startreckobsessed ¡ 5 months
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: Leonard has it bad for you and doesn't know what to do about it. All he knows is that this little crush is getting out of hand.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James "Jim" Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov,
Warning(s): Wounds, Cursing, Slight Angst (Don't worry, there's fluff at the end)
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"Bones.... Bones.... Bones?...............Bones!"
Leonard snapped back to reality and returned his focus to the conversation he was having...well...supposed to be having.
"Seriously Bones, what's with you lately?" Jim raised an eyebrow.
"What are you going on about?" Bones scoffed.
"I've been trying to discuss this report with you and you're not even remotely paying attention to me."
"I'm paying attention!"
"Really? Cause it looked like you were staring at Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N." Kirk crossed his arms.
"No I was not," Leonard frowned.
"Were too!"
"Was not!"
"Were t-" Jim was cut off by Uhura turning around in her seat.
"Boys, seriously. You bicker like an old married couple. Some of us actually have work to do." She scolded.
Leonard sighed and shook his head. "Look Jim, I was just spacing out. That's. All."
"Yeah, spacing out while your eyes are burning holes into Y/N's back. Sounds an awful lot like staring." Jim laughed
Leonard's eyes darted over to you as you patted Chekov on the back, said goodbye to him and Sulu, and made your way out of the bridge. When he turned back, he found three pairs of eyes watching him with amusement.
"Oh what now?" Leonard put his hand on his hips. "Seriously, do you all have nothing better to do with your time than speculate on where my attention's at?"
"There is no need to speculate doctor, you have your sights set on Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N. It is perfectly natural, there is no need for you to feel ashamed," Spock said.
"I'm NOT ashamed! I'm a doctor, not some giddy little schoolboy with a crush," Leonard defended.
"Hey, no one ever said anything about a crush. We just said you have a staring problem," Jim laughed.
Leonard sputtered for some sort of comeback. Some way to deny any validity to the things they were saying. But the truth is that they caught him in a lie. He was staring. Bones had been watching as you talked animatedly to Chekov about an experiment you were doing in the botany labs. Leonard imagined it was him you were talking to, him you were laughing with. Just the thought of it made his stomach churn in a mixture of delight and grief.
"Aaaaand now we've lost him," Jim snickered, interrupting his thoughts again.
"Really doctor, it's not that big of a deal. We've all been in your predicament before...well... maybe not all of us." Uhura glanced at Kirk playfully, who shrugged in response. "Y/L/N is a great scientist, and an even greater friend-"
"Yes yes and very beautiful, with eyes like stars!" Chekov added, "Y/N has many admirers, you are not the only one."
"Chekov?" Bones asked
"Yes sir?"
"Stop talking."
"Yes sir." Chekov turned back to his screen.
"Look, Bones you don't have to admit it just yet. You have that whole brooding cowboy doctor thing going on, I get it! Just don't let it get in the way of your happiness," Jim reasoned.
"You are all delusional! Now are you all going to continue turning me into a spectacle, or can we get back to this mission report?" Leonard demanded.
"Whatever the doctor orders. Try to listen this time will ya?" Kirk teased.
Leonard was noticing it more and more. How his eyes searched for you every dinner, every meeting, in the hallways, even in the medbay. And once his eyes found you, they rarely strayed too far.
When you weren't around him, his thoughts always drifted back to you. How nice your hair looked, how fascinating your last report was, how enchanting your voice is, ...how soft your lips look. It was all getting out of hand. He was regularly staying later to finish paperwork because he was too lost in his own head.
Leonard was having one of those moments where his mind was far away, musing about you. He was so spaced out, he nearly didn't notice the tap on his shoulder.
When he turned around and saw you standing there smiling shyly at him, his heart nearly went up into his throat.
"Lieutenant-Commander, what can I do for you?" Leonard asked, finding a smile of his own.
"Can you take a look at my hand please?" You asked, holding one of your hands closed. Leonard noticed some red peeking from between your fingers.
"Oh boy, what did you do this time?" Bones asked as he led you to sit on one of the biobeds.
"You know those plants I picked up from Lainatha?" You asked
"The ones with the purple flowers that smell like a dead body?" He asked as he grabbed his kit.
"What about em?"
"They have VERY sharp leaves," You laughed.
Leonard shook his head and groaned, "Let me take a look."
You winced as you slowly opened your hand, revealing a cut that spanned the length of your palm.
Leonard lightly cradled the back of your hand as he inspected the minor wound. "Damn darlin' those leaves must be mighty sharp to nick you this deep." He murmured. "this plant ain't poisonous, right?"
"Not that I've found, doctor." You laughed. His ears welcomed the sound. He felt his cheeks warm as he admired you. When you laughed or smiled, it was contagious. Even to him.
"Leonard?" You asked gently, breaking from his daze once more.
"Sorry, just thinking that um... We're gonna want to keep an eye on this, just in case you have some unexpected reaction," He returned his focus to your hand. "I'm gonna clean this up, put some bandages on it and give you something to speed up the healing process," Bones explained.
He went straight to work on your palm, handling it as carefully as possible. Luckily it didn't need stitches. He bandaged it nice and tight before giving you a couple hypos to prevent pain and infection.
"I expect to see you here at least once a day, so I can see the progress and monitor for allergies or poison," Leonard instructed.
"Do you always worry this much?" You giggled.
"Only about my favorite patients," he said without thinking. Perhaps it was just a figment of his imagination, but he could have swore you were blushing. Impossible! You? Blush at him?
'In my dreams,' Bones thought.
"I promise I'll stop by," You said sweetly.
"You better. If I don't see you in here by the end of my shift tomorrow, I'm coming after you." He teased accusingly.
"I'm counting on it," You...did you just... wink at him? "Thanks for the help Bones, I'll see you tomorrow!" You lightly patted his shoulder with your uninjured hand and hurried back to your lab.
Leonard slumped in his seat and contemplated the mess of feelings he was experiencing. He wasn't sure if he was ready to love someone again. He wasn't even sure if he knew how to love anymore, but he was sure of one thing. You had him wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know it.
The next day, Leonard strove to keep his mind on work. When his thoughts drifted to you, he would immediately turn his attention to the task at hand. It worked for awhile, but toward the end of his shift he realized he had not seen you all day. You had promised to come in so he could take a look at your cut again, but of course you were nowhere to be seen.
Leonard asked around the medbay, but no one had seen you except for one nurse who claimed you were still in the botany lab. "That's just typical," Bones grumbled, grabbing his kit. "I'm always running around, gathering these officers like a cat chasing chickens."
The moment he stepped into the lab, he couldn't find it in his heart to be mad at you. You were totally engrossed in your work, testing the ph levels in some alien soil.
"How are the tests coming along, Lieutenant-Commander?" Leonard smirked.
You beamed at him, "wonderfully! I'm learning so many new things, it's crazy. I-" Your face fell. "Oh no! Forgot to meet with you! I'm so sorry Leonard," you hurriedly put down your soil container and made your way over to him.
"Yeah yeah you're so sorry, whatever. " He teased. "Get over here so I can see that hand."
The inspection went just fine. Your hand was healing nicely and there was no sign of infection or allergic reaction. He changed the bandages and gave you something for the pain.
"All finished. I still want to observe it, just to make sure it heals nicely... And wear gloves from now on! I don't want to have to keep chasing you around for injuries like this." Leonard quipped.
"Yes sir," you giggled, "I won't forget to come in next time."
"I'll believe it when I see it," he closed his medical bag.
"I mean it! i'm almost done testing all the samples, so I should have ample time for remembering... at least until we visit another unexplored planet." You shrugged playfully.
"Then you'll find some new plant to creatively injure yourself with. Razor sharp leaves... give me a break," Leonard ran his fingers through his hair.
"Oh! that reminds me, I have something to show you. Come on!" You nudged him with your leg and stood up, striding over to the 'plant nursery' as you so lovingly called it. Leonard grinned at your enthusiasm and followed.
"You're sure none of these are poisonous?" He asked
"We don't keep the poisonous ones here, silly."
"But you do have them?"
"What's your obsession with poisonous and allergy educing plants?"
"I wouldn't call it an obsession, a mild concern maybe," Leonard smirked.
"I'm not gonna poison you doctor, I want to show you this!" You proudly presented him with a somewhat unassuming plant. It had a black stem with thorns on it, as well as wide black leaves. On top was a bulb; the kind that usually holds flowers inside. He couldn't for the life of him understand what was so interesting about it, but he was sure he was about to find out if that dazzling smile on your face was any indication.
He loved when you ranted about your work. The joy in your voice was infectious, your ramblings were so passionate, and he always learned something new. He would listen to you talk all day if he could.
"What is it?" he raised an eyebrow at the plant and bit back a smile.
"Don't sound so unimpressed Len, this little guy is one of my favorite plants to date." You crossed your arms. "I found him during our exploration of Conate Ultima-A." Leonard nearly melted when you called the plant a 'little guy.'
"The planet orbiting the red dwarf star?" Leonard clarified.
"Mhm! he's black all over because black absorbs all available wavelengths of light. That's important for a plant feeding off such a dim star like Conate Ultima. He has these big leaves, you see." You lightly touched one of the leaves. "That's also for absorbing light. Not only that, but they've developed thorns to keep herbivores from eating them." You explained.
"Like Earth roses," Leonard smiled at the way your eyes lit up.
"Exactly like Earth roses!" You agreed, "They also have this really unique trait where if you pick the flower, it doesn't wilt. Instead, it sprouts roots at the bottom and you can transplant it!" You beamed "But that isn't even the best part."
"It isn't? Tell me darlin', what could possibly top that?" Bones asked.
"Technically, this is another defense mechanism, but..." You cradled the bulb in your hands. "When you caress the bulb like this," You delicately brushed the sides of the bulb with your thumbs. Slowly, the bulb opened to reveal the brightest yellow flower he had ever seen. It practically glowed against the black leaves. He had to agree with you, this was the best part."
"Wow..." Leonard tried it with another bulb. It slowly opened for him as well.
"I know, awesome right?" You lightly bumped his shoulder with yours.
"What do you call it?" Leonard inquired, pulling his hand away from the plant.
"Well, officially we call it Conate Rosaceae... but I've named this one Leonard." You looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes and he couldn't look away.
"You named it after me?" He asked.
"Yeah, it reminds me of you."
"How so?"
"Well, it's perfectly designed to find light in dark places." You chuckled, "no matter how many times you try to cut it down it just comes back bigger and stronger." You fiddled with your bandages sheepishly. "It has this intimidating exterior that most people try to avoid... but... on the inside, It's the brightest, most breathtaking flower. So bright, it stands out from all the others."
To say Leonard was flattered would be an understatement. He had received compliments before. On his work, his hands, maybe even his hair, but he couldn't recall the last time someone had told him something so meaningful. Bones didn't know what to say; he didn't even know what to do with his hands. This was ridiculous. He was a grown man for crying out loud! But here he was, nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.
He needed to say something, anything. A simple thank you didn't feel like enough. Nothing about him felt like enough after Jocelyn.
He swallowed.
You made him feel like enough.
"Y/N..." Leonard stepped closer. You looked up at him with those eyes again. Those eyes he loved to get lost in. Your gaze met his and it was like something clicked inside him. Your eyes flickered down just for a moment, but he caught it. His heart fluttered and his blood rushed to his face. It was now or never.
He leaned in.
You leaned in.
There were mere inches between you.
He could feel your breath on his lips.
"Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N to the bridge," the intercom startled you both apart.
"Dammit Jim..." Leonard slid a hand over his flushed face and sighed, clearly displeased with his friend's interruption.
"The captain always has the most impeccable timing, doesn't he?" You smiled awkwardly, bouncing on your heels.
"That's one way to put it, yes" Bones frowned at ceiling. There was an awkward pause. He could sense your expectant gaze on him, but he could already feel his walls coming up again. The love would start off sweet, sure, but it wouldn't last. It never did. Leonard cared about you- no, that wasn't right, it was more than that. He couldn't bear it if this didn't work out.
Maybe this is for the best.
"Leonard?..." You said softly.
"It's okay Y/N. You'd better get up there, see what he wants," Leonard offered you a terse smile.
You nodded softly, "yes sir, I'll um.. I'll see you later." He didn't miss the disappointment in your eyes as you left.
He was disappointed too, but Leonard was used to disappointment.
Two weeks went by and Leonard seemed to be avoiding you. Your cut had healed, but another form of hurt took its place. Had you done something wrong? Pushed him away somehow? It made you sick to think that your almost-kiss had cost you a dear friend. You had tried to speak with him several times, but he always had somewhere else to be. He was busy immunizing security personnel for an upcoming mission. Your silly affair in the plant nursery was probably the last thing on his mind. Still, you felt incredibly lonely. You missed sharing meals with him, stopping in the hallway to chat with him. You missed his anecdotes about Georgia and his snide remarks about Jim's inability to stay out of trouble.
As much as it pained you to think this way, you wished you could take back what you said in the lab. You wished you had just kept it buried, then none of this would have happened. Leonard would have patched you up instead of Christine, and you wouldn't be left in this weird limbo between friends, lovers, and strangers.
"Lieutenant-Commander?" Spock interrupted your lamenting.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Commander, what can I do for you?" You forced a smile.
"I want to discuss your productivity. Can we speak in your office?" Spock asked.
"Of course, right this way." You led him to your office and shut the door behind you. You already had an idea of where this was going. You had been feeling anxious lately and your work was suffering because of it.
"Should we...have a seat?" You asked awkwardly.
"I do not believe that will be necessary, this will only take a moment." Spock pulled out his PADD. "Tell me, are you feeling well?"
You were a bit taken aback by the question. It wasn't often Spock inquired about your state of being. "I um... yeah, I feel fine. Why?" You lied.
"Your colleagues have informed me that you seem... fatigued during your experiments. I have also noticed your report was full of misspellings and grammatical mistakes, which is unusual for you. Additionally, you appeared distracted and dazed when I approached you just moments ago. Normally you greet me by the door." He slightly raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry Spock..." You sighed and sat on the edge of your desk, "I've just been feeling...uneasy I guess."
"Uneasy?" Spock inquired.
"Yeah, my anxiety has been really bothering me lately. I don't mean to worry you." You gave him a half smile.
"Have you spoken with the doctor?" Spock asked. Your stomach sank at the thought.
"I um... no, I haven't."
Spock studied you for a moment, scrutinizing you for any hints as to why you haven't sought medical assistance or counseling when both were readily available.
"I just...don't feel welcome there right now." You met Spock's gaze. A silent conversation passed through you.
"I see." Spock said and looked down at his PADD. "Well, Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N, I was pleased with your research on the razor-leaf corpse flower. I have kept a watchful eye on your lab access logs and have determined you are due to have two cycles off."
You smiled. For real this time, "thank you Commander Spock. I will use them well"
"I trust that you will. Good day Y/N."
"Good day, Mr. Spock."
Leonard stared at his PADD in frustration. Everything had irritated him lately, even the blinking of the cursor on the screen. His irritation quickly turned into aggravation when Jim barged in unannounced.
"Bones! My good, good friend Bones!" Kirk shut the door behind him.
"What?" Leonard grunted.
"Yeesh, don't sound too excited to see me." Jim sat in the seat across from his desk.
"I'm busy, what do you want?" Bones refused to look at the captain. Maybe if he just didn't look at him, he would go away.
"Can't I just chat with a pal without wanting something from him?" Jim fiddled with a paperweight on the desk.
"Jim." Bones warned.
"You know doctor, it's very unprofessional to scare away patients, right?"
Defeated, Leonard looked up from his work. "What in god's name are you talking about?"
"Y/n" Jim crossed his arms and stared hard at him. Something about his expression put Leonard on edge.
"What about Y/N?" Bones narrowed his eyes at the captain.
"Spock just got done telling me that Y/N, and I quote, 'doesn't feel welcome here right now.' I wonder why that could be."
Leonard huffed and ran a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time that day. "Dammit..."
"What happened bones?" Jim leaned in.
"Nothing happened." Leonard snapped.
"Clearly something happened for you to be so-"
"Nothing happened... that's the problem," Bones clarified. Leonard didn't realize it was even possible to feel so terrible. He hadn't felt this bad since the divorce, but at least with the divorce he wasn't the only one at fault. Leonard had been childishly avoiding you, and now you didn't feel comfortable in the one place you should always feel safe to go. "I'm a goddamned coward, Jim."
There was a long pause between them. Leonard didn't need to tell him what happened for Jim to understand. "What did I tell you about not letting the brooding cowboy act get in the way of your happiness?" The captain teased.
"Not helping." Leonard rested his face in his hands.
"Right, sorry." Jim shifted awkwardly. Bones was grumpy at the best of times, but he always had this undertone of playfulness. He could scold you about missing an exam or tell you your plan is trash, but it would be wrapped up in southern metaphors and clever insults. This was different, this was real. "You...you really love them, huh?"
Leonard nodded.
"Something happened and... now you aren't sure how to take that next step." Jim said.
"Something like that... I thought I knew what I was doing, but now I'm not so sure. I thought some distance would make it clear to me, but I'm more lost than ever... I've made a terrible mistake Jim, one I don't know how to fix," Leonard peered into his coffee mug to avoid the captain's piercing blue eyes.
"Look Bones, clearly you and Y/N are miserable, so why don't you do the both of you a favor and talk to them. I'm sure Y/N will understand if you just...explain how you've been feeling," Jim attempted to reassure his friend.
"I don't exactly have the best track record on talking about feelings, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist." McCoy frowned.
"First time for everything," Jim reached over and patted Leonard's shoulder. "Go make it right. That's an order."
Leonard took a long drink of his coffee, "can't believe I'm taking dating advice from James T. Kirk"
"Like I said. First time for everything."
You had spent the entirety of your day off attempting to read, but you really weren't in the mood for much of anything except sleep. Nyota had stopped by earlier and you greatly enjoyed her company, but the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach hadn't gone away.
You just really wanted to talk to Leonard, apologize for misreading the situation. You handled the unrequited love for years and you'd do it for many more as long as you knew you could still be friends.
You heard a buzz at the door and contemplated ignoring it. It was way past normal visiting hours and you were trying to wind down. Perhaps it was something important. You answered the door, expecting Chekov, Nyota, or maybe even Spock. Instead, you were greeted by an extremely exhausted looking Bones.
"Oh, doctor I um, wasn't expecting you." You said, feeling your heart-rate skyrocket.
"Can I come in?" Leonard asked with that rough, gravely voice you had always loved so much.
"Of course," you stepped aside "Come on in..."
Leonard hesitated a moment before stepping inside. Your room was homey, full of furnishings that were so you, it made his insides churn with affection.
"Len, are you okay?" You asked softly from beside the door, afraid to get any closer.
Leonard watched you for a moment, trying to find the words to say, but one look at you and all of his practiced lines had disappeared for good. All he could say was, "I'm sorry darlin'..."
"You're...sorry?" You asked.
"I've been acting like a kid... I'm sorry I haven't been around. We should have talked about this as soon as it happened."
You sighed. You knew this would be coming sooner or later. You were glad he at least wanted to do it in private. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have come onto you like that... I scared you off and made things awkward for us both professionally, and as friends-"
"No, no, wait a minute. That's not." Leonard took a deep breath to organize his thoughts. "Y/N, you are so beautiful and smart and dedicated, and funny. You light up every room you walk into."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and wondered if this was a dream. Leonard stepped closer and gave you a hesitant smile. "I'm damaged goods sweetheart. You deserve more than I can give, but it's only been two weeks and I'm a goddamned wreck." Leonard's voice was strained as he poured his heart out to you. "I can deny it all I want, but-" His breath hitched when you placed your hand on his cheek. You could feel the warmth of his skin, the sharp poke of his stubble.
"Leonard, please..." You whispered, eyes pleading with him.
"Please what, darlin'?" He drawled, bringing his hands to your face. He noticed the heat of your blush in his fingertips, he could feel you quiver, eager for him to close the distance.
"Please, just-" His lips were on yours before you could even answer. Your mind was fuzzy. All you could think about was how soft his lips were, how perfectly they fit with yours. His smell was everywhere, it was intoxicating.
He was intoxicating.
He hummed as your fingernails scratched the base of his neck. Leonard pressed you against the wall, desperate for some way to bring you closer. He couldn't remember how to breathe, how to think. All he could do was press his body against yours.
You sighed blissfully against his lips. His hands on your waist were your only anchor to the real world. You clung to him, crumpling his uniform, but you hardly cared. You just wanted him to keep kissing you.
Leonard suddenly remembered to breathe and pulled back, only to press his forehead against yours. Your breathing was shaky and your legs felt weak. You caressed his cheeks once more and placed another soft kiss to his lips, which turned to two, then five.
At last, Leonard pulled you into his chest. He didn't want to let you go just yet. You didn't want to let him go either.
"Darlin'?" He whispered.
"Hm?" You replied, face buried into his neck.
"I love you," Leonard kissed your temple. Your heart leaped in your chest and you held him a little tighter.
"I love you too Len," you whispered softly. Leonard smiled against your cheek and placed another kiss there. "Oh, and just so you know..." You started.
Leonard pulled back to look at you curiously.
"If I ever hear you call yourself damaged goods again, I will kick your ass." You grinned at him.
"Message heard loud and clear Lieutenant-Commander," he chuckled and captured your lips in another searing kiss. Leonard's communicator chimed in his pocket, but he ignored it. There was no code red, the captain could wait. After all, they could have been together by now if it weren't for him. There was a lot of lost time to make up.
113 notes ¡ View notes
startreckobsessed ¡ 1 year
Hey Lisa! I was just wondering if you could write a Leonard Mccoy (Bones) x reader. (Star Trek) But royalty / Bodyguard AU! Been a while since I requested something au haha.
The reader is royalty and Bones is the bodyguard and its the "we're not supposed to fall in love but we did anyways" type of thing.
He would save the reader from multiple things, attempted assassination, threats from other royals, whenever the reader is uncomfortable or needs help. Literally he would always be there to help the reader and that's what makes them fall in love with Bones. The reader would try and help Bones to be calmer in certain situations (you know he's a stubborn bean lol) and even hang out with him during training or whenever possible. And then some tragic attack happens and Bones gets injured protecting the reader or vice versa. And then they end up confessing to each other. You can decide the ending, I would love to see what you write about that!! <3
omg bless you for letting me write about star trek i had been HOPING someone would request
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Having a bodyguard is not supposed to feel like an insult, but somehow, it still does. You know that the bodyguard situation was to be expected; you are, after all, royalty, and that puts a target on your back unlike any other, but you had hopes that you’d be able to avoid all this. Yes, there are assassins out there who’d like nothing more than to end your life and reign in one pull of a trigger. Yes, the life expectancy for any monarch tends to linger around the youthful range due to the frequency of political murders. Yes, there is a reason for all this, and one you cannot avoid.
However, all you hear whenever you hear your advisors bring up the need for additional protection is that you are not capable of defending yourself. This is something that rankles more than it should, and has also been the reason you haven’t had a single soldier designated to follow you around in all your previous life. No bodyguard means that you can finally breathe without someone always watching you wherever you go, even when you try to rest. That’s what you’ve been fighting against all this time.
Once you ascended the throne, though, you knew that your claims to privacy were gone in a flash. Sure enough, the crown had hardly lingered on your head long enough to weigh you down before the nobles were eyeing each other nervously and starting to mention that it really was time for some additional security, now, wasn’t it? It’s not like they would dare say anything to your face, but someone should, and–
You endured their hemming and hawing for a couple of weeks before sighing and giving in. Of all the arguments to concede, this was the least obtrusive on your political plans. You told the head of your guard to find someone suitable for the task, and within the hour, almost as if they’d been waiting for this moment all their lives, they gave you a name.
Leonard McCoy. Top of his class. He originally planned on pursuing a career in medicine, but was convinced otherwise by a good friend of his, some rebellious fighter named James Kirk. You’d normally be doubtful of such a big switch in careers, but if General Pike says the guy is good, so be it. It’s his funeral. Or yours, if he messes this up.
Either way, it’s set in stone. You give a wary nod and Leonard is installed in your life as your bodyguard. That was years ago, and although you may have despised the change in routine back then, you have to admit that you’ve grown quite fond of the man. He may be hired only to save your life on a daily basis, but the two of you have become reluctant friends, and then there was nothing reluctant about it at all. Perhaps there would be more, if either of you were daring enough to look for it.
You aren’t, though. Not yet. Perhaps not ever. You know exactly what is expected of you in this marionette’s life of yours:  a political union with some other royal, a successfully continued lineage that will be plotted out by your advisors. Still, when you feel like dreaming, you look up at the stars and pretend there is a chance you could ever be with the man you want most of all.
He’s not Leonard to you, not anymore. You tried calling him that the first day, alternating awkward first name usage with the occasional ‘Officer McCoy,’ but it didn’t work for either of you. You remember him frowning at the title, then gruffly muttering something about how he went by the nickname of Bones. His friend James gave it to him, apparently, and it stuck. You still haven’t bothered to ask if it came about from his medical history or because of his knack for killing as a soldier. Both work.
At first, most of your exchanges were like that, altered and stilted, full of glaring signs that this was never meant to be. You used every opportunity you could to remind yourself that this is why you hadn’t wanted a bodyguard in the first place. He could only ever serve as a wrench in your plans.
But then he started allowing himself to laugh at the jokes you murmured under your breath when you forgot he was listening, and the two of you began talking during journeys over to neighboring royals, and all of a sudden nothing was awkward anymore, but right, just right.
Now, you can hardly imagine that there had ever been a time in which the world had not orbited around the two of you. Bones is your shadow, your second skin; he walks as an extension of you, fights the battles with the fists you wish you had and does it all while managing to appear as unruffled as possible. You may have known him for years now, but that doesn’t stop him from wearing an icy demeanor as comfortably as someone else would a smile.
It works out for the two of you, though. You force the laughter at terrible jokes posed by foreign diplomats when he physically cannot do anything but roll his eyes, Bones glares at the overly reaching royals when you have to play by the rules of common parlor etiquette. It all makes sense. He’s your other half, the flip side to your pragmatic coin. You couldn’t imagine life without him.
The problem is that you’re never sure if he can return the sentiment. It is easy for you to forget just why Bones is there; after all, you’re not the one getting paid to be there, he is. No matter how many times you see him give in and chuckle at your terrible one-liners, or notice how long he lingers even after a given event is over just to make sure that you’re going to be alright both physically and mentally, it’s not real. Of course it’s not. This is a job and nothing else.
Yet you find yourself wondering sometimes if it could be real. You are a stormcloud of too much stress with a crown balanced on top, he is a hired sword just as solid as a castle wall, but somehow, somehow he has a way of making it seem like it’s just the two of you against the world. You would take on the toughest armies if you had him by your side. 
Every now and then, you catch Bones looking at you when he thinks you don’t notice. In those moments, his gaze isn’t harsh or blunt as usual, but soft and quiet. He tilts his head to the side, thinking thoughts you could never understand. You try, though. You always do.
You’re at one of a thousand different royal functions right now, mind stuck on the same track of will-they-won’t-they as always despite the fact that you really need to be paying attention. Another royal has hosted you and a few other kings and queens to discuss a possible peace treaty to cement what had previously been unspoken agreements. It’ll be nice to get that done on paper, but it certainly makes for a tedious week.
Seeing as this is technically a peaceful mission, Bones hadn’t accompanied you on the way over. He had been busy with another military concern, and you told him that it wasn’t strictly necessary that he attend at all. That doesn’t stop you from missing him anyway, though. The assembly departs for a break in the afternoon and you walk out into the gardens, wondering why it suddenly seems so lonely to be by yourself when just years ago, you’d have traded anything to keep it that way.
An unfamiliar plant catches your attention and you pause by its rank in the endless rows of cultivated flora, furrowing your brow in an unsuccessful attempt to identify it. You’re decent with your plants, but this one escapes your knowledge.
A voice sounds from behind you, answering your unspoken question. It would have startled you if it was anyone else, but you recognize the speaker instantly.
“That’s echinacea,” Bones says, emerging from a nearby archway, “used in medicine fairly often. Decently potent.”
You watch him approach, unable to stop yourself from grinning.
“You came,” you breathe. 
“It’s my job,” he says back, voice as gruff as always. 
“That’s not the only reason, was it?” You dare to ask. 
He pauses a moment, as if turning the words over and over in his head like yet another blade. “No,” he decides at last, “no, it wasn’t.”
It could be a confession. He says it with the force of an oath. Regardless, it is enough to stop the two of you in your tracks, and maybe that is why neither of you notice the attack until it is too late. This was supposed to be a peaceful excursion into a foreign kingdom. How foolish of you to believe that anyone would see something kind and be able to stop themselves from ruining it.
All you know is that the tranquility of the garden is suddenly destroyed by plumes of smoke rising out of nowhere, shouting voices, the clash of metal against stone and flesh. Bones is instantly alert, reaching for you to pull you out of the way of any attackers. They haven’t found you yet, mostly focused on the majority of the royals, which are still in the central part of the courtyard. You had been pensive and headed for a quieter part of the palace, which is what saved you from the initial violence.
It does not save you forever, though. A few enemy soldiers shout when they see you and start to run over. Bones starts to fight them off, shouting for you to run. There is nowhere for you to go, however, and it’s not like you could ever leave him in a time of terror such as this.
You’re still scanning the grounds for a safe place to go, and that’s when you see him, the archer on the roof. At first, you think he’s trying to shoot Bones’ attackers, one of the host royal’s guards, but you realize with a chill that you do not recognize the colors on his insignia. He’s not aiming to take down the enemy soldiers. He’s trying to kill Bones himself.
Bones, too busy getting rid of his opponents, does not notice. In fact, he won’t notice a thing until it’s too late. The enemy archer’s finger tightens on his bow, and all you know is that you must not let him die. You would not be able to live with yourself if you did nothing and watched Bones get killed, so you do something worse and make him live with it instead.
Bones is just straightening up, having dispatched the last of the soldiers, when you slam into him. He’s good on his feet, always has been, so he doesn’t move much except to stumble a little to the side. That’s all you need to get him out of harm, though, but it is also all it takes to put you directly in the path of danger.
For a moment, you feel nothing, just a sharp impact by your ribs. Then the pain hits, and you can’t stop yourself from crying out. That is when Bones realizes that something is wrong, and you don’t think you’ll ever be able to forget the look of horror that dawns upon his face when he learns what you’ve done. His head arches towards the sky and he throws a knife at the enemy archer. You hear the blade thunk into skin and bone up above you, the soldier slumping over in death.
You try to move, but your legs give out beneath you. The pain is unlike anything you expected from a mere arrow. Bones catches you before you fall, and you can hear him begging you to hear him, to keep your eyes open, to stay alive, please, and it occurs to you that this is a display of emotion unlike anything you’ve ever seen from him before. 
You would love to think about it more, but it is getting awfully hard to focus. The darkness swimming at the edges of your vision is just too alluring, and even though Bones is asking you to stay with him, you just can’t do it right now. Maybe later, you try to whisper, but the words never make it past your lips.
It is dark for a while. You should be scared of it, you think, but thoughts are hard to come by. They appear and disappear in the depths of your consciousness like a child blowing soap bubbles, each one rising to the forefront of your eyes just to pop in a shower of light. The light grows by the second, though, and then you’re awake in a room full of brightness.
You’re not dead. Not yet, at least. When you open your eyes, it takes you a minute or so to realize that you’re in the hospital wing of your own kingdom. You don’t remember the return trip, or anything past losing consciousness in Bones’ arms, but he must have brought you back here in time to save your life.
Across the room, a nurse notices you’re awake and bustles over to your side. She greets you with a wide, beaming smile, and tells you how glad she is that you’re awake.
“I was starting to worry, Your Highness. Not for your health, I promise that was a quick and easy fix, but for that of your friend. Bones swore he wouldn’t leave until you woke up, but that was a couple of days ago and he’s still here.”
You follow her line of sight down the room, where you notice your bodyguard asleep in a chair. You laugh quietly. “He is rather stubborn when he puts his mind to it, isn’t he?”
The nurse smiles as well. “Yes, he is. I remember him being just as stubborn back here.”
When you frown at her in confusion, the nurse explains herself. “He used to be dead set on medicine. His friend James convinced him to try his hand at defense, and he changed his career. I used to wonder why, but it makes sense now. He’s still saving people, just doing it in a different way.”
You nod, wondering how many memories she must have of him that you never will. You cannot hold any claim to a past that is not yours, but wouldn’t it have been wonderful to see what Bones had been like before all of this, before his first kill, when he lived in a place like this and was not yours to know?
“I still feel bad for dragging him away from this life,” you whisper, “I know he chose to be a bodyguard, but I always wonder if he’d rather be here instead.”
The nurse shakes her head firmly. “Not a chance. Bones is happy now, I can see it. That’s due in part to you, you know. Almost every week he comes down and tells me how much he respects you for what you do. He hates all those politicking nobles and royals with every bone in his body, but you wrangle them into shape every time. He loves that.”
Her voice goes quiet at the end, as if full of the acknowledgement that she has shared something that was supposed to stay private. Still, you think you’re quite happy to hear it.
“Well,” the nurse says briskly, “he’ll be glad to see you’re awake. You gave him quite a scare, saving him like that. The wound will heal soon, but are you sure that you’re going to be alright apart from that?”
You pause a moment, weighing all that she’s said. Across the room, Bones stirs at the sound of voices and opens his eyes. He scans the room and his gaze lands on you. All at once, you can see a burden of stress and fear leave his shoulders. His face brightens immediately, and he starts to stand up and make his way over to you.
“Yes,” you answer, “I think I’ll be just fine.”
requested by @w1shes43, i hope you enjoy!
star trek tag list: empty for now!
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startreckobsessed ¡ 1 year
Bones x GN!Reader (Can be read as platonic or the beginnings of a romance)
This was going to be part of a 5+1 series where MC hides the fact they are Vulcan from everyone during their transfer to the Enterprise. But I just didn’t have enough inspiration for 6 scenarios so instead here’s my fav scenario
This is also my first time writing for Bones so it may be a bit OOC (I also pictures AOS Bones for this but you can imagine TOS Bones if you want I just don’t know how well it would fit)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries, but I don’t describe them in depth, angst + hurt/comfort with a happy ending
Word Count: 2276
Tag List Form (Updated)
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Yours (and Ours)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy/Reader (Original Female Character)
Summary: McCoy hated surprises, and being interrupted. Though for the right person, he supposed he could make an exception.
Word Count: 2,214
A/N: Guys im so sorry this chapter took so long LOL sometimes writing is hard but worlds biggest shout out to my beta @lightninginmyeyes who I could not have finished this without <333 also masterlist is coming soon !! anyways enjoy <3 
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
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Incorrect Star Trek Quotes
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
thinking of a fic where carol marcus comes back on board the enterprise for whatever reason and, while she's relieved dr mccoy isnt relentlessly hitting on her, shes also annoyed that he barely even acknowledges her existence. turns out he's not doing it to be malicious or ignoring her on purpose, he's just now with y/n and has no eyes or interest for anyone else - the man is stupidly in love.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
The Colour of Happiness (Black Hat/Vascar x GN!Reader) SMUT
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Pairing: Black Hat/Vascar x Gender Neutral Reader  Rating: Explicit (hell yeah getting railed by vampire daddy)  Words: 1006  Summary: Sexy times with your boyfriend gets a little emotional, because he is secretly an insecure baby and I love him. Tags: Smut, anal or vaginal penetration, fluffy smut, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, multiple creampie, breeding, some dirty talk ig, urgh he is so hot, look at him he is babey but also daddy af, no beta we die like men 
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Urban Pack: You surprise them with flowers. Pretty flowers. No special occasion, just to express that you love them~~~
Leonard - 
Just a really really big smile.  He’s going to be really surprised and really touched.  And then he’s probably going to want to make you dinner.
Kennex - 
Really surprised.  It’s sitting on his desk at work, and at first he assumes one of his coworkers is messing with him.  It’ll take him awhile to realize it’s you (why didn’t you just READ THE NOTE, JOHN?!), but once he does, he’ll get all bashful.  He’s gonna prevaricate a lot about where to keep the flowers, but they’ll probably end up on his desk.  Coworkers will attempt to tease him about them, but he’ll be very combative about it.
Vascar - 
Startled speechless at first.  He doesn’t know why he’s gotten these.  Is something wrong?  Is there a problem?  OH SHIT IS THERE AN OCCASION HE’S FORGETTING?!  It’s gonna take you a few minutes to calm him down and explain.  But once you have, he’s gonna blush really hard and get all quiet and bashful.  He loves them.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Urban pack: How would the boys react to seeing an SO that's been gone for a while? Maybe she's been on an extended assignment, or some sort of work trip, or whatever. Say it's been a month or two.
Leonard - 
Biggest smile and instant hug.  He’d be loathe to admit it, but he feels incomplete when you’re not there.  He wants to hear all about how things went while you were gone.  And he’s probably gonna be heavier on the in public PDAs.  Meaning he wants to touch you.  Not necessarily sexual, just holding your hand, hand on your back… etc.
Kennex - 
If it’s in public, he’s going to try and play it cool, and fool no one.  He missed the crap outta you, and he’s going to be beaming now that you’re back.  HE HAS TO TAKE YOU OUT FOR NOODLES!  He found a new place, and you have to try it! (The boy’s noodle obsessed, I don’t know what to tell you.) He wants to share all the things with you.
And once that’s done, back to the apartment for some marathon sex.
Vascar - 
Exactly like a puppy.  He missed you so freaking much, he’s going to hurry over to you, fuck what the other vamps think, and hug you.  Super cuddly, he missed you so much how was work did you have a good time did you miss him as much as he missed you?  Rapid fire questions with no pause for you to answer until you’re laughing so hard you’re crying.  And then he’s going to beam that he made you laugh.  It’ll be adorable.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Tear Us Apart, Part 3
Y/N waits for the decision that will make or break her and Dredd.
Part 3 of 3
Okay so I warn you - this is long…I just couldn’t get it down anymore I’m sorry to those of you wanting a quick ending haha but I hope you enjoy. This is my first time writing proper smut so! 🤞🤞
Did I mention it was long? 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Warnings: Swearing, Smutty goodness (I hope!).
Y/N tries to think back to something happy. Something that’ll stop this burning pain in her chest. Just one memory, one thing to keep her grounded.
All she can think of is that fucking cupcake.
She thinks about Cassie. Yes Cassie, that works. She takes herself back to her childhood when she and Cassie bunked together in the orphanage. They were both scared of thunder so whenever there was a storm they’d hide together under the blanket with a flashlight. Telling stories telepathically as to not get in trouble. They did that until they grew up and moved away for training. Whenever anything upset them. That’s all Y/N wants to do now as she sits on Dredd’s floor with her eyes closed, waiting for rejection.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Tear Us Apart, Part 2
Y/N can’t stand the silence.
Part 2 of 3
Sorry this is a long one!
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Warnings: Swearing
After the horrendous patrol, Y/N was told that she was relieved of duty for the rest of the day. She wanted to question the decision but no doubt Dredd just couldn’t face working with her and she wouldn’t force him, so she went home and did anything she could to distract herself; she’d sort it all out tomorrow when everything had calmed down.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Tear Us Apart, Part 1
Dredd and Y/N face a psychic blast from her past.
Part 1 of 2 
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Warnings: Lots of violence - like, a tone. Assault (kind of). Psychic manipulation.
It was a nightmare.
A total nightmare.
Y/N had been Dredd’s partner now on a countless number of patrols. His work with Cassandra Anderson was so well received that Y/N was placed with him next. She was well on her way to being a Psi-Judge.
Everything had been going swimmingly. Well, as swimmingly as it could get around Mega-City One. Cassie had told her to relax. That Dredd was tough but fair and she was right. He stuck to the letter of the law but when push came to shove, he made his own mind up about passing her despite her infractions. He’d just insisted to the Chief Judge that she shadow him until he deemed her safe alone and no one was going to argue with Judge Dredd.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
1,000 Follower Fic (9)
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Characters: Bones x Reader Warnings: Little angsty Synopsis: Soulmate AU - You struggle to connect with your soulmate
You met your soulmate when you joined Starfleet, he was a Doctor on the Enterprise. You knew before you came face to face with him for the first time that nothing would really come of it. As soulmates you shared each other’s thoughts, he had expressed anger at this several times, he’d also taken the time to tell you that he wasn’t interested in another relationship after his marriage went south.
Of course, you’d still hoped that meeting you would change his mind, but no such luck, he looked at you briefly and then went about his business. You felt the same pathetic hope when you were assigned to the Enterprise, you hoped that he would change his mind about loving you but again the man proved himself a rock.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
SCP: Tumblr dni that is always an unnervingly specific description of whoever is reading it
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Dating Advice: Did You Forget Something?
Previous Chapter | Masterlist
Pairing: McCoy x Reader
Rating: Teen, mild references to sex
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @coping-via-clint-eastwood @meganlpie @cobe76
Summary: Leonard, Jim, and Spock continue their pretend date after you are called to duty. Yet the evening's end contains a surprise for Leonard.
Previously: “It’s too bad Y/n was called away. No sense in letting this excellent dinner go to waste.” Kirk slaps McCoy on the back. “We’ll be your pretend dates.”
McCoy’s expression remains grumpy as the trio sample the appetizer.
Jim asks between mouthfuls of a cheese spread on salt and pepper crackers. “What is this? Chef should program it into the replicators. And bring more.” He reaches for his communicator while adding five of the cracker and cheese snacks to his plate.
Spock is delicately sniffing the hors d'oeuvre.
“You’ll ruin your appetite for dinner,” McCoy warns Jim.
“Your impression of my mother improves with each passing day,” he counters while devouring his selections.
Olfactory analysis complete, Spock carefully scrutinizes with his eyes the spread and its accompanying crispy flatbread, turning it left and right and peering underneath.
“It’s pimento cheese, the pâté of the south. Chef’s version is almost as good as my Aunt Harper Lee’s and hers is legendary in five counties. Yet he insists on using fancy French cheeses. True pimento cheese is plain ol’ cheddars and cream cheese with the pimentos and a dash …”
Having decided the offering was edible, Spock ingests the entire cracker and it’s heaped topping. Several hacking coughs ensure.
“… or ten of hot sauce,” McCoy finishes while thumping Spock’s back. “No, not water,” he directs. “That spreads the heat.” He hands the Vulcan a piece of bread.
They dive into the first course, a chilled carrot soup topped with herbs which is simultaneously tangy and sweet, waking their appetite. Jim’s eyes gaze into McCoy’s and linger, not in contest of who blinks first but rather gentle seduction. “This is the point in the evening where you turn up the flirting. Go bold. Like I’m doing with you right now, don’t take your eyes off your date. Steal touches, smile like you have a secret, offer bites from your fork.”
“I have to admit, grudgingly, that’s good advice,” McCoy says while nodding his head.
Spock opens his mouth to inquire for further details.
Jim adds, “If you do it right, by desert the dishes will be on the floor and one of you will be writhing on the table."
“Do you ever get any second dates?” McCoy asks then quickly amends, “No, don’t answer that. I’m an old-fashioned romantic at heart and I don’t want to know that that abrupt interruption of the meal actually brings them back.”
Jim’s only response is a sly grin. He points to the soup. “This is really good. Is there more?”
McCoy addresses Spock, “At the Academy Jim never took his dates to dinner because they could never compete with the food on the table.”
“I was, and am a growing boy,” Jim reminds his friends. “And how do you rate freshies?” he muses as they begin the salad course. Freshies is the spacefarers’ term for non-replicated fruits and vegetables just picked off the vine. Every ship has a hydroponic garden as well as real, recently harvested food held in stasis, most of which is reserved for prescriptions and special occasions such as weddings or religious ceremonies. “I’m the Captainand Chef rarely gives me freshies.”
“People like me,” McCoy replies in a tone indicating the answer is obvious. “I’m affable.”
Jim chuckles.
McCoy frowns at the Captain before turning to the Vulcan. “Well? Go on. Where’s your bon mot?”
“The sheer number of accurate observations is negating my ability to utter even one,” Spock explains with his deadpan expression.
“Overchoice impairment?” Jim queries.
“Indeed,” Spock affirms.
McCoy adopts his patented curmudgeon expression and waves his arm. “Oh good grief, how in the name of all that is holy, Jim, do you know the term overchoice much less the cognitive theory behind it?”
Jim places a hand over his heart as if wounded, “I doread.”
“Scanning a profile and then swiping left or right via the aptly slanged ‘hook-up’ Tinder application does not render one well read.”
McCoy snickers.
Jim shakes his head. “Ah … okay. No overchoice problems there, eh Spock? Moving on. So Bones, what’s the Southern Gentleman’s second date backup plan?”
“Hmmm … maybe a picnic …” McCoy pauses. He wags a finger. “Oh no, I’m not going to tip my hand and give you two stooges intel for planning your shenanigans!”
“I believe there were three,” Spock informs.
The doctor stares at the Vulcan. “What?”
“Stooges. There were three, Larry, Curly, and Moe. Though Larry possessed the wavy hair, not the one with the eponymous nickname and …”
“At times it’s like you’re in your own little hobgoblin world,” McCoy mutters.
Their third course is crab cakes for the omnivores and zucchini pancakes for the vegetarian. The intercom beeps. McCoy rises from the table and walks to his desk. After conferring with the caller, he accidently activates holographic mode. Yes, it was an accident, at least that is the story he is sticking to.
Uhura’s three-dimensional energetic image forms near the table. Hands rest on her hips, rigidly; her eyes are narrowed, the corners of her mouth downturned. Her tone of voice is forced patience. “Spock. Are you, perhaps, forgetting something?”
“I believe not,” is his serene response.
Her eyes narrow further. “Try again.”
“Has your shift ended?” he inquires politely.
Her answer is clipped. “Yes.”
“The Captain and I are dining with Dr. McCoy this evening,” he continues in a conversational tone.
Uhura’s hands move from her hips and fold across her chest. “Are you now? How very convenient.”
Yellow alert Spock, tread carefully, McCoy thinks.
Jim, in a valiant attempt to save his friend, joins the conversation saying to Uhura, “Spock was just telling us about your plans for the evening.”
“I was not,” Spock corrects.
Unphased and ignoring his first officer, Jim adds, “It’s my fault really. Crew evaluations are due, actually overdue …”
“They are not,” Spock interjects.
Jim flashes a charming smile at his communications officer. “The administrative sides of command are never ending. I asked Spock and the good Doctor for their help.”
“He did not,” Spock says.
Rubbing the space between his eyes with two fingers, the palm of the same hand hovering near his mouth shielding his words, Jim whispers to Spock, “Just follow my lead and ixnay on the unhelpful omments-cay.”
Spock turns to Jim. The Vulcan does not quiet his voice. “Ixnay? Omments-cay? Why are you employing two languages concurrently?”
Jim’s eyes close for a second as his head bobs every so slightly side to side. He continues in the whisper, “I’m not. I was disguising certain words in code.”
“Ah. Of course. Swine Phoenician,” Spock concludes. His smile is faint, his tone of voice pleased. His satisfaction resulting from swiftly and accurately identifying the encryption is evident.
“Pig Latin,” Jim corrects.
McCoy’s shoulders quiver from the effort to hold back outright laughter.
Having worked out what Jim urged he avoid; Spock defends himself. “It is not commentary Jim. I am rectifying your misstatements. Silence in the wake of falsehoods is an accessory to those untruths. Vulcans do not lie.”
McCoy snorts.
Uhura glares at her boyfriend.
“Nyota,” Spock addresses the hologram.
Her eyebrow leisurely raises.
Spock continues. “Your pupils are dilated, your body posture is tense, and your foot is tapping the ground. Are you vexed?”
“Uh huh,” she says slowly.
Oh for heaven’s sake. The pointy eared fool is clearly out of his depth. Yes, Jim and Spock have spent the better part of the evening teasing me without mercy, but there is a brotherhood code. Still at his desk and therefore, out of Uhura’s visual range, McCoy lifts his arms and crosses his wrists, palms facing forward. He quickly moves them apart in a ‘stop, don’t go there’ gesture. Then repeats the movement.
“Doctor, why are you waving your extremities? Do you require assistance?” the Vulcan queries.
“Apologize and move on,” Jim whispers out of the corner of his mouth to his first officer.
Spock turns to face Jim, tilting his head while favoring his commander with a puzzled expression. He answers in his normal volume. “But I have committed no error.”
“Doesn’t matter Spock … just apologize,” Jim urges drawing out and emphasizing the last two words his voice still quiet.
Spock’s voice is loud in comparison. “To apologize when not in error is illogical.”
“You trust me, do you not?”
“Implicitly Jim, and Leonard as well,” Spock replies.
“Then apologize,” Jim repeats firmly.
“For reasons inexplicable and unknown to me, I am sorry Nyota.”
Jim buries his head in his hands.
McCoy tries one last play. “I surmise you and our first officer made plans for this evening?”
Uhura nods. Her hands are again perched on her hips.
“For which he is tardy,” McCoy guesses staring at Spock.
Spock’s complexion pales.
“Yes. Movie night.” She adds, “And after winning last night’s strip poker game, I choose the movie.”
The tips of Spock’s ears turn forest green. “Not my idea,” he quickly murmurs. “I am certain she purposefully lost the first few hands in order to gain advantage.”
Jim grins. “Making it a little hard to concentrate, am I right?”
“Indeed. Now I am committed to viewing something called a romcom.”
“You have five minutes Spock. After which I will be reallydispleased,” Uhura sternly pledges and terminates the signal.
The corners of McCoy’s mouth twitch up. A wide grin follows. He asks, “Now who needs dating advice?”
Near 11:00pm, McCoy answers the chime. He expects to find a lonely and frustrated Vulcan looking for a friendly shoulder to insult and therefore lift his spirits.
Instead, standing at the door of his quarters, out of uniform and smiling, Y/n asks the doctor, “May I claim my raincheck?”
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
WIP - Dr. Leonard McCoy x Reader: Head in the Clouds
And then something unexpected, which was saying something on the Enterprise. A warmth touched your cheek. But as soon as it was there, it disappeared. Your eyes went wide. Turning/Whipping your head to the side, you were met with the kind eyes of the ship’s chief medical officer.
“Doctor McCoy,” you bit the inside of your lip to keep from smiling too noticeably. The last thing that you wanted was to bring unwanted attention.
“Lieutenant,” Leonard McCoy smiled, brushing the tip of his nose against your ear. “I haven’t seen you since this morning. How’s everything looking on that screen of yours?”
“All is well.” You knew that if you gazed for too long into his eyes, you would soon forget all about your work.
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startreckobsessed ¡ 2 years
Imagine being assaulted by a male crew member, and when Bones finds out who it is, he promptly goes and kicks the guys ass. Later when the crew member is brought to medbay for his injuries, Bones insists nothing is wrong with him.
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