starshoot · 4 years
* mini starter call
send a word for a starter. feel free to combine prompts.
‘ dial ’ for a phone call starter
‘ beep ’ for a texting starter
‘ silence ’ for a nonverbal starter
‘ sun ’ for a good morning starter
‘ moon ’ for a goodnight starter
‘ care ’ for a sick starter
‘ hurt ’ for an injured starter
‘ zzz ’ for a tired starter
‘ recovery ’ for a hospital starter
‘ heart ’ for a caring starter
‘ onion ’ for an angsty starter
‘ trouble ’ for a worrisome starter 
‘ boo ’ for a scared starter
‘ lull ’ for a comforting starter 
‘ balloon ’ for a happy starter
‘ rawr ’ for a silly starter
‘ grump ’ for a bad mood starter
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starshoot · 4 years
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starshoot · 4 years
i have a lot to say about george’s very unnecessarily public apology to johnny,   about how he chose to make a big scene rather than approach him to talk in private and how,   to add to that,   he had to bring nicholas’ boots as a sort of peace offering or a way of recognizing and repenting from his wrongdoings when for johnny they were never more than a pair of racing boots,   and i could probably go on for days but as to spare you all of that,   it basically boils down to  “  even though johnny never completely forgave nor trusted his dad again for the way he had treated him before and after nicholas’ death,   nor should he have to,   hearing him apologize for it in such an honest way  (  in johnny’s eyes,   going as far as to be willing to face the humiliation / judgement of strangers in an effort to make it feel genuine  )  was something that johnny very much needed,   and in a way it served as his last  ‘ coming of age ’  step of sorts  ”.   
i’m not going to pretend that their relationship improved immediately after that,   or that they did not have their fair share of disagreements more often than not,   but i still think it did develop differently what with johnny hitting adulthood and how different his way of treating and seeing things was after the race.   yes,   their relationship remained more or less tense and relatively impersonal until the man died but — at the end of the day,   johnny loved his dad and he needed to have his family back,   not entirely george,   but his mom and nicholas too.   and though grief would never justify the way he acted in the past,   i think it was easier for johnny to reconcile with the fact that shit had already happened and that he had no way of changing things now,   but that he could only go forward.
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starshoot · 4 years
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stop talking to me…
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starshoot · 4 years
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starters  /  prompts taken from f. d. soul’s work ,  between you and these bones .  feel free to change pronouns  /  tenses as necessary .
‘  the problem is you keep trying to use your eyes  ’
‘  how i soften when you pull me against you  ’
‘  you are teaching me to love  ’
‘  i will pretend that i have not already heard the question in your eyes  ’
‘  you perhaps will become my swan song  ’
‘  it is a very human thing to love  ’
‘  you are my good days  ’
‘  i have been loved dearly  ’
‘  i promise you will not always be this war  ’
‘  thank god for the stubbornness of organs  ’
‘  it takes me seven days to stop being in love with you  ’
‘  there will always be another day  ’
‘  there will always be another mercy  ’
‘  perhaps i will take up dancing again  ’
‘  what a pretty little disaster you will be  ’
‘  i am terrified for you  ’
‘  i will fold inside of myself  ’
‘  today i am thankful  ’
‘  i didn’t want to sleep because i didn’t want to wake  ’
‘  come and get me  ’
‘  i tell myself i do not need you  ’
‘  i think i broke again last night  ’
‘  i’m just trying to connect with you  ’
‘  you are an ocean that will perhaps never stop crashing  ’
‘  burn the house down in search of yourself  ’
‘  don’t you dare ever stop looking  ’
‘  i struggle not to feel guilty  ’
‘  you are a wild  ,  unkempt thing  ’
‘  sometimes it is a very sad thing to be human and longing  ’
‘  find that you are made of russian nesting dolls  ’
‘  the trees are always kindest with spring comes  ’
‘  teach yourself the hymns again  ’
‘  he is every amen i have ever laid down on lips  ’
‘  this life is an altar  ’
‘  i am sorry i do not have more time  ’
‘  there is a mountain in me  ’
‘  by the morning i am a triumph  ’
‘  there are words playing hooky in the back of your throat  ’
‘  today is by far the most beautiful creature i have ever come across  ’
‘  there are many things that will fit beneath your skin  ’
‘  forgiveness does not take up much room  ’
‘  some days you will breathe and it will be enough  ’
‘  you do not have to hold it quite so tightly  ’
‘  there is a prayer in me  ,  still  ’
‘  you scare me a little  ’
‘  you can be a good thing and not a whole thing  ’
‘  there are flowers in my chest again  ’
‘  the rain comes and sounds like you  ’
‘  i cannot tell you why i still trust god  ’
‘  find peace and build a home out of it  ’
‘  there is never an end  ’
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starshoot · 4 years
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starshoot · 4 years
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Louise Glück, from “Mutable Earth”, Poems 1962-2012
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starshoot · 4 years
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Louise Glück, from “Inferno”, Poems 1962-2012
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