stcvic · 2 years
TEST: test.
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stcvic · 7 years
hello guys ! okay listen, i decided not to post this on the main because ... like i don’t know if this is official yet – ali and i have been talking it over, but i think we might put this group on hiatus ONLY because a lot of people ( us included ) are heading back to school and need to focus more on getting ya study on ! we love this group so much and honestly without you guys we wouldn’t have lasted this long .... damn we almost hit a month, that’s honestly .... insane seeing as roleplays tend to die less than two days in ... 
ANYWAYS okay so here’s the deal, we’re thinking of bringing this bad boy back during thanksgiving / christmas when things are a little less hectic BUT BUT BUT we still want to keep in touch until then because we created such a lil family and i still want to talk to y’all ooc because you’re true homies fr so we’re thinking of creating like a group chat on kik or discord maybe ? whichever’s better for you guys ! just leave your kiks / discord usernames under and i’ll add y’all to a group ! my discord is dopamine#3243 and my kik is dcpamine !
i just wanted to say i’m sorry that it might’ve seemed like we ghosted, but ali’s been preparing for her trip and i’ve been really busy preparing for classes to start back up and we feel like we’ve let you down but we just wanted to let y’all know that we didn’t abandon you ! we would never do that even though it might’ve seemed like we did wOw !
also i’m not putting this under a readmore because idK i just want y’all to see it !
but does that sound good for everyone ? like just a lil ooc chat or smthn ? 
and if you wanna roleplay with me in the meantime my indie acct. is @dcpamines ! and ali’s is @gasoliines !
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stcvic · 7 years
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stcvic · 7 years
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jackson had managed to ask ramzi, in a nonchalant way, what hours his coworker would be working. not to be a creep, but because he just wanted an excuse to see stevie. there was a night where stevie was working and jackson actually didn’t have plans, so he put on some nice clothes and headed towards jagger’s pub, and stevie was working her shift. thankfully, the place wasn’t all that busy. he sat down at the bar, in her area, and put on a wide grin. “fancy seeing you here!” he greeted her. “has it been this slow all night? or is it just slow right now?” everything he was saying sounded just like what any other customer was saying, but he had no clue what else to say.
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“keep it up john and i’ll have no choice but to give your wife a call, i’ve got her number on speed dial” there was an upheaval of ooh’s and ah’s coming from the select few hunched over the counter, the customer she’d playfully threatened now narrowing her eyes at her. she shot them a grin, brows quirking, before she replaced their empty beer with a fresh one. “all it takes is the press of a button. now, you gonna behave ? ––- good.” she didn’t even have to turn around to know there’d been a new customer present, the quick glances given by the regulars were notification enough. after a small section of the bar down, she tossed the cloth over her shoulder and took a few strides back, “and what can i get you ton– oh hey !” she tilted her head off to the side, an quirk of her brow matching the quirk of her lip. “is it ? i mean this is kind of where i spend five nights a week.” she commented sarcastically. she found it amusing how – awkward ? unsure ? jackson was around her. it was cute; but, of course, she didn’t call him out on it because she had no reason to. she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to know why though. “yeah, weekdays are a hit or miss, thankfully i’m out in about an hour maybe sooner depending on what happens in the next half hour.” she rested her elbows against the bar, “what can i get you tonight ?”
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stcvic · 7 years
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"see you tomorrow, mikey.” the brunette called out as she watched the last customer of the evening part ways. normally weeknights were either a hit or a miss, one night the place could be jam packed from wall-to-wall and the next she’d be able to count the number of customers on her fingers ( normally regulars ). this night, however, seemed to be a miss; which often allowed the crew to close up rather early – and by early one in the morning. dragging a damp rag along the countertop, stevie continued to wipe away the rings of condensation spotted along the bar. she was nowhere near the array of liquors lined up across the back wall which was why the loud smash took her by surprise. “ramzi you motherfucker i swear to god jagger’s going to beat your a –” stevie glanced over her shoulder, but he’d been nowhere in sight. “fuck.” she glanced over towards the hallway leading towards the back, “ramzi ?” / @rcmzi
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stcvic · 7 years
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“oh miss montgomery !” there was neither a courteous ‘hello’ nor a quiet one either, in fact, stevie practically shouted upon entering the ‘50s-themed diner; her tone melodic as if she were belting a graceful tune. her bold greeting induced a few head turns, but she didn’t seem to mind. “where on earth is the greatest waitress newcastle’s ever seen ?” she paused to gander at the few customers, “yeah, you’re getting the best service in town so you better think about that while you’re eating those pancakes – maybe a decent size tip.” she non-gesturally pointed towards on of the patrons tucked away in a both, playfully winking in their direction. in didn’t take long for her to make a beeline for the counter, boots scuffing along the checkered linoleum. as soon as she caught sight of the girl in question, stevie smiled. “hello my beautiful angel, how are you on this fine evening ?” she teased, hoisting herself up onto a stool and swinging her bag to rest on the empty one next to her. “hopefully almost ready to take your break. i was thinking maybe we convince jerry back there to let us use the grill. i was watching youtube videos of people doing pancake art and i really think we should give it a shot. winner buys the other person a milkshake.” / @montgcmcry
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stcvic · 7 years
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for the first time in what felt like ages, stevie was nervous. not shaking in her boots, physically unable to speak nervous, but it was more so the anticipation that threw her off. she’d come up with the idea after one drunken night alone in her apartment three days after malia ( her previous roommate’s ) goodbye. despite the fact that stevie took pride in herself for being independent, there were times where she just enjoyed the company of another person. she liked walking out of her bedroom in the morning and greeting another person, or spending late nights tossing back a few beers and live commentating shitty reality television. she needed that again. sure, her dog hendrix provided her with companionship, but she wanted actual human interaction. “i know what you’re probably thinking ‘stevie what the fuck’, but there’s actually a reason why i’ve brought you here tonight –” stevie turned around to face the brunette, her slow strides backwards leading up to the gazebo steps. in an act of playful romance, she took daniella’s hand and looked her in the eye. “okay -” she took a deep breath, “we’ve been friends for a while now and we’ve made quite a lot of memories – drunken nights at the bar, almost riding in the back of a cop car together, and i really want to make more with you. so,” stevie let go of her friend’s hand to fish out a small black box from her back pocket, taking a knee in the process. “daniella ––- dani ortiz,” she opened the box to reveal a small silver key, “will you be my new roommate ?” / @dcniella
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stcvic · 7 years
uH me and ali are on ft discussing how we’ve been friends for six years and how we’re finally meeting for the first time in 2 weeks  .... like can y’all beliebe this ???? Truly Iconic
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aNYWAYS I GOT MUSE SO LIKE THIS FOR A CLOSED STARTER!!!! it’ll probably be random and based on our characters connection but if u want smthn specific just shoot me a message nd let a sis knoW!!!!
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stcvic · 7 years
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stcvic · 7 years
um hey :)
here i go again with the excuses lmao jk but i’m gonna be honest with you i pulled 2 all nighters and i’ve been up for 72 hours because my body hates me? which is why i haven’t been on ..... ... ljdslasjdlsajd
i hope y’all don’t h8 me or haven’t forgotten abt me wow i’m so sorry but i promise you after i get that good sLEEP TONIGHT imma be back @ it tomorrow :))))))
just in time for the ECLIPSE MY DUDES oOoOoO 
p.s. dis fr been my two moods this entire weekend
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stcvic · 7 years
.... you guys .... i am so damn sorry about my activity lately :( i’ve been stressed because another one of my art studios got canceled because only 3 people signed up for it lskajdalsdkj tHANKFUL so i have like 2 weeks to reorganize my schedule before the semester starts ... truly Wild
anyways i’m ok i just wanted to tell y’all know i aint DED and that i’ll be on later to answer all ur IMs, work on replies, and write up the rest of those starters 
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stcvic · 7 years
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it was difficult to get a rise out of stevie, that was a common fact. normally she’d address situations ( especially one’s pertaining to her ) with great ease, letting them blow over like an afternoon rain shower on a hot, humid day. she could care less. in fact, she almost found the snide comments and extremely asinine remarks amusing, it meant that she was actually crossing people’s minds – an amaranth if you will. this particular instance didn’t go over well, it felt more like a chaotic storm one strike away from a fatal blow. “you fucking asshole.” stevie shouted, completely disregarding any form of courteous she had for those cooped up in their apartments. each slam against the door only increased with force until she practically kicked the flimsy piece of wood separating her from her ‘victim’ in. “let’s see how ‘big and bad’ you are now, yeah ?” there was no light-hearted hello or sarcastic greeting, no; her anger, her rage ––- it was all real. her hand practically ripped the fabric of his shirt as she grabbed hold of him, her grip balling into a fist as she pulled him closer. “did you really think i wouldn’t find out that you told a helpless, desperate group of teenage boys that i’d be willing to take their virginities because that’s ‘what i do’ ? i’d ‘open my legs for just about anyone’ ? yeah – it just so happens that one of those boys decided to wander on into the bar, said you’d ‘hook them up’ but he thought he’d have a better chance if he asked himself.” her tone was calm, an angered calm that radiated intimidation. she tilted her head off to the side, her narrowed eyes practically boring into his skull. “you poor thing; having to hang with high school boys because no one your age actually takes you fucking seriously.” she waited a beat; a huff of laughter withdrew from her lips as she shook her head. “now would you rather show your face in front of them donning two black eyes or try to drum with every single bone in both of those little hands of yours broken ? take your pick.” / @pclmers
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stcvic · 7 years
uh hey so i’m jumping on the bandwagon because i can’t think of an open starter sO yeah who wants a closed starter ?/? :))))
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stcvic · 7 years
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stcvic · 7 years
imessage --- stevie
jackson: all very good choices i am here for it!!!!
jackson: i also like some sound of music songs to just belt
jackson: we could be like ella enchanted and sing .... dont go breaking my heart .... a timeless bop ....:)
stevie: yours is too, honestly bonnie tyler was an icon back in her hey day
stevie: i just got the mental image of you singing 'the hills are alive' full equipped mountaintop, peasant dress, and all
stevie: i mean you do kinda look like hugh dancy in that movie .... and you're right abt it being a timeless bop
stevie: but promise me we can do an encore of time of my life from dirty dancing
stevie: i just want someone i can do the lift with tbh
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stcvic · 7 years
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“and you should know that crying scares the shit about of me.” she pointed out, she barely liked crying herself, even if it did happen frequently. “you’re such an ass.” she mumbled into her hands as they met her face for a moment. once they smoothed over to the side of her face, she watched as she climbed in her bed. “yes!” she mumbled, happily scooting closer to her. “i feel like you’d be chrissy.” she told her, turning over on her side. “did you have any other plans for today?” audrey asked, trying to make a point. leaning in, she thought about it for a moment. “ohh we should use the big mouth one. it makes everyone look so funny!”
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“me, chrissy ?” stevie’s brows furrowed as she pondered the thought, “y’know that sounds about right.” before she could continue she shot the brunette a look. “excuse me, i could’ve been ––- i don’t know busy with my other friends.” she waited a beat. the statement was almost laughable. “who am i kidding ? you’re probably the only person who can willingly tolerate me and you’re probably the only person who doesn’t hang out with me because you have some sort of ulterior motive. you’d be surprised how many people expect free drinks after hanging.” she tore her gaze from audrey to look at her phone, finger swiping until the desired filter contorted their faces. “oh my god –– bitch i look like every real housewife of beverly hills right now.” she commented before puckering her lips. “oh yes, my plastic surgeon really did wonders.”
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stcvic · 7 years
imessage --- open
jackson: what's your go to karaoke song? i need to know for science
jackson: mine is total eclipse of the heart :~)
jackson: and we should go to a karaoke bar soon PLEASE
stevie: i'm gonna have to go with def leppard, pour some sugar on me
stevie: or coolio, gangsta's paradise
stevie: it all depends on my mood
stevie: dude astro's does karaoke thursdays!!!!
stevie: we'll need a song to duet to tho..
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