starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell they’re all just spokes on a wheel. This ones on top, then that ones on top and on and on it spins crushing those on the ground. […] I’m not going to stop the wheel, I’m going to break the wheel.
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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#god is a woman
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Daenerys Targaryen’s hair in Game of Thrones 8x06
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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#I say, “That’s my baby, and I’m really proud”
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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«My heart is pierced by Cupid; I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me But my jolly sailor bold».  
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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The slight guest of wind didn’t go unnoticed by the dragon but he too felt it was nothing of importance to worry about. Shifting his wings slightly he gave a nod of his head. “A place to rest would be nice.” He had been flying for a little while and if the human was offering some place where he might rest he would not oppose it. Perhaps she could even tell him a bit more about this place. And she seemed curious enough about him he might even be willing to tell her a few things as well. 
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Aurora smiled. ❝Alright then,❞ she said and beckoned for him to follow her. She moved through the Moors, making sure she moved through areas big enough for him to follow. There was an abandoned cave just a mile away from where they were, that’s where she was leading him. It would be comfortable for him until they could find something better. She moved aside once they came to the mouth of the cave. ❝Is this alright?❞
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
It had been a few weeks since Hiccup had moved Berk to this new island, since he had given up the dragons and everyone’s life changed again and again all because of him. The days were long and hard and he often wondered if he did the right thing, if his father would have been proud of what he did or if he would have been ashamed of him. 
He sat on a large rock that overlooked the new village but also gave a fantastic view of the ocean, of the horizon where the dragons all left and vanished to the hidden world. He stared out hoping that one day they would come back, but he knew they never would, it wasn’t safe for them. As he sat there with his thoughts watching the sunset he heard Astrid’s voice and felt her come and take a seat next to him, “Yeah I’m ok, just thinking.” he said a little melancholily as he continued to think for a moment more before he turned to look at his beautiful wife. 
Astrid tilted her head and looked from him to the view. She knew what he was thinking about. She knew how hard this still was for him. She took a deep breath and smiled softly. “You know, I keep having a dream that one day we’d see them again,” she said. “Gothi would be able to give a better description of what the dream means, but...I think it’s something that may come true one day.”
She looked at Hiccup and gently placed her hand over his. “I know how much you miss Toothless, but you should be proud of yourself. I know your father would be. You did what was best for us and for the dragons. And you’re going to have such amazing stories to tell our children one day.”
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
❁ ❁  For someone listening to this the first time, this would have been very baffling. Perhaps being dead saved her from being interrogated any further, as that itself should have been plentiful evidence.
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 “  Yes.  ” She responded bluntly. “  & I’ve been wandering for ages trying to find your cemetery.  ” If they had one–no, they should have had one. Regardless of where she was, there were people, living people, & they had to bury them somehow–right? “  You don’t happen to know where it is…¿do you?  ”
Astrid wrinkled her eyebrows. They didn’t have a cemetery. Whenever someone passed on to Valhalla, they sent them away on a dinghy in the ocean. They would shoot fire arrows to the boat, setting it on fire so that the soul would be released and the boat would sink to the depths. 
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She looked at the spirit and shook her head. ❝ We don’t have anything like that here on Berk. Our people don’t bury people in the ground. ❞
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
Blooming 3-1, Sunflower becomes Post Malone’s 3rd #1 hit & Swae Lee’s 1st as a soloist [Black Beatles, 2016]. 🌻
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JAN 19 2019
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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oh hey i really love them looking forward to the second part of this film
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
[Sentence Starters] Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Feel free to add context, change pronouns, names, jobs, and anything else you need to change to make these work for you! Have fun! ^-^
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❝ Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear. I’m sure it’ll work out somehow. ❞
❝ I’d like to turn her into a fat, old hop toad! ❞
❝ Even walls have ears. ❞
❝ ____ doesn’t know anything about love, or kindness, or the joy of helping others. ❞
❝ We’ve never done anything without magic! ❞
❝ She couldn’t have vanished into thin air! ❞
❝ We’re acting like a lot of ninnies! ❞
❝ I wonder why each little bird has a ‘someone’… ❞
❝ Why do they still treat me like a child? ❞
❝ They say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true! ❞
❝ You know, I’m really not supposed to speak to strangers. ❞
❝ I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem. ❞
❝ Who are you? What’s your name? ❞
❝ It’s a very unusual cake, isn’t it? ❞ 
❝ No. Carrots. ❞ 
❝ Why, it’s my dream prince! ❞
❝ The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam. ❞
❝ Come on, bucket, mop, broom! ____ says ‘clean up the room’! ❞
❝ Just do it like it says here in the book. I’ll put on the candles! ❞
❝ I walked with you once upon a dream. ❞
❝ Now, let me fill up your glass! That last was all foam. ❞
❝ The plans! Well, what do you think? Nothing elaborate of course. Forty bedrooms, dining hall. Honeymoon cottage, really. ❞
❝ Why you– you unreasonable, pompous, blustering old windbag! ❞
❝ Now what’s all this ‘dream’ nonsense?! ❞
❝ I’ll never forgive myself. ❞
❝ There’s something important I have to tell you. ❞
❝ Oh, come now, ____. Why so melancholy? A wondrous future lies before you. ❞
❝ A hundred years to a steadfast heart are but a day. ❞
❝ For the first time in sixteen years, I shall sleep well. ❞
❝ The road to true love may be barred by still many more dangers that you alone will have to face. ❞
❝ Now shall you deal with me, ____, and all the powers of hell! ❞
❝ Oh, I just love happy endings. ❞
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
@starsinxhereyes liked for a little thing! ( Elsa )
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“You know, the more you practice, the easier it gets to control it. It might seem like this huge, scary, uncontrollable thing– but it’s easier than it looks. Trust me.”
He toys with a snowflake; watching the small blip of white flutter around his fingers before letting it free. Of course, while they both had their difference - the biggest being she was human while he was a spirit - snow and ice were just that: snow and ice. Temperamental, frigid, and unpredictable, but not untameable.
Jack stuffs his hand back into his pockets, rocking faintly on his heels, centering his gaze towards the Queen. “– You’re too emotional. It’s the first thing you should work on.”
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Elsa watched with envy as the spirt carelessly toyed with the snowflake. Icy blue eyes followed the flake before they rest upon the spirit. His words were familiar. Her powers did reflect her emotions more than anything. The more emotional she was, the stronger her powers. 
She pulled her gaze from the spirit and she looked down at her clasped hands. ❝I have discovered that love will thaw and if I focus on that emotion, I have more control. But...it’s nearly impossible to love every second of every day,❞ she said and looked at Jack. ❝I have to find another way to control my magic.❞ 
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Daenerys & Drogon 1x10 | 8x06
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Clouds seen from above. Horses small as antsthundering through the grass. A silver moon, almost close enough to touch. Rivers running bright and blue below, glimmering in the sun. Will I ever see such sights again? On Drogon's back she felt whole. Up in the sky the woes of this world could not touch her.  
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Game of Thrones | 8x06 “The Iron Throne”
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starsinxhereyes · 5 years
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Ok but I honestly don’t care if they become ‘evil’ as long as they’re evil TOGETHER
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