starsh-ine · 22 days
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Padfoot to everyone.
One of the first tries, I'm still in process of figuring out how I want to draw him.
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starsh-ine · 2 months
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Besties are wine drunk <3
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starsh-ine · 2 months
With my recent Harry Potter posts gaining traction, I just want to make an important note:
You are not a bad person for having enjoyed Harry Potter. You are not a bad person for finding it hard to let go of something so ingrained into your life. You are not a bad person for enjoying the overall story of Harry Potter despite the bigotry JK Rowling managed to smatter into it.
Nobody should be telling you that you are. Your past relationship with Harry Potter is not the issue.
The issue is what you and we all do moving forward with the new information and facts that we know.
And the facts are that JK Rowling is a rampant and proud bigot who is hellbent on using the fortune Harry Potter made her to actively pursue the entire trans community with hostile intent.
And she does not care. She is happy that she is doing it. She is happy that people oppose her because it gives her an excuse to play victim and paint trans people who oppose her as violent, aggressive and evil.
This is not about how you engaged with Harry Potter in the past. Or even how you engage with it privately. This is about whether or not you choose to contribute toward her mission and towards the persecution of trans people right now.
Because when you buy that licensed merch in the store, she gets part of the profit. When you go to Harry Potter World, she gets part of the profit. When you buy the Harry Potter game, she gets part of the profit.
And all of those things result in three consequences:
It shows the marketing departments that Harry Potter is still a cashcow.
It shows JK Rowling that she can say and do whatever the hell she wants and nothing is going to stop that money rolling in.
She is given a steady cashflow which she uses to bankroll anti-trans movements and spokespeople and government petitions.
That is the reality of your choice from here on out. That is why people are asking you to set aside what you once had with Harry Potter and to stand with the people she has made it her life's mission to destroy.
You don't even have to let go of it completely. Just let go of the interactions that directly fund JK Rowling. Just cut off the cashflow she's using to ruin the lives of people she's never even met.
Buy fanmade merchandise or learn how to make your own. If you're cosplaying? Buy unofficial cosplays or buy second-hand off resale websites. Same with other merchandise.
If you want to watch Harry Potter, there are hundreds of non-licensed steaming websites showing it which do not contribute royalty income to JK Rowling.
If you're writing Harry Potter fanfiction, use a site like AO3 which will defend you tooth and claw if she gets desperate and starts coming after fan creators.
Harry Potter might be the comforting memories of your childhood, but JK Rowling is an active threat to the literal livelihood of trans people. People who could lose legal rights and protections simply because of one vicious woman with a bigoted agenda and deep pockets.
All we're asking is that you compare your reasons for enjoying Harry Potter with the facts of why you should make a few simple, easy choices to avoid bankrolling her and determine which is more important.
Or rather, which one should be more important.
And make the right choice.
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starsh-ine · 2 months
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starsh-ine · 3 months
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@whoisflattery brought my babies to life, I can’t wait to write them💕
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starsh-ine · 3 months
remus lupin’s favorite things 
his whiskey neat 
black, in his bed at 3
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starsh-ine · 3 months
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My first larger piece in a little while! Also my first wolfstar piece in ages!
referenced from the amazing photographer Meg allen !!
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starsh-ine · 3 months
Remus was walking towards the restaurant where all his friends were celebrating Dorcas’s birthday, and stopped in his tracks.
Through the open door of the building next door, someone was sweeping. Someone he thought- no, he definitely - recognized. The bartender he met once, spoken to for maybe five minutes, and never stopped thinking about.
“We just ran out of the beer you wanted, but what else do you like?” and a smile to knock you over if you weren’t careful, making up for the disappointment instantly.
“Something lighter, maybe?” Remus caught his breath enough to answer.
“We can do that! Have you tried the pils?” How does he smile like that? Like galaxies and constellations distilled just for you? He had not tried the pils.
“No? Ok, let’s do that one. Now I’m just about to clock out, but if you hate it, talk to the bartender over there. Tell her Sirius sent you, and that he promised you a beer you’ll actually like.” What about something else Remus would actually like?
The man- Sirius- kept smiling, poured the beer, and was gone. Remus was torn, between wishing he had stayed for longer and wanting him to get off his shift on time. Even though he got to leave work, it would have been nice to chat for a bit. Remus kept himself from wondering too much about what (and who) he would be going home to. The pils, of course, was great.
And there he was, Sirius, the man Remus could not stop thinking about. Halfway across town and eight months later. Sweeping, door propped open with a stool, humming to himself, looking as gorgeous as Remus had pictured.
He paused to consider. Remus was very nearly late to his good friend’s birthday dinner, but he was sure she would understand. Dorcas would do anything for a movie moment, she could hardly blame him foe this. Remus steeled himself, walking through the open door.
“Hey, thanks for coming in, but we actually closed a little bit ago-“ Sirius’ words stopped as he grinned. “Oh, hey, you look familiar. Do I know you?”
Not yet, Remus thought, and grinned back. But soon.
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starsh-ine · 3 months
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Happy birthday to my favorite wolfy mc wolf
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starsh-ine · 3 months
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💫 Sirius Black 💫
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starsh-ine · 3 months
rip sirius black you would have loved pitbull
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starsh-ine · 4 months
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wolfstar szn ⭐️💌🌙
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starsh-ine · 5 months
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“I’m good at magic. But you, like… are, magic, y’know?”
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starsh-ine · 5 months
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Also no bg version cause I like this one too
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starsh-ine · 5 months
naughty - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 134
The crossword puzzle in the Daily Prophet is a meditative experience for Remus.
It's his quiet time. His time to relax and just be.
So he sits on the couch in the Common Room, quill in hand, staring at the small squares, so focused that he doesn't notice the shorter, black-haired boy creep up behind him.
Until- "Naughty."
He's not sure if it's the way Sirius says it, voice quiet and low in pitch, or the way he whispers almost sensually in his ear, breath warm as it moves over his skin, but Remus can't suppress a shudder.
"I-erm-what?" He asks, quite eloquently, completely thrown off.
A chuckle.
Sirius walks nonchalantly around the couch and plops down next to him, pointing casually at the paper.
"Nine down. Seven letter word for bad. Naughty."
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starsh-ine · 5 months
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lily: i’ve only known about padfoot for an hour, but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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starsh-ine · 5 months
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a kiss for good luck ♥️
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