staticjones · 1 year
New release today for my 🌶️ spots. An audio / video combo special. Don’t miss it- I’m running sales to help with moving costs too.
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staticjones · 1 year
there’s a war between Sucking and Fucking
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staticjones · 7 years
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Frat parties are awesome. #whereseddie #chiphi (at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hl)
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staticjones · 7 years
This is life
Little Shuri costume for the cosplay showcase at the Annual Black Comic Book Festival in NYC, 1/13/18.[x]
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staticjones · 8 years
The primality of human nature Should never be forgotten Its feasting and fucking Frightening and life giving Its what binds us And makes us come unglued To deny it or suppress it Is to fail to suck out the marrow from life
Original writing © ThePoeticSir 2016 (via thepoeticsir)
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staticjones · 8 years
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staticjones · 8 years
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staticjones · 8 years
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staticjones · 8 years
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Alternative Pinup
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staticjones · 9 years
Why is it that being broken is romanticized, but only a specific type of being broken?
Starving yourself is dramatic and beautiful but overeating is just disgusting
Hurting yourself by cutting or burning your skin means your scars are beautiful but if you pull your hair out or pick at scabs that’s just gross
Smoking cigarettes or pot is rebellious and cool but the line is drawn when hard drugs are involved
Drinking vodka straight from the bottle is ever so dramatic but when you’re puking and blackout drunk no one thinks that’s poetic
Smudged eyeliner and black clothing makes you mysterious but it stops being attractive when you haven’t showered for a week or changed your clothes
Having depression or anxiety means you’re interesting but having OCD or schizophrenia or bulimia or BPD makes you a freak
Mental illnesses aren’t cool, or pretty, or romantic. It’s not aesthetically pleasing or dramatic or adventurous. It’s not red lipstick and black hoodies and ripped jeans and colorful hair. It’s nausea and exhaustion and acne and infected wounds and vomit and greasy hair and dirty clothes and red skin and bad breath and numbness and fog and desperation.
Stop making it pretty. It only encourages people to keep their unhealthy habits, or start unhealthy habits so they can be cool. It prevents people with issues from fixing them or getting help. And it convinces people who don’t have mental illnesses that life is like a movie and they need a manic pixie dreamgirl or a broken artist boy to make themselves happy.
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staticjones · 9 years
No, you’re not. You’re upset and possibly have your feelings hurt. That’s not what a trigger is. A trigger is caused by a traumatic event that leads to PTSD.
Someone calling you names doesn’t cause PTSD. Someone disagree with you doesn’t cause PTSD. Someone being mean to you over the internet doesn’t cause PTSD.
Self diagnosing yourself with any illness is fucking insulting to those of us with real illness/disorders. Stop making light of real traumatic events and the mental issues that follow. Once again, it’s fucking insulting.
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staticjones · 9 years
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staticjones · 9 years
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staticjones · 9 years
So. Much. Fucking. THIS!!!!!
If I See One More Fucking Person Talking About How "Cute" and "Classy" Betty Page and Old School Burlesque Performers/PinUp Girls were, while calling modern sex workers trashy/gross/etc
I am going to go into full on berserker age.
NO, fuck you.  At the time Betty Page was around, the shit she was doing was transgressive, and shocking and dirty, and if you’d been around there you would have hated her fucking guts because you’re a whorephobic, slut shaming, classist piece of shit, who thinks female sexuality should be nothing but a stylized, tasteful, elegant non-corporeal thing.
The thing is, Betty Page’s stuff was the hardcore gangbang bukkake scene of its time, that was as raw and primal and dirty as it got (without getting really really illegal).  She was in fact MORE marginalized than the pornstars of today, considering that porn was in fact illegal back then, and was involved in a massive obscenity trial.  She lived on the margins of society, and now you have her on your “Oh so cute” fridge magnets as a nice, tasteful, non-threatening image of sex.
As the dirty, trashy slut you fear so much, as a sex worker in this day and age, Betty Page doesn’t fucking belong to you, burlesque sure as shit doesn’t belong to you (I’ve heard burlesque teachers going “it’s so much more about creativity than raunchiness, it’s not like we’re dirty strippers!  EW” needless to say I had to interject “I was a stripper” and make her very VERY uncomfortable) if you’re one of the classy sanitized sexuality past romanticizing fuckwaffles, I fucking hate you.  You owe your performance art that you claim to love SO much to dirty, trashy, declasse bitches like me, so you can suck my left one.
You would not have been a pinup girl, you would have been horrified by the loose morals of the women who posed for that sort of thing.
You would have thought burlesque was tawdry trash.
Only now with the veil of respectability do you claim these outsiders as your icons, only when you can safely ignore the treatment women of “loose morals” always suffer at the hands of people like you
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staticjones · 9 years
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staticjones · 9 years
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staticjones · 9 years
God. Damn.
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