starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
thinking about wendell and wild again. S+ tier character design
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
There's no one's wisdom that's less valuable than this
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
There’s honest-to-goodness Steven Universe shipping discourse happening right now and it’s like stepping out of a steam bath into a cool spring rain compared to the election.
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
Monday 9/23/24: If you are in the Gulf of Mexico area near the Florida Panhandle, now is the time to prepare for a possible major hurricane (Cat 3-5) to hit sometime after 2pm on Thursday September 26th. 41 Florida counties are currently under a state of emergency.
Two models are showing the possibility of a Category 5, so it shouldn’t be ruled out, if you over prepare that’s better than the other scenario.
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Current estimates are expecting this to be a LARGE hurricane, so even if you’re not in Florida, you need to make plans and be prepared for evacuations or locking down.
These are some of the latest developments:
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Current tracks are still uncertain once it makes landfall, but it’s expected to curve west and be a large rain producer.
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
every time I see advertising say "as nature intended" I reach for my TELEOLOGY ISN'T REAL bat
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
“Tony’s Pizza delivery!” Danny knocks on a door and stands back slightly, waiting for the answer. Silence. He knocks again. “Pizza order! For…” he checks the box, “Rob!”
There’s the thud of footsteps behind the door, but it doesn’t open. It’s like someone walked right up to it and is waiting. The house itself has blacked-out windows and piles of trash on the lawn. Something about the situation feels…off.
Danny pulls out the taser, which he usually keeps in his pocket. The other hand tightens slightly on the pizza box. He doesn’t go intangible, not yet, but his powers bubble around his core, ready at a moment’s notice.
The door swings open. There’s a gun pointed at his face. 
Acting on instinct more than thought, Danny snaps the taser forward and presses the button when it meets the man’s arm. There’s a roar of pain and the gun is dropped. 
Keeping a hold of the taser, Danny drops the pizza box on the steps. “You owe us payment next time you order thank you goodbye!”
He bolts, grabbing the bike and wheeling it next to him instead of jumping on it. Pulling on intangibility it spreads to the bike as well. As soon as he’s around the corner, Danny goes invisible. His heart is hammering against his chest and all he wants to do is curl into himself. 
Still, he keeps a hold of the bike–no good if it suddenly pops into existence–and breathes through his panic. The taser worked. Sure, he didn’t get paid, but he also didn’t get shot. If Tony’s upset, Danny will ask him to take the cost out of his wages. 
After another few minutes of breathing exercises–thank you Jazz–he’s settled enough to flicker back to visibility and bike back to the shop. 
Tony glances up at him when he enters and does a double take. “What happened, kid?”
“Didn’t get payment for the pizza. Sorry.”
The owner’s eyes narrow. “This wouldn't happen to be because someone pointed a gun at you, would it?”
Laughter is not what he expects. Tony just grins at him. “Kid, I just got a call saying the delivery boy had a taser he wasn’t afraid to use and skedaddled without payment.”
Danny winces, waiting for the beratement. 
“Rob gave you a five-star review. Said it’s the smartest move he’s seen in a while. Paid over the phone for once. You’re good, kid.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Do people often answer the door for pizza while holding a gun?”
A shoulder shrug. “Around here, it’s more common than you’d think. But if you think you’re in danger, you act to protect yourself, got it? The pizza shop will recover if someone decides to order elsewhere. Besides,” and Tony’s grin edges on feral, “they don’t get many other choices.”
Crime Alley residents, Danny decides, are a rare breed of people.
Read the rest here!
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
[at the library] "You're telling me I get to keep the wisdom once I've read it? I don't have to put it back?"
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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alright folks, who's your weird regular? we have "snake guy" who always has a snake crawling on his arm (i've posted pics of it on here before)
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
if you befriend enough weirdos you can get lectures for free
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
I shouldn’t have to say this, but— do not sign anything which has important points added in goddamn pencil.
Don’t sign forms with areas left blank. Make sure those areas have “not applicable” written in each one (or words which work where you are).
Be aware of ambush tactics like being asked to sign unrelated forms * after * a surgery, any painful therapy, while feverish — any time when you’re unable to read and think clearly.
Don’t believe “this form is no big deal, you don’t have to read it.”
If you’re pressured “because it’s more efficient to sign everything at once” or anything like that, remember this is one more reason to be cautious, if not suspicious. Tell them to make a separate appointment.
If you are in pain, alone, or concerned for yourself and your ability to refuse to sign papers under pressure, ask someone to be there with you.
If you don’t have people to help in person, get someone to witness things with your phone, and allow them to say “wait a minute, that’s not right” or “no” for you. You don’t even need a smart phone to do this, OK? I’ve had to use a land line on speaker. It helps if your person has a clue what’s going on, but if you’re ambushed, just make sure they are willing to stick up for you. There are probably notes on how to be an advocate somewhere, if you know resources please add them in comments or add to this post.
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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I have nothing but contempt for these truly evil people in government.
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
Robin!Jason: I wonder if different brands of shampoo taste different
Dick: They do
Dick: Wait, ask me again and I'll hesitate before answering this time.
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starspangledscrewup · 17 hours
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first quote can be found in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (including the next sentence of the speech not quoted in the tweet, which imo is relevant in the comparison to the specific argument from frum & other zionist propagandists). speech by Julius Streicher delivered on 10 November 1939, after Kristallnacht:
We could have killed all the Jews in Germany yesterday, but we did not do it. The demonstrations in Franconia were, in general, disciplined, clear, and farsighted. They proved to the world that the days when the Jew could take out his wrath on us, whether from within or without, are finally over.
second quote published in 1939 by the Nazi Party’s Central Propaganda Office, archived in the German Propaganda Archive (source materials also collected by Randall Bytwerk), plus additional surrounding text not included in the tweet:
The behavior of the Führer and the Reich in these days of continuous Polish and English provocations were remarkable. No other nation would have been as patient. It would have done what the Führer finally did on 1 September much earlier.
Our remarkable restraint was noted by all the neutrals. The Spanish newspaper Alcazar wrote on 2 September: "Hitler has exhibited extreme patience, until the Polish attack forced the German army to respond. Nothing is more consistent than the behavior of the Führer and the Reich government. While Poland was attacking Germany along the border, Hitler published his last appeal for peace. The responsibility is not only Poland’s, but also belongs to those statesmen who encouraged Polish insanity."
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