starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
And I’ll earn a lot of money...
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                                 for my dream                                  joooooooooooooooooooob!
2,500G has been deposited into your account!
New Total: 14,800G.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Nami watched the blonde gracefully jump down from the gorgeous beast. She blinked in surprise at the girl’s words, figuring she must have found ‘Gwen’. The redhead gulped at the sudden feeling of pressure around her, with Gwen’s eyes on her.
“I uh… Haven’t ridden in a while so..” It was the truth, Nami hadn’t ridden since she left but it was like riding a bike right? The traveler approached the horse, calming herself as much as she could to give off non-negative vibes for the animal.
She raised a hand to gently pet against the front of her head, moving to pet the neck with a soft smile and finally leading her hand up to hold the saddle. Nami put her foot in one the stirrup and swinging the other up over to the other side. She nonchalantly grasped the bridle.
“My name is Nami by the way.” Had she said that earlier? She couldn’t remember, only focus on the horse she was now seated upon.
“You haven’t ridden in a horse in a while?” Gwen asked. Well, that wasn’t something that she wanted to hear. She truly wanted to have someone on staff that knew how to ride. In fact, it was practically a requirement. How could you work at a race track and not know how to ride a horse? As quickly as they came, she pushed those negative thoughts from her head. If someone knew how to ride before, they could certainly learn how to ride again. To her, she always thought of riding as something anyone could easily pick up again. Nami would be no exception, she was sure of it.
“Well, take your time and give it a try.” Gwen grinned, crossing her arms. “If you manage to fall off, suck it up and get right back on~!” That was her motto. In fact, she planned on getting it printed out and framed to hang in her office. There were hardly any other quote to really live by. “And don’t worry. If you injure yourself, I’ll be sure to call a doctor.”
Once Nami was on the horse, she started to lead the way back to the stables. “Nice to meet you, Nami. You already know my name so I won’t bother repeating it~.” Now that the introductions were out of the way, it was time for the real ones. “So, when did you start to learn how to ride?”
Dreams of Wind || Nami & Gwen
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
    The blond tilted his head in confusion, wondering if he did something wrong when the other seemed to have panicked(?) as he showed her the envelope which told him to come and see her. Did doing so make her feel uncomfortable? Shouldn’t he have done so? Or… could it be that she felt like it was unnecessary? That is, to bring the letter since they were only told to bring items that would make it easy for them to spot each other.
    Ah, what to do?
    Luckily, the other chose to speak up— as he really had no idea how to go about this situation. She… didn’t really seem like she found this whole ordeal to be amusing, however, the tone that she used as she spoke didn’t really give him the impression that she was upset and, or, mad about it either. Perhaps, a bit confused…? And, a little awkward.
    “That sounds lovely.” He smiled brightly at the other— hoping to ease the awkward tension around them— as he folded the envelope and placed it back inside his pocket. “Did you have any specific place that you had in mind? If not… I suppose we can go to Freestone Park in Oaktree District? It’s quite a long walk from here but..unfortunately, it’s the closest place that I could think of.”
Thank goodness. They would be able to start moving and she could stop feeling awkward. “Freestone Park? I certainly don’t mind. Besides, I much prefer long walks compared to short walks,” Gwen answered, smiling at him. After all, why take a short walk with a “date” when you could just take a short walk on your own. At least this way, she would be able to get to know about Lest while they walked and talked.
Gwen folded her arms behind her back as she started to walk. Her eyes were trained to the sky, thinking of something to talk about. There were a lot of things she could ask him. Questions about what job he had or what he liked to do with his hobbies. They were interesting questions plus they were basic ones. There was nothing wrong with asking them.
... Right?
The only way for her to really find out was to ask them. What was the worse that could happen. “So, what kind of job do you have? I know it’s a weird question to ask, so you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.” Man, she would have to think of a better question to ask and fast.
A Pink Scarf/Pink Carnation (Gwen/Lest)
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
“Haven’t- Gwen I’m taller than you now! I’d think you’d notice that at least.” He laughed it off and took a seat, “Plus I don’t look like the tub of cookie dough I used to be.”
“But I mean look at you chickadee, you’re all grown up.” Mark propped his chin up on his knuckle, “And yeah things have been goin pretty well actually. And I’m not just workin here, I’m a co-owner. Carlos ‘n I got bored and decided that this would be a good idea. We’re considering a random theme night.”
Mark shrugged, the whole ‘theme’ thing still eluding them. Probably like police or something was going to be the first theme.
“Anyway, how’ve you been? What’re Kurt and Joe up to?”
Oh man, was he taller than her now? Gwen was too worried to stand up and see for herself. He was right about his size, though. Not that she cared about his weight, but he was much slimmer than how he previously was. “Hey, I’ll fight for my height back, so be careful. You sure aren’t the tub of dough anymore! Must be nice to see bullies and shove your success down their faces~.”
She gave him a shrug. “I wouldn’t really say that I actually changed. Sure, I’m taller, but that’s pretty much all that happened.” If Gwen remembered, she was still a spitfire, just a little fizzled out compared to back then. Reaching over, she patted his shoulder roughly. “Good for you! I’m glad to see you’re doing so well. If you have a random theme night, hit me up. I’ll be more than happy to join!”
Gwen raised her arm and rested her cheek in her hand. “Oh, nothing much. I’m still working towards my deam. I’m the manager of the race track and looking for some more jobs. Kurt and Joe are fine, running the carpentry shop and what not.” Her thoughts wandered over to Elise and Neil, the two pieces of her past that were never there. No, this wasn’t something she wasnt going to bring up. At least, not unless word-vomit occurred and she just let it out. However, it was her plan to keep that from happening.
It’s Been A Long Time (Mark/Gwen)
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Honestly, it was unsurprising how popular the bar got. It was a mad house on opening night, and it was still packed place. Amazing how some muscular men serving alcohol would draw in such a crowd. It was amusing to say the least.
Though tonight he saw a rather familiar face, or rather it was her eyes that caught his attention. There was no mistaking those bright ruby eyes. Mark finally caught a break and he approached her, “Well well, haven’t seen your face in forever! How’ve ya been?”
Man he hadn’t talked to her in forever. It was a little depressing, but hey she’s here now.
That was a good sign. He knew who she was. Honestly, Gwen was having a hard time containing her excitement. Her memory wasn’t all that great, but she could remember her friends if she saw them. She let out a breath of air she didn’t even know she was holding.
“I’ve been really good. What about you? Man... You haven’t changed a bit,” Gwen said, a big smile on her face. “Then again, that’s a good thing. You can still look young and fool everyone.” Taking a look around the bar, she couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s funny seeing a kid like you working in a place like this~. You’re doing good, though, and I mean that.
It’s Been A Long Time (Mark/Gwen)
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
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She slowly backed away and out of the blonde’s hold, readjusting the box in her arms so that it wouldn’t fall too easily. When she was done, she directed a bright smile at her savior. “Thanks again! Oh, and by the way, I’m sorry for bumping into you like that. I guess I wasn’t paying much attention…” Lillie began a sheepish laugh, only to cut herself off with a small gasp and widening of the eyes. With a concerned frown, she moved closer to the blonde woman and started looking her up and down for any sign of injuries. “Oh…! I didn’t hurt you, did I? Or make you drop anything?”
"Yeah, I can imagine!” If Gwen saw her next time and she learned something bad happened to her because of this incident. At least this way, she could avoid it happening. “Don’t worry about bumping into me. You weren’t the only one who wasn’t paying attention. I have that guilt, too.”
She looked around for her newspaper, finding it on the floor near her feet. “It’s not a big deal. It’s just a bunch of papers.” Gwen took a look at the girl again and the box of silverware in her arms. “Do you... want some help with that? I have some time, so I don’t mind bringing it to where you have to go.”
Stumbling || Lillie & Gwen
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
And I’ll Earn A Lot Of Money
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                                 for my dream                                  joooooooooooooooooooob!
500G has been deposited into your account!
What’s this? It looks like some lost money has found it’s way to you!
2500G from June 27th and 500G from July 11th!
New Total: 12,300G
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
It’s Been A Long Time (Mark/Gwen)
Now when was the last time she had seen that face?
Gwen made her way into Beach Baras and slowly pushed through the crowd. If she remembered correctly, it’s been a couple of years. Sure, she tried to keep in touch with them but that didn’t last long. Her own written letters just kept piling up, unfinished and never being sent out. Well, it was her own fault. She could have done a lot better to maintain their friendship. That didn’t mean it wasn’t too late to rekindle it.
... Right?
Reaching the bar, she sat down on one of the stools and rest her forearms on the counter. Man, when was the last time she actually had a drink? Maybe this wasn’t the best time to have a drink or even rekindle a friendship if she was getting tipsy. But still, Gwen wasn’t going to back out now. So she waited to be served, keeping her eyes on him as he worked.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
What was he like? Gwen didn’t know how to answer that question. The Harvest King wasn’t... rude to her, exactly. Sure, he wasn’t warm, but who would be on a blind date? Even Gwen had to admit that she was distant herself. It was only natural, at least in her opinion.
“He was... Well, I was put-off, but he didn’t treat me badly. He was patient and nice...” Gwen explained, wringing her fingers around the reins. Now, she wasn’t lying. Their date didn’t last for long, but he certainly didn’t treat her wrong. He was confused by things and just didn’t know how they worked. ... It put her date in a whole new light, to be honest. “Believe me, whatever wrong thing he did to that girl... he didn’t do them to me.”
A sense of wanting to see the Harvest King overcame her. She was tempted to pull on her horse’s reins and rush over to where he may be. ... But she didn’t know where that place was. It was embarrassing to say, but she didn’t exactly remember where he said he worked. Good job, Gwen. The one time she actually needed to pay attention and she didn’t.
A Visitor (Gwen/Elise)
With one word, Amandine stopped in her tracks next to Gwen’s horse, making an impatient noise at the pause in their ride, but Elise simply patted her on the side to quiet her.
“That’s… Crazy! What was he like?” Elise asked, looking clearly confused. What Gwen said made her think back on how he’d apologized for everything he’d done. Elise really didn’t like to think that magical beings were bad, and perhaps this was another misunderstanding after all. “I’m pleased to hear you were safe at least. I have a feeling there was a lot of misunderstanding going on, as I was simply a bystander…. Did he treat you well when you were together?”
She knew she was being far more inquisitive than normal, but considering her idea of running for mayor, she figured it be best to hear more about the Harvest King before she made her decision. She planned to at least mostly back magic users, and if he had been kind to Gwen, it would just set the idea in stone that a lot of the drama had been a misunderstanding.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
It was time to find a second job! The Race Track brought in a good amount of money, but there are things that it just couldn’t buy. She had to save as much money as she could so that her dream could become a reality faster. If not her dream, at least living essentials. There were a few things she needed (she did have a few pairs of pants that had holes between her thighs.) Did she go into her savings to buy herself pants? Nope!
She had a pair of tights that covered the holes quite nicely.
Gwen looked through the newspaper, checking off the possibilities. No job was too small for her and she wasn’t picky about what kind it was. She just needed... a job. Hopefully, a job that would work with her and her schedule at the Race Track. As the manager, she did need to be there a lot of the time.
Then she felt it. The familiar push into her as she crashed into someone. Her height gave her a bit of an advantage with staying on her feet, but she reacted fast. Gwen could see the delicate plates in her arms and that the girl was falling. Reflexes kicked in and she grabbed the girl by her arms and pulled her into her body, trapping the box between them. Gwen stumbled backwards for just a moment but she regained her footing.
She stared at the box and then at the girl, a crooked grin on her face. “Well then. That’s a wonderful way of meeting someone, huh?”
Stumbling || Lillie & Gwen
Lille hummed a tune to herself as she walked through the streets, carrying a box of new dishes and silverware that had just come in from the general store. Since she didn’t have much to do at the Inn today, she was the one sent to go pick the delivery up. Thankfully the box wasn’t too heavy, so she could manage carrying it on her own.
And though the weight of the box wasn’t a problem, the summer heat was. She loved summer, with all of its fluctuating weather patterns, uplifting atmosphere and abundance of festivals and events, but the heat could be a bit annoying sometimes. She wanted to get back quick, and relax in the cool air of the Inn.
As looked down at the box of silverware as she walked, hoping she wouldn’t end up dropping it. Whoo boy… would that come out of her paycheck. That had never happened to her before, fortunately, but who knows what could happen? First time for everything, right?
She directed her gaze her gaze upwards, her eyes widening when she saw someone walking directly towards her. By this point they were close enough to collide… if that happened she would drop the silverware and that would just cause a huge mess! She couldn’t let that happen. Holding the box securely against her chest, Lillie tried to twist out of the person’s way, but her positioning was awkward and she ended up losing her balance.
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As she began to fall, she wondered how much money would be taken out of her check for the broken silverware.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Now that she was at his door and waiting, Gwen was regretting this decision. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see Neil or even talk to him, but showing him this moment of weakness? That... bothered her. They weren’t even that close to one another. They could be, she knew they could be, but she was always busy and he was... busy doing whatever it was that he does. Try as she might, she couldn’t think about what it was he did other than work.
With the decision to leave and head back to her apartment until the feeling passed, she was ready to walk away until the door open. Immediately she couldn’t stop the pathetic look on her face and she hated herself for it. If she was a robot, she would make sure such a feeling was inoperable on her.
Yet, just like that, Neil made her burst into laughter.
Gwen covered her mouth, trying to stifle her laughs. “Well, you dickhead, I’m here to crash your pad and eat all the shit you have in the fridge!” She placed her hands on her hips. The feeling she had was gone now, ebbing away until it was only a dull ache. “So? You gonna let me in or am I gonna have to push my way through?”
Play Me A Song (Gwen/Neil)
Neil wasn’t dozing off for the slumber he had missed the last couple of hours (nights, really) but he was rather tweaking the guitar strings again. Some of it broke again. He used to run for Gustafa to have an easy repair but he didn’t feel like seeing the shaded, bearded guy again (he still never got around punching the shit out of his face as if apology would be enough to get through Neil’s thick head). Vishnal wasn’t around and so when the door knocked, he figured the wannabe butler got himself locked out.
Annoying prat.
He went to open the door, saying a boyish (yet somehow sour) joke, “Alright, alright, hold your hand to your pants.”
He opened the door, caught the sight of blonde tresses and thought he had to deal with Elise but the sharp face and red eyes immediately told him that it was just Gwen. Now, he never knew much about her since he just found out about her from Elise who apparently claimed they were cousins in Neil’s mother’s side. You’d think he got his hot-tempered from his father’s side, contrary to popular belief, his mother was the one who sang like a volcano in its magma terrors.
Neil narrowed his eyes at Gwen. If she wasn’t family, he would have shut the door and yell at her to go away but she was family—and so he cleared his throat and said coolly with fluttering eyelashes: “The fuck you want bitch?” 
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Talk about her lucky break. She really didn’t want to explain this to the authorities about why she was swimming at the beach when it was closed. That was the last thing she needed at the moment. Taking a look at the fishing pole, she pulled her legs up onto the dock and moved closer to him. “Fishing, huh?”
Of course she would be the reason the fish disappeared. Well, her and her little dolphin friend. For a moment, she felt a bit bad about but it was slowly starting to ebb away. She had a very good reason to why she was swimming and scaring away the fish (even if the latter half was an accident.) “Sorry about that,” she said anyway, sitting back on her legs. “I’m sure they’ll come back in a bit.”
Gone Fishing || Barrett & Gwen
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
That was fair. With all that’s happened, who knows how people would react. Some may actually despise the other or vice versa. Gwen tried to stay away from situations like that. She would soon have to confront the situation herself, but until then, she was going to avoid it. ... Unless it came crashing into her like a train.
She smiled. Every girl deserved to be treated as a lady every now and then. With what Elise had been through, she deserved it.
And that’s what she was waiting for.
Gwen pulled on the reins, pulling the horse to a stop. “I guess I did?” It was still a surreal thing to know. Try as she might, she couldn’t wrap her head around it. “Um, he didn’t really hurt me and I wasn’t frightened.” All that stuff happened well after she left their date. Thinking back on it, he didn’t seem so bad to her. Sure, he was a bit confused on some things, but she didn’t mind it so much. “I mean, my date was way before all that stuff happened, right? I think I was pretty safe.”
A Visitor (Gwen/Elise)
Elise gave an overly dramatic sigh as she looked over at her cousin with a slight pout. “Oh, just all this drama… I mean, I’m glad nobody got hurt, but I’ve been thinking a lot on what’s going on, trying to decide what I think about it and form my own opinions without anyone influencing them…” 
Thinking about her date did bring her spirits up, even if she was sure the gentleman only thought of her as a friend and nothing more. “I agree. I do hope yours was good to you as well, or I’ll have to give him a stern talking to.” Elise replied haughtily as she happily trotted alongside Gwen. Of course, her brows rows in suspicion when it seemed her cousin wasn’t going to elaborate on her date, but when she finally did, Elise’s mouth dropped open in a most unbecoming fashion.
“Hold on a moment… Gwen, you were on a date with the Harvest King?!” Elise’s voice raised an octave, feeling slightly panicked. What if Gwen had been the one he’d tried to abduct and not Lyla? She didn’t even want to think about that. “Please… Just tell me he didn’t harm you or anything..! Were you frightened?”
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
She couldn’t get in trouble for this, could she? Yeah, the beach wasn’t open, but she had to go swimming. The idea of having a place for aquatic animals in her sanctuary came into mind. If she wanted to know exactly how to prepare and plan for their section, she had to at least know what to get. Sure, it didn’t mean that she would definitely have it in her sanctuary, but it never hurt to prepare.
After taking in what information she could, she emerged from the surface. Gwen’s head was filled with ideas on what she could do for the sea animals and how she would take care of them. Swimming to the dock, she pulled herself up onto it and worked on drying herself off. Now to get out of here before someone saw--Well, that plan was out the window.
Grabbing her shirt, she pulled it over her head. “I don’t suppose you’re gonna tell anyone that I was swimming while the beach was closed, are you?”
Gone Fishing || Barrett & Gwen
Barrett rarely broke his routine these days, but with the weather warming up then it was certainly hard to keep to the same few places all the time. Routines had never particularly been his ‘thing’ anyway, so he was never too bothered when the mood struck him to do something out of the ordinary. The spring showers seemed to have mostly passed by with the transition to summer and he had some time before the sun set now that the days were longer again, so after work and other obligations were met, he put on casual clothes and grabbed his fishing rod and tackle box.
The beach wasn’t officially 'open’ yet for the summer, so it was one of the last opportunities he would have for relative peace there before it was crowded nearly every day. That thought in mind, he set himself up at the end of the dock with his things and cast a line, hoping for some peace and quiet for awhile. Even if he didn’t catch anything today, it was nice to be out for awhile.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Play Me A Song (Gwen/Neil)
Nothing was going right. The horses were a chaotic mess and going on a walk did nothing to calm her down. She tried, oh boy did she tried, but nothing worked. Gwen would often fall into a slump like this. She never really knew what caused it, but she hated it. The way it made her feel... it was the worse feeling. She even tried to write down her ideas for her dream place but nothing prevailed. It was a lost cause.
So, what did one do to get out of a slump? You talk to someone. For Gwen, that someone was her new found cousin Neil.
She left her apartment and descended the flight down to the second floor of the apartment building. Every step felt like it was heavy. She pushed on, though, until she made it to her cousins door. At first, she didn’t want to bother him. Maybe he wasn’t home or he was busy with something. Gwen pushed on, though, knocking a few times on the hard door.
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
Oh darn. She didn’t bring her envelope. Did she have to? After all, the envelope only said to wear a pink scarf and said nothing about bringing the letter. Maybe he just did it for himself and his own peace of mind. Who knew, really. It’s not like she was a mind reader. ... Although, that would be pretty interesting. While she would swear that she would never use her power for ill will, she would have a bit of fun.
Like right now.
Right now, she would be wondering who this man may have suspected instead of her. Gwen wasn’t offended, of course. She never saw him nor did she ever expect to find a true love in him for her. Curiosity was a tricky thing and right now, it was tempting her to ask the question. She refrained, though.
Just because this wasn’t her “true love” didn’t mean she couldn’t have some fun with him. “I don’t either, but I’m still glad you came.” I guess... “Well... Um... do you wanna go for a walk or something?” she asked. This was terribly awkward for her.
A Pink Scarf/Pink Carnation (Gwen/Lest)
     As he noticed her jump in surprise when he’d spoken— he instinctively prepared himself to catch her should she ever lose her balance and fall off the railing that she was sitting on. Luckily, she didn’t and was able to regain her composure. Perhaps, next time, he should be a little more subtle? As to avoid any accidents…
     It was when she stood up that he’d realized just how tall the other was, making him feel a little insecure about his height. However, as she chose not to make a comment in it, he figured that he shouldn’t let it bother him— but, then again, he couldn’t really believe how cruel fate must be to set him up with someone so much taller than him. Although, he supposed that height doesn’t really matter when it comes to things like ‘true love’…
     …However, he couldn’t really help but to feel like something feels wrong. Especially, with the way that the girl was behaving. If.. this really was a meeting between two people who were destined for each other, shouldn’t it feel more… romantic? Shouldn’t it… erase the feelings of unease that is bothering him about this whole situation? Shouldn’t he… be able to stop wishing that it were someone else before him?
          but, ah, he shouldn’t be having these thoughts right now.
     “…Hm, well, I suppose so?” He answered her question before taking out the small golden envelope that he’d received earlier this morning to show to the girl before him. “At least, that’s what this letter implies.”
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     “…I’m not, exactly, sure what’s going on… but, I knew that I had to come see you.”
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starsinhermane-blog · 9 years
A job opening? Since when--Oh, right. Now she remembered. She had put that ad in because she needed the help. With so many horses and so many of them needing extra special attention, well, she needed it. There was no other way around it.
Gwen didn’t have time for an interview, though. At least, not a proper one that could really get her to know this person. What was she to do? Well, Gwen had that solution, even if no one else thought about it.
Hopping down from the horses back, she motioned for the girl to get on her. “Hop on. I’ll give you your interview now.” One thing was for certain, though: this girl clearly appreciated horses. There was no way on Earth that she would hire someone who didn’t appreciate or even care for horses. Those who just wanted to work here thinking that it would be a quick and easy job were always quickly kicked to the curb. That wasn’t how she ran things here.
Dreams of Wind || Nami & Gwen
There was a horse right there, along with a pretty, but rough looking, blonde female who was walking it. Nami felt serene just looking at the creatures, and she wanted badly to pet the animal, but refrained.
“Ah yes. I’m looking for Gwen, for the job opening?” Nami asked softly, pointing at the newspaper with a laid-back look in her blue eyes. She had learned long ago how to truly hide her anxiety.
“I’d love so much to work with these magnificent creatures..”
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