starzeyquee · 9 days
I pose you this
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I saw this meme going around and just HAD TO
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Ikevamp version
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Ikesen version
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190 notes · View notes
starzeyquee · 14 days
Gilbert's Romantic Route w/ Premiums
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 + Premium Ending
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 + Premium Ending
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 + Premium Ending
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 + Premium Ending
Chapter 20
Romantic Route
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 + Premium Ending
Chapter 25 Fin.
Romantic Epilogue
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starzeyquee · 19 days
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I need him revealed NOW oh my god
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starzeyquee · 26 days
I am SO ready to draw all three new suitors just PLEASE CYBRID FEED US CONTENT
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41 notes · View notes
starzeyquee · 28 days
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summary: topaz reminds aventurine to quickly bring whatever he has to get for the mission but she doesn't mean to literally involve a literal teenager!
pairing: topaz, aventurine. . . hsr (the reader is included)
was it requested? yes.
genre: slight crack, worrisome aunt! topaz & laidback uncle! aventurine x awkward teenager! niece, fluff, some parts are angst, dr. ratio making another dreadful appearance
note: their bond is strictly platonic in the story and also the reader here is around her teenage years, let's say 16. this is purely based on fiction, nothing in this fic is really based on the character behind the story. this is the continuation of the fic "for the love a daughter", check if u haven't! I'm vv grateful that everyone liked the first part and it gave me much motivation to write the 2nd and 3rd part of the pic <33
special mentions: @azreilrain @prettyrei-rei @nekojovichuu
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In the hallowed halls of expectation, where silence was ordained to reign supreme, the solemnity was shattered by the raucous arrival of unforeseen cacophony, transforming the anticipated tranquility into an unexpected revelry of noise and motion.
In simple words, [Y/N] thought she was going to have a peaceful day of solitude after surviving five of her classes without a break, but instead found herself being scolded by her adoptive father in an empty hallway without any warning.
The sudden intrusion of his booming voice echoing off the walls made [Y/N]'s heart race with anxiety as she struggled to understand what she had done wrong. He's not normally this harsh, so the intensity of his anger caught her completely off guard.
"What is the meaning of these poor grades, [Y/N]? Are the study sessions we've been having not enough for you?" Dr. Ratio tapped his anklet that showed a digital screen displaying [Y/N]'s grades, highlighting the areas of concern.
[Y/N]'s mind raced, attempting to think of a response that would meet her father's expectations and quell the storm brewing in his eyes. Poor grades? But the screen showed a different story: she had been excelling in most subjects, but it wasn't as high as her father expected. It added more confusion to her already overwhelmed mind.
In the past, her adoptive father made it clear that she should excel in most of her subjects but never specified what grades he deemed acceptable. Her inability to grasp his expectations only made her frustration worse.
"But, Father, the grades weren't as low as you're saying," [Y/N] justified, the tone of her voice slightly defensive as she dared to take a step forward despite a heavy heart.
What more does he want from her? She obediently accepted her father's tutoring sessions and worked diligently to improve her grades. She accepted every punishment and criticism in order to make him proud of her, but it seemed like nothing she did was ever enough to satisfy him.
His expectations are too high. The more she tries to climb up to meet them, the more they seem to rise out of reach.
Dr. Ratio scoffed at [Y/N]'s response, his disappointment evident in the furrow of his brow. "I trained you to get the highest scores of all the subjects, not to just scrape by with mediocre grades. Is this what you want to show the public—that you are incapable of meeting such simple expectations?" he said sternly, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Is embarrassing your own father what you strive for?" Her eyes widened in shock as she felt the weight of his words sink in. The feelings of frustration and disappointment subsided as she immediately looked at her father with a mixture of hurt and desperation, her lips quivering as she struggled to find the right words to defend herself.
But her tongue felt heavy in her mouth, and she could only manage a whispered apology before turning away, unable to meet his gaze.
She was prepared to face him a moment ago, but right now, she feels tiny and shamed. Her teeth clenched as she fought back tears, imagining the scenarios wherein she could have yelled at her father and made him understand her point of view. Yet she has no courage left to confront him further; it'll only worsen the situation.
The silence between them was deafening, filled with unspoken emotions that hung heavy in the air.
"You got the nerve to bare your claws at me, but you can't even look me in the eye?" Her father's voice cut through the tension, causing her to flinch. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you," he demanded, his tone harsh and unforgiving. She slowly lifted her gaze to meet his, feeling a mix of fear and defiance bubbling inside her.
"You will be punished for your insolence," he declared, his eyes narrowing in anger. Ignoring the fear twisting in her gut, she tried to pull her hand away. But he forcefully grabbed her hand, his grip tight and unyielding.
"Father, please no!" [Y/N] pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes as she struggled against his hold. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. But her father's expression remained cold and unrelenting, leaving her heart sinking with dread.
Dr. Ratio began to walk forward while dragging his adoptive daughter behind him, his footsteps echoing ominously in the empty, cold hallway. "Father, please listen to me!" she cried out, desperate as she tried to reason with him. But he continued to ignore her pleas; his silence was deafening and final.
She tried to break free from his grasp, but his grip only tightened as she attempted to break free again, triggering her father to finally turn and face her with a steely gaze. "Enough struggling." He immediately raised his hand in the air, causing his daughter to flinch in fear.
His hand was still as he paused, a flicker of hesitation crossing his face before he slowly lowered it, his expression unreadable. "Fine, do as you please," he began, his voice filled with resignation. "You're only making things harder for yourself." With those words, he released her from his grip and turned away, leaving her to contemplate her next move in the silence that followed.
The girl looked at her wrist, now marked with red welts from her father's tight grasp, and felt a mix of relief and uncertainty wash over her. It was throbbing slightly, a reminder of the confrontation that had just taken place.
She let out a quiet groan as she rubbed her wrist, trying to soothe the pain, while she tried to find any available elevator to take her away from the tense situation. The girl reached the end of the hallway and spotted a lone elevator door, its light flickering ominously.
She hurried towards it, eager to escape the oppressive atmosphere of her father's presence. The elevator dinged open just in time, and she stepped inside, grateful for the temporary reprieve.
However, she was surprised to see another face already inside, a familiar one that made her heart skip a beat. One of her father's companions, Aventurine, who was also surprised to see her, quickly composed himself with a charming smile.
"Well, if it isn't the daughter of the infamous Dr. Ratio," he said, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you'd be at home, stuck in your room to do your father's bidding." A smirk played on his lips as he leaned casually against the elevator wall, his eyes never leaving hers.
"N-No, I just found myself hanging around the lobby," she stammered as she tried to hide her wrist behind her , feeling a mix of nervousness and curiosity at his unexpected presence.
Aventurine chuckled softly, his gaze holding a hint of mirth as he replied, "Well, lucky for you, I happen to be heading to the same floor. Mind some company?"
The girl looked at him warily, unsure of his intentions. Likely, Aventurine noticed her hesitance, as he quickly added, "Gotta leave your uncle hanging? I'm wounded."
[Y/N] scoffed, trying to hide her smile at his playful teasing. Honestly, it has been a while since the two of them shared a moment like this. Occasionally, her father would forbid her to meet with Aventurine, citing his reputation as a troublemaker. However, from what she observed, Aventurine seemed genuine and harmless, just misunderstood.
It could be her best or worst choice, though, to trust a man like him. He is known to deceive and manipulate others for his own gain. But there was something about the twinkle in his eye that made her want to take a chance and see where this unexpected encounter might lead.
Though it's a bit odd to refer to him as "Uncle," since they were not that close. She decided to take a chance and replied, "Sure, I could use the company."
Aventurine grinned, relieved that she agreed. "Alright, I'm heading to meet Topaz for a mission. Wanna come along?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Huh? I thought you needed company, not someone to tag along on a mission," she replied, slightly confused. Aventurine chuckled. "Who says we can't have a little fun while we're at it?" he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"But I'm not an official IPC member yet. Also, aren't minors not allowed to participate in missions?" she questioned, fiddling with her fingers awkwardly. "Plus, father would be furious if he found out."
Aventurine shrugged and replied, "Don't worry about that. Topaz is cool with it, and we'll make sure you're safe. And as for your father, we'll figure something out." With a reassuring smile, he extended his hand to her. "So, what do you say?"
She wanted to accept the offer but couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for disobeying her father. She wouldn't want to imagine the consequences if he found out about her involvement in the mission; it'd only increase the intensity of her punishments.
Still, with Aventurine by her side, he must know how to keep her safe and calm her father down. Moreover, she lacks the courage to confront him following the events that transpired earlier in the hallway. Plus, it's as if he'll come home when he seldom makes an appearance in the first place.
He wouldn't care anyway; he's too busy worrying about her grades rather than her well-being and safety. That's how it has always been in their relationship—distant and focused on superficial achievements rather than emotional connection.
She let out a deep breath and replied, "Will I be guaranteed protection and safety if I agree to go with you?" Aventure nodded reassuringly. "I promise to keep you safe, no matter what."
The man chuckled and scratched his neck before responding. "Your father may not be pleased with your decision, but I can assure you that you will be protected under my watch. Trust me, I have a reputation for keeping my promises."
[Y/N] looked away for a second as she chewed on her bottom lip. She met Aventure's gaze and nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll go with you," she said softly, a mix of fear and determination in her eyes.
The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open, revealing the ground floor of the building. Aventure placed a comforting hand on [Y/N]'s shoulder, unaware of the slight flinch she gave at his touch, as they stepped out together.
"That's the spirit, kid! I like this new attitude of yours," Aventure said with a grin, leading her towards the exit. "Just stick close to me, and everything will be fine," he reassured her, his tone firm but kind.
Meanwhile, a stressed woman named Topaz had been contacting Aventurine for the past few minutes as they were about to depart on their next mission. Topaz's urgent messages were going unanswered, adding to her frustration as she tried to reach Aventure before it was too late.
Her partner, Numby, a warp trotter, waddled towards their owner as they sensed her distress, nuzzling her hand in an attempt to comfort her. The warp trotter makes a noise that sounds like a mix between a purr and a chirp, hoping to ease Topaz's worry.
Topaz took a deep breath, feeling reassured by Numby's presence, and decided to try reaching Aventurine one more time before they left.
Luckily, he decided to answer this time, his voice coming through the phone with a sense of urgency that matched Topaz's own. "I'm on my way," he said, and Topaz felt a wave of relief wash over her, but she immediately scolded him for taking so long to respond. "What took you so long to prepare? We need to leave now," she said firmly, not wanting to waste any more time.
Aventurine sighed through the phone and replied. "No need to throw a hissy fit, Topaz. I'm already here."
The woman quickly turned around to see Aventurine standing behind her with a sly grin on his face. "You're always so dramatic," he teased, causing Topaz to roll her eyes and smack him playfully on the arm. "Let's go; we have a mission to complete," she said, unable to hide the smile that crept onto her face.
"Ah! Before we depart, I invited someone to join us." Topaz halted , raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Who did you invite?" she asked, curious about the unexpected addition to their mission. Her eyes trailed from him to the figure hiding behind Aventurine; her eyes widened in horror as she realized who the man had invited.
"Why is Dr. Ratio's kid here?!" Topaz whispered as she shook Aventurine by the shoulders. She doesn't know what's going on through that man's brain, but it seems like he's being stupid on purpose by bringing a minor with no experience in combat and negotiation. Worst of all, it seems like death is practically guaranteed with the kid around.
Aventurine merely shrugged and chuckled. "Why not? It might be a good learning experience for the kid," he replied nonchalantly. "Who knows, she might be a qualified employee of the IPC in the future; this is just training for her."
"Aventurine," she hissed, feeling a sense of dread at the thought of having to babysit the inexperienced and naive teenager during their mission. "We can't bear to babysit her while trying to complete our mission. It's too risky and could jeopardize the entire operation," she warned, hoping Aventurine would reconsider his decision. But he just smiled knowingly and said, "Don't worry, I'll make sure she stays out of trouble."
[Y/N] watched the argument (mainly Topaz) between the two adults and felt a sense of unease. She thought Aventurine said Topaz would be cool with it, but it seemed like Topaz was not on board with the idea of bringing a minor along. Of course, she's a fool for believing Aventurine's assurances in the first place.
"Miss Topaz is right; I shouldn't be here," she said as she watched the attention quickly shift to her. Aventurine's smile faltered for a moment before he reassured her, "You'll be fine; just stick close to me." Topaz sighed in resignation, knowing there was no changing Aventurine's mind once it was made up.
[Y/N] quietly whimpered as she looked at Topaz with pleading eyes, hoping to let her not join them on their journey. Meanwhile, Aventurine stared at Topaz dauntingly, silently daring her to object further. With a heavy heart, Topaz reluctantly nodded in agreement, realizing that she had no choice but to allow [Y/N] to come along despite her reservations.
"Ugh, fine! You can come, but you better listen to everything I say," Topaz grumbled, already dreading the added responsibility. Aventurine's expression immediately lit up with a victorious smile, satisfied that [Y/N] would be joining them.
"See? She finally agrees," Aventurine said smugly, turning to [Y/N] with a knowing look. The young girl just gave Aventurine a weird look and then sighed in defeat.
The three of them set off on the spaceship, with Topaz feeling a mix of annoyance and resignation at the situation. As they stepped inside, many staff members quickly noticed an unfamiliar face and demanded identification from [Y/N].
Topaz sharply dismissed their concerns, assuring them that [Y/N] was with them. The staff members reluctantly backed off, allowing the trio to continue on their journey without further interruption.
The woman sat on the plush seat and fastened her seatbelt as she instructed the young girl to do the same, preparing for takeoff. The spaceship hummed to life, the engines roaring as they lifted off the ground, propelling them into the vast unknown of space.
Turning to face the man seated next to her, [Y/N] inquired. "Where are we going exactly, Mister Aventurine?"
Aventurine pouted at the label of "Mister" but couldn't help but smile at the woman's curiosity. He leaned in closer and whispered the destination in her ear, relishing the surprise and excitement that lit up her face in response. The woman's eyes widened in amazement as she realized they were headed to a planet she had only ever dreamed of visiting.
"Really? Xianzhou Loufu?" The girl whispered excitedly, her heart racing with anticipation. It is the home of the Foxians and long lived beings who were rumored to possess mystical powers. She was introduced to the idea by one of her peers, who's been dedicated to researching the legends and history of Xianzhou Loufu.
Aventurine nodded, smiling at the woman's enthusiasm. "What made you so interested in Xianzhou Loufu?" he asked, genuinely curious about the woman's passion for the mysterious planet.
The young girl's eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to recount the stories and myths that had captured her imagination and fueled her desire to explore their wonders. For the last few interactions he had with the young girl, this was the first time he had seen her so animated and eager to learn more about a specific topic, possibly the happiest time he had ever seen her.
It was a welcome change from her usual reserved demeanor.
He quietly huffed a small laugh. He'd bet a million credits that the doctor has something to do with this. Whatever, he's not going to spoil the fun if he brings up the doctor in conversation.
Aventurine continued to listen intently, soaking up every detail the girl shared about the wonders of the universe. He may not be her father, but in that moment, he felt a sense of paternal pride in the young girl's enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, Topaz watched the interaction between the two individuals with a soft smile after she was preoccupied with giving commands to the crew. For someone who's cunning and deceiving, it's rare to see Aventurine show such genuine emotion towards another person. It was a side of him that Topaz had not seen before, and it intrigued her.
He often joked that he was good with kids during their missions, but in that moment, there was clear more to him than just his usual bravado. Perhaps he sees something in [Y/N] that reminds him of his youth.
With a sigh, Topaz caressed Numby in her lap and raised her head to gaze at the vast stars overhead. Either way, it was a refreshing change to witness a softer side of Aventurine, one that made him more human in Topaz's eyes.
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starzeyquee · 28 days
Idk anything abt him nor ikepri nor any ikemen game actually (yet) BUT!!!1!1 his design is so cool so here's a sketch👍 (also how does tumblr work help)
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176 notes · View notes
starzeyquee · 28 days
Idk anything abt him nor ikepri nor any ikemen game actually (yet) BUT!!!1!1 his design is so cool so here's a sketch👍 (also how does tumblr work help)
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176 notes · View notes
starzeyquee · 1 month
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my otp y'all just don't get it
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starzeyquee · 1 month
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Quick sketch of Kate and Jude because I cannot FUNCTION without thinking of them
@starzeyque on twitter/Instagram
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starzeyquee · 1 month
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I did a thing :3
Starzeyque on twitter/Instagram
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starzeyquee · 1 month
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idk why seeing them smile without teeth makes me laugh so much
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starzeyquee · 2 months
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WC: 1,745 Writing Prompt: Play Fighting/Playing with Hair Pronouns: She/Her Tags: SWF ┃Modern AU ┃Road Trip ┃Fluff ┃Slice of Life ┃Pinching Kisses┃Established Relationship┃Teasing Dividers: @natimiles This may potentially have a part two! [Master List] [Invitation to Crown]
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Arid desert air swept through the hair of three beautiful Crown members riding in a black convertible as it sped down the blacktop that stretched for miles beneath them, just as the boundless blue sky did above them. The static of an FM radio played even though no one was listening to it, and a cloud of smoke that breezily escaped Jude’s lips, quickly disappeared into the air. Lying reclined in the passenger seat with his feet propped on the dashboard, he finished the cigarette he smoked right after he woke up from a rare nap that he usually wouldn’t take.
As Ellis drove them towards their destination that was still a few hours away, Jude had intended to review his prospective business partner’s profit and loss statements they’d submitted to him one more time, but the hot climate had relaxed his tense muscles into a much needed slumber. Jude lifted his black, round sunglasses and massaged his eyes in order to rid himself of his last bit of drowsiness, when he started to wonder if she had gotten any rest herself?
She hadn’t slept since departing from London for their overseas trip. It was like she was hardwired the entire flight. If she wasn’t looking out the window snapping pictures of the clouds or of the food that was served to them in the first class cabin, she was hard at work, arranging Crown’s ever-growing missions itinerary, along with his own work schedule. She was skilled and diligent, but this was concerning.
Subtly turning his his head to find her laying down in the back seat, Jude found her typing away on her tablet and check her watch for messages.
“That damned princess is going to work herself to death,” Jude grumbled under his breath.
Ellis said, “She’s been awake the entire time. What’s wrong, Jude? I thought you liked it when we work hard for you, it makes you happy doesn’t it?”
“The hell it does. I may wanna work ya both to the bone, but if ya work yourselves to death, then I just lose out when ya both die of exhaustion.”
The entire point of inviting her to tag along on this trip was to get her away from Crown for a while. Yes, while it was her choice to be a part of it’s darkness, and by extension, the darkness of his world due to the enemies he’s accumulated along the way of growing a successful business. But, Jude still felt disgusted at himself for grabbing hold of her and keeping her in his clutches when she offered herself and her love to him.
Poor lil’ bird. He’d often think this since she had no one who could save her from him now, but every once in a while, he simply wanted her to experience a somewhat normal life - one she would’ve had if she hadn’t chose him and Crown. And this business trip for his first overseas venture afford the perfect opportunity to do just that.
After a short while, Jude felt her wrap her arms around him from behind, and looking up at her as she looked down at him, he watched her hair dance wildly in the wind.
“So, how much longer before we get there?” she asked him.
Jude grabbed her face with his hand and slightly shook it, “What are ya, five? Get off me.”
“No.” she snapped back playfully while sticking her tongue out at him.
“Careful princess, I’ll clip that tongue off if ya get too sassy with me.”
She laughed at him and shifted her head around the head rest to place her face closer to his, and asked him, “Really? Ya promise? Remember, contract’s a contract, even if it’s just a verbal agreement.”
Imitating his accent and snarky attitude, she kissed his cheek and chuckled at him. The sweetness of her kiss spreads over his skin, prompting him to return her love with his own by pinching her cheek hard.
Jude snickers evilly at her pain, “There’s more where that came from princess. Keep it up.”
She pulls her face back and rubs her cheek when Ellis speaks up, “Kate, it’s not safe to be moving around without your seatbelt on. Jude would be unhappy if something happened to you, please put it on, or do I need to hand the wheel over to Jude to go back there and restrain you myself?”
A pair of twilight eyes teasingly peek at her through his sunglasses with a slightly mean smile, and before she could even be attracted to drown in their wicked sweetness, Jude shoved Ellis’ face away.
“Quit makin’ eyes at my woman, ya nutcase and keep ‘em on the damn road instead.”
“Yea, okay,” Ellis smiled and turned his attention ahead of himself.
Turning her attention back to Jude she asked again, “No, but really, why did you have to rent a mansion in the middle of the desert, hours from the city when there’s a perfectly suitable hotel 10 minutes from the business meeting?”
He let an exasperated sigh, “’Cause I can afford to, that’s why. Now, sit back ‘n get some sleep. I don’t want my woman lookin’ haggard for our meetin’.”
Jude puts another cigarette in his mouth, but she grabs it from his mouth and puts it in her own as she goes back to her seat with a triumphant grin on her face.
“I’m not tired, and I’ve rested plenty. Oh! We should pick up some items from the market after the meeting….let’s see….we’ll need a cooler for the cold items, bags of ice, meat, vegetables, fruits…..”
No sooner had she lay back down on her seat had she started making lists and researching local markets.
“Oh, Jude, can you please confirm the tasks that I sent you while you were sleeping? I need to coordinate them with your schedule when we return to London, and - Oh, Victor just sent us more missions that require intelligence gathering, and Ellis there is another scheduled assassination for yourself….”
Growing weary of his love’s constant prattle about work and irritated that she stole his cigarette, Jude climbed into the back seat.
“Hey, Jude! That’s not safe!”
“Can it, Ellis.”
Jude steps into the back seat, grabs his love’s arm to pull her off the seat, and seats her on top his lap.
“Woah, Jude!” The unlit cigarette that she chewed between her teeth fell to the floorboard.
“What? Don’t trust me? ‘Fraid I’ll toss ya out the car?”
“No! But you scared me. What did you miss me that much?”
“Ha!” Jude pinched her thigh through shorts.
“Ouch! Stop pinching me!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her forehead to his.
She looks so tired. The silvery, thin bags under her eyes were worse than he thought, and all of a sudden he felt a pang of guilt for falling asleep while she stayed awake. How was that protecting her well-being? Feeling frustrated at his self-proclaimed failure, Jude determined that he was going to kill that guilt right now.
“C’mon princess, we both know ya love a little pain. Like when I do this….”
His lips caress her earlobe sending a tingly spark through her as he slowly sucked on it for the some time before he bit down on it hard.
“That’s for stealin’ my cigarette and droppin’ it on the floor.”
Hearing her soft moan-filled apology blend into the wind, Jude gently kisses her all over her face, the tip of her nose, her eyelids, and brow bone. Saving her forehead for last he planted the most tender kiss there.
His eyes found her smiling at the shower of love he had just poured onto her, and when she opened her eyes, he said, “’Night, princess.”
Poking her on the forehead, Jude caught his beloved and laid her head to rest in his lap, rolling his eyes that he had to go to such lengths in the first place, but at least now she’s resting.
“That was mean, Jude.”
“Hah? Do ya not see the bags under her eyes? She’s been actin’ like a hyper-active lemur since we left Crown, and now she looks like she damned exhausted panda with circle under eyes!”
“That’s not what I meant….I meant the lie you told her. Aren’t you going to tell her the real reason why we’re staying in the desert? You know about toni-”
“Shuddup, or I’ll shove tumble weed down your throat, ya idiot!” Jude kicked Ellis’ seat as if she would over hear their conversation, though that wouldn’t happen due to the strength of Jude’s ability.
Jude’s nerves chaffed when he thought of the real reason why they were staying in the middle of nowhere, so he tried to distract himself from that any way he could. Jude stared down at his other half, both stroking her cheek and pinching it to his satisfaction now that she couldn’t protest. Noticing her fly away hairs whipping around, he decided to braid her hair to prevent them from hitting her face, and he did just that. In the heat of this quiet desert, he carefully separated and twisted her hair until everything was neatly in place.
She truly was like the Sleeping Beauty of his cursed fairytale, the only good thing about it, and the blessing that offset his curse. Lifting her hand to lips for a kiss it, he gently mumbled against her warm skin, “Love ya, helpless princess.”
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Tag List: @judejazza @ichigostellaglynn @atelierquinn @mrslelouch Please let me know if you want to be added to my tags list.
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starzeyquee · 2 months
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Ikemen boys are (in)correct quotes
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starzeyquee · 2 months
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Chevalier Michel Papercraft
Hi everyone! Sorry for being absent for so long, I ended up being a bit busy irl! However, I did finish this little guy, have fun crafting! 🩷
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starzeyquee · 2 months
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summary: the price she pays for being the adoptive daughter of the outstanding dr. ratio wherein love and support are out of the question.
pairing: dr. ratio. . . hsr (the reader is included)
was it requested? nope
genre: angst, adoptive father x adoptive child trope, lack of love from a parent, burdened by academic pressure, visible favoritism
note: this bond is strictly platonic in the story and also the reader here is around her teenage years, let's say 16-17. this is purely based on fiction, nothing in this fic is really based on the character behind the story. i might also plan to make it a small series as a continuation of this story. wahahaha, this is the first time I'm writing a story after a year so it's to be expected that the quality is not the same as before and some parts might not make some sense.
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In Dr. Ratio's assigned classes, only one qualified student has caught his interest among the other idiotic students he has to deal with daily. Witnessing another genius who stands on the same level as him is a rare opportunity for him to finally engage with someone who understands his complex theories and ideas.
This student's intelligence and passion for the subject matter reignite Dr. Ratio's own enthusiasm for teaching and push him to delve even deeper into the material during their discussions.
The subject itself is significant enough to warrant attention. Many students were initially intimidated by Dr. Ratio's high expectations as they strived to work harder in order to pass his challenging classes. However, envy brewed within some students as they witnessed the special connection he formed with this particular student, leading them to see them as a threat to their own academic success.
It is uncommon to hear Dr. Ratio lavish this student with such praise, but it is an absolute privilege to behold. The student is very lucky to have Dr. Ratio's mentorship and support, as it is clear that he sees great potential in them.
Unfortunately, it is not the student whom Dr. Ratio has adopted and formed a private father-daughter relationship with. The student who always received average grades and rarely stood out in the class is not favored by her adoptive father due to her lack of academic achievement.
Her name is [Y/N] [L/N], and though she is legally adopted, her adoptive father preferred not to share his surname with her, as he only wanted to be associated with excellence.
A found family? No, this was a mistake. [Y/N]'s relationship with Dr. Ratio is more transactional than familial, based on abiding by unrealistic expectations rather than genuine care and connection.
Burdening such weight upon her shoulders has led [Y/N] to constantly strive for perfection to gain her adoptive father's approval, creating a sense of pressure and inadequacy in her academic pursuits.
There were many uncomfortable moments where she tried to persuade Dr. Ratio to see her as more than just a student, but these attempts were often met with dismissal and disinterest.
One day, when she received an almost perfect score on a test she had worked hard to achieve, especially when the subject was not her strong suit, she finally felt a glimmer of hope that maybe she could prove herself worthy in Dr. Ratio's eyes.
At their shared home, she eagerly showed him the test, hoping for praise and validation. "Father, look! I did really well on my test!" she exclaimed, holding her breath in anticipation of his reaction.
Veritas Ratio merely looked at the test paper and scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Why are you so proud of this mediocre performance? You still have a long way to go before I will be impressed," he remarked coldly, crushing her hopes with his harsh words. She felt a sinking feeling in her chest, realizing that no matter how hard she tried, it may never be enough for her father's approval.
"Why can't you be like one of the top students? They always excel in everything they do," he added, his disappointment palpable in his tone.
He shook his head and walked past his daughter without a second glance, leaving her feeling dejected and unappreciated. The girl clenched her fists in frustration, attempting to battle off the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
Upon her firm grip, the paper in her hands crumpled, almost accidentally creating a small hole where her father's words had pierced through her confidence.
This is not fair to her.
Aren't fathers supposed to be proud of their children's efforts and support them unconditionally? Then again, this is Dr. Ratio she is referring to; it's nearly impossible to earn his approval if she's within average.
She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply as her shoulders nearly fell in defeat. In Dr. Ratio's eyes, becoming the ideal student is the only way to repay him for all of his sacrifices to ensure her a comfortable life.
Her having a place to call home and food on the table every day is a great privilege that she was granted because of him. He gave her a second chance to excel in life to secure a future for her to proudly walk on. However, as a teenager in need of unwavering love and support from a figurehead, she wanted her father to be proud of her, or maybe love her the way she is.
Tears were already forming in her eyes when she opened them. She quickly entered her bedroom while trying to stop the tears from falling, but her quivering lips betrayed her attempt at composure.
The cries only increased when she entered her room, following her door lock immediately. She sat on her bed and grabbed the nearest pillow she could find, burying her face in it to muffle the sobs that wracked her body. "What should I do?" Her voice was shaking as she whispered to herself, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions.
One thing that differentiates her from her adoptive father is how she easily adapts to her own emotions. To her perspective, it's considered her strength, but to him, it's considered a weakness.
Another thing that the both of them can't relate to one another besides excellence and personal preferences.
[Y/N] removed the pillow from her face, revealing a visible damp trail of tears on the fabric. Her cheeks hurting from the force of her sobs, she took a deep breath and tried to steady herself.
She was beginning to zone out, her mind wandering to a place of solitude where she could process her emotions without judgment.
"I just want him to be proud of me," she whispered, her gaze undeniably sorrowful as she wiped off the last remnants of tears from her cheeks.
Many days had passed since the embarrassing event, and recalling the painful memory still brought a pang to her heart, but she cringed at the way she presented herself at that time.
She scoffed at herself. "I can't believe I let myself act like that," she muttered, feeling embarrassed and frustrated. "Father wouldn't even approve of my behavior if he saw me like that."
Once more, Dr. Ratio argued that expressing emotion was a sign of weakness, yet she couldn't help but feel exposed in that situation. This is yet another concern besides academic performance: struggling to maintain composure and control over her emotions in front of others.
She could not take the chance of listening to his tirades about self-control. Not when it means that she is being called "emotionally immature" for displaying even the smallest trace of vulnerability and that she is being compared to other students who managed their emotions better than she did.
In her father's sharp words, "Crying is meaningless and only shows that you are unable to handle your own emotions like a mature adult. Take an example from one of your classmates, who always remains composed and never lets their emotions get the best of them. Understand?"
It didn't take a guess who he was referring to; it was always the same student, the one who seemed to have it all together. A card that her father always uses whenever he wants to highlight her shortcomings and push her to be more like the "perfect" student.
She had no choice if she wished to gain his approval; she made a conscious effort to suppress her emotions and put on a facade of strength both in public and to her father, even when she felt overwhelmed inside.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a mild throbbing in her forehead. Gosh, even her physical pain is such a hassle. She massaged her temples, trying to alleviate the discomfort.
Dr. Ratio, however, was occupied conversing with his favorite student. It was the longest record to see him fully engage with someone other than himself.
They both exchanged their own theories or perspectives on the topic at hand, with Dr. Ratio showing genuine interest in his students's ideas and later giving praise for their insightful analysis.
It's a common occurrence between the two of them. After class, Dr. Ratio would sometimes invite the student to one of his discussions in his office, away from the idiotic students who always spoil the intellectual atmosphere.
No one could understand their conversations as much as they do, as they delved into complex topics with ease and understanding that surpassed the comprehension of others.
It irritates the gambler to no end.
Adventurine regarded the exchange with a hawk's eye. He is aware that the doctor has an adoptive daughter from behind the scenes, as he is trusted to keep it a secret from the public.
He isn't stupid enough, though, to ignore the neglect the doctor shows toward her. The doctor's indifference towards his adoptive daughter is evident in the way he rarely mentions her or includes her in any activities, causing Adventurine to question the doctor's responsibility as a legal guardian.
He planned to rile him up with the issue at hand privately today, but with the favored student present, he needed to get them out of the way first.
Before making another flamboyant approach to the doctor, the man quickly fixed his appearance. He opened the door widely and greeted the two individuals with a boyish grin, his arm resting on his waist in a casual yet confident manner.
"Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise to see both of you here. I was just about to discuss something important with the doctor if you don't mind stepping out for a moment." Despite his friendly smile, he spoke with his eyes narrowed toward the favored student.
With an awkward glance at the doctor, the student got up from the chair and excused themselves from the room while Adventurine kept staring at them with a sharp gaze.
With an irritated groan, Dr. Ratio returned his attention to the remaining visitor. He asked sharply, cocking his head suspiciously, "What brings you here, gambler?"
Adventurine chuckled and replied, "What? You should be used to my presence by now, Doctor. I always seem to find my way into interesting situations." He dragged a chair closer and leaned in, observing him with a dead stare.
"Such as?" Dr. Ratio questioned, crossing his leg and tapping his fingers on the armrest. He can already smell trouble from a mile away, and Adventurine was always at the center of it.
Adventurine smirked. "To see you constantly hanging out with the top student instead of your daughter is a bit odd, don't you think?" He straightened his posture and slowly walked towards the doctor, his intimidating purple eyes never leaving his. "Don't tell me that you're forgetting your responsibility as a parent, doctor," he added with a sly grin, his face slowly inching closer to Dr. Ratio's.
Dr. Ratio's expression remained unreadable, but there was a flicker of unease in his eyes as Adventurine's words hung in the air. He is aware that Adventurine is jabbing him where his conscience lies, questioning his priorities and loyalty to his own child.
"Foolish question," Dr. Ratio finally replied, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of defensiveness. "I assure you, Mr. Adventurine, I take my responsibilities very seriously." Adventurine scoffed, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I'm sure you do, Doctor. But actions speak louder than words," he retorted smoothly. "Your child may need more than just assurances."
Dr. Ratio's jaw clenched, a flash of irritation crossing his features before he regained his composure. "You may think you know best, gambler, but meddling in my personal affairs is not your place," he shot back, his tone cool and controlled.
However, Adventurine could see the doubt lingering in Dr. Ratio's gaze, a crack in the facade that only he seemed to notice.
"Suit yourself," Adventurine chuckled, a knowing glint in his eye. "But remember, sometimes a little help is all it takes to make things right."
Dr. Ratio's expression hardened as he glared at him, his resolve unwavering despite Adventurine's words. "What are you trying to propose, gambler?"
Adventurine simply shrugged, his smile never faltering. "Just offering a friendly suggestion; leave the kid to me," he replied casually before turning to leave, leaving Dr. Ratio to ponder his words in silence.
Leave [Y/N] to Adventurine?
He clicked his tongue in disapproval, knowing that trusting the gambler was a risky move. He couldn't ever pass his child to his companion when he knew Adventurine's background was filled with deception and unpredictability. What does he know about parenting anyway?
It's funny that as soon as he thought those words, they stuck with him as well.
What does Dr. Ratio know about parenting? He knows that a parent must always let their children get involved in their academic pursuits if they wish to secure a future or be worthless. He knows that, as a parent, emotions are useless, a distraction from the ultimate goal of one's dream, and an inconvenience to be avoided at all costs.
Dr. Ratio knows what he's doing when it comes to raising successful children, even if his methods may seem harsh to some. He doesn't need someone like Adventurine to remind him about something he doesn't know.
"Insolent fool," Dr. Ratio mumbled, rolling his eyes at the thought of Adventurine questioning his parenting skills. He is confident in his approach and believes in the importance of discipline and focus for achieving success.
It will continue to be that way.
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starzeyquee · 2 months
Hi! You can take your time to write this but can I request for a dying Emma in a battlefield or illness and so on, with either Clavis, Chevalier or Licht by her side?
A little angst and a little hope in this one! Clavis is desperate to keep his beloved Emma by his side as she slowly succumbs to a terrible illness. Approx. 1700 words.
Clavis bent over his desk, gripping the sides so hard his hands ached. There were loose papers scattered across the surface, sheets covered in indecipherable notes. The floor was strewn with books, the couch as well. The only clear spot was a table set up with vials, alembics, glass and ceramic tubes, and beakers. Everything had a faint chemical odor overlaid with sour sweat. 
The prince noticed none of these things. His tired eyes scanned yet another ‘promising’ paper, this time from a doctor in Obsidian. The cure described was similar to a concoction he’d already attempted, with just a few differences in the preparation. Normally, he wouldn’t have bothered testing it, but perhaps it made a difference. Heating the solution twice rather than once and. . .
He hurried to his small chemist set and went to work. 
It took three precious hours to compound the medicine. A waste, if it did not work. Clavis pushed that thought from his mind. If not this attempt, then the next. Or the next. Hope was a fire, devouring his heart, but he would not let go. He would never let go.
He poured the mixture into a ceramic mug. The cup was glazed with bright colors, the handle made to look like bunny ears. There was a face on the other side. A bunny face, if you squinted. Clavis made it for Emma on her birthday. It was meant to be her new teacup but it fit this new purpose just as well. He mixed in two spoonfuls of honey to cover the bitterness.
The hall in front of Emma’s door was full of people. Servants and nobles, villagers from Clavis’ province. Even King Highness was there, leaned up against the wall opposite her door, reading. He nodded to Clavis in greeting, barely looking up from his book. 
Clavis ignored the gesture and hurried into Emma’s room. Cyran sat beside her bed, holding her hand. They were talking about something, whispering. Both fell silent as the prince entered.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Clavis smiled as if his life depended on it. 
Cyran let go of her hand and stood. “I’ll get out of your hair now, my lady. Thanks for humoring me.” He touched her cheek lightly, blinking back tears. 
Emma nodded. “Thank you.” Her gaze moved to Clavis, pale lips turning up in a slight smile. “There you are.”
“I’ll be in the hall if you need anything.” Cyran hurried out, closing the door behind him.
When the soldier was gone, Clavis sat in the chair next to her bed. The smile on his face did not waver as he took Emma’s hand. “I brought you something.”
“A new treatment?” Hope battled with apathy in her tired gaze.
He held up her bunny cup. “Of course. I’m not ready to be Rhodolite’s most handsome widower.” Clavis helped her sit up and watched as she drained the contents of the mug.
Her lips twisted at the bitter medicinal after taste. “Mmmm. Could I have a sip of my tea?”
Clavis made a mental note to add more honey to the next dose. He held the teacup while she drank, noticing the slight tremor in her hands. She looked so fragile. His heart ached as he watched her struggle to swallow. He wanted so badly to make this right. Other men might pray or cry but Clavis was already thinking of how to improve on this treatment. What refined medicines could be added to complement the ingredients. How best to administer.
Her fingers grazed his cheek. “Stop.” Emma smiled up at him, a knowing look on her face. “You’re planning again and I want your attention.”
His laugh was soft, his expression more gentle than anyone outside this room might believe. “Caught me. It seems I married the smartest woman in Rhodolite, not just the most beautiful.” 
“This is the part where you tell me how handsome I am.” He leaned close, kissing her with restrained passion. A slow, sweet kiss that spoke of yearning and lonely nights and the pain of being parted. 
“I think you already know how gorgeous you are. And how brilliant. My amazing husband.” She gazed up at him with so much love that he felt his heart clench in his chest, the steady beat off-tempo for a moment.
Bitterness welled up in him though he tried to ignore it. Amazing. An amazing man would have already found a cure. He was only an amateur meddler. A prankster. But he smiled for her, bottling all the hurt to give her whatever was best in him. “Well, now that you’ve complimented me, I suppose I should reward you.”
He picked a book up from the lower shelf of her night table. “What chapter did we last read?”
Her eyes lit up. Even now, she was eager for her favorite stories. “Chapter 4? When the two patriarchs swear to keep the lovers apart.”
“Ah yes. Here we go. I know my voice is distracting but please try to pay attention to the plot.” He winked. 
Clavis read to her until she slipped into sleep again, and then sat there in silence, watching her. Even now, she was so beautiful. Her lively curls were sweat-damp and dull and her body was so gaunt that he could almost trace the bones beneath her skin. Yet to his eyes, none of that existed. He saw her bright smile, the slight lift of her lips when she realized he was teasing. Her brave face when he presented a new breakfast dish. 
She was the woman he’d come to love without even realizing it until he was so lost in her that he didn’t want to find a way out. He wanted a whole life with her. These few years together were not enough, not nearly enough. 
He stroked her hair. His Emma was still here, and that meant there was still a chance to save her. 
The shaking fit caught him by surprise, though it shouldn’t have. Emma made a small choking sound, breath catching in her throat as her body went rigid. Little tremors raced through her muscles, making her twitch. 
Clavis called for the doctor. It took only a moment for the medical team to push him aside. The doctor and his assistants began assessing her and the prince stepped outside. 
Cyran was just outside, as he’d said he would be. 
“Send for me when the doctor leaves,” Clavis instructed. He forced his smile back into place. He hadn’t realized it slipped until he spoke. His face felt rigid. Numb. His eyes burned. He refused to cry though. Crying for her now would be a betrayal. There was still hope. And he wasn’t going to let go. He had to focus, to be the most clever prince that ever lived. Clever enough to beat this disease before it stole his light away.
It didn’t take Clavis long to find Chevalier. His brother was in the library, a book open as usual. Chev didn’t bother to look up when Clavis came in.
It took everything in him to cross the distance between them. Every bit of courage he possessed to speak. “I’m not good enough to figure this out, Chev. I need -” he cleared his throat, “I need your help.”
Chevalier flipped to the next page, just as if Clavis hadn’t said a word.
“You have to know something, someone. Some way out of this.” Clavis stepped closer. 
“I have to?” Chevalier turned another page. His voice was cold and flat. They might have been discussing the weather, except that Chev never engaged in such small talk.
“You always know the next steps. You anticipate my every move, predict every outcome. I hate you for it. For being such a perfect bastard. But just this once, I don’t care. If it means . . . if it means she lives.”
Chev finally looked up. “People die all the time.”
Clavis felt his hands clench into fists at his sides. “I can’t accept that.”
His brother gave him a cruel smile. “You don’t have a choice.”
He didn’t remember crossing the few steps to the chair Chevalier sat in but one moment he was standing a little ways away and the next, he had Chev’s shirt in his fist, their faces barely a fingers’ length apart. “You bastard. Tell me how to fix this!”
Chevalier’s expression barely changed. “You are even more a fool than she is. Do you think I would withhold a cure? I dislike losing my pawns to no purpose.”
The words were exactly what Clavis should have expected but they hit him like the blow of a hammer. His heart stuttered in his chest. He shook his brother in frustration, tearing his shirt and coat with the violence of his motion. 
What surprised him most was that Chev let him do it. He relaxed into the assault with the grace of a ragdoll. Clavis shook him and drew back his other fist. He wanted to beat him. To hit Chevalier until he forced him to come up with a better answer. He sagged against Chev as the truth sunk into his bones. His brother had no cure, no plan to create one. 
For a moment, neither brother moved. It was the most intimate position they’d held with one another since they were children. Then Chevalier, almost gently, pushed Clavis back until he was standing on his own again, and pried his fingers loose from his shirt. 
“Then I will find a cure on my own.” The words rasped from Clavis’ throat. “I’ll prove I am better than you. And I will keep her here. By my side.”
Something shifted in Chevalier’s cold gaze. It was not ice in his eyes, it was the banked coals of a fire so hot they burned blue. “Do what you like. You don’t need my permission.” 
Clavis smiled so wide that his cheeks hurt. “Remember you said that. Because I am going to spend every coin, use every diplomatic contact, every tool and access I have as your advisor. I will save her.”
The word was so quiet that Clavis almost thought he imagined it. 
“Then you had better succeed. Otherwise, you have wasted my time.” Chevalier gave Clavis a last, hard look, and then returned to his book.
“I will.” Clavis strode from the room, feeling a renewed purpose.
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starzeyquee · 2 months
Wanted to send a fun a little ask from the prompts you posted!
Pit trap
Black licorice
A little thought I had.
( nothing SUPER specific bit thought I'd share anyway) But please, do whatever you feel would fit the choices and scenario best!!
MC is mad at clavis for who knows what, like REALLY mad and clavis just wants to fix it as soon as possible. He can't have his lovely MC mad at him forever after all!
So maybe after trying desperately to talk to her, they both accidentally end up in one of his traps that he had forgotten about. Certainly, I would give them time and space (lol) to talk things out, however upsetting the conversations may be. But it's necessary, and they get through it
You know I adore Clavis ^_^ Here is approx 1300 words of Clavis in a pit trap of his own making . . . a little angsty, a little sweet, a little salty. IkePri New Years Event story!
“I’m not your toy.” She stomped her foot, fists clenched at her sides. Despite her fearsome stance, her eyes were damp with unshed tears.
Clavis chuckled. “My dear, of course you’re my toy. Why else would I play with you, hm? Think about it.” He hoped to tease her out of this snit, and in the meantime, her reaction was simply adorable. Such ferocity!
She let out a long, slow breath, and her shoulders slumped. “You know what? I’m not doing this tonight. I’m tired and I’ve had too much to drink.” Her hand swiped at her eyes, wiping away a tear before it fell. “Goodnight, Prince Lelouch.”
“Lelouch? Since when are we on - hey! Where are you - wait!” Clavis chased after her as she rushed away, down an empty hall. She turned left, then right, trying to lose him. Which was ridiculous. This was his manor, afterall and he knew every nook and cranny. Including - “Don’t go that way! There’s a -”
His warning came too late. His lover tumbled down the hole and landed at the bottom of a pit trap. This one wasn’t too deep, but the walls were angled in and slick. Impossible to climb out of without help. 
Clavis leaned over the edge of the hole and peered down. “Are you alright?”
“Would you just leave me alone?” Her voice was full of hurt, and he though he couldn’t see her face, he was fairly sure she was crying.
He sighed, shrugged, and hopped down after her. The landing hurt a bit more than expected, and he made a mental note to add more padding to the bottom. It wouldn’t do to injure a guest, afterall. 
She looked at him, her eyes wide and her mouth open. “You have got to be kidding me. You followed me into the pit? Seriously?”
“Of course. I’m a gentleman. I can’t let my beloved fall into a pit trap by herself.” He ignored her frown and rolled eyes. 
“Great. So now I’m stuck with you.” She crossed her arms and slumped to the floor where she could rest her head against her knees. 
The position reminded Clavis of a hedgehog, all rolled up, every angle warning him not to touch. Which, of course, made him want to touch even more. Besides, he felt . . . unsettled. She was truly upset with him and it was a bit like having a pebble in your shoe. If the pebble was a hot knife and the shoe in question was your heart. 
“Just until morning. Cyran always does a full check of all operational traps. He’ll find us.”
“Great,” she muttered. 
“It really is! Now I have you in a place where you can’t run away.” Clavis knelt down beside her. 
She peeked at him over her knees. “What do you want, Prince Lelouch?” She said his name and title like an insult, and from her it really did hurt. 
“I want to know why you’re so - so -” his mind ran through possible words. Hurt. Angry. Sad. “bad at taking a joke.” Clavis seized on that one, the one that didn’t make his chest tight and his eyes ache. The one that didn’t whisper, she will leave you too, in the quiet parts of his mind. 
“A joke?” She raised an eyebrow. “You told that nobleman I’m your plaything. Your words! And I . . .” she took a deep breath, wiping furiously at her face as the tears began to fall in earnest. “I thought I meant more than that to you.”
You do. The words didn’t come out aloud though. “I did say favorite plaything. You see? You’re very important to me.”
“See? That. Right there.” She stopped trying to erase the tears and just let them fall. “I like your sense of humor. Your adventurousness. I like that I never know what to expect from you. You upend everything. Turn all the rules on their heads.”
“Yes. I am a very amazing and wonderful prince . . .” Clavis cocked his head. He hadn’t expected compliments. Didn’t understand where she was going with this.
“I love you. I love all those things about you.”
He nodded. “And I love you.”
She gave an exasperated sigh. “But you act like I’m just a toy you own. Replaceable. Something you’ll play with until it breaks and then go out and get a new one. And even if - if you don’t mean it -” Her tears turned into heart rending sobs and the words, whatever they might have been, were lost.
“But . . . there is only one you.” Clavis set a hand on her leg and was surprised when she brushed it away.
“Th-that nobleman doesn’t think so!” Her eyes were red-rimmed, cheeks flushed with emotion. “H-he thinks you can go to town and p-pick up any common girl. I’m j-just some worthless piece of p-pretty trash!” 
Clavis felt his heart clench in his chest. Was this what she thought he meant? Was this how she felt? Her words cut into him, a wound that bled like fire. “I . . .”
“I can’t do this anymore,” she added quietly. 
That calm statement froze his insides. Ice and fire together, burning him. Clavis didn’t care what some nobleman thought of his lover. But her hurt was real. He wondered how long this sorrow and anger had been eating at her. And he hadn’t noticed. He felt dumbstruck. A fool, just as Chev always said. 
“W-when Cyran comes . . . I’m just going t-to take my things. And go.” She sniffled. 
The air left his lungs, and for a moment Clavis was truly struck dumb. He struggled to breathe, to speak. Everyone he loved, left. He would be alone again. “No.”
She pushed the hair out of her face. “What?”
“No.” Clavis reached out and grabbed her hands, ignoring the way she tried to pull back. “I won’t let you go.”
“What are you going to do, tie me up?” A rebellious smile appeared under her tears. 
He smiled back, his heart thudding in his chest. “If I have to.” Clavis swallowed. He hated showing his genuine emotion, his soft heart, but for her . . . anything. “But first, I - I’m sorry.”
Her eyebrows shot up. 
“I’m sorry for calling you my plaything in front of someone too ignorant to understand what that means to me.” He squeezed her hands gently in his. “You are my toy, my most favorite diversion. My very own, irreplaceable, priceless, one of a kind, beautiful, smart, silly, amazing -”
“Clavis, you’re being excessive.” She frowned at him but he noticed her tears were drying up.
“I am never excessive. As I was saying - amazing, wonderful, sweet -” he cleared his throat, “woman, that I love. And I can’t -” he coughed again, “I can’t imagine doing without you.”
Her gaze softened, the anger and sadness in her eyes wavering. 
“Please. Stay by my side?”
“I . . . I don’t know. People are always going to think I’m only in it because of who you are. For the money and privilege.”
Clavis snorted. “No one who knows me will think that. Besides, who cares what idiots say? We’ll just sic Chev on them. Tell him they dog-eared a book page or something.”
She laughed then, and he knew he had her. Relief flowed through him like warm honey, sweet and thick and golden. “I don’t know if I’d want them to die like that,” she mused.
Her smile was everything, he thought. “Well, maybe not dog-eared then. Perhaps . . . cracked the spine a bit? Dropped some coffee on it? No?”
“Pretty sure all of those are a Chevalier death sentence.” She paused and took a shaky breath. “This is why you’re so bad for me, you know? I can be rightly pissed off at you, and you still make me smile.” She shook her head. “It’s bad for my heart.”
“Well. I like your smile. And you are cute when you’re angry so . . . I’m not sorry. I can’t ever be sorry.” Clavis smiled at her. “As long as I get to keep you by my side.”
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