stconline Ā· 6 years
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My STC Archive - Final Day
Exit: Sonic (Part 2) from STC #275 (2018)
It took a little longer than expected but here we are, the conclusion to Exit: Sonic!
I spoke about the genesis of getting the story together in the previous post so Iā€™ll talk about the art this time:
Most of the ā€œbigā€ STC stories that everyone talks about were usually written by Nigel Kitching and drawn by Richard Elson - there were so many other incredible talents on the comic but a lot of discussions always come back to those two because of stories like ā€˜The Sonic Terminatorā€™, the Knuckles and Death Egg stories, 'The Brotherhood of Metallixā€™, 'Running Wildā€™, the Drakon Empire stories, the final run featuring Chaosā€¦
Those stories are what first drove me to *really* start drawing comics and I always hoped Iā€™d be able to come close to the incredible talent that Elson showcased - in fact, to this day when writing a Sonic story, itā€™s Elsonā€™s art style that I see in my head while Iā€™m putting it all together.
I knew for this final STC story from Nigel Kitching that I needed to pull out all the stops and push myself to produce not only the best work Iā€™ve done for the comic, but also to give it as much classic Elson style as possible.
From the character designs and poses to the background style, I researched the Elson STC back catalogue extensively to consider how he would have put the scene together and then merged that with my own style to create something thatā€™s hopefully still unique but the homage and influence is clear.
Beyond that, I also attempted to find ways to homage certain scenes from the comics history too. Page 3 is one big homage in the scenes. Panel 1 being based on the infamous scene in STC #35 where Robotnik had been captured and Porker Lewis is attempting to interrogate him for information while panel 2 recreates the camera angle used in STC #123 when the Drakons invaded the Emerald Chamber!Ā 
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Page 7 recreates the iconic Super Sonic pose used in 'Running Wildā€™ through to 'The Final Victoryā€™ in STC #100 only using the more modern character style from later issues such as STC #184.
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Page 8 takes inspiration from both STC #184 and the incredible splash page of Sonic fighting the Knuckles Metallix.Ā 
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Thereā€™s even a homage to Nigel Kitchingā€™s cover from STC #86 on page 12!
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What else is there to say about Exit: Sonic?
Originally Nigel K had asked for an entirely new look for Amy Rose, and I did begin sketching some ideas (I shouldā€™ve asked Richard Elson as the look he created for the STC25 exclusive poster was incredible!) but after we lost a beloved member of the team, Matt Dittmer, earlier this year - Amy was his favourite character so I decided to keep the classic look only make the top black instead of white as a mark of respect. That splash panel of Amy kicking Robotnikā€™s butt is my tribute to Matt.
The final pages had to have panels modified and re-drawn as after Iā€™d quizzed him, Nigel K realised heā€™d forgotten to include a key plot point in the script so the ending as originally drawn didnā€™t make sense, oops!
I was originally going to draw the epilogue but Nigel K really wanted to so how could I turn him down? It looks stunning and is a perfect cap to the tale!
The story as originally pitched turned out quite differently to what I thought it was originally going to be - I knew there was a misdirection over Sonicā€™s ā€œillnessā€ but I had no idea Kintobor was returning (for good this time!) until I got the second part of the script just a month before we were aiming to launch the story - it certainly gave me a shock!
It was an absolute privilege and honour to get to draw a (second) story written by Nigel Kitching - As Iā€™ve probably said many times before, so many of his stories from Sonic the Comic are still etched into my mind 25 years later and had so much influence on my formative years, I still hold Decap Attack single-handedly responsible for my twisted sense of humour! With 'In Memoryā€™ it was a more straight-forward affair of receiving a script and drawing it so to get to commision 'Exit: Sonicā€™ and collaborate with Nigel on it was a super rewarding experience - certainly one I never imagined Iā€™d get, so thank you so much for not only taking the time to come back to STC for one more epic tale, but allowing me to come along for the ride!
Even though he didnā€™t directly collaborate on Exit: Sonic, I have to say a huge thank you to Richard Elson - his art in the comic inspired me so much and was such a major influence on this story.
Another STC artist whose work inspired me so much (I have a page of his original art from STC #66 on my wall) and deserves a huge chunk of praise is Nigel Dobbyn - who took my inks and elevated them to a whole other level with his amazing colours. I canā€™t thank Nigel enough for being willing to take the time to colour Exit: Sonic!
I am genuinely so happy with the way this story has turned out, it may have exploded from the original 7 pages to 17 but I poured so much of my love for STC into the art and I hope it shows. I devoted every ounce of time I had outside of my job and sleeping (oh, and STC #275 and 'The Battle for Drakā€™ and the STC25 convention!) to put this story together over the first half of the year and I think theyā€™re the best pages Iā€™ve ever produced.
I hope everyone enjoyed reading it as much as I did making it! šŸ˜ƒ
Check out EXIT: SONIC here:Ā http://www.stconline.co.uk/comics/Ā 
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
What did you think of Nigel Kitching and Michael Corkerā€™s swansong from the comic?
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
The final page was even drawn by Nigel Kitching himself!
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic is out now, boomers!
Did you read it yet?
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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It's time, boomers...
EXIT: SONIC is out now!
Find out how it all ends in the final Sonic the Comic story from Nigel Kitching and Michael Corker!
Story by Nigel Kitching Art by Michael Corker and Nigel Dobbyn
Read it online now: www.stconline.co.uk/comics/exitsonic
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the story online here: www.stconline.co.uk/comics
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Exit: Sonic
Story by Nigel Kitching
Art by Michael Corker with Nigel Dobbyn
Read the full story here: www.stconline.co.uk/comicsĀ 
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Coming this weekend...
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stconline Ā· 6 years
Hey Boomers!
So, after 52 issues (plus a bunch of specials) and 15 years (plus a few before we launched), I'm finally leaving Sonic the Comic for new zones. As of today, I'm officially retired as hume-in-charge/editor-in-chief of STC!
I've been reading Sonic the Comic since its first issue waaaay back in May 1993 and it's safe to say it had a major impact on my formative years - I vividly remember picking up certain issues in newsagents and devouring the latest adventures of Sonic and the gang all the way up to picking up those final issues 18 years ago. To then get the opportunity to actually continue the comic online and craft those next adventures for so many of my favourite characters is an experience so incredible it still amazes me now at all that we've achieved!
In the past 15 years we've released 52 amazing issues, each one packed full of stories told by some great writers and illustrated by some incredible artists, we've attended a bevvy of conventions, and even had our own STC conventions (STCC back in 2014 and STC25 this June), we even had our 20th anniversary story printed by SEGA and given out at Summer of Sonic 2013! And along the way, weā€™ve hopefully thrilled and entertained the thousands of boomers who visit the comic each month.
I've even had the privilege of getting to know and work with some of the original STC team - even having the overwhelming honour of drawing the 20th and 25th anniversary stories written by the amazing Nigel Kitching and then having my work coloured by the wonderful Nigel Dobbyn - I will treasure these experiences, and the comics wrought from them, for life.
On top of that I've done pretty much everything on the comic at one point or another - editor, writer, artist, colourist, letterer, web designer, graphic designer, publisher, agent, social media manager, convention organiser, counsellorā€¦ yikes!
Favourite moments: too many to list! šŸ˜‰
It's never been an easy role, and there are times where it's been super difficult and on more than one occasion I've felt like leaving - but STC has always been so important and so special to me that I had to power on through to the big #275 and put together a (hopefully) spectacular and satisfying conclusion to this chapter of STC before putting the toys back in the box for others to take into new and exciting places in the future. I'm sure you'll hear more about what's coming next for the comic over the next few weeks and months.
Before I go I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who's contributed positively to my time on the comic, from writers, artists, original STC team members, and fellow fans of the comic (old and new) - you've made it worthwhile and it wouldn't have happened without you. Truly, you cannot overestimate how much your support has been appreciated!
Still, there's one last thing for me still to do:
In STC #275 I launched the shocking Exit: Sonic with Nigels Kitching and Dobbyn - this is Nigel's final STC story and in fact - as it's set in the far future - the final STC story ever! We released the first 7 pages back in June and are putting the final touches on the 10 page(!) conclusion as I type. The finale will be released in September so I'll be back for one last launch and to give you a little behind-the-scenes information on the story - so look out for this exciting, thrilling, incredible, unbelievable, mind-blowing, epic story celebrating the end of an era coming soon!
So, with all that said, I'm running late for my Mobius Ring outta here so I'd better get goingā€¦
It's been a blast, and hopefully, I'll see plenty of you around in the future! šŸ˜Ž
~Michael Corker
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stconline Ā· 6 years
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Hey Boomers, can't believe it's been 3 months since STC25 already, time flies! So I was going through the big box of STC25 things I have left and found the following: STC25 ladies tshirts (blue): 1 x small 1 x medium 3 x large 1 x xl STC25 mens tshirts (blue): 1 x large 1 x xl 1 x 2xl 1 x 2xl (yellow) 1 x Sonic the Comic Con (2014) tshirt in mens XL (light blue) 2 x limited edition STC25 Richard Elson posters 4 x limited edition STC25 Nigel Dobbyn posters In order to recoup some of the funds of my own I spent on the event on top of the Kickstarter funding I'm going to sell them off to whomever wants them! Tshirts are Ā£10 (or 2 for Ā£15) Dobbyn posters are Ā£20 Elson posters are Ā£25 Postage is not included. (Should be anywhere from Ā£2-7 in the UK depending on what you get.) If I find any other random STC things I'll throw them in as a freebie! If you're interested drop me an email at: [email protected] šŸ™‚ ~Michael
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