starsandreams · 24 days
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Another day, another hilarious anti take.
ChatGPT is laughing too:
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Did you run out of arguments, dear antis?
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PS: stop tagging Gwyn to your hateful yapping, use the proper anti tags so we don't have to suffer
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starsandreams · 24 days
What’s the whole point of Elain and Azriel’s four books worth of interactions if they don’t even end up together or even explore it?
What’s the whole point of Feyre going through her trials with Amarantha to prove her love for Tamlin for her to end up with Rhys? What’s the whole point of Celaena having a relationship with Chaol, killing the people who kidnapped him, leaving him with the parting words of how she’ll always choose him, for her to find a better match?
Elain and Azriel’s four books of interactions pale in comparison to the five books she did to show how compatible Elain and Lucien are, and it starts in ACOTAR with how Elain and Lucien looked like when they are at their most content before things went downhill for them, challenging whether they are as content as they could be.
Elain and Azriel tell us they are in the process of moving on from whom they believed they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with.
It’s a rebound relationship.
Elain has just finally stopped crying over hearing Graysen’s name, but she’s not ready yet to face her mated relationship with Lucien.
Azriel ignored Rhys’s question "what of Mor?" and chose to ask why he is not mated to the third sister of the set.
It’s not what is happening to them that's the focus. It's what is being ignored when they chose to focus on each other.
And considering how quickly SJM nipped that in the bud, it tells me that she had no intentions of exploring it any further than she did.
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starsandreams · 25 days
azriel’s shadows:
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azriel’s shadows around 🩷 GWYN 🩷:
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starsandreams · 26 days
Things Gwyneth Berdara is iconic for that have nothing to do with a man:
Saving the children of Sangravah
Being so much the best researcher in the Night Court’s main library that she was personally assigned by Clotho to be the best scholar’s research assistant
Knowing Nesta had value and worth the moment she first saw her
Overcoming her fears and trauma and becoming the first priestess to sign up for self defense training
Being a badass at that training, with the best flexibility and balance
Introducing the Valkyries to Nesta and a whole future plot of ACOTAR
Having the voice of a literal angel that brought Nesta to tears and also lead her to find the Harp
Writing a whole chapter in the Valkyrie book about them and the work they’re doing
Forging a found sisterhood with Nesta and Emerie that fills their hearts and heals them
Becoming the first new Valkyrie by cutting the ribbon first and changing the whole course of fate
Pushing her sisters to be the first to defeat the unbeatable obstacle course and become the first females to ever qualify for the Illyrian Blood Rite
Overcoming her fears again to go to Nesta in her time of need
Tricking the Illyrians who wanted to kill her friends by watching the beasts’ behavior and using them to set a trap
Fighting to the death for her sisters and being willing to sacrifice her own life to hold the bridge
Choosing the hardest way up the mountain to prove to themselves that they can do it, with an arrow sticking out of her thigh
Winning the Blood Rite and becoming the first non-Illyrian to bear the title of Carynthian
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starsandreams · 27 days
seeing elriels get upset over an english literature major using their degree to analyze the bonus chapter and saying sjm books are easy to understand while shipping elriel will never not be funny to me. tell me you’re insecure about your ship without telling me you’re insecure about your ship
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starsandreams · 1 month
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starsandreams · 1 month
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An Elucien piece that was inspired by this image!
I love them so much! I wanted to incorporate the softness of Elain and Light of Lucien.
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starsandreams · 1 month
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happy Mermay 🧜‍♀️
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starsandreams · 1 month
every vassien is three e/riels in a trenchcoat
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starsandreams · 1 month
I am….irritated 😑😒
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How hard is it to understand there’s NOTHING to claim. It’s a Gwynriel quote period, end of story, no well my interpretation of the text bullshit. It’s👏🏻Literally👏🏻About👏🏻The👏🏻Joy👏🏻On👏🏻Gwyn’s👏🏻Face.
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I need the reading comprehension to kick in for these people or for them to go sit in on high school English class. I think this is what frustrates me the most about this whole “shipwar” business. Not that they ship e/riel, I’ve said multiple time I couldn’t care less, but it’s the lack of acknowledgement of what Sarah has written. I don’t ignore what Sarah has written in regards to Elain and Az, all of the people I regularly talk to don’t say it’s not there, we just don’t think it’s going in that direction. If these people had the same attitude this whole “war” wouldn’t even happen. But nope, we have people that like to be aggressively hostile, cry victim when we match their energy, deny Gwyn’s importance in ACOSF at every turn, deny what was written in the bonus chapter, and pick apart the books to find any little quote to take out of context to try and gaslight us into thinking we crazy for thinking the way we do. I am frustration. 😒😑😮‍💨
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starsandreams · 1 month
Every time I read theories about the ships
Elucien: here is a detailed essay with canon text that's supports my theories
Gwynriel: here is a detailed essay with canon text that's supports my theories
Elriel: here are theories I made with text that wasn't written like that in canon or with canon text that is so vague that it can apply to anyone also here is SJM who evolves her life around them with her music taste, clothes and emojis she uses
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starsandreams · 1 month
Not an anon writing disgusting comments like this to @works-of-heart -
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While the author of the books they are reading wrote this:
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Sorry Nesta and SJM! You both go to horny jail by the Morality Police because Azriel did not verbally consent to Nesta imagining him like that! He has shown zero romantic interest in her! Nesta borderline r*ped Cassian's best friend in her mind!
Oh! And we can't forget, Az is guilty of borderline SA. He jerked off to his headache powder and thoughts of Elain for AN ENTIRE YEAR before getting her consent. Thank god Elain didn't realize she was about to share what she thought would be a simple kiss with such a creeper!
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starsandreams · 1 month
I feel like the ACOTAR fandoms definition of crack ship is a little skewed, so I propose we introduce even MORE crack ships, just to really get the meaning across. Gwyn x Rhysand. Azriel x Tamlin. Tarquin x Feyre. Nesta x fuckin. Balthazar or whoever, the Illyrian that helped her and emerie in the blood rite. Hell, let's bring back Isaac Hale or whatever his name is, the guy Feyre was seeing pre-canon. Let's get weird with it. Lanthys x Cassian. Mor x Vassa.
Because the fact that people think gwynriel is a crack ship makes me think there's a severe misunderstanding in the fandom of what a crack ship is.
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starsandreams · 1 month
bread, roses, and potato steam that’s all 🌹🥔🍞
that’s peak romance right there! 🥰
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starsandreams · 1 month
Azriel unironically being the biggest Elucien shipper sends me because it's all based on canon.
He doesn't spy on Lucien because he knows that Elain and Lucien's courtship is heavily scrutinized by the Inner Circle.
He didn't like it when Cassian tried to make a bet with him about Lucien showing up because he thought that Lucien is still struggling to fit in.
He started avoiding Elain after the SAF solstice because he knows she is using him to distract herself from her mating bond.
He says that there is an innate darkness Elain shouldn't be exposed to because she isn't with her mate, who has fire in his veins and is heir to the Day Court.
He stayed close to the door, ready to leave during the SF solstice because this is one of the few times Elain and Lucien had been in the same room to interact.
He didn't want to give Elain his present because he wanted her to focus on the present Lucien gave her.
His present is a stained glass window rose necklace because she needs the sun to witness its secret lovely beauty.
He felt wrong for wanting to kiss her because he knew that he isn't the right person for her.
He goes ahead and says the most hurtful thing he could because it'll force her to consider how Lucien has been treating her compared to how he just did.
He tells Rhys that he'll defeat Lucien with little effort because near-death impacts the mating bond so profoundly that it shows its hand that Elain and Lucien can't keep avoiding it.
And lastly, he permanently stationed Lucien in Spring because by the time Elain is ready to do whatever it takes for the Night Court and wants to plant more gardens for the world, Lucien is already there waiting for her.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, after carefully considering the evidence presented, I urge you to consider the following: If Elain's actions demonstrate her lack of interest in Lucien, then it stands to reason that Azriel's actions paint a clear picture of his support for Elucien. From his subtle observations to his deliberate avoidance, Azriel's behavior speaks volumes about his stance on the matter. Therefore, I submit that the motion to recognize Azriel as an Elucien shipper is well-founded and should be upheld.
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starsandreams · 1 month
Trigger Warning: SA
Some people think because Gwyn was SA, she can't ever have sex again, she can't be partnered with Azriel because Sarah said he was a "freak" in bed, Sarah won't have time to have Gwyn heal and also included "kinky sex scenes", etc.
As a SA survivor myself, I will tell you your takes are wrong as fuck. A lot of SA survivors heal from their trauma and have a lot of kinks themselves when it comes to sex. BDSM in particular can be freeing for some given its all about the WOMAN having control of when to continue or stop whatever is happening.
Just because Gwyn was SA does not mean she has to abstain from sex forever or that she can't be kinky herself with Azriel.
Sarah can certainly write a story in which Gwyn heals, explores, and be kinky as heck with sex. Azriel would be the perfect partner for her to given he saved her and wouldn't want to do anything to trigger her. He'd wait for her consent. His scars on his hands would give Gwyn piece of mine that it's HIM and not anyone else. He'd more than likely let her have control and tie him up before doing anything like that with her. He could use his shadows before placing his hands on her to bring her pleasure. Besides, we don't even know what type of "freak" Azriel is in the bedroom.
Also, where is this outrage when it comes to Rhysand or Lucien? Because they were SA too but no one has an issue with them having sex or being with someone else after their ordeals. It seems to only be an issue with Gwyn and that's because of a ship war. Which is honestly sickening in itself that it's only an issue with her.
So who are you to say Gwyn couldn't be comfortable with Azriel and explore sex again? Who are you to say Sarah couldn't write a book with Gwyn and Azriel together because of her SA?
WHO ARE YOU TO SAY IT IS WRONG OR SICK FOR THIS TO HAPPEN? Because I will tell you point blank it's NOT you.
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starsandreams · 1 month
their month must be flopping real hard if flopriels are busy starting fights on every platform instead of celebrating
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