starstruckstories · 5 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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starstruckstories · 5 years
Diversity brings beauty to the world.
Roleplayers, reblog if your blog is safe and welcoming of people of all races, religions, genders, orientations, nationalities, etc! ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤
The only humans not welcome here are the ones that think ‘different’ means lesser.
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starstruckstories · 5 years
Get it off your chest. Send my muse an anonymous confession that's been bothering yours for a long time. I can't say anything...only publish.
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starstruckstories · 5 years
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Somehow, someway, your character has found themselves on a pub crawl. What do they do?  
Bold the choice that applies the most for each pub. Italicize other possibilities.
Pub 1
Huddles in a corner staring wide-eyed at the group and wonders how they got there in the first place | Sits off to the side, sipping something non-alcoholic and watches the antics | Cheerfully sits with the group and drinks their first round | Calls for a round of shots to get the party started | Hangs our near the center of things, telling stories and cracking jokes
Pub 2
Finds a new corner to huddle in, growing increasingly concerned as the drinks flow | Relents and orders a glass of wine to nurse through the next ice age | Laughs and chats with the group, drinking the drinks and enjoying the camaraderie | Is off flirting and chatting someone (or a few someones) up | Has made friends with the pub’s musician and is on stage singing and/or dancing a jig
Pub 3
Has been kidnapped by a roving gang of pirates (ironically also on a pub crawl of their own) | On a third glass of wine and starting to let flow all sorts of interesting self details | Has managed to spontaneously get half the bar to sing a drinking song | Has hooked up, proposed, and split up at least twice thus far and is working on their rebound third | Disappeared into a back alley with a shady looking character leaving assurances of picking something up to “liven things up a little”
Pub 4
After being adopted as their impromptu mascot, is now being ferried around by the pirates on a makeshift palanquin as their “Pirate Queen” | Beyond wine drunk and keeps losing layers because it’s “too hot” | Is engaging in some cross group friendly rivalry in the ages old combination of booze and hurling sharp objects at a target | Passed out in the gutter halfway to the fourth pub | Whether it is incendiaries or herding the entire crew onto an impromptu dragon flight, whatever surprise is planned will be memorable
Tagged by:  @sithandsindorei
Tagging:  @tehlaen @lystra-hale and anyone who shows interest
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starstruckstories · 5 years
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Full name:  Casarai Thaerin
Gender:  Female
Sexuality:  Pan
Pronouns:  She/Her
Family:  Cassius Thaerin (Father), Nera Thaerin (Mother), Desarian Thaerin (Brother)
Birthplace:  Dromund Kaas
Residence:  Coruscant
Occupation:  Jedi Knight
Phobias:  Losing control of herself, Sith Magic
Guilty Pleasures:  Her speeder collection, shiny armor, the occasional dress, fantasy holovids, exotic cuisine
Morality Alignment?:  On the fence between Lawful Good and Neutral Good
Sins:  Lust/Greed/Gluttony/Sloth/Pride/Envy/Wrath
Virtues:  Chastity/Charity/Diligence/Humility/Kindness/Patience/Justice
Introvert/Extrovert:  Extrovert eight times out of ten.
Organized/Disorganized:  Mostly organized, though a bit of organized chaos never hurts.
Close-minded/Open-minded:  Very open.
Calm/Anxious:  Calm, but excitable.
Disagreeable/Agreeable:  Pretty agreeable on most subjects.
Cautious/Reckless:  Depends on the situation.
Patient/Impatient:  Very patient.
Outspoken/Reserved:  Outspoken, though not insensitive.
Leader/Follower:  Switches between the two, depending on the issue at hand.
Optimistic/Pessimistic:  Optimistic to a bloody fault.
Traditional/Modern:  Modern, though respectful of traditions.
Hard-working/Lazy:  Hard-working.  Mostly.
OTP:  In SWTOR:  Had to do a coin toss between Theron and Lana. In Tumblr RP:  Yet to be determined
OT3:  Yet to be determined.
BROTP:  Many close friendships, hard to narrow down just one...
NOTP:  Doc... just... please... STAHP
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Reblog if it’s okay for my muse to mention yours in threads with other people!
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starstruckstories · 6 years
A Friendly Competition
Cas approached the door in a rather casual fashion, her armor clattering softly with each step.  Upon coming within half a meter of it, she reached out to press the buzzer, hoping her friend was home.  She wondered how she was doing, but pushed it aside as her usual cheerful grin appeared.
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Heck yeah! Art!
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So you must reblog this entry and wait for SUNDAY AUGUST 12 2018! 
The winner will be picked randomly!
Please be patient and respectful
ALSO PLEASE IF YOU WANT DONATE FOR MY AGORAPHOBIA TREATMENT AT MY KO-FI PAGE! FOR 2 COFFEES I WILL MAKE A LITTLE SKETCH FOR YOU (you will have to send me a non-private ask for this) You don’t have to donate to participate in the giveaway but i will really appreciate any help i can get!  ALso at the end of the giveaway i will re-open commissions again! Good luck everyone!
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starstruckstories · 6 years
That I do! It is a very convenient spot to flesh out characters and just hang out 😀
Reblog if you RP using Discord
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Hiya! I saw your post and decided tonask you what do you think it would take to corrupt my muse?
Do you mean to corrupt Casarai? Best way I can think of is to destroy everything and everyone she holds dear. Rip her apart. Leave absolutely nothing left. Destroy every chance she has to make things better. When there’s nothing left, absolutely nothing, and she’s at rock bottom with no way out and no light, that would be…interesting.
(Damn, I’m mean.)
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starstruckstories · 6 years
More of a Pureblood aesthetic fan, but I can definitely see the appeal of Twi’leks and their lekku.
Like even in a nonsexual way twi’leks are hella cute.
Headtails are hella aesthetic! 
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Cas grinned in a carefree manner.  “Oh, come now!  My unit’s practically a band of crazy misfits!  What’s the worst that could happen?  I bet your family is just as fun.”
❤ Rei'zen
The giant Zabrak blinked at the equally-large Pureblood, then smiled and turned just enough that she could wrap an arm around the other woman’s waist. With a low chuckle, Zen said, “Not that I mind, but what brought this on?”
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Casarai nodded emphatically at that as she gently rubbed the Zabrak's back. "Agreed. I can only handle so much confusion in one day. That said, at least Rei'ki's heart is in the right place." She smiled softly. "Hell of a shot, Hell of a pilot, and one Hell of a friend. Makes me wonder what kind of mischief I can get into with your family..."
❤ Rei'zen
The giant Zabrak blinked at the equally-large Pureblood, then smiled and turned just enough that she could wrap an arm around the other woman’s waist. With a low chuckle, Zen said, “Not that I mind, but what brought this on?”
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starstruckstories · 6 years
The crimson-skinned titan nodded with a soft chuckle.  “I’ve been doing good so far, and I have.  The tiny twins threw me for a loop at one point when I saw the red-head from the back, though I do wish meeting Rhastazi and Rei’ki were under better circumstances.”  She shrugged, still maintaining her optimistic grin.  “At least we got out of that intact.”
❤ Rei'zen
The giant Zabrak blinked at the equally-large Pureblood, then smiled and turned just enough that she could wrap an arm around the other woman’s waist. With a low chuckle, Zen said, “Not that I mind, but what brought this on?”
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Cas smiled warmly and continued her bear hugging.  “Just felt like hugging people I care for, and you were within reach.  How’ve you been, Rei’zen?”
❤ Rei'zen
The giant Zabrak blinked at the equally-large Pureblood, then smiled and turned just enough that she could wrap an arm around the other woman’s waist. With a low chuckle, Zen said, “Not that I mind, but what brought this on?”
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Day 5:  Sexuality and Gender
((Finally free of the dreaded writer’s block!  Sorry for the delay, friends >.<))
Describe how you think about your character’s sexuality and gender. How would they talk about their sexuality/sexual inclinations or lack thereof? What is their gender and why? Are they cis or nonbinary? If they are nonbinary, what is their designation and when did they realize it?
Somewhere off camera, Casarai was blushing furiously.  “If I have to talk about this, I need a moment to prepare myself, alright?  Thank you...”  She eventually came back into view, still blushing to a degree but much more composed than she was earlier, coughing before she spoke.
“For those who, for one reason or the other, desire to know when it comes to my personal views of this sort of thing, I see no reason why the act of sex should be restricted by... well... anything.  What two or more consenting adults do is their business and no one else.  So long as no one is getting hurt, coerced, or taken advantage of, I see no reason to object to people wanting to be closer in that regard.  Personally, I think it should only be done with someone you deeply trust and care for, but if they desire something casual and quick, so be it.”
“As for my tastes... well... um... I myself do not understand why affection should be restricted to one group or the other.  All living beings are varied and beautiful in their own way.  Male, female, or anything in between, it matters not.  Why should one be restricted in that regards?  All people are connected through the Living Force, and we should share and rejoice in that connection rather than let minor differences of sexuality or gender divide us.”
“The same thing can be said of someone’s species, as well.  While I suppose you can say that humanoid body types would certainly make things simpler, I see no reason why two people cannot love each other because of physiological differences.  Love and affection unite us.  Species shouldn’t matter one bit at all.”
“Gender, I will admit, is a tricky thing to pin down and agree upon, especially with the varied cultures and races across the galaxy.  While the binary exists for many people, it also doesn’t apply for almost the same amount of people.  As for me, I am a cisgendered female Sith Pureblood, making me one of many unique beings that make up the tapestry of life.  The galaxy is beautiful and diverse, as are all the people living within it.”
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starstruckstories · 6 years
Listen, I want to meet someone like Rei'zen and especially Z'neel. I want to find someone who is a veritable giant but is kind and sweet and gentle to her friends but will throw a damn car at anyone who messes with those friends.
The hugs would be amazing, too.
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