her choices were vastly less impactful on the meaning and path of her life. standing in the aisle of what might possibly be the final blockbusters in the city, blue and yellow harsh in her surroundings, she held two dvd’s in her hands, the choice was easy in comparison, but difficult all the same. frown delicate against her, she held them up to the person browsing near them. “the omen, or bram stoker’s dracula? what would you pick for a chilling night in?” swaying of lips in a teasing kindness, hues glinted for a moment as she held the two up.
Lily had a fondness for places like these, getting lost in aisles, her fingers trailing down the rows, dancing across titles until her fingertip stopped on one, and that was usually her magic pick of the day. Typically it was books she found herself among, leafing through leather binding and weather-worn pages. Today, though, today Lily found herself among plastic cases and laminate. It didn’t feel too different from the bookstore, the shop just as much a treasure as the quaint bookstore she was in daily. It reminded her of when she was young, getting lost in the aisle in that little village in England.
A little too lost in her memories, it took Lily a moment to realize the voice in her ears was speaking to her. She lifted her gaze from the crimson colored title in front of her, offering a friendly smile to the blonde that had spoken. Her green eyes took in the films, both intriguing. She grinned as she pointed to her favorite of the two. ‘Dracula, definitely. I’ve always loved his flair. All the theatrics, feels a little magical. And what could be better for the season than magic?’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
The diner was a little bit of a dive, but it had that small town charm that Dale loved, something that was a rare find in New York. He sat in a booth by the window, a steaming mug of black coffee on the table in front of him and a newspaper in his hands. Call him old-fashioned, but he had always preferred it to reading the news on his phone. Hearing a soft thud, he turned his attention away from the paper to see that a wallet had fallen to the floor. Dale set his paper down and picked up the wallet, rising from the booth.
“Excuse me, but I believe you dropped this.”
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This diner was Betty’s favorite spot in the whole city. Not the gardens of Central Park. Not the shops on Sixth Ave. Not the little gated garden across the street from their apartment. Not even the roof of their building where she could see the city’s lights sparkling in the darkness. None of them felt quite as safe as this place did. The countertops with stools that swiveled, the worn in booths that smelled like vinyl, even the workers, who always greeted her with familiarity after all this time. This place felt like home just as much as her apartment.
Betty tugged her backpack into the booth behind her, paying little attention as she typed away on her phone, letting her friend know that she was early. She barely managed to send the text when she recognized a voice speaking, eyes swiveling up to see a man standing in front of her. She blinked up at him for a moment, her brain catching up when she noticed the familiar wallet in his hand. ‘Oh my god,’ Betty exclaimed, jostling her bag as she scrambled to the edge of the booth. ‘Thank you so much!’ She added, taking the wallet from his hands, taking care to stuff it away safely this time. ‘This is like the third time I almost lost it this month. You’re an absolute lifesaver.’ 
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
Twisting a few wires, Anakin’s eyes fixated themselves onto the broken engine resting in front of him. The day had past slowly in the shop, even through the busy hours which were usually early in the morning or during lunch.  In fact, Anakin had stepped outside to work in hopes to clear his  thoughts. He should have his primary focus on work, but his mind was often consumed with the eluded and sadden  memories of his mother’s illness that the curse showed him. He could see her face as clear as day, which brought aching despair to him.  The line of his lips remained straight. Anakin liked fixing things, it made life easier.
He kept his hues fixated on the scraps in front of him. As a wire poked onto  the tip of his finger, a small stream of blood ran down.“ Ah man,not again.” He said out loud to himself as a grunt followed. With the edge of his worn shirt, Anakin wiped his finger against the material. He knew mechanics like breathing, in fact that is how he managed to have this shop today.  Anakin was more knowledgeable than the owner before him. He knew better than to poke at his skin, but the thought of his mother often distracted the male. 
Suddenly he felt a presence standing over him.  Lifting head up, Anakin held a glance on the  other. A breath of air departed. His hues immediately attached to the man, and Anakin had a strong desire to not look away. He instantly felt  a pull towards them.A pull he had never felt with anyone other than the beautiful woman who had come into his shop days prior. It was peculiar, as if there was more to it  but Anakin dismissed  those  thoughts instantaneously “ I’ll be right with you sir” The words fell from his lips in a polite tone,  as he perched his body up, while wiping his hands on his pants once more. 
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Luke’s eyes take in the shop with a distant sort of interest. The kind that make his bright eyes go glassy, his lips part in an intrigued sort of awe they are wont to do when he’s faced with a new interest. He’s always had a distant curiosity toward engineering and mechanics, the far away sort he never managed to venture in but always admired from afar. He’d fixed up the truck back on the farm, though his expertise stopped short after that. A stalled engine here, an oil change there, but he was nowhere near a professional on the topic.
Luke’s interest had always laid more on ships than cars, his gaze turned up to the starry night sky rather than the asphalt beneath his feet. Still, he found himself intrigued by the objects surrounding him. After all, ships and cars weren’t all that different, in the end. Both had engines propelling them forward, both encased in sheets of metal. Luke refrained from reaching out, reminding himself this was not his place, nor was this work, keeping his hands dutifully at his sides.
Luke’s eyes turned at the voice, noticing for the first time the other man, presumably the owner, or an employee at the very least. Luke offered him a friendly smile, something about the man familiar, a sense tugging at his gut like it was trying to place a name to the face, though he came up short. ‘No problem,’ Luke said instead, gaze returning back to the shop. ‘Take your time, I’m in no rush.’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
At the reeling remarks leave Clarke, Bellamy pushed his feet closer towards the female, with a deriding glance across his  face. Her boldness was attractive to say the least. Had she not been so irritating  all the time, maybe he’d even tell her that. Bellamy’s dark brown eyes diverted down as the the left corner of his lip winded into a smirk.  For an extended moment the male held his eyes on her, noting the  the taunting actions. “ Real mature, princess”  The name flowed from the brims of his mouth mockingly, knowing full well he irked her “ Are you through?”  His voice was thick, as Bellamy took another step closer to the female, leaving very limited space between their bodies.
With his eyes still glancing on her, heated flares ran through his skin. There had never been one that irritated Bellamy more than Clarke Griffin, and as much as he desired for her to just get the hell out,  a smaller part  felt at ease when she was near, more so than even his sister. In some weird way, his mind almost tried to convince him he was home when they were together. Memories or no memories, Bellamy had never had a home. Not really. Because of Octavia’s birth, his mom got floated and  even in the curse memories she was gone. Regardless, what almost remained in his life, was the brave princess, even if Bellamy didn’t remember the significance she had over him right now. 
Before Clarke could respond, he  jerked the radio from  the palm of her hand and turned down the music. “ Much better” The repose spat out his lips rudely. In many ways Bellamy and Clarke’s antagonistic relationship was very similar to what they had when they landed on the ground the first time. In fact the two probably barked at each other more so then, than they do now, but things changed. She became his best friend, the one he could count on through it all. Despite all that, curse took that from him and once again, Bellamy believes to be all alone in world where nobody understands him or even tries to. 
“ You want play your little pop songs, fine do it on your time, not mine.” The words jarred from his lips in another mocking tone. A slight huff parted from both brims of his mouth. Bellamy took another step closer to Clarke, now leaving less than an inch of space between them. The tension only rose. His noise flared slightly at her scent. Most girls he talked to wore horrid perfume, but not Clarke. Her scent was simple yet magnetic, in a lot of ways like she was, though he had yet to admit that to himself. To Bellamy, Clarke was just his sister’s annoying friend he unfortunately had to the task of being around and protecting out of obligation to Octavia. 
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Octavia Blake was one of Clarke’s favorite people in this world. She was one of the only people in Clarke’s life who had not left, who had not turned their back on her, who had not told her she was wasting her life in that little apartment in Brooklyn instead of penthouses and galas and stately dinners. That unwavering friendship had meant more to Clarke than the other girl could ever know. Unfortunately for Clarke, there was one single con to her friendship with Octavia: Bellamy Blake. He was all male bravado; gruff exterior, smug smirk, sharp tongue. It didn’t help that he had been like everybody else, every other boy who looked at her and saw golden hair and new clothes and nothing more, like he’d already figured her out the moment he met her.
Also unfortunate was the passing years in which she had to begrudgingly admit he wasn’t a total asshole. The way he looked at his sister, with a warmth that made Clarke have to look away. The way he showed concern, albeit in that grudging way of his, with a glare and a scowl, even to people he didn’t like, even to her. The way he would look at her sometimes, almost like he regretted underestimating her, and she’d never admit it, even to herself, how her skin tingled at the thought, how hope bloomed below the surface at him holding the same begrudging respect that she had for him. How some possibly masochist part of her wanted to impress him.
Now, with heated glares so fierce it was a wonder how neither of them had dropped dead, was not one of those time. She didn’t want to impress him. No, she thought as he drew closer, her muscles tensing with each step he took, now she just wanted to piss him off. So instead of backing off, she threw him a smarmy grin, eyes bright as she answered, ’Not even close, Blake.’
She could hear her pulse, thumping fast and steady, as he drew close, his stature towering over her. Her nostrils flared as his fingers brushed against her skin, jerking the radio away from her grasp, the sweet melody lowering instantly. Her eyes jumped around quickly, from his eyes to the dip beneath his lips to his arms to his hands, only recognizing that the heat that boiled underneath her skin was a familiar one, the kind that only ever appeared when Bellamy Blake was in close proximity.
Not one to be outdone, she wet her lips as her graze slowly trailed up his form to return back to his dark eyes. She leaned her arms back on the counter behind her, her eyes a dark blue as they watched him for a few more moments before her voice broke through again. ‘Unfortunately for you, Bellamy Blake,’ Clarke began, a smirk on her lips as she spoke his name. She pressed her palms to the cool surface of the counter, slowly pulling herself up, backs of her legs sliding onto it, the action causing her knees to brush his hips. The movement was in part a height advantage, a little bit closer to him now, but also in part just to piss him off further. She leaned closer, her voice lower as she all but smirked up at him. ‘I don’t take orders from you.’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
hi angels! i’ve got a little lost with my previous plotting call, and since it’s been a minute and i’ve added a new muse, i figured i’d throw up a new one! so just like always, reply to this post with which muse you’d like and i’ll hop on over into your messages and we can start plotting!
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
closed starter for @xdamagedxhearts
Aside from her apartment uptown and the gardens at work, the quaint little coffee shop in the middle of the city was one of Diana’s favorite places. It wasn't loud and bustling like the busier coffee shops. Instead its atmosphere boasted warmth and serenity, something of a rarity in the fast-paced city. Diana had found a spot in the back, her usual table, nestled in a cozy armchair in the back corner.
She didn’t look up as the bell above the door rang in the front, concentration on the book resting between her hands, though a faint smile did quirk at the corners of her lips. She may not have needed to look up to see who had entered the shop, but she knew it was him. Her assumption was proved correct, as it always was, as she felt his presence at the table seconds later. Barry Allen was many things, but a surprise wasn’t one of them, at least not to Diana.
Tilting her head, eyes still tracking the words in her book, she reached forward, sliding over the still hot coffee cup closer to his side of the table, her own barely touched beside her. ‘You’re early.’ Diana mused, fingers pressing against the leather binding of her book, closing it and tucking it away momentarily. She finally looked up, greeted by a familiar face across the table. ‘Again.’ She added with a coy smile, as though they were sharing a secret. She reached for her own cup, taking a sip, lips still pressed to the rim as she spoke again. ‘How has your day been?’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
For the last thirty-six hours Bellamy had been working at the base in Brooklyn, with little to no sleep. His shift had elapsed hours ago, but being a former lieutenant, Bellamy’s expertise in the field were  needed for  training the new  recruitments. A lot of improvement was necessary before they were even ready for basic combat, There were times within the last two days where he could almost feel himself falling asleep as he stood. His body desperately in need of rest.  It had been a while since he had been in the field, and  as a result he was no longer adjusted to the extensive hours., 
 With his fatigued body lying motionless on his bed, he could feel himself succumb to his sleep. His eyes flickered before shutting.  Bellamy envision the forged yet faded vision of his mother abandoning the two of them. He held a lot resentment towards her leaving him with such a huge responsibility at a young age, not knowing it wasn’t the reality. Although he’d never admit it outloud,  in  a lot of ways he still felt like his life ended because of Octavia, which was not that much different from  his true memories of his sister; even if he was closer to her in this cursed reality. 
With loud noises coming from the living room area, a disgruntled breath of air parted from both brims of his mouth. Bellamy remained motionless in a attempt to stay asleep, after all he had only just lied down twenty minutes ago, but that was now an impossible. A thick groan skidded from his mouth, as his eyes popped open, and Bellamy perched his body up.  His dark brown hues skimmed the room for a shirt. When noting one lying at the rim of his bed, Bellamy grabbed the shirt with his left hand as he pushed his door open, leaving his room. 
Unsurprising he saw the princess in the kitchen.Bellamy held a drowsy yet iritated  glance on the her. Pushing his feet closer towards Clarke, one brow lifted.  “ Not all of us are privileged and can afford  not to work”  The harshness left his lips in a thick  tone of voice,  as he pulled his shirt over his bare chest. With the radio volume rising, Bellamy’s irides rolled to the edge of his eyelids. “So help me god princess, if I hear that dam thing one more time, I will break it with my hand” 
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It wasn’t that she felt unsafe at the Blake’s, or even necessarily unwelcome. Despite her complicated relationship with Bellamy, it felt more like a home away from home than her mother’s place ever had. The worn in couch, the carpet that felt warm against her bare feet, the kitchen that was small and inviting. None of it felt like the polished penthouse looking out at Central Park that she had grown up in. It felt lived in, cared for. It felt like a home.
But it still wasn’t her home. Though she was sure if she expressed that within earshot of Bellamy he would have grumbled something like ungrateful princess under his breath. But that wasn’t it. It had taken so long to make that little Brooklyn apartment feel like home. Nowhere else had the paintings littering every surface. Nowhere else had the magnets on the fridge she’d collected over the years. Nowhere else had the picture of her and her father hanging in the hallway, his bright face smiling down at her that she got to see every day.
Maybe it was the bittersweet memories, maybe it was the sweet music floating through the room, maybe it was something else entirely, but the sound of his low, gruff voice contrasting with the light music had her jumping in surprise, heart rate picking up as she whirled around to face him. And, look, it’s not like she meant for her eyes to drop from his disgruntled face. It’s not like she meant to linger on the muscles of his stomach or the veins in his arms. Because she didn’t. She was surprised, that was all.
And then his words caught up with her, and her wide blue eyes turned into slits, irritation and anger irrationally building in her chest. God, only Bellamy Blake could be this frustratingly annoying while being shirtless, the jerk. Realistically, had anyone else wandered in shirtless and glaring she probably would have had a very different reaction, but this was Bellamy and she was too busy resisting the urge to throw that loaf of bread on the counter at his head.
And, yeah, she realized maybe she was in the wrong. She knew he had a long day. She knew his line of work wasn’t easy. But how dare he? Did he think her life was a goddamn Lifetime movie? Did he know what her job at the clinic entailed? Did he care? The thought had her reeling. It was his next comment that caused her nostrils to flare, anger prickling at her skin. She took a moment to steel herself, shooting him a saccharine sweet smile. ‘Oh, you mean this?’ She asked, innocence dripping from her voice. ‘Is it annoying you? Do you want me to turn it off?’ And like the mature adult she was, her fingers moved to the controls, daring to turn it up the slightest bit, a challenge in her eyes. ‘Why don’t you come over here and make me?’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
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Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, NOAH CENTINEO. No, that’s a mistake. It’s PETER KAVINSKY, they are a CANON CHARACTER and come from TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE. They are SEVENTEEN and have no memories. I’ve heard they are CHARISMATIC, as well IMPULSIVE. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.
Welcome to New York, what is your character’s name?
Peter Kavinsky.
Where have they been pulled from in their fandom?
Peter was pulled from after the film, so everything that happened in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before he will remember should he regain his memories. I’ll be playing him primarily movie canon as opposed to book canon as of right now.
With the curse, how has your character’s life changed?
In many ways, Peter’s life in New York has changed from the life he doesn’t remember. Where once he’d had a welcoming house with a large kitchen and warm rooms with natural light, now he’s got a compact apartment with windows facing a brick wall. Where once he had a large yard to practice lacrosse, now he’s got a rooftop with a broken lawn chair in the corner.
And then again, some things haven’t changed at all. He still plays lacrosse. He still loves Fight Club. He stills lives with his mom and sibling. His father still left. He still looks at a photo of the four of them and wonders why they weren’t enough, wonders why he needed to find a family when he already had one.
In many ways his life has barely changed at all, he’s still the same guy he was in his other life. But if he’d known, if he could have known about this curse, perhaps he would have wondered why it couldn’t have taken the bad stuff with it, why he had to watch his father disappear and his mother cry and his brother ask when dad was coming home, why he had to relive it all over again.
Do they have a job, and if so what is it?
Though he’s still a student, over the summer Peter managed to get a job at the grocers down the block from their apartment, a position he managed to keep when he started school. He’s had to switch things around, and barely has any down time, but his coach and boss were understanding, and he gets to bring a little extra cash home for his mother and brother.
Is there any other information about your character that members might find helpful?
Peter’s equal part jock and nerd. He’s charismatic and athletic and a little bit over-confident, but he’s also a little awkward and self-conscious and can will quote every line from Fight Club given the chance.
Peter’s the kind of guy that you never really know. He's the guy you’d see in school and all you’d see is the charming, popular, funny guy he appeared to be. He never let you see how hard he worked. He never let you see the broken family he came home to each night. What people saw of him was a tailored image of who he was, not the pristine picture displayed in a frame but a tattered old photograph hidden behind it.
When Peter started making money at his job, he finally started feeling useful, feeling like he was giving something back to his family that his dad took from them. His mom refused the money, of course, telling him to keep it for him and his brother. That doesn’t stop him from slipping a twenty into her purse when she’s not looking, though.
Still has a lot of issues concerning his father. He tries to push them down, if not for him than for his mother and brother, but a large part of him blames himself for his father leaving. He thinks he wasn’t smart enough, wasn’t tough enough, wasn’t good enough. 
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
PETER    TAG    DROP    !
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
closed starter for @xdamagedxhearts​
The streets of Manhattan were still humid despite the time of year. She’d always hated when the city got like that, the summer air suffocating, her skin sticky, the general atmosphere at a particular low. It had started to dissipate, though not fast enough for Tandy’s liking. There was one upside to the lingering heat, though. The majority of people were still stuck in clothes meant for warmer weather. No hats, no gloves, no coats. Which meant for an easier grab.
Tandy’s hazel eyes surveyed her surroundings with a particularly keen gaze that only came with a particular background, a sharp set of skills she’d learnt on these very streets. She took in the individuals closest to her. Mother with a baby in a stroller. A set of business men with phones glued to their ears. A couple that were clearly tourists, with overstuffed rucksacks and nauseatingly chipper smiles. All easy lifts, she could probably swipe at least three wallets with little effort.
And then her gaze fell on one more individual to her far right. He seemed to be of relative average height, though would surely tower over her. He was tall but broad, not overly muscular but certainly not lanky. He appeared young, probably no older than Tandy herself. He had a kind face, youthful and trustworthy. The kind of face that should never meet a girl like her.
Tandy bit her lip, pulling her hands from her pockets and snatching up a city map from a structure clearly made for tourists. She opened the map, crinkling the paper slightly to show signs of use. Her eyes never moved from him, feet carrying her closer. She ducked her head when she came within two feet of him, pretending to search the map as she collided with his back. ‘Oh my god,’ Tandy gasped, an expert mix of shock and sweetness in her voice. She reached a hand out to wrap around his arm gently. ‘I’m so sorry, that was totally my fault.’ She added, smiling shyly as her eyes found his face. ‘Oh.’ She let her gaze flicker over him once, twice, biting her lip. ‘God, I’m so stupid. That was my bad, I was just trying to find my way around. Are you okay?’
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
(inspired by x)
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starryeyedsouls · 6 years
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Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, IVANA BAQUERO. No, that's a mistake. It's DIANA PRINCE, they are a CANON CHARACTER and come from DC / WONDER WOMAN. They are UNKNOWN / APPEARS LATE TWENTIES and have no memories. I've heard they are VALIANT, as well RESERVED. Don't believe me? See for yourself.
Welcome to New York, what is your character’s name?
Diana of Themyscira. Diana Prince.
Where have they been pulled from in their fandom?
Since Diana comes from so many types of media — comic, movies, television, video games — I tend to portray her as mixed media when she is aware of who she is. I base her mostly with DCEU timelines as that’s what most people are most familiar with, but she’s an eclectic mix of all her known media, particularly when it comes to her relationships from outside the DCEU. For example, she would have history with the Batfam despite not having interacted with them in the films.
With the curse, how has your character’s life changed?
Diana believes she arrived in New York when she was eighteen. She’s rather reserved, particularly when it comes to her life prior to the city, often politely deflecting questions about her past. In reality, her life before New York, before America, had been a lonely one. She had no family to speak of, no father, no mother. Often she had little else but the clothes on her back.
She arrived in New York with no more than a few hundred dollars and a lifetime of hopes and dreams far larger than the island of Manhattan. It wasn’t easy, and it took her time, but New York City soon became the first place she had ever made a home. She settled roots in the cracks of the asphalt streets, between skyscrapers and city blocks, underneath grey skies and neon signs.
It’s been years since then and she’s still here. After constantly being on the move her whole life, she finds something wonderful in the simplicity of her life, in the routine that repeats each morning. A cup of coffee, walks to work, stone walls and curved archways and courtyards, back home to tea mugs and word documents and fuzzy slippers. It’s incredibly mundane, but it gives her a sense of belonging she didn’t always have.
Do they have a job, and if so what is it?
She does. Currently Diana works at the Met Cloisters, a branch of the Met located in northern Manhattan. It specializes mainly in Medieval Europe, showcasing everything from art to architecture, though its exhibits have been known to feature subjects from just about every corner of the world, from Mexico to Armenia to Japan. It is this, the beauty of the past, how the beauty of cultures both dead and alive exist between stone walls, that Diana enjoys most.
Is there any other information about your character that members might find helpful?
Before New York, Diana was a wanderer, rarely able to stay in one place at once. She had nothing to tie her down, no real home to come back to. New York changed that, New York changed everything. Once unable to stay in one place too long, now she thrives in the routine of her life.
Diana has always been fascinated by the past, by legends and myths, Gods and monsters, Kings and Queens, it’s why she enjoys her job so much. Sometimes she’ll look at the artwork aligning the aged walls and she thinks perhaps she was born in the wrong time.
She often wears a gold necklace that resembles a rope. She acquired it from an older woman selling jewelry in Chinatown years back. She’s not quite sure why she favors this piece, just that she finds it fits her, often running her fingers over the texture when in thought. Sometimes, when in the right light, the necklace almost appears to glow, casting her in a golden hue.
Diana is bi! As far as I’m concerned it’s canon, and has been confirmed by several sources, and I’m 100% sticking to that.
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