stay-beautifu-l · 6 months
Call me a pick me, but if some creator decides to write about a minority group I belong to but that they themselves are not a part of I'll be willing to overlook small inconsequential inaccuracies as long as the big picture feels accurate and respectful. If we want more representation we can't take the burden of making all of our representation ourselves and let outsiders take a shot at it as long as they're willing to do their research and listen to feedback. And if a little nuance or detail escapes the filter of accuracy I wouldn't mind if the whole sum of its parts is still good rep.
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stay-beautifu-l · 6 months
thinking about how i believe TTPD is going to be not only the story of a relationship breaking down, but also what happens when you realize the stories you’ve been telling yourself about your own life aren’t true. an album about writing!
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
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Everyone in MCU: dealing with multiverse problems (and probably depression)
Sam and Bucky: enjoying their honeymoon? 🤔
IG: mintysarts
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
the more new marvel content I see, the more marvel fanfiction I consume that has the vibes of 2012 where the avengers just chill in the tower. at this point I literally have no idea what’s actually happening in canon I only know friendship and pancakes and hurt!loki getting the love and appreciation he deserves
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
sam and bucky, back from their honeymoon still in their swim shorts:
strange and peter standing in the spacetime rift: it’s not as bad as it looks
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
I started thinking absently about Steve Rogers’ jogging route during my run today and then i couldn’t STOP thinking about it because there’s literally NO WAY it makes sense unless you accept that he is specifically fucking up his entire morning routine to get another look at the cute boy he clocked on his run. I got home and started to make a post about it but it was like
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so you’re just going to have to trust me 
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
Marvel characters as the colors of the rainbow/mood boards
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
Hmmmm never thought of it this way
okay, just some things i want to point out about Duncan
So, in Monsters At Work, when we get introduced to Duncan, we find out that he has an emotional support animal named Roto. This got me thinking: why does Duncan need an emotional support animal? 
In real life, some conditions that can make a person eligible to having an emotional support animal are things such as: mild to severe anxiety, PTSD, a fear of being outside one’s home or of flying, depression, general anxiety disorder, stress-induced situations, or social shyness. They can help increase self-esteem and motivation, provide comfort when feeling lonely, are an unconditional source of love and companionship, and they can make making friends easier as they are good conversation starters.
With this in mind, if you look at some of Duncan’s current behavior
In both episode 2 and 3, after the M.I.F.T team is done with their jobs, Duncan is physically exhausted. Like, after getting the door stabilized and getting Mike down from the door conveyor, Duncan can barely lift himself out of the pit and when he gets onto the floor he is PHYSICALLY dragging himself over.
A similar event happens during episode 3 after Cutter reactivates the door and Duncan SHOVES Val and Tylor out of the way as if they were blocking him at all and is AGAIN slouched over dragging himself out of the room, completely out-of-breath. He’s literally coughing during this, for crying out loud! All he did was pretend to be a human baby in a crib, not run a marathon. Why would he be so physically drained?
In episode 3, when Fritz asks Duncan to take Tylor on a 418 and Duncan says no, Fritz does not argue or ask why. He just accepts that Duncan has said no. You can see that as Fritz respecting Duncan as an employee with higher ranking in M.I.F.T. and therefore has more power to sort of do what he wants, but I’d like to think this was Fritz accepting that Duncan didn’t want to/wasn’t comfortable doing something for some reason, and that he is REQUIRED to respect that. Duncan set a clear boundary and that is considered law.
Plus, in the 2nd episode where Duncan angrily corrects Tylor on Roto being an emotional support animal and not a pet makes me think that while Duncan doesn’t specify WHY he needs an emotional support animal, he isn’t ashamed to correct Tylor. He is in fact quite offended that Tylor would consider Roto being there as just something Duncan FEELS like doing, not something that Duncan NEEDS to have. 
It makes me wonder that maybe Duncan has had a rough time in the past with people disregarding his emotional/mental needs and is now very hostile and defensive towards it. However, he isn’t ashamed of it, like maybe he has no problem with being honest about having an emotional support animal because it’s a form of self-advocacy and assuring he and his limits are respected and acknowledged, but he isn’t willing to say WHY because he’s convinced that people will tell him he’s making it up or exaggerating, or just make fun of him for it. 
Granted, if Duncan was lying about this, I wouldn’t be too surprised, but I think Duncan is being honest and that the reason we haven’t heard why he needs Roto is because the reveal is supposed to mean something important. Maybe to just Duncan, but I also think that there’s another reason…
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
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fun fact i love monsters at work also duncan is the best
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
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The best series of tweets today. No I'm not accepting criticism.
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
I did not expect the answer to “why do a ton of the female characters in Monsters Inc/University/At Work give off such major lesbian vibes” to be “because the producer of MI and the producer of MU are a married lesbian couple who started dating while working on the former” and yet here we are
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
I’m gonna make this my profile pic one day
Crowley is such a drama queen I can't-
Just look at him
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Aziraphale is just shocked and like "oh my dear what was that??"
But Crowley is so intense
I mean
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"SoMeOnE tEll mY ObLivIoUs hUsbAnD I lOvE HiM"
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
So my wonderful @uncapedcru5ader pointed out something interesting that I had never noticed before while we were watching Good Omens together:
For the entirety of episode 5 and about half of 6, Crowley stops calling Aziraphale "angel" and starts referring to him only by his actual name.
The first time (chronologically) that Crowley calls Aziraphale "angel" (at least as far as we can know) is during the French Revolution.
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So since at least 1793, Crowley has always called Aziraphale "angel". (Except for one time, a very serious time, when he calls him to talk about the beginning of the end of the world.)
And then - they have a fight. And he stops.
Episode 4: Saturday Morning Funtime.
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"I'm going home, angel. I'm getting my stuff and I'm leaving. And when I'm off in the stars, I won't even THINK about you."
That was the last time (for a while) that Crowley called Aziraphale "angel."
In the bookshop fire, he calls him Aziraphale.
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When he sees him again after thinking he was gone forever, he calls him Aziraphale.
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Every time he refers to him, its not "angel", it's "Aziraphale."
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Crowley doesn't call him "angel" again until it's (mostly) over, after Armageddon’t.
This is unusual behavior for someone who has been calling his lover friend the same pet name nickname for over 200 years. So why the change?
It's not that he doesn’t want to call him "angel" in front of other people. He's done that loads of times before, and, frankly, they have more important things to worry about then.
It’s not that he’s too mad at Aziraphale to call him a pet name nickname. As seen above and in 1862, he calls him “angel” even during their fights.
No, Crowley’s worried that they aren’t there anymore. He’s worried that Aziraphale really meant it when he said “it’s over”, that he isn’t his angel anymore and is just Aziraphale now.
I am sure that while Crowley was drowning his sorrows after the fire, the last thing he said to Aziraphale kept playing over and over in his mind. Crowley has a temper. He says things he doesn’t mean when he gets angry. He knows that that was a complete lie.
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But Aziraphale doesn’t.
Even after the discorporated Aziraphale shows up, Crowley has got to be thinking: “Damn it, I really screwed it up this time. I’ve hurt my best friend and he’s probably still mad at me. Probably the only reason he’s still associating with me is because he needs my help to save the world.”
If you ask me, Aziraphale showing up was the only reason Crowley left that bar to go save it. If Aziraphale needed his help to save the world, than by god satan, Crowley was going to pull himself together and help him save it, whether Aziraphale was mad at him or not. Because, to him, a world with Aziraphale in it was a world worth fighting to save.
But I digress.
So Crowley pulls himself together. He’s not exactly sure where he stands with Aziraphale, but they work together to try to save the world. And the entire time, Crowley doesn’t call him “angel”, because, as far as he knows, Aziraphale is still mad at him.
And then - they win. They stand against horsemen, their respective bosses, and even Satan himself, and they win. That night, after they’ve saved the world together, Crowley and Aziraphale sit at a bus stop. It’s dark and quiet and it’s just the two of them. And Crowley tests the waters.
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He gently, ever so gently tries to nudge Aziraphale and himself back to where they were. He doesn’t growl “We’re on our side”, like at the bandstand, he doesn’t plead with Aziraphale to go off with him. He softly remarks that they have their own side now, and offers to let him stay with him, if Aziraphale wants.
For once in his life, Crowley is moving slowly.
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And Aziraphale appreciates it and accepts him.
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
FINALLY found an article confirming they used a theremin in the Loki soundtrack:
"The music of “Loki” is a bold combination of a traditional orchestra with vintage analog synthesizers, Scandinavian folk instruments and the weird, unsettling electronic sounds of the theremin, once associated with ’50s sci-fi movies.
“He’s a kind of grand, Machiavellian character,” Holt tells Variety from her London studio. “And Tom Hiddleston’s performance has a touch of Shakespeare to it. So I wanted to give him some gravitas and classical weight to his theme, but also have this space-age sound as well.”
Theremin are dope as fuck. They're an electronic instrument built with two antenna creating an X and Y axis, and it's played by making precise hand movements in the space between without ever actually touching anything.
Even if you haven't heard of it, if you've ever seen a science fiction movie from the fifties or sixties, you've heard it.
Here's one in action (skip to about 1:20 if you're in a hurry):
You can first hear it in the main theme starting at about 0:50:
Such a perfect instrument for whatever sort of aesthetic they were going for. I still don't know what to call it, but they nailed it.
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stay-beautifu-l · 3 years
Loki: So you’re telling me I have no free will? Mobius: No, you have free will.  You chose to veer off the timeline.  That’s why we arrested you and pruned all your other variants! Loki:
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