starxshine · 4 years
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                                             ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕖 find m̸̟̘͓̱̜̤̺̒̊̏͋͌̀̄͊̕͜͝ẽ̴̙̝̗̼̟̈́
                                                                 in the 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈.
                      An indi. OC Celestial from Marvel. Heavily headcanon based. All love. 
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starxshine · 4 years
Hey ya’ll.
I suck so I’m boppin’ Hoku over here.
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starxshine · 4 years
He was hardly the type to seek out lovers. Most of the time, he had one-night stands or brief flings, but never something permanent. Which was fine with him, as he often expected to be asked for a favor ( a price for their company, as it was ). Hoku was different in the sense that he was the one who had something to gain from sleeping with her. A throne, to be precise. Anyone would have been enthusiastic in sleeping with a queen before the wedding, and part of his reasons was that she had already aroused him with a rather pleasant ‘wake up call’.
And like her, it had been some time since he last slept with someone.
Rather than attempt to muffle her moans, he continued to move at the same, steady pace to draw more and more noises from her. He wasn’t bothered by the fact that they could be heard; in fact, the prospect seemed to thrill him. Loki wasn’t exactly a modest lover: he didn’t mind if they were caught ( and watched ) in the middle of the act, provided that whoever saw them stayed away. He disliked sharing his partner with anyone else besides a clone of himself, and sometimes, he wasn’t in the mood for that either.
Sliding an arm beneath her back, he pulled out and flipped her onto her stomach before burying himself in her again. His hips rolled against her plump backside, which he squeezed roughly as he resumed his vigorous space. The lewd slapping of their bodies soon echoed in the room, and he dug his knees deeper onto the mattress to fit more of his length inside of her. “Has anyone…taken you….like this?”
She felt him lift her body and it took a moment for her mind to catch up, only to find herself shoved face down into the bed. His hands- such big hands! -gripped her ass hard as she gasped loudly, his cock slamming back home into her. Her hands twisted the sheets and it was all she could do to shake her head with a desperate sob.
“...It’s always the... other way around...”
It didn’t matter if her lover was smaller or bigger than she, man or woman or whatever. The Queen remained in control. Always. Just like in every other aspect of her life. Yet here Loki was, having yanked control from her. Making her feel vulnerable. Making her feel.
Not that Hokulani held back with past bedmates. She was a generous lover and not just when it came to sex; as long as she and her partner were in a relationship said partner wanted for nothing. Not attention, not affection, not riches; the Queen gave them everything.
Well, almost.
None had access to the deepest part of her heart.
Quite frankly, she was sure none of her past lovers cared enough to try. Not that she was judging them, of course. Together they had their fun and when the time came to part ways, it was done mutually and amicably and her lovers remained under her protection for the rest of their lives, regardless of they remained in Hawiki or not. It was the least she could do.
Of course, most of her lovers were dead by now, given she was an immortal and at most a few of them were just... long-lived. With Loki it was different. She felt different with him. Was it love? If it wasn’t she was sure it was close. Unable to hold back her cry, she screamed his name as she tossed her head back, riding high on ecstasy
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starxshine · 4 years
So Thor was chillin over Hawaii last night.
Aloha, Thor.
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starxshine · 4 years
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Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.
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starxshine · 4 years
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Ok but I just realized that this is the first time we’ve seen Loki’s forearms bc he always wears sleeves,,
call me a repressed unwed maiden from the 1800’s bc I am thirsting
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starxshine · 4 years
The letters on Loki’s shirt are TVA
I googled that and Marvel and found this on Wikipedia:
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starxshine · 4 years
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starxshine · 4 years
I love fat cats that get picked up and look kind of alarmed about it as if their magnificent girth could have prevented this sort of injustice
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starxshine · 4 years
“But I think it’s an ancient rage. Women who grew tired beneath the weight of years that would not buckle, break nor bend.”
— Sandra Cisneros, from Moon in Hydra
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starxshine · 4 years
It was ridiculous how excited she was to receive his letter, yet somehow she managed not to tear into the envelope but instead opened it very carefully. She read over his letter several times. She wasn’t sure what third photo he had written about and it was the excuse of getting it back that had her cashing in on her many vacation days and booking a flight to Florida.
It was a long trip from Hawaii with two layovers and after 10 hours, including layovers, she stood at his front door. It was a quiet neighborhood, from what she observed, but the sound of her thumping heart more than made up for it. It took her three times to lift her hand and finally knock on the door before she used the same hand to smooth down the front of her pretty floral sundress. Two suitcases sat just behind her, one larger and the other smaller.
She really had no idea how this would go, only that after seeing him in the photo he sent that she had to see him in person. She had to look into those blue eyes and touch those perfect cheekbones herself. It was only when the door opened did she blink; a photo didn’t tell her how tall he was or how wide his shoulders were. It didn’t do home any justice and as she tilted her head back to look up at him she smiled, her eyes lighting up.
“James. Sexy name. He send you a naughty photo?” Lanakila, the next sister up from Hoku in age, shook the envelope that had been sent back with her pen pal’s reply, hoping for a Polaroid to fall out. When nothing did, Lana pouted, placing the envelope with its letter back on the kitchen counter.
“He’s in the S.A.S, I doubt they have any privacy to even take photos like that, even if they want to.” The windows in the kitchen were the one wide open to let the hot air from the oven out. Hoku set the next batch of goodies to cool from the oven; these were a pile of fat chocolate chip and walnut cookies. They were going in the pretty wrapping in the box with the Dream Bars; squares of graham cracker crusted coconut and chocolate delights.
Delights that Hoku had to slap her sister’s hand away from as she reached for them. Lana pouted, rubbing her hand dramatically. “Oh, come on. Just one isn’t gonna hurt.”
“Nope. These are all going. I’m not even eating any.”
Lana let out a mocking gasp of horror in which Hoku flipped her off. “This guy must be important to you if you’re not even eating any. They’re mom’s recipe.”
“Well, yes. He’s serving his country and probably hasn’t had any home baked goods in a while.”
“Are you gonna send him a photo of yourself?”
“I don’t know, I’m thinking about it.”
“Is it gonna be a nud-“
“Get out of my house.”
Later that night, all the goodies were packed away and ready to be sent, and Hoku just had to write her letter. She tapped her pen on the surface of her desk before she started scribbling, nibbling on her bottom lip.
I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like being an only child. I have six older sisters myself, and let me tell you, it was hell growing up. Of course, I adore them and wouldn’t trade them for the world, even if the one closest to me in age, Lanakila, kept trying to steal the goodies I made you. I hope you like them; they’re my mother’s recipes and she’s owned her own bakery the last twenty years. My sisters and I are half English on our father’s side, but it’s been sometime since I’ve been there.
I had thought about teaching younger children when I had first started but then I realized older kids need slightly more guidance and I’ve come to love working with teenager, even if they can be little punks at times. There’s nothing else I rather do with my life; I’d like to think that I’m helping shape them into the awesome adults they’ll someday be.
On a more personal note, I’m single with no children (save for my cat) and I consider my students my kids. Truth be told, I’m not sure if I’ve ever even been on a proper date before. I’m terribly shy when it comes to men and even writing these letters have been a little challenging.
I know you can’t really tell me where you are or what you’re doing, but what do you like to do in your free time? I’ve found I’ve been thinking about you in my own free time. What you look like, your hobbies, that sort of thing.
Well, I have papers to grade and it’s nearing ten pm now. I hope you enjoy your goodies and I can’t wait to hear back from you.
Hoku xoxoxo
PS. I thought I would send you a picture just so you can know who it is making you cookies
She had actually enclosed a couple different photos. One of herself, of course, in a school shirt and jeans with her class on a field trip and one with her holding Kalapana in her arms and smiling at the camera. What she hadn’t realized was that Lana, before she had left earlier in the day, had slipped a photo of Hoku in her bikini on the beach in the envelope.
Then it was a waiting game after she sent off her letter and the big box. Everyday she was checking the mail, only to be disappointed when it was either ads or a gross bill. When his letter did finally arrive, Hoku squealed in a very undignified way and practically ran back into the house to devour it.
The baked goodies were delicious, and he had to smile when he read the story about her sister trying to steal some of the treats that she was making. It reminded him of what domestic life could be, and as much as he tried not to think about it, he missed that part of his life. Rather than reply right away, he kept her letter only to realize that there was something else in the envelope. The first two were photographs of Ms. Crawford, who was as beautiful as he imagined she would be. The third one was…well. He wasn’t sure what to feel about it ( or the fact that she’d included it with the others ) but considered the possibility that she might have mistakenly included it in the envelope. He’d return it to her when the time came for their replies to be mailed back.
James’ decision to share some of the cookies made him very popular among his companions and commanding officers, and they jokingly expressed their jealousy that he ended up with the teacher and not one of her students. Some even reminded him not to seduce her; their letters were still being checked for inappropriate content. He found it amusing that she managed to sneak in a sexy photo of hers and reconsidered returning it; he could just do so in person.
After a few days, all of the cookies and Dream Bars were finished, and he finally had time to sit down and write his response. The deadline for their letters was coming up in a couple of days, and he had two more weeks left. So, it was probably his last chance to write to her again, unless she decided to meet him in person and get her photographs back. He decided to include one of his photos: the most recent one was him with some of the members of his unit, and he placed a red line by his feet so that she knew who he was in the photograph.
Ms. Hoku,
Thanks for the cookies and bars. They were delicious, and you became more popular with the other soldiers at the base. I hope you don’t mind that I shared them with some of the soldiers; they needed a reminder of home, and you gave me more than I could eat. They say thank you and mention that if you ever decided to open up a bakery in Texas or Arizona, they’d be the first ones to visit.
Your students are lucky to have a teacher like you, and I’m sure they consider you as their pseudo-mom. Thank you for the effort that you put into your teaching, and you may have just taught the next president of the United States in your classroom. As for your shyness, it’s normal. I only talk when spoken to, and I don’t talk too much even with friends. My hobbies are boring. I like reading history books and visiting shooting ranges, and I miss going horseback riding and playing tennis. That’s about it. The rest are related to my work, which is ending in a couple of weeks. So I guess this will be the last letter from me you’ll be receiving.
I got the three photographs you sent me, by the way. You’re very beautiful, and your cat is just as gorgeous as her owner. The third one may have been included by mistake, so if you want them back, I can return them to you in person. Or just mail them to you once I return to America. I’ll be in Florida for a few weeks, and I’ve written the address on the next page, as well as my contact number. Just call me and let me know how to best return them to you.
P.S. I also attached a photograph, just to be fair.
His letter was among the others that were mailed to Ms. Crawford and her students, and by the time they were received, he was already formally discharged from the army and unpacking his things in the home he’d rented. He’d also adopted a white kitten who he called Snowball, or Snowy, and he was currently sleeping on the patch of sunlight that was streaming through the front window. He wasn’t expecting a call or a visit, and he was in the bedroom folding his shirts when he heard something.
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starxshine · 4 years
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The art... I'm-
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starxshine · 4 years
i’m interested in stargazing and rough sex
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starxshine · 4 years
“His girlfriend seems nice, too.” Hoku had Jane Foster in math class, a class Hoku dreaded as she wasn’t the best with numbers, but she was seated next to Jane and they struck up a conversation in which Jane helped her figure out a particular difficult problem.
They lapsed into a comfortable silence where Loki worked on some of his homework and she daydreamed as they ate. That didn’t last long as two girls approached, wearing various designer clothing. The blonde was Karen and Chelsie was the red head. The former dropped into the spot in one side of Loki and the latter shoved her way between him and Hoku, forcing Hoku to awkwardly shuffle over to make room.
“So, Loki,” Karen purred, “I’m having a party this Saturday since my parents are out of town. You’re more than welcome.”
“Yeah, you should come. It’ll be fun.” Chelsie dragged the tip of her index finger down his arm; to Hoku the long scarlet nail looked like a talon.
“Your new... friend... can come too.” Both girls looked over Hoku and their smiles didn’t quite reach their eyes.
“Uh... sure, thanks.”
Both girls soon sauntered away and Hoku let out a breath. She knew those types of girls, knew their type. She’d have to watch her back for sure. The end of school rolled around and she returned a few things to her locker as Loki returned his books to the library. She went to the place she was supposed to meet him, near the front of the school, and waited, scrolling through her phone.
The classes were uneventful, save for Mrs. Sano (biology) who made her stand up at the front of the class and talk about herself. She spewed the usual in a completely monotone voice (”I’ll be eighteen in June, we just moved here from Arizona but I’m originally from Hawaii, I have a cat who thinks she’s the boss bitc–er the boss, my favorite colors are blue and green, I’m an only child, my mom owns a chain of bakeries and my dad is a doctor, chocolate and caffeine are the only reasons I’m alive let’s be real–”) Mrs. Sano was quick to put an end to her introduction and sat her, thankfully, beside Loki. After that, lunch came quickly. 
Loki filled in her on the secrets of the cafeteria food, and she made sure to remember it all. Then someone’s booming voice could be heard and it looked as though Loki’s suddenly pleasant mood disintegrated right before her eyes. She recognized the big blond jock from earlier that day who was holding hands with a petite brunette in jeans and flannel. Introductions were made, then Thor was flouncing off with his girl. 
Rather than sit across from Loki, she sat beside him so she could hear him better in the loud room; she had decided on milk, an apple, and a grilled cheese sandwich. She’d probably start bringing in her own lunch from now on; her mother was a wizard (witch?) in the kitchen and had passed that talent onto her daughter. Under the table, their knees touched and she felt a tingle in her bare thighs. She didn’t move her leg.
“I don’t mind, as long as you and your mom don’t. Outside of knowing how to get to school, mom’s new bakery, and dad’s hospital, I really have no idea how to get around the city. We’re not even done unpacking yet, so I haven’t had time to explore, so I think it’d be fun.”
She was rambling. She always rambled when she was nervous or embarrassed. Why she felt that way now, she wasn’t sure. 
“Your brother and his girlfriend seem nice. I think I met him this morning, kinda, when he stampeded with the other giants pass my locker.” Her sandwich oozed cheese as the pulled the two sides apart and she held one half toward him. “Want?”
Loki was about to take a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich when she said yes. It was a good thing that he wasn’t eating yet, otherwise he would have choked on his food. He lowered the sandwich back onto its tissue wrappings before he pulled out his phone and texted his mom a quick message about ‘bringing a classmate over’. His mother replied a little too quickly ( a resounding OF COURSE, MY DARLING ) but it didn’t surprise him. He rarely brought friends over or asked them to go shopping with him and his mom.
                        “Yeah, we’re both cool with it. Got to warn you though. She looks                           at everything.”
His mom was picking him up after school, so Hoku could just ride with them on the way to the mall. They could also drive her home once they were done. His mom would never force a teenager to use public transport alone at night, and neither would he. Well, maybe if they deserved it.
Rolling his eyes at her description of Thor, he shook his head at her offer. His appetite was really small, but he had no problem keeping up with his brother. While Hoku was giddy over the fact that their legs were touching, he chowed down on his food and finished the last of their biology homework.
                           “Sounds like him. He’s okay. Better than some of the other guys in                              school.”
She would probably meet a couple of the bullies in school. Not that they would target her. She was way too hot to be tormented by Billy Hawkins and his gang. No, the two bullies she needed to watch out for, Karen and Chelsie, were headed their way.
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starxshine · 4 years
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starxshine · 4 years
One moment she was in control and the next she was on her back, hands pinned, Loki taking what he wanted. No, that wasn’t quite right. She gave him freely herself, adjusting her legs to give him better access. Her body arched up against his, each long, hard stroke driving her to want more. It had been sometime since she had a lover; a few centuries at least.
She had never wanted someone the way she wanted Loki.
Lost in the pleasure, her mind opened up to his as she lifted her head to catch his mouth with hers. That small glimpse revealed just how much she desired him, her impatience at having had to wait for him and then her anger at herself for feeling that way because he had every right to make her wait. In her mind it was the least she could do to make up not fighting for him when he was just a babe, something she regretted to this day and would continue to regret for the rest of her long life.
There was her determination to make up for that regret, that she would give him the throne he deserved, even if it was her own. More than that, she was determined to be someone worthy of him, he who had been wronged since birth. There was genuine affection in her for him, not just because he was Frigga’s son. She viewed him as brilliant, intriguing, and funny. She found him a pleasure to be around and enjoyed his company.
One of her hands managed to wiggle free and found the back of shoulder, nails digging in. Every time he buried himself in her, she grew louder.
She knew the exact moment Loki woke. There was a change in the tension of his body, his breathing, the beating of his heart. Despite the hand tangled in her hair, she didn’t only focus on his magnificent cock. His heavy balls were fair game and so was his thighs; those thighs of his were spared her lips and teeth.
She was relentless in her attention to him, worshipping him as was only proper. It was only when they were both nice and wet that she sat up, the sheets falling away to reveal her in all her naked glory. “Good morning,” was all she said as she slowly, achingly slowly, onto him.
And it was proving to be a good morning, all things considered. It surprised him a little to learn that she was aroused just by taking him in her mouth. Most women liked to avoid doing it as much as possible, but she relished it. It made it easier for him to thrust up into her, each upwards jerk of his hips strong and sure. He placed his hands over her thighs to hold her in place before he rolled them both over, his palms covering her wrists. The headboard bumped against the wall as he continued to pound into her, more driven by sexual instinct. “Good morning.”
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starxshine · 4 years
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