stcycon-blog · 7 years
“Uh- Yeah it’s what I’m in school for actually.” Spinelli said with a slight nod, there was at least a little bit of paint on practically everything in her apartment. This girl was probably never going to want to hang out with her again, she was probably so boring.
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“Thats pretty cool. Way cooler than being a business major with a minor in communications anyway.” She laughed. She looked around the apartment again. “Well we could always just find a movie or something on netflix to watch and order take out.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“It’s the best.” Spinelli nodded, clearing some of her paint tubes off her counter nervously. “Oh- I thought we could figure something out together.”
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She spotted the paint. “Oh you’re a painter? My roomates an artist and our place always has empty paint tubes and brushes lying around.” She chimed trying to spark conversation. “That works for me.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
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Brittany Robertson
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
Spinelli laughed. “Nope- Just me. I mean sometimes my bestfriend just lets himself in, but there’s this thing on the door called a lock that can stop that.” She said with a small grin, noticing the girls blush. “You’re very welcome.”
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“A whole place to yourself. That must be pretty nice. And to be fair to him thats basically what all best friends do.” She said with a small laugh. She ran a hand through her hair and turned to Spinelli. “So uh, what are we going to do?”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
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   “definitely,” marley responded with a smile.  “i need summer now.  snow is pretty and all but i need beach days, crop tops, and concerts for sure.  you, me, and rox need to hit something up this summer.  maybe we could go to new york for a weekend or something.  that would be fun.”
“Shit Marley, now you’ve got me all excite for summer.” Stacey said letting out a laugh. “Oh my god, a New York trip with the three of us would honestly be so much fun.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
Spinelli really wanted to get changed now, she felt under dressed and not anywhere near as gorgeous as Stacey. “You wanna come in?” She asked, stepping to the side. “You uh- Shit, you look amazing.”
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“Sure.” Stacey beamed as she walked inside. She looked around taking in Spinelli’s apartment. “Nice place. So are there any roomates I’m going to need to hide from?” She asked teasingly. Stacey couldn’t help but blush at the others compliment. “Thank you.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
It never ran through Spinelli’s head to make herself look nice, instead she sat on her couch watching tv in her sweatpants, her hair up in a messy bun while she waited. She felt her phone buzz to say that Stacey was coming and she smiled, she was kinda confused but it didn’t matter. Once she heard the knock on the door she took a deep breath and swung it open, when she saw Stacey it was like all the air was knocked out of her chest, she was a gorgeous. “Uh- Hey.”
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As soon as the door opened, Stacey could feel the butterflies of nervousness in her stomach.  At first glance Stacey could see she clearly over did it with her outfit.  Though as her eyes wondered on Ashley she couldn’t help but me impressed how she clearly hadn’t stressed about picking outfits like her but still managed to look so beautiful. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and smiled softly.  “Um- Hi.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
Stacey was in a shopping mood as she found herself heading into the dingglehopper. “Thank you.” She said to the woman. She walked over and to the clothes and looked through them. She was just browsing, but as usual figured she would leave with something because she had no self control. After a while of browsing she came across a top the screamed Roxanne. She took it off the rack and walked over to the register.Stacey was a bit taken aback by the cashiers comment. Following the cashier back towards the rack she piped up. “Oh actually thats not for me, thats for my friend Rox, it’s totally her color.” She shrugged. “But I mean, if you want to see if you can find something that would look great on me I probably won’t say no.”
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behind the counter of the dingglehopper was a head of blonde hair, face looking down at a phone on the countertop. hazel eyes scanned the screen as a perfectly manicured nail swiped, over and over again, the screen scrolling down, down, down as she read through twitter. it was a slower day at the shop - just like most days - despite her hearing the familiar, old-fashioned bell chime over the door. “ welcome to the dinglehopper ! ” she called, half dismissive as she switched apps, from twitter to instagram to check her feed. after a few moments, she noticed that the bell hadn’t rung again, and she looked up, seeing someone standing with a piece of clothing in their hands. “ oh honey, no, ” she immediately quipped, shaking her head a bit. “ that is not your color. ” it wasn’t said as a dig, though. scooting away from the counter, she stood, heels clicking against the hard wood floor. “ here, let me help you out. i’m trained in this ! ” she was all ready over, walking through the racks of clothes, before they could even begin.
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
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   marley laughed, turning up the dial on her car radio as bruno mars blared through the speakers.  “the only thing that would make this better is if it was summer and we could roll the windows down and scare the people we pull up next to with our obnoxious singing.”
“I agree. Also it would be better if we were on the way to a concert.” She chuckled. Stacey loved going to concerts and music festivals. “Seriously I can’t wait till the summer. I really want to go to a festival this year.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“That’s great, I hope it doesn’t take much longer than that because since you’ve mentioned food I’m horribly hungry” she smiled before taking a sip of her drink “I’m going to go ahead and take a guess that you didn’t find that much fun? Um not much, I’ve been upstairs painting all day. I wasn’t even aware of the time until you came home” 
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“Oh man, tell me about it, my tummy is growling.” She chuckled, sipping her drink as well. “More like a solid snoozefest. Oh so you mean basically the usual.” She teased playfully.
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
@marleybon  “I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me. “
“No ones trying to stop you.” She let out a small laugh. “Turn that shit up so I can sing with you.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“Sounds good with me. That one was really nice the last time we had that” she smiled and reached into the fridge, pulling out a carton of juice and filled up the glasses “Here you go” she said, holing out the glass “Do anything fun today?”
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“They said it should be here in about thirty.” She hummed watching her pour the glasses and taking the one Elliehad poured for her. “If by fun you mean sit and study in the library all day then yes. How about you?”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
@henrjon @mryalv @tjdetw @sheilgo
Non-romantic fluff starters
“Here, I saved some for you. Try it?”
“I just really need a hug right now…”
“You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.”
“Join me in the blanket fort. We play until dawn.”
“It’s cake, how difficult can it be?”
“Sure, it *looks* safe, but watch what happens when I do this.”
“I had a nightmare… can you stay up with me?”
“We’re going to have to raid the neighbors if you want more pillows to turn this into a Pillow Fortress Castle.”
“This would look so cute on you!”
“Okay, but if you turn the lights off for this playthrough, I’m not being held accountable for anything I do when spooked.”
“I said we could share a blanket, but if you put your cold feet on me *one more time*…”
“You’ve been working too hard and I’m calling a Netflix intervention. Not taking no for an answer.”
“I’ve got a gallon of ice cream and if you don’t get a spoon my tummyache will be all your fault.”
“Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.”
“My hand is cold. Unless we find somewhere to stop soon, it’s going up your back.”
“Oh my god, just pet my hair already.”
“After that movie you’re staying for a sleepover. I know you don’t want to go home and sleep alone anyway.”
“Is there a reason you’re gnawing on me?”
“C'mon, I need a Player 2.”
“I bet you can’t make it all the way through the movie without screaming at it.”
“If you put that in the microwave uncovered I swear I will beat you to death with a plastic spoon.”
“What was that flavor of cake you liked? I need to know because reasons.”
“When we get that house you’re handling the spiders.”
“Going to the mall alone is boring. Besides, I need someone to tell me how great I look in all the clothes I try on.”
“It’s not MY fault you scream like a schoolgirl on a rollercoaster.”
“It’s an arcade, do you need more reasons to go?”
“Please tell me why you were napping in my freshly dried blankets *while they’re still in the dryer*.”
“Can we please take cheesy best friend pictures in that photo booth? I promise to keep silly faces to a minimum.”
“I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.”
“C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.”
“I hate this game so much. Here’s a link, you should totally play it.”
“I take no responsibility for any smells you may or may not encounter from this point forward.”
“Okay, but consider that if you don’t watch this show with me, I’ll still rant to you just as much about the feels it gives me.”
“If anyone turns that fan off again I swear someone’s going to bleed.”
“Help me, the computer’s making sad beeps again. Make it happy, please.”
“I have in front of me: One DVD, seven remote controls, and an entertainment center. This will be a voyage of discovery.”
“If I die, you get my cat. So make sure I live through this.”
“I need someone to cling to in the haunted house, and you’re it.”
“Yeah, but you’re *my* nerd.”
“The remote is two feet thataway and I don’t feel like moving. We’re stuck with this.”
“You are aware this was the worst idea ever and you’re lucky you’re my best friend, or else I’d leave you alone to deal with this.”
“I’d say sorry my mom tried to adopt you again, but it was kind of my idea.”
“There is a perfectly good reason I’m eating these mini marshmallows right out of the package, I’m certain of it. Probably.”
“Okay but hear me out: Fluffy. Sharks.”
“Please keep your sick away from me and get better soon. I made you soup.”
“That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.”
“If you don’t come up and sing with me, I will sing and point at you. The entire. Time.”
“We made a pact based on SpongeBob jokes, you can’t back out now.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“I wasn’t expecting that at all. You’re even lucky I braved the cold but I figured you’d want to spend this snowy cold day watching a movie. I’ll make the hot chocolate while you find something to watch.”
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The First Snowfall Starters
🎥 for our muses to say “nah” and stay inside where it’s warm and watch a movie or something.
“If you think I am going to pile on a bunch of jackets just to go out and do something you are mistaken. I am going to sit my butt on this couch and watch whatever movie I can on Netflix. You can join me or go off to have your fun.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“Maybe…” she laughed and looked down at her paint covered dungarees. “Hmm maybe pepperoni or that chicken BLT one? I’m not fussed, whatever you decide” Ellie wasn’t that bothered about what pizza came, her stomach didn’t care as long at it got some food in it “Do you want a drink?” she asked while she reached up to the cupboard to get a glass.
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“Ooh I really like the chicken BLT one, lets go with that.” She smiled pulling her phone out to send the order. She looked over at Ellie. “Sure I’d love one.”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“It’s not! I just don’t want to deal with the mess.” Roxanne chuclked and nodded her head. “Yeah, of course I always will.” Roxanne flopped around to get comforable in her bed. “You are going to be perfect. I mean kissing is the hard part now you just hang out and have fun! If anything goes wrong just text me and I’ll save you. I’ll… go there and act like I am having an emergency.”
“Well You’re going to have to deal with it at some point. Thats just how life works love.” She started fixing up her hair. “See this is why your my best friend. But hopefully I won’t need you to save me”
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stcycon-blog · 7 years
“But when things are easy that is the best. I just have it all working out.” Roxanne knew that logic wasn’t right but at least she knew she could avoid talking to her dad. After waiting for her friend to change over and over again she felt herself slipping to sleep occasionally but then she finally heard Stacey accept one. “All that just to end up with a white dress? I love it of course but stacey you are so much sometimes.” She said with a laugh. “You are going to have too much fun to even remember what outfit you put on.”
“Okay we are going to have to sit down and have a talk about how that is the dumbest thing that has ever come out of your mouth.” She shook her head. “Yea well, you still love me  so.” She stuck her tongue out at her phone. “Fingers crossed. At least we’ve already made out so I don’t have to worry about her being a bad kisser. So thats one less thing to stress me out.”
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