starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
––––––– @starwalkers
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         ❛ leia amidala skywalker. you get here right now, your brother is crying,              what did you do to him ?? i am not joking around, kiddo. ❜      
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       “I didn’t do anything to him Daddy, I promise.” She twists her little fingers together nervously before allowing herself to continue. “I can’t help it if I’m STRONGER than him. I didn’t know it was going to hurt him.” 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
@tcinfinity liked for a starter
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       “So, you like space?” She said looking toward the stranger. “Well, I can tell you that the stars don’t shin any brighter than when you are in a ship going at light speed. It is almost like they are flying past -- one blurring after the other.” 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
@youneedapiilot || Dark Side Poe
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       She closes her eyes and prays that it was a nightmare, that this is something she will wake up from in the morning. But that’s not the case, it’s never the case. Leia Organa has lost so much in her lifetime. There was hardly anything in the world that was sacred from the touch of death or pain. There was a resistance that flowed through her veins though and kept her going. That was what she was good at, she was good at leading, always had been. So when it was time to step up again and fight the FIRST ORDER she knew she could -- she just didn’t know what she had to lose. 
       First, they had taken her son. Her pride and joy of the world had been snatched by the curled fingers of the dark side of the force. She had been so careful, she had watched him so closely to foster a sense of good in him. Snoke was smarter though, and more manipulative, and he had taken her son before she even knew he was fully gone. Losing him had been like a knife tearing through her chest and the open wound being exposed to the world. Why he yearned for power was something beyond her, because all she had ever yearned for was family and stability. He was not the monster Kylo Ren in her eyes, but something smaller, and unfortunately much closer to her heart. 
       Second, they had taken her brother. A sibling she never knew she had until they were adults. Who was so wise beyond his years that even she marveled at his sense of peace within himself. With the destruction of her son had come the loss of her brother -- his shame bleeding into the disappearance of himself as he slowed erased himself from the world. He was no longer the galaxies hope, but something of myth and lore that no one knew if it were true.
       Thirdly, they had taken Han. The man who made her laugh and drove her crazy. They had their fights and bouts of anger, but there was love laced with every word.  In her mind he was a reckless immovable object that always seemed to defy the odds, even if they were stacked against him. He was a constant that she had relied upon for so many years that to know he was never coming home again was heart breaking. 
       Leia thought there was nothing left to take, that there was no one left they could push into the darkness. Yet, as Poe stood before her she found herself terribly wrong. Her voice left her for a moment or so, as she struggled to find the right words. So many words came to mind, but all of them were angry, all of them were harsh, and none of them were what she wanted to say. There’s a pause as she looks up slowly, her features downturned. 
                   “They got you too, didn’t they?” 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
@galaxyslasthope liked for a starter 
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       “LUKE, are you all right? You look a bit pale.” She was doting now but she couldn’t help herself. After losing everything the war -- her parents, her home, -- she wanted to preserve the little bit of family she did have left. Leia walks toward her twin, her hand resting upon his shoulder. “You know you can tell me anything.” She continues, maintaining eye contact with a soft smile. 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
Leia named her son after her only hope.
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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“I tried, I tried so hard.” When it had been physical torture he thought he could stay and not break, he was trained to withstand that and his dedication to the resistance was complete, he would never spill their secrets just to save his own skin. His body meant less than the resistance as a whole. But. “He used the force, he dug into my head and I just…I couldn’t stop myself from telling him. It hurt so much, general, I didn’t know something could hurt like that.”
This is the only place he can break down, with her he allows himself a moment of weakness. Once he walks out of this room he will put a smile back on his face and be the perfect soldier he is supposed to be. “I’ll be better next time.”
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        Her voice is soft and almost ushers him to shush before she continues. Once the Empire fell -- once Vader had died she thought that she’d seen the last of pain and suffering. “I know how hard you tried,” Leia reassured, for though she had never felt the negative effects of the force herself she could feel them. The same rage that ran through her Father’s veins ran hotly through her own, so much so that in her youth she was constantly on the brink of confrontation. The dark side had never tempted her the way it did those before ( and after ) her. “We’ll get to BB-8 before they have the chance, it won’t matter that you told them because they will never get their hands on that piece of the map.” She’s nearly whispering now, though that is unintentionally, the words originally for the boy now seem to be more for herself now. 
       “I’ll be damned if there is a next time. You give them hell from the skies and we’ll see to it that they never get inside your head again.” 
       There is an unspoken guilt riddled across her features because she knew who did this. He -- he was apart of her and she knew his power just as well as anyone. It hurt to think that her Ben could be capable of such horrors, that he could commit them without a second thought. That he could ruin Poe in a matter of minutes with no consequence. 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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Your father… was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. He ceased to be the Jedi Anakin Skywalker and “became” Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed.
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
I like to know my writing partner. This isn’t always necessary, and if you’re not the sort of person who tries to get chummy with their roleplaying buddies, that’s absolutely fine, but in my experience, the plots and characters that last the longest are the ones with the players that I can message at 3 in the morning with an idea without feeling like I’m bothering them. 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
He almost broke down the second she held him, it’s the first time since he got back that anyone touched him like this. The medics had poked and prodded at him as was their job but it wasn’t the same as someone wrapping their arms around him and holding him, even if it was just for a moment. Poe let his own strong arms come up and hold her to his chest for that brief moment before the general pulled away from him and resumed speaking.
“ I didn’t, general, I broke. If I had been stronger, better, Kylo never would have known to go after BB-8 and this might not have happened. “
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       It was hard to accept when bad things happened to you, and she knew that best of all. Her life had been riddled with TRAGEDY and LOSS that she had almost thought she’d become immune to it. However, she saw it riddled all over Poe’s features and it tugged at her soul to comfort him. She shook her head at his remark, her right arm coming up to rest upon the taller man’s shoulder. 
       “You did your very best,” She said calmly, her words punctuated with admiration and caring. “That’s all I have ever asked from you, and all I will ask in the future. This is not your fault.” 
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
                                          i survived…                                                        …but i paid for it
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
Quick reminder that Luke had about five minutes of training with a lightsaber and NONE of it included actually fighting against an other opponent. Remember Ben sparring with Luke? Nope. It was just him playing around with a robot that tased him
Do you remember Yoda sparring with Luke? Nope. He was teaching him about the Force but we never saw him ONCE teaching him how to actually fight with a lightsaber. Luke had precisely ZERO experience when it came to fighting with a lightsaber.  And yet none of you said anything when Luke actually kept up with Vader and later on actually defeated Vader
Rey on the other hand spend her ENTIRE LIFE defending herself with her staff. She is very well versed in fighting with a melee weapon. But when she fought against a HEAVILY INJURED Kylo Ren you immediately cry Mary Sue and unrealistic.
Think about that. Think about what this attitude says about you.
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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In thanks for 230 followers in less than a week (!!), I’d like to recognise a bunch of you, and admire others of you because you all deserve to be loved and to feel appreciated during the holiday season.
@onlydietired​, @asycuwish​, @galactic-rocketeer​, @bxbafett, @noxgoodxtoxmexdead​
@libcrtydied, @hcwlibertydies, @sanitaticn. @avoxsoldier, @avoxgiirl, @consensihohoho, @effiedup, @vulpyne, @hcuseofchristmas, @coalskin, @legatumiism, @hijxcking
@thegcneral, @brehaa, @likemyfatherbeforeme, @piilct, @paxjinn, @ashesam, @artoooie, @diplcmacy, @astrodrxid, @nabxrrie​, @ofscavengiing, @oftwileks, @armedandglamorous, @flycasxal, @boyofsandyplanet, @bestdamnpilot, @legendsinthegalaxy, @obiwanxkenobi, @landspeeding, @leiiaisms, @sonoftheforce, @skywalkcrs, @stcrmother, @starwalkers, @scientiiam, @damcron, @darthdathomir, @giveintoyouranger, @zabrakmaul, @khagaan, @dcrthvder, @scduced, @tyranusss, @tatooinejedi, @ncgotiator, @speediing, @alderanian, @traiitorfinn, @beebeexeight, @wyndel-legion, @nxblewings, @kapitanphasma, @sxnofthesuns, @reyiisms, @phasmatiiis, @ofjedii, @unintimidatcd, @greentigerushizi, @viresvoluntatis, @namedfinn, @stillxwaiting, @mjxlnxr, @motherofasgard, @faithindiplomacy, @mcrajade, @caecisms, @itssithbitch, @firstorderknight, @eighthunit, @iinsolentia, @thegeneralhux, @idcntapprcve, @stcrmtrccper, @blackleads, @successxr, @dawnsided, @dusksided, @asajjvventress, @the-corvscant-skywalkrr, @prospcr, @eightbcll, @dxrthmaul, @redsxber, @speediing, @matriarkh, @jakkujedii, @huxtapose, @ofbalances, @iamseethreepio, @blccdstripes, @forgottensith, @corelliancasanova, @cloudcitycasanova, @feelxdontthink, @wrongfuse, @bountyhuntxng, @galaxyslasthope, @rcguecne, @hellofapilot, @snokc, @corelliancaptainsolo, @firsttraitor, @farmboyxjedi, @beautiful-kind-but-sad, @doctrineoffear, @knightofren, @ofalderaans, @forcechosen, @xbb8x, @tornapcrt, @kaleeshcyborg, @flashnocrash, @traiitxr, @nabooquxen, @awakenedrey, @sounciviliized, @scruffyxscoundrel, @liibcrty, @inheritcr, @herpeacemaking
I’m sorry, I know I’ve probably forgotten some people but know that I want to love on ALL OF YOU. Have a safe and beautiful holiday!
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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starwalkers-blog1 · 9 years
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                                                   no one can choose it for him
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