staysgalaxy · 2 years
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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#HappyMinhoDay ・゚✧  
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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Boy with the cheeks
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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He did this for what???
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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felix ❅ GQ KOREA interview
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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happy stay day ♡
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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HAN-dol, world star (?)
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
hyunjin and jeongin being adorable ❣️
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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for a dtiys hosted by @/yasaeh on twitter
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
One’s Promised (Part 5/5)
A/N: So I’m sorry for going on an unannounced hiatus. But I hope I made up for it with this long ass chapter/part whatever.  
Description: Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
Pairing: Bucky x Fem/Reader
Word Count: 8,842
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Y/N was sat the edge of her bed, fully dressed in her tactical gear. Her eyes were dry and bloodshot from the tears, her lips cracked. She loaded bullet after bullet into multiple guns, sharpened half a dozen knives that would be hidden across her body, and cleared her mind of every distraction. The apartment was so quiet that all Y/N’s ear could hear was the ticking of the clock in her kitchen.
Suddenly her burner phone was buzzing on her nightstand. She picked it up without saying anything.
“Infiltration is a go. The helicarriers will be up in an hour. Meet us at SHIELD’s base.”
Y/N said nothing. She didn’t need to. Hanging up the phone, she left her apartment and made her way to her Triumph in the basement garage.
Keep reading
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
🌿 | So, Will You Go Out With Me?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky asks you for dating advice just so he could ask your oblivious ass out on a date.
Word Count: 2k
Warning(s): Fluff, sad reader (for a bit) , Oh! a lil angst tooo.
A/N: Sorry! I know I write so much fluff and Bucky content. Most of my notes are Bucky fics. I'll be doing more than writing fluff soon :)). I hope you enjoy this one! There is a little flashback in italics. I've also noticed that my Bucky fics are more popular than the others I post (so I'll probably get my Bucky fics in).
⤑ Feel free to add yourself to my taglist here .
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
"Please y/n, help me. I need advice with asking someone on a date" that full-hearted sentence made your heart drop. Your best friend asking you for dating advice. You look at him in the eye as he pleads to you, Bucky Barnes, your best friend of five years, asking for dating advice.
You sighed, reluctant to agree, "Of course, Buck", you smile, propping yourself up from the burrito blanket he so desperately pulled you out of. "There's this girl" that made your heart sink further into the depths of your chest. "Go on, Buck?" You watch as he intently describes a girl with love heart eyes.
"She is kind, silly, warm; she's everything I love about a person. I love her so much y/n… you don't understand" he rolls next to you, laying beside you. You sat there watching the ceiling, your eyes focused on the intricate detail of the patterns that paved the walls of your bedroom.
You smile, trying to mask the fact that you were about to cry, listening as your best friend spoke about someone he seemed to be so infatuated with. He turns to his side, watching you as you continue to stare up, "so? How would you ask someone out y/n" he gleefully asks.
You pull your attention out of your own thoughts, turning to face him. He stares directly at you, smiling as he skims over your features; you let out a sigh as you tuck your hands under the side of your head resting on them. "Just ask her, buck; you'll know what to do." You look at him lightly, continuing. "And if she says no, then it is well and truly her loss, huh loser?" You chuckle playfully, punching his shoulder to lighten up your dull mood. "No… doll… Actually, I think it would be my loss" he half-heartedly smiled at you.
"Don't be like that, Buck, any girl who can't see what a catch you are is at a total loss. You butt face. Take Nat and Steve, for example" he grinned, knowing exactly what you were talking about. By the second, your heart broke more, oh how you couldn't stand to see him happy with someone other than you. But you couldn't think like that, as long as he was your friend, he'd always been in your life.
"Y/n?" He sighs, playing with the end of the pillow he was hugging ever so tightly. "Buck?" You watched him. "What is your ideal way for someone to ask you out" you were taken aback by this, but of course, you thought nothing of it; he was trying to get ideas on how to ask this mystery women out. "Uh… hm… well." You glare at him, pointing your finger at him sternly, warning him, "If I tell you, you better not use this to ask your girl out".
You gave him your look, which made him lightly laugh. "I make no promises," he spoke, which earned him a hard slap to his vibranium arm, instantly making you retract your hand and shake it in intermit pain. "ouch fuck... I need to stop doing that" Bucky laughed at your wit. He loved that about you; Bucky just wondered why you could never see that.
You'd do just about anything clumsy when everyone was looking; he looked at your hand, rubbed the back of it softly. His touch made it feel just a bit better; you smiled, looking back at him "clumsy doll…" he said, which only made your heart flutter more and your eyes roll. "So are you going to tell me?" you mentally face-palmed yourself "right, of course," you lightly smiled, thinking about how you'd want to be asked out on a date.
You made your face, looking up, squinting your eyes as you tried to think it out thoughtfully; that's the girl he'd fallen in love with years ago when you both first met. He couldn't help but smooth his eyes over your beautiful features as you conjured a thoughtful way to tell him how you'd want to be asked out on a date.
"Well…" you finally let out, looking back to him. You watched as he smiled, which only made you smile "this generation really sucks…. Sometimes I think to myself that there isn't a gentleman left in this world. So, If I ever wanted to be asked out, I'd hope that he'd bring me some of my favourite flowers. Bucky smiled, making a mental note, your favourite flowers were tulips and irises; of course, he knew this.
He was absolutely in love with you. "he'd hug me, handing over the flowers for me to smell. No doubt that I'd probably be clumsy because you know me," you nudge Bucky's shoulder cracking the joke all the while nervously laughing.
"I do… I do know you," Bucky knowingly said; you furrowed your brows hearing his comment. Your head spinning, Buck, if only you knew how much I loved you...
"A simple date would be an amazing one, no fancy dinners, restaurants, no expensive gifts. Just him, me and my new flowers," you giggled. "Go on", he smiled as you spoke so highly of your ideal date; he knew there was more to it. "We'd stay in, watch a film or two. Eat all the snacks we could imagine. Enjoy each others company. Until the early hours of the morning where we lightly play 40's music and dance together," he couldn't help but smile.
Bucky knew that he was the one to have gotten you into 40s music. His favourite music, for that matter. From the moment he introduced you to the 40's era, he knew that it was always you, you who he loved. But he also knew that his best friend was too oblivious to see that he loved you so much. Everyone, including him, knew you loved him just the same; you just didn't think you were that obvious when it came to Bucky.
"Bucky, I swear to god. She is the most oblivious person, I am telling you. Just ask her for dating advice; I guarantee you that she won't know you were asking about her". Bucky talked to Nat, Wanda, Steve and Vision about asking you out on a date. He laughed, knowing it was true. He loved your bubbly personality. You told Nat everything, so in hindsight she was the greatest best friend you could ever have; she told Bucky that you felt the same and to that he was ecstatic.
"Uh… yeah. That's it. Maybe something along the lines of would you go on a date with me?" You smiled, finishing your little ramble. He just smiled. "Thanks, doll. That is an amazing idea. I know exactly what to do" you just looked at him. "Bucky…. Don't you dare use my I-" he cut you off, quickly jumping off your bed. "THANKS, DOLL ILL SEE YOU LATER" you couldn't help but smile at how excited he was; although it physically pained you, his smile always brightened your day.
"CLOSE MY DOOR, BUCK" you yelled back, and he did. The silence is louder than ever before. All you could do now was smash your face into your pillow and shove the blanket over your head. Curl yourself back into a warm blanket burrito to only cry into your soft pillow. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep after you had turned on your 40's playlist Bucky made for you; all you wanted to do was mope around and fake any emotion over the next few weeks.
It was now a few hours later, just hitting 9 o'clock. Snuggled warmly in your blanket, yawning, you got up, eyes still closed, walking into your bathroom. Grabbing a hair tie, you bunched your thick hair into a bun on the top of your head. You walked back out, taking one last yawn before walking sleepily back to your bed, contemplating if you just wanted to go back to sleep. Without noticing Bucky, you hopped back onto your mattress, snuggling back under the sheets. "Hi, doll", you quickly opened your eyes, screaming slightly in shock. "AHHHHH BUCKY" you yelled, falling off your bed, taking the blanket with you. You could hear him laugh.
You groaned as he peeked over the edge of your bed to find you just lying there not wanting to move "Buck…. What are you doing." You sighed, not noticing your favourite flowers he had in his hand. You closed your eyes "shouldn't you be asking someone on a date?" You sleepily asked him, this gains a chuckle from him, "I am doll" your confused face plays as you open your eyes as he lies on his stomach on your bed watching you softly.
"Huh?" You look at him and notice as he brings your favourite flowers into view. "Would you like to go on a date with me y/n?" He beamed. You instantly shot up from the floor, looking at him suspiciously. "Buck? This isn't funny." your first thought, thinking he was joking with you. "I'm serious y/n."
He sat on the edge of your bed. Closer to where you stood, he took the flowers from your hands, leaving them on the bed. You were observing his every move, but when he pulled you close to him, you realised he wasn't joking, not one bit.
He held your waist firmly, looking up to your eyes "so? Will you go on a date with me, doll?" He smiled at you; you fell into his arms, letting your face softly crash with his chest. He hugged you softly, hearing your slight sniffles. Your watery eyes staring back at him "of course I would, Buck. But how-" he laughed lightly, cupping your face. "Because I've loved you since the day I first met you" those words melted your heart. "You're it for me, doll... Always have been. I can't believe you couldn't see that I loved you" he kissed your forehead.
You smiled brightly, cupping his face leaning in to give him the most loving kiss. "Nat told you, didn't she?" He nodded, pulling you closer into the kiss. "I didn't need her to tell me what I already knew y/n". You smiled, embarrassed that all this time he knew. "My gosh… I was going to mope around because I-… I thought you were asking someone else".
He chuckled, pushing the hair from your face behind your ears. "You were always going to be the one I asked. I'm sorry it just took me til' now to ask" you quickly shook your head. "I'm sorry too… I should've just said something," you physically face-palm.
He smiled as he pulled you onto the bed before bringing take-out and snacks onto the bed. "So doll…. I recall you saying something about snacks and movies?" You nodded "of course", you looked at Bucky, who was setting up the Pizza and two bag loads of snacks. You took the blanket, wrapping it around the pair of you, wrapping one hand into his. Bucky calms under your touch, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this" you smiled at him, he leans in to kiss your soft lips. "I've been waiting for an eternity for you butt face" you chuckled and snuggled close to him as you play dirty dancing.
Both of you sat enjoy each others company eating food, wanting nothing more than to enjoy the moment both of you had been waiting a long time for. Watching film after film until the early hours of the morning, until Bucky had turned the music on from the T.V playing some 40's slow dance music.
"May I have this dance?" Bucky extended his hand out to you.
"Depends on how good you can dance", you smirked.
"I'll save the good moves for our wedding day; right now, all I can give you is the reassurance I won't step on your toes like last time."
"You're thinking so far ahead, Buck", you chuckled, slipping your hand into his as he pulled you closer to him.
You rested your head on Bucky's chest as the pair of you slowly danced around the room, with the moonlight shining through the curtains. "But one day I will, that's a promise."
"Well, I look forward to the day that promise is met" your arms now hugged around his torso, swaying left and right together.
"I do too," he smiled, resting his chin softly on your head.
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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Now you’re gonna know us Hail to the king and queen of the ruckus
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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staysgalaxy · 3 years
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